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Merry Christmas to all aw

Dec 13, 2002, 9:55pm
No! It's Santa's birthday.
- Syntax -

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Good Bye

Dec 23, 2002, 6:47am
- Syntax -

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Public Apology

Jan 15, 2003, 2:33am
Hey don't blaim syntax we had no intention to spread the chat log. In fact
chris and I were trying to stop the spreading of this log earlier (syntax
wasn't online to take the log offline at the time). It was only online to
give to one other person who needed to see it.

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Public Apology

Jan 16, 2003, 4:48pm
omg, what is wrong with you, for the 3rd and last time, I did intend to
spread the log I admit, but decided against it after I left. I'm not taking
any responsibly that the 2 people we did give it to leaked it, nor do I care
at all after what seiya told me last night. *and* that log that you saw,
ryan, is out of context and the shortened version, so people like you that
weren't involved wouldn't understand it right. The full log is 7 pages

Case closed.

P.S. has anyone ever spammed the NGs 4 threads in a row yet? lol. New
record? =D

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Public Apology Continued

Jan 15, 2003, 6:00am
Seiya, I don't like making this a public post, but you told me you were
sorry last night, and I didn't reply within a minute cause I was afk so you
thought I was ignoring you. So then you said you hated me and "you'll get
me back", whatever that means. So, I, like many, wonder how sincer your
apologies are. I have a very hard time holding a grudge against anyone
(except AWI for neglecting Alphaworld ^_^), but after what I heard today in
AW, it sounds like people have heard your apologies before, and then get in
the same mess a little ways down the road. Here's to a fresh start,

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Concerning My Apology.

Jan 16, 2003, 2:08am
All I have to say is the whole "juicy" thing was, as you guessed, to post
that incriminating chat log, but, it got way blown outa proportion so we
both decided against it. We never intended for the chat log to leak like
that. Course then you go and post it yourself *rolls eyes*, lol. Now
please, no one in this NG wants to hear anymore about it.

P.S. SW City only has 1 mayor.

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Final Say

Jan 19, 2003, 8:20pm
Needs to study up on the laugh factor hierarchy you.


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New Objects

Jan 28, 2003, 4:58pm
It pissed me off that we're paying much much more money for AW and still not
getting updates for Alphaworld. Or even the browser itself for that matter.
Hasn't it been 13 months now since the last browser update? It use to be 6
months -_- And what ever happened to their plan to break up browser
releases by a feature by feature semi-monthly updates? =\

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New Objects

Jan 28, 2003, 10:40pm
You can pop to the sw city forums if you wanna find some people in your time
zone. The community is straight from australian to scottland ;D

Too bad there's not many english speaking countries betwen AU and SL though

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I'm ever so sorry.. please don't send me to the firey pits of hell.. I said I was sorry!

Jan 28, 2003, 5:11pm
Hey that's a SW'ian face you can't use that =P

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Jan 28, 2003, 4:43pm
lol at the wide variety of emotional responses this thread got.

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Seiya's Song

Jan 28, 2003, 10:28pm
Ah, just need a good midi synthsizer ^_^ Audigy 2 = plays some sweet MIDIs.

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get a new dummy

Jan 29, 2003, 7:04am
Hey I learned a few new words =P

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What is happening to AW?

Feb 6, 2003, 7:35pm
Paying more and getting less =\

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Feb 9, 2003, 11:27pm
I'm glad to see more Alpha World related threads. I get the impression that
AWI thinks we're statisfied with Alpha World the way it is. In fact a
certain someone said that Enzo said it hismelf that according to a poll, a
majority of the AW citizens don't want Alphaworld to change. wtf? lol, I
won't even get started on that one...

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Feb 9, 2003, 11:38pm
Ironic huh? =P

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Feb 10, 2003, 7:43pm
Right I got a lot of friends from programs outside of AW. I use to invite
them onto AW and show them around but now it's like out of the question =\


Feb 13, 2003, 2:59am
Oye I've tried to get my word in to Enzo countless times now and never get a
response. Maybe today is my window.

