sw comit // User Search
sw comit // User Search
May 20, 2001, 6:29pm
Excuse me, they = that
SW Comit
swcomit at swcity.net
Mayor of SW City
President of Community Linkage Commission
[View Quote]"sw comit" <swcomit at swcity.net> wrote in message
news:3b08286b at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Sure a Preston can do they. Use the action command change object, and the
> event either be time or VRT. With VRT you can set it so the bot would
> change an ad at 1:00 AM, 1:30, 2:00, 2:15, etc, whatever you want really.
> With timer you can set it so the bot will change that object every so and
> seconds. Anyway, you gotta know how to get Preston to change objects
> around, so you'll need to give them a name (create name ad, for example).
> hope this helps =)
> --
> SW Comit
> swcomit at swcity.net
> Mayor of SW City
> http://www.swcity.net
> President of Community Linkage Commission
> http://comlinkage.tripod.com
> "mike zimmer" <zimmer at pitnet.net> wrote in message
> news:3b0807bf$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> replies
> tell
May 20, 2001, 6:28pm
My guess is that's it's just a huge object that forms a "dome" around the
world, and is visible in the same sense as the plain (the ground).
SW Comit
swcomit at swcity.net
Mayor of SW City
President of Community Linkage Commission
[View Quote]"ladybunny" <LadyBunny at triad.rr.com> wrote in message
news:3B08289B.DA12E4BE at triad.rr.com...
> I just read where the newer version of aw will use objects for backdrops
> . does anyone know more about this. If aw won't be useing the old type
> backdrops then theres no need make anymore , so could someone explain
> what sort of texture the object will use and the size? thanks
> ps. I tired posting to the beta but it would not let me so i didn't know
> where to post this ,grrrrrrr !
May 21, 2001, 12:35am
hehe, call 'em up Goober ^_^
Frankly I'm tired of their BS. They seem to wanting to see how close their
business can get to the dirt (bankrupt) and still live =\
I *still* stand by my solution: fixing up Alphaworld, not the software
(though both would be nice).
SW Comit
swcomit at swcity.net
Mayor of SW City
President of Community Linkage Commission
[View Quote]"goober king" <rar1 at acsu.buffalo.edu> wrote in message
news:3B0875FE.2C26D8A3 at acsu.buffalo.edu...
> I was skimming through the AW 3.2 page that's on the Help site,
> (http://www.activeworlds.com/help/aw32) and noticed that, once again,
> AWCom could give two shits about us, the customer. Just look at these
> "nifty" features they plan to offer:
> "Version 3.2 is going to be first and foremost about supporting NT 4.0.
> The lack of support for NT 4.0 has been a big obstacle preventing wider
> adoption of our 3.x platform, as NT 4.0 is still by far the dominant OS
> in the corporate world."
> "The 3.2 browser has greatly enhanced firewall support to enable use in
> corporate environments. The 3.2 browser is able to make use of an
> existing internet proxy server to "tunnel" through a firewall and
> contact the AW servers."
> "The 3.2 browser supports a new universe attribute, a universe-wide
> welcome message. This is a text message similar to the world welcome
> message, except that it is seen by all visitors to the universe no
> matter where they start. Also, changes to this message are seen
> immediately by all users, so it provides a useful mechanism for making
> important universe-wide announcements."
> Now, exactly how many people in here use AW in a "corporate
> environment"? And how many of us own and operate Universes? I realize
> there *are* people who use NT 4.0 in here, but they seem to be in the
> minority. (At least among average customers...) "Corporate environment"
> essentially translates to "people who can give us more money". Since we
> only shill out $20 a year, we obviously aren't important enough, even
> though citizenships are the bulk of AWCom's budget and, without us,
> AWCom would cease to exist. Also blatantly absent from their list of
> features are anything that's ever been suggested in the Wishlist
> newsgroups. I don't recall anyone asking for Universe-wide messages or
> skyboxes. Does anyone from AWCom even read the damn NG?
