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To Whom It May Concern... [long!]

Jul 18, 2001, 6:57pm
Wouldn't it be crazy if Enzo actually posted here once?

Sam Stover
- SW Comit

To Whom It May Concern... [long!]

Jul 19, 2001, 9:21pm
Well, considering how many people even use the NGs, from what we can see, 32
is pretty good =)

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[NG Survivor] Immunity Challenge

Jul 18, 2001, 7:12pm
lmao at the poem


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Jul 20, 2001, 4:12am
Please just add a link to the picture instead of attaching to the post =)

New Objects ! Alpha World must enlarge it object path !

Jul 24, 2001, 8:06pm
Jeeze why is this topic suddenly getting so much attention? I been
complaining about Alphaworld's crappy OP for years now - you can only
manipulate an object so much.

And Nornny, I can think of tons of objects that AW needs and would fit in.
Probably one of my biggest suggestions is a simple string object. There is
no string, cable or wire. Closest thing is a pole or putting objects 99%
underground. Don't see many strings that was as thick as my body, like a
pole =P

Disappointment... [last long one, I promise!]

Aug 2, 2001, 9:13pm
Yea...Enzo and Flagg's message wouldn't even of touched the community if GK
didn't forward it here. Curious...did you tell them you were going to
forward it? If you didn't then it was pretty much only a response to you.
Why doesn't Enzo post in the NGs regularly? If he "loves AW so much", why
is he so afraid of the community? According to him, he has nothing to

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Activeworlds.com: New Website

Aug 3, 2001, 12:37am
That reminds me, when does AW 3.2 come out?

OFF TOPIC ATN. facter fire wall testing

Aug 3, 2001, 12:38am
I can't access AW when I set this computer as a client on the proxy, so I
had to rewire my house so this computer was the host instead.

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Object Submissions to Alphaworld

Aug 3, 2001, 8:12pm
So, Facter, has anyone submitted any objects yet? What's the news?

Object Submissions to Alphaworld

Aug 3, 2001, 8:53pm
Oh, that sucks. Retextured objects are nice though if you're a real
stickler on cell space =P

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Object Submissions to Alphaworld

Aug 3, 2001, 10:13pm
Awwww come on Gamer, donate them anyway ^_^

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[CU] First Citizen Union Meeting

Aug 4, 2001, 9:56pm
Public world objects.

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Somthing kewl

Aug 5, 2001, 5:34am
Bleh give em a break. If you spent thousands of dollars on a universe you'd
probably be pretty desperate to get people in there too =P

By the way, I got that email too.

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It's Poll Time

Aug 7, 2001, 9:22pm
I think it should be both. Many categories are not fit for judges, stuff
that only the community could answer (vote in this case).

Building-skill related categories should be judged, but other categories
like bots, spirit of the community, write in category, best web site, should
be voted by the community.

Why only building related? Honestly now, how many people do you think go
and thoroughly explorer every one of the building nominees? Bots and
websites are significant easier to vote on since there are a lot less and
easier to check out (least I think so).

One complaint about voting though..tourists shouldn't be able to vote!
There's way to many loop holes. I could get all my family members to vote
on their own private email accounts if I wanted. They're technically
tourists of AW so it's perfectly legal. Probably a ton of people out there
that vote and don't even know what AW is, too. It's also very easy to
revote - just reconnect to your ISP to get a new IP and change your default
email account and revote.

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It's Poll Time

Aug 8, 2001, 10:35pm
I disagree. I know many people (my best r/l friend, Nitro, being one) who's
ISP only offers 1 email account, in which case the parents would use.
Thereby they're forced to get an account like hotmail, etc.

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It's Poll Time

Aug 9, 2001, 10:53pm
One question...How many tourists do you think even know about the CY awards?
In my past 2 and half years in AW, I have run across hundreds of people, and
hardly anyone knows about organizations in AW, period. Then facter the
knowledge of a tourist into it and what do you get? Probably like a total
of 5 tourists than know about the CY awards without someone saying "hey will
you vote for me?". Weigh the odds - security vs. those very very few

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The Problem With a Gate Keeper

Aug 13, 2001, 7:57pm
Actually I would pick C, but not everyone on my list (gotta keep track of
the trouble makers' name changing ya know).

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try this!

Aug 10, 2001, 6:21pm
Nice time to join in, I'd say =P

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try this!

Aug 10, 2001, 10:07pm
I dunno what I've been waiting for..*filter*

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AW Ear

Aug 13, 2001, 5:30am
LOL at you playing with clippy, what do you do to him? `,'

btw I think his "official" name is Clippit, right?

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It works : )))

Aug 13, 2001, 5:26am
Yamaha sound cards are good too, I regret not getting one.

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Everyone BEWARE

Aug 13, 2001, 5:23am
There's some kinda hack you can get for AW that let's you open more than 1
AW window. If you own multiple accounts, and most world owners do, you can
raise your odds in bingo. I bet that happens a lot. Ever notice how quiet
a lot of people are there?

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awgz customs aid problem.

Aug 13, 2001, 8:18pm
Live and learn, it happened to me too a long time ago. The owner gets in
trouble for logging a bot in there.

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A crash course in event hosting

Aug 14, 2001, 3:03am
No kidding. Here's a far fetched idea - an organization for public world
that grants rights to event holders to take care of these trouble makers.
Of course abusing your temporary rights would get you in big trouble O_O

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Annoying bug

Aug 21, 2001, 3:13am
Wing, I noticed this always happens if you've seen a create noise _____.mid
in that session before you log out.

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Ergant Notice!

Aug 22, 2001, 4:01am
I thought I filtered him, ugh, what's going on here? =\

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[NG Survivor] Sudden News...

Aug 23, 2001, 7:00pm
^_^ at buddies making it this far

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Value of a cit

Aug 27, 2001, 4:45am
Not to mention, when you pay $20 the first time, that comes with a trial
world and a bot limit of 3. Money's money, seems to me like you should get
more +3 bot limit and another trial world - it *might* add a little more
desire to renew too.

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Value of a cit

Aug 27, 2001, 4:47am
Then again, I guess you pay for 3 limit bot rights for a year, so I take
that part back.

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Value of a cit

Aug 29, 2001, 4:55pm
Man I wish it wasn't a rumor, people who change their name every other day
should be shot! =P
*hates name changers because he has 9 things that need citnames but not

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