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Value of a cit

Aug 31, 2001, 1:25am
Yea I have no tolerance for name changers, I just take em off my contact
list the first time they do it.

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Aug 29, 2001, 8:07pm
Logger's Restaurant? Out the blue, or should I say brown, that =P

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Lower The Worlds Prices

Aug 30, 2001, 6:15pm
Hehe I just think there's not enough land for the prices. I don't wanna
brag but me and my friends pretty freakin' fast, and we could fill those
cheap worlds in a matter of days, if not hours - doesn't seem worth the
price O_O

However you're going for something that focuses on events rather than
building, I bet a world is the way to go. Although, even that, you're still
limited to the number of people who can go to your world =0

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Alphaworld registry fixes

Sep 10, 2001, 8:51pm
Thanks guys ^_^

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*deletes 3.2*

Sep 25, 2001, 9:29pm
Call me crazy but I really like my midis, but AW 3.2 makes them sound so
unbearably horrible I had to turn off my speakers. I reinstalled 3.1 as you
might imagine.

*deletes 3.2*

Sep 26, 2001, 2:40am
To answer the responses, yes I do have the latest sound drivers (in fact, I
can safely say that every last thing on my computer is the latest, unless I
didn't want to upgrade of course). I *use* to have WMP 7.1 but for some
reason, whenever I opened something in it, it would freeze my computer up
for about a minute. I downgraded to 6.4 and that works for me. By the way,
the midis sound just as bad in both versions of WMP.

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*deletes 3.2*

Sep 27, 2001, 3:56am
My sound system is insane on my computer (never wanted it to be, lol). It
has 4 devices that can play sound =P - The main sound card, motherboard
onboard sound card, the graphic card, and the modem can all be used for
sound output.

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*deletes 3.2*

Sep 30, 2001, 9:29pm
Gateway? No, and it's hardly pre-made, as in I told them exactly what I want
in it, they just put it together. As for the graphic card, I *think* it
might have something to do with the TV tuner, but I dunno.

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3.2 - the version from hell

Sep 30, 2001, 7:33pm
I gave it a second chance...and it failed miserably, here's the problems:

1. MIDIs no good, I already been through all that.

2. Every 20-30 minutes AW would cause my computer to just stop, and reboot
without me doing anything. I would just be there building or chatting away
and within all of sudden, within 3 seconds, my computer is rebooting. I
blame this on my graphic card. I'm probably one of the only people on AW
with a white box graphic card, it's an ATI Rage Fury Pro 32 MB with the
latest drivers, with the exception of the beta drivers that are out.

3. Lighting. This is just an opinion, but I don't like the lighting.
White light at brightness 10 makes 1 side of my avatar completely white.

3. Masking. This is covered in help, but yes, some masking was damaged
too. Particularly, the awd#m mask, which causes a transparent look to

4. Lag. Even after going through all the settings and trying everything
out, I do end up getting more lag in 3.2.

5. Recache bug(?). Not sure how to explain it, but here's what seems to
happen. I cache and download an area, then go elsewhere, and when I come
back, it's all gone and I either have to recache it or restart AW.

6. Texture tags. If you texture a door object in 3.1, it would all be
textured. In 3.2, the frame of the door wouldn't be textured, but is white
instead. No one else has mentioned this, so I blame it on my graphic card

Anywho, I can't use 3.2 even if I wanted too cause of problem #2 ;_;

My system specs:

AMD t-bird 1.4 GHZ
ATI Rage Fury Pro 32 MB w/ TV in and out
Windows 98
Audio Excel Wavetable 5.1 channel surround sound sound card using C-media
software which uses "Midiout" midi drivers
DirectX 8.0a

Computer is also a proxy server for the network, and is on a 56k modem.

3.2 - the version from hell

Sep 30, 2001, 7:38pm

2. Every 20-30 minutes AW would cause my computer to just stop, and reboot
without me doing anything. I would just be there building or chatting away
and, within 3 seconds, my computer is rebooting. I
blame this on my graphic card. I'm probably one of the only people on AW
with a white box graphic card, it's an ATI Rage Fury Pro 32 MB with the
latest drivers, with the exception of the beta drivers that are out.

3.2 - the version from hell

Sep 30, 2001, 8:25pm
Yea sent this to him too.

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3.2 - the version from hell

Sep 30, 2001, 11:09pm
> : 1. MIDIs no good, I already been through all that.
> You should look at Mauz's tips. She said that it has to do with your
> sound card. I don't have problems with midis on any of the four or
> five computers I use AW on (which have different operating systems and
> configurations - some at home, others on campus), so it must be
> hardware-specific.
Been there done that, as well as spending litteray hours of testing every
configuration I could do.
> :
> : 3. Lighting. This is just an opinion, but I don't like the
> lighting.
> : White light at brightness 10 makes 1 side of my avatar completely
> white.
> I think this is a feature, not a bug - lol. Light at brightness 10
> was supposed to make your avatar white. In the old version though,
> bright lights didn't show up much, causing people to put insane values
> for the brightness, such as 999999999999 (which I saw on a building I
> was visiting the other day). People just need to adjust the values -
> that's all.
Easier said that done in my case and some friends, we build *a lot*, and
that's a buttload of lights to change.
> :
> :
> : 4. Lag. Even after going through all the settings and trying
> everything
> : out, I do end up getting more lag in 3.2.
> Are you sure you aren't stuck in the wrong video mode or have outdated
> drivers? I notice a 100-125% increase in framerate with 3.2.