> I've also noticed a rather disturbing trend as years and AW versions
> have gone by. Instead of focusing on development of the browser itself,
> AWCom has started focusing more and more on what I call "fluff". Sure,
> skyboxes and rotate and move commands are all well and good, but the
> actual AW browser itself hasn't significantly changed since v2.1! What
> happened to being able to block telegrams? Or how about sorting
> telegrams as well as the teleport list? Or any of the other millions of
> ideas that have been posted in Wishlist for the past 4 *years*!? Once
> again, AWCom has turned a blind eye to what us, their supposedly
> "cherished" customers, want, and instead are trying to develop what they
> think all the corporate hotshots will want.
> Now, I *know* Facter and Lucrezia (and maybe even Flagg) will read this;
> they read everything in this NG. So, boys and girls of AWCom, I'm
> effectively "calling you out". You have a week to respond to this and
> tell us why it is that our requests as customers are being constantly
> ignored before I start spamming every email address on the AWCom roster.
> And I won't stop until I get an answer from *someone*. And I don't want
> the usual "Well, I'll mention it to the other guys and we'll see what we
> can do" runaround. You've pulled that line *way* too many times and
> nothing has been done about customer concerns.
> So pony up, kiddies. What's the dilly=o?
> --
> Goober King
> Hey Agent1, think I can borrow your "annoying" skillz? :)
> rar1 at acsu.buffalo.edu
May 21, 2001, 11:03pm
> Lets face it $20 a year is dirt cheap, and you get loads of features that
> more than compensate for that $20.
> EQ is $10 a month, and they dont listen to their users either, just the
> corporates, and they are right mainly, its not a single user product:).
Don't get me wrong here, but I wouldn't think EQ would have much concern
about customers considering they're probably make tons of money and have,
what, millions of users? AW seems like it's about to go broke and they have
only 335,797 accounts, with a significant number being multiple accounts
and/or expired. It would seem to be in their best interest to learn what we
want, you know? Just a thought ;)
May 22, 2001, 9:33pm
> God people. We're not going broke, we're not going bankrupt. Get over it
> already.
> F.
Hire some more people then ;)
May 22, 2001, 11:26pm
Here ya go, the SW City teleport page has a lot of good stuff.
SW Comit
swcomit at swcity.net
Mayor of SW City
President of Community Linkage Commission
[View Quote]"beardo" <beardo at home.se> wrote in message
news:3b0ac88d at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Hi,
> This might be a futile (sp?) attempt but I'm trying to collect location in
> AW and other worlds. If you know some interesting places, your home,
> interesting buildings or any other fun place to visit, please let me know
> the location.
> Also Active Worlds related web pages are interesting for me to know.
> Either reply to the ng or send me an email at beardo at home.se
> Beardo
> http://medlem.tripodnet.se/beardo/
May 25, 2001, 1:32am
Hey nice webpage Beardo, there's one for my bookmarks =)
SW Comit
swcomit at swcity.net
Mayor of SW City
President of Community Linkage Commission
[View Quote]"beardo" <beardo at home.se> wrote in message
news:3b0cd757 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> My AW web page is now updated with new links to locations in AW and other
> worlds, thanks to Gooberking and others.
> A few links on the resource page has also been added.
> I'm still urging people to submit more locations in Active Worlds and
> worlds. Also links to web pages are appreciated.
> Beardo
> http://medlem.tripodnet.se/beardo/
May 30, 2001, 8:45pm
It's a price to pay to keep spammers, commercial advertisements, or
"no-gooders" out of here I guess, at least some of it.
SW Comit
swcomit at swcity.net
Mayor of SW City
President of Community Linkage Commission
[View Quote]"ladybunny" <LadyBunny at triad.rr.com> wrote in message
news:3B15745A.540AC876 at triad.rr.com...
> I read in some post in the last few days that unless your a citizen of
> AW you can't post here ,why not? some of the people I know in AW are
> tourist who live in areas where they can't afford to pay for AW but come
> and build each day and are very much a part of the AW community ?
May 31, 2001, 12:29am
Don't be silly of course I do. I don't have anything against
tourists...and what I said in my previous post does not include every
tourist. If someone wants to spam or advertise or cause trouble they'll
most likely do it on a tourist name since they have no ID and can't be
caught (as far as I know). I also agree with what Syntax said: You pay to
post here.
SW Comit
swcomit at swcity.net
Mayor of SW City
President of Community Linkage Commission
[View Quote]"ladybunny" <LadyBunny at triad.rr.com> wrote in message
news:3B157DD9.8DFA3E1B at triad.rr.com...
> sw ,don't you allow tourist to build in your city? are you saying just
> they are a tourist they are no gooders , spammers etc?hmm
> sw comit wrote:
May 31, 2001, 12:32am
Ahhhh typing out chuckle you.
*slaps syn*
SW Comit
swcomit at swcity.net
Mayor of SW City
President of Community Linkage Commission
[View Quote]"syntax" <syntax at earthcorp.com> wrote in message
news:3b15a0c5 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> *chuckles to self*
> I believe you would want to discuss some of these "banning" questions of
> yours with our dear friends Eep and Facter. Also, I have seen newsgroups
> much worse than this one. I happen to like this one though, it keeps me
> entertained.
> --
> Syntax
> syntax at earthcorp.com
> www.swcity.net
> ladybunny <LadyBunny at triad.rr.com> wrote in message
> news:3B159D8F.22D12BA9 at triad.rr.com...
> why? if
> in
> back and
> here !!
> post
> ban
Jun 6, 2001, 4:13am
LMAO that was funny. I saw the milk thread and how pointless it was...read
the 1st, 2nd, 3rd...scroll down...I see eep at number 6 and all the many
many posts under it. *sigh* anger = eep's fuel =P
SW Comit
swcomit at swcity.net
Mayor of SW City
President of Community Linkage Commission
[View Quote]"eep" <eep at tnlc.com> wrote in message news:3B1D9ACA.3490E44C at tnlc.com...
> Nah, I'll simply "moderate" this newsgroup like I always have: by bashing
the idiot off-topic posters. Wanna be the first one, dipshit? Oops, looks
like you already are. Get ready for a VERY hostile newsgroup if you twits
keep it up...
> m a r c u s wrote:
Jun 6, 2001, 4:13pm
Hehe I'll play next season (if there is one). By the way, I was going to
play, Nornny, but my email didn't go through to you for some reason and by
the time I realized it, it was too late.
SW Comit
swcomit at swcity.net
Mayor of SW City
President of Community Linkage Commission
[View Quote]"agent1" <Agent1 at my.activeworlds.com> wrote in message
news:3b1d61ee at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> "nornny" <Nornny1 at home.com> wrote in message
news:3b1d4c78$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Well, so far, I think everything's been played pretty fairly. Like the
concept of NG Survivor, and hope it continues into another "season"
to kick you out.
> uhh... let's see... Well, if I told you, it wouldn't be a secret ;)
Besides, what would the other agents say? :)
> -Agent1
Jun 6, 2001, 3:44am
AWCom remove porn? I'd rather see them do something more productive. If I
don't wanna see porn I teleport elsewhere, problem solved (least for me, I
covered my land ^_^ ). I can avoid porn but I can't avoid something like
buggy software.
SW Comit
swcomit at swcity.net
Mayor of SW City
President of Community Linkage Commission
[View Quote]"m a r c u s" <justdontemail at here.com> wrote in message
news:3b1d9a56 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> LOL, yea, that's it. I never tried other means. Listen idiot, I emailed
> the server that held the porn and they had it removed fairly instantly in
> May.
> I spent the month of April reporting it to Active Worlds before I went to
> the server. Why? I didn't want the account closed that held the porn. I
> just wanted those 2 pics to be removed. However, the server that held the
> porn did close the account, not just remove the porn. So, there you have
> it. I went out of Inactiveworld's system, and I got the job done.