Ok first of all regarding vandal - yes it can happen. But I'm wondering
just how bad it'll get. I've heard from multiple creditable sources that
AWTeen has no problem with move and rotate. And second, AW does have a
developed "law enforcement" group - The PKs along with GET. I don't think
it would take long to get the word out that you can get in big trouble for

Everything is getting too boring on AW. I can't keep interested anymore.
I'm mostly community driven and it's probably why I'm still here after all
these years. But AW hasn't seen a head turning change for about *13* months
now, that's just sad =| I remember when me and the SW City staff got word
of the move and rotate bug. The city burst out of it's depression and we
were having a blast. The city and active community sure grew a lot in those
few weeks. We were making awesome intractable builds we haven't been able
to do before. And sure enough when the bug was fixed, things slipped away

Bottom line is that if Alphaworld is going to be the big primary building
world like it is now, it's gonna need to upgrade progress like the rest of
mankind and technology, or it's toast X_X

One last note is that AWI shouldn't focus all their attention into NewAW
because you just can't do everything like you can in AW. It looks to be
very very difficult if you wanted to run a town, or just build till your
eyes fall out, lol. That's what's AW for.

AW = living in a 2.2 world

- SW Comit

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disconnected when fog enabled

Feb 14, 2003, 3:39am
I blame it on the drivers...not the CPU. CPU won't just "drop" information.
That's what lag is for =P

Don't forget AGP and/or chipset drivers...

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[AWNews] AlphaWorld Poll

Feb 27, 2003, 4:22pm
> As I said before the changes made in the past
> were often met with, "it's our world who do you think you are changing
> things???". Also, at the last Las Vegas reunion it was discussed and the
> VAST majority of those present said "leave it alone and make a new world
> with those features".

Ahh I wanna know who these backwards thinkers are, they need a good smacking

Honestly, half a dozen people can make a lot of noise, I've seen it many a
time =0

*walks away nodding head in disbelief*

[AWNews] AlphaWorld Poll

Feb 27, 2003, 10:11pm
> Rick Noll (E N Z O) speaks of "changes made in the past" bringing on
> complaints. Well, the biggest complaint I can remember during the past
> several years (other than the price change/tourist access issue) was
> back when management subjected good old Alphaworld to weeks on end
> of fog/light experiments and bot-driven rapid "time of day" cycles.
> *Those* experiments took the fun out of building and detracted
> from the appearance of existing builds.

That's it? Gimme a break that's a really bad example (not directing that to
you Lara). So they were experimenting with fog and backdrops and color. I
never for an instant that it was permanent, and if it was...why? It made no
sense at all. I don't think, and I sure don't want to believe, that that
was AWI's idea of a world improvement. There's a pretty big different
between letting us rotate our objects vs. fog re-configuring every 15
minutes =\

btw I think it was only a week and a half, maybe 2 tops.

[AWNews] AlphaWorld Poll

Feb 28, 2003, 3:31am
No kidding, the mask thing did a lot of damage. With AWI so concerned about
keeping builds in tact, it makes me wonder what they think will happen when
people realize most of their pictures don't work anymore on AW 3.4...As far
as I heard it's suppose to not work but if it's a beta bug catch me up here
=) *many* of my builds alone will be destroyed beyond repair if pictures on
public servers don't work anymore =\

Still, with that said, most (or all?) of what could be implemented shoulda
effect currently builds. All that comes to mind is terrain. Didn't AWTeen
have some problem the ground z buffering floors?

> As Lara said..... any event that changes Alpha for the better without
> breaking existing builds or methods will generally be met with varied
> degrees of enthusiasm just DON'T FIX IT IF IT AIN'T BROKEN!!

IMO alphaworld is broken in that its competion blows it away technically.
Alphaworld is getting like no new core residents anymore; and SW City as
well as other cities we're close to are feeling it X_X

Regarding AWI's concern over HDD space - well, untill you get that taken
care of, do what you can for now. Sky boxes and special commands don't
bloat the ol' hard drive does it?

- SW Comit

[AWNews] AlphaWorld Poll

Feb 28, 2003, 3:35am
When I made that post I was thinking about the people Enzo was talking about
when they added the new avatar way back. Raise your hand if you'd "riot" at
AW GZ because you have a selection of avatars you can use now vs. just the
CY. I really don't get it -_-

[View Quote]

[AWNews] AlphaWorld Poll

Feb 28, 2003, 4:23am
Ick, well, they really blew it that time. If your gonna do a day night
cycle, at least use the same mountains for your time sets. ?_? at the
mountains changing at sunset, then disappearing at night. And the fog
didn't make much sense in a realism sense. Of course your gonna get bad
feedback when you put up a crappy system like that >_<. Like saying "the
people were starving so I gave them some moldy bread but they didn't like it
so I won't try anymore".

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[AWNews] AlphaWorld Poll

Mar 1, 2003, 6:11am
Regardless, if I can, I think I'll be sticking with AW 3.3 just so I can
view half of AW as it's supose to look -_-
Most of AW 3.4 looks like it won't even affect Alphaworld anyway, GUI
updates aside...much like other past updates =P

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Alpha Prime aka AW, objects and textures

Mar 4, 2003, 5:40am
How about some basic building block objects...like cubes, spheres, cones,
domes, ropes (especially ropes/wire), logs...those have endless uses, as
long as they're textureable.

btw what would happen if you copy and pasted the avatar files to the models
folder? Would that allow us to use avatars as objects? The groom doesn't
make a very good shop keeper, his huge smile is kinda creepy and scares away
business >_<

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SW City 4th anniversary

Mar 22, 2003, 8:18pm

8PM VRT - Building Contest Registration Opens
- Building Contests
- Hyokia Island Building Contest (industrial theme)
- Cypris Creek Building Contest (residential theme)

This year we'll be hosting two building contests and builders get the option
to choose which theme they wish to build in. You can build an industry
themed build on east Hyokia Island near the oil refinery or a dream house in
suburban Cypris Creek. The Registration Booth is located AW 2228.41S
3610.85E 0.04a 270. The registration booth and individual contests have
more detailed rules.

Event ends on March 29th, 8PM VRT.



6PM VRT - Event Lobby

15 minutes of chat and music at SW City Town Square until everyone shows up!

SW City Town Square - AW 2217.42S 3609.82E

6:15PM VRT - Wacky Races

High above the sky near the Citrus Mountains are the Wacky Races! For the
past two bashes, Wacky Races has been a staple event and this year is no
different! Race other citizens on the wire-thin tracks for a frustrating
good time!

Wacky Races - AW 2299.79S 3584.36E 284

7:00PM VRT - Games Night at SW City GZ
- Hangman
- Tic Tac Toe
- Checkers
- Chess

Bust out the classics for a fun-filled night of games. Good ol' Flint will
DJ for us!

SW City Town Square - AW 2217.42S 3609.82E

8:00PM VRT - The Amazing SW Race!

It's a race around SW City! Sure, it's a spin-off of CBS's "The Amazing
Race" but it's got it's own SW'ian qualities! The race will start as soon
as there are enough racers. It's vital that all the racers are there at the
immediate starting time because every racer needs to start at the same time
for this event to be effective.

Racers will meet at SW City Town Square. A teleport will be setup to
transfer racers to the secret starting line.

SW City Town Square - AW 2217.42S 3609.82E



6PM VRT - Paintball in Nutopia

Seeing as how Paintball doesn't exactly work well in AW prime, we had to
move our arena's to Nutinmuch's world: Nutopia. This favorite Bash event
will be a couple hours of adrenaline-packed action as we bust out one of the
best paintball arena's that SW City has to offer.

Nutopia Paintball - Nutopia 0n 0w

8PM VRT - SW City Tour 2003

This year's tour will show SW City's latest and greatest of 2002 and early
2003. (meeting location not set yet, but probably town square)

9PM VRT - Trivia

SW City trivia will follow. New to SW City? Don't worry, the questions the
trivia will ask are from the tour. (meeting location not set yet, but
probably town square)

10PM VRT - Closing Ceremonies and Nitro's Birthday Party!

Building contest winners will be announced and Bash Points will be tallied.
SW Nitro Excell, one of SW City's founders, will be hosting a stand up
comedy. (meeting location not set yet).


Each event gives away points, and the person with the most points at the end
can claim their prize, much like AWCC annual festival. Some events are worth
more points than others. The building contest is worth the most points
(since it lasts for 5 days).

Apparently a month isn't enough time anymore to arrange any AWI involvement.
Still no reply from them. However we do have 1 confirmed prize - $15 to
spend at the SW City store - http://store.swcity.net donated by SW Chris.
If AWI does ever respond though, it's possible that we can hand out a couple
cit extensions.

Hope to see ya there!

AW & Revenue

Apr 10, 2003, 3:23pm
[View Quote] Nooooo kangaroos have scales =P

....and breath fire

- SW Comit

6th Annual Easter Egg Hunt in Storage World!

Apr 2, 2003, 11:04pm
100,000?? O_O

Looking forward to it =)

Re: Patched Browser

Apr 6, 2003, 7:04pm
That post is sooo old I don't even know what I was talking about. What are
you doing? lol

- SW Comit

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