There was only a slight increase in lag.

3.2 - the version from hell

Oct 1, 2001, 1:29am
I got 10 choices for midi devices. Half use directmusic drivers, the other
uses midiout drivers. They all sound exactly the same except
one...Microsoft Synthesizer which is on directmusic - that sounds like 3.1.
I'm pretty sure that AW 3.2 uses C-Media MIDI synthesizer. Not sure which
one, there's 2 of them, one is on directmusic, the other is on midiout.
*boggle* too much for me, it's not relevant anyway until #2 is fixed.

And no, WMP plays midis bad too. Only winamp has given me the choice to use
Microsoft Synthesizer.

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3.2 - the version from hell

Oct 1, 2001, 3:30am
Wow someone else with a ATi Rage Fury eh? I'm only assuming hardly anyone
has one because I use a program called www.pcpitstop.com (found in my
Optishmizer shop in the general discussion group post) and they test tens of
thousands of computers, but only 4 people had an ATI Rage Fury Pro.

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3.2 - the version from hell

Oct 3, 2001, 1:52am
I think my computer is overheating. If I just leave it in BIOS for a long
time, it levels off at 138º F - and obviously the temperature would go up
with the CPU load is higher, like when AW is running. I already have 4 fans
in this thing, I'm shopping for another fan right now...

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3.2 - the version from hell

Oct 3, 2001, 3:17am
Found one...42 CFMs, should take off about 37º F. ^_^

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PEOPLE! come to r senses!

Oct 2, 2001, 12:10am
Could but it won't =P

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Please stop

Oct 3, 2001, 3:48am
If that's in anyway directed to me, take a look at my hardware specs again.
This computer is less than 3 months old and the specs are pretty good. As
for drivers, I assure you I have the latest. I bought this computer with my
own money and the only thing I use it for is AW, shopping, and school work,
so it really sucks when I can't use the latest version of AW =\

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Aw is becoming more and more messed up every day...

Oct 4, 2001, 8:44pm
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You said pop ^_^

KAH Town 1 year

Oct 6, 2001, 3:16pm
Good work KAH =)

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AW takes a dive (?)

Oct 25, 2001, 3:54am
I am the only one noticing how few people are on AW anymore? Right not
there's only 250 people online, and there's usualy double that. Not one
person is online on my fairly large contact list, and when they are it's
only a few people.

*goes back to lonely building*

AW takes a dive (?)

Oct 25, 2001, 4:18pm
Yea still, I've seen better, and the low numbers go on all day - 400 maybe
at most when it was hovering around a "healthy" 750 for a couple months back
in the day.

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Dec 9, 2001, 5:08am
Ever heard of that kid who made it to college by the age of 8? lol =P

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[NG Survivor] The Final Episode...or is it?

Nov 23, 2001, 5:48am
Wow that video thingy is incredible ^_^

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New feature at ComReg!

Dec 12, 2001, 4:44am
Sounds good ^_^

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new citizenship

Jan 3, 2002, 2:11am
No kidding AL. I like to call year 2002 the year of the MMORPG. Last
December I pulled out a list of every MMORPG in the making and looked at
them out (took 2 days)...I must say I was impressed. The graphics were
spectacular, the features were to die for, lol. I can hardly wait for this
Spring for the first batch to come out.

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A thought about anti-tourist people

Jan 2, 2002, 8:32pm
Some of you are happy that the new funding plan is eliminating tourists.
Think again, tourists are the backbone of AWs future funding. They may be a
pain, and annoyance, a weed if you will, but we still need em =0

I know several old AW elders who agree with this ;)

The two week trial is an idea, but not even close to being as efficient as
the current system. My vote is to wipe tourist builds from the universe
weekly, if not daily. That sure beats the 2 week trial I say.

A thought about anti-tourist people

Jan 3, 2002, 9:46pm
> As far as your wanting to clear out tourists builds, I hope I never have
> ask for a bowl of soup from you in the soup line. You'd probably knock it
> out of my hand before I sat down to the table, johnny.

I would hardly compare soup lines to tourist builds' time limit.

Other universes

Jan 3, 2002, 2:00am
What about other universes like Outerworlds? If the prices over there are
still the same, I wonder how many people will migrate over. Right now I'm
pondering over the thought of propdumping my stuff over to another universe
(yes I know how much work that would take).

Who will leave

Jan 3, 2002, 2:37am
Depends if they give existing users a special discount or not, which they
haven't decided.

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