> "sw chris" <chrisw10 at nckcn.com> wrote in message
> news:3b1d991f at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> do
> do.
> to
> problem
> about
> do
> he's
> The
> issue
> what
> is
Jun 6, 2001, 3:46am
LOL at rule 4. Probably every town that's lasted more than a couple months
has broken that rule =P
SW Comit
swcomit at swcity.net
Mayor of SW City
President of Community Linkage Commission
[View Quote]"chucks party" <Chucks_Party at hotmail.com> wrote in message
news:3b1da11c at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Sorry but i have to disagree with you based on this.......
> Please refrain from using Active Worlds for the following activities:
> 1. Displaying material containing nudity, pornography, or sexual material
> a lewd, lecherous or obscene nature and intent or that violate local,
> and national laws.
> 2. Providing material that is grossly offensive to the online community,
> including blatant expressions of bigotry, prejudice, racism, hatred or
> excessive profanity;
> 3. Promoting or providing instructional information about illegal
> activities, promoting physical harm or injury against any group or
> individual, or promoting any act of cruelty to animals; This includes, but
> is not limited to, the following activities: Providing instructions on how
> to assemble bombs, grenades and other weapons;
> 4. Covering excessive amounts of land in any of the AW.com public building
> worlds, including AlphaWorld, Mars, Atlantis, Yellow, or COFMeta, by any
> means including bots, keyboard macros, or even manual building. Please
> land claiming to land which you can directly use to build on yourself.
> "Excessive" land claiming is defined as any area greater than 1 square
> kilometer, or 100 cells by 100 cells.
> We reserve the right to suspend or remove any world, objects or properties
> from the Active Worlds universe which is brought to our attention and
> we find, in our sole discretion, violates any of these content guidelines
> otherwise is in violation of the law.
> AWCI does not actively monitor the content of the worlds in Active Worlds,
> but we will investigate complaints of violation of these guidelines.
> This is what we signed up for and it quite clearly states that AWCI will
> investigate and remove any such things. I don't see anything there about
> GET. This goes for all other posts on this thread refering to the same
> thing.
> "bitmaster" <bitmeister at i2k.com> wrote in message
> news:3b1d6f01 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
Jun 6, 2001, 3:49am
*rejoices* Ahhh this is a useless post O_O
SW Comit
swcomit at swcity.net
Mayor of SW City
President of Community Linkage Commission
wee I snipped the orginal message. Evil me ^_^
Jun 6, 2001, 4:09pm
You can say all you want about him, Avenger, and prove that he's wrong 100
ways around; but he'll just ignore it, nothing seems to get through to him.
Something I like to call selective hearing =0
P.S. I wonder if Eep still has me filtered? I personally believe he doesn't
filter anyone.
SW Comit
swcomit at swcity.net
Mayor of SW City
President of Community Linkage Commission
[View Quote]"avenger" <snipa2k at hotmail.com> wrote in message
news:3b1e282a at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Oh, also eep, as i read through all of your old posts, it seems that YOU
> the one who is more off topic that all of us, since all you do is post
> messages of how dumb people are...OPEN YOUR EYES DUMBASS this board does
> revolve around you
Jun 21, 2001, 1:58am
Well I posted this news in awnews.com days ago and it's still not up, but
there's more important news so I understand.
Anyway, I completed level 1 (and much of level 2) of my newest game, Peril
Mountain, located at 2307.9S 3475.3E. It's a shooter game where you must
take down an illegal bio-weapon facility with guns, bombs, and whatever it
takes. It's been very popular among my friends and their friends and I'm
pretty sure you'll enjoy it.
SW Comit
swcomit at swcity.net
Mayor of SW City
President of Community Linkage Commission
begin 666 SW Comit.vcf
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Jun 24, 2001, 6:41pm
*raises hand*
SW Comit
swcomit at swcity.net
Mayor of SW City
President of Community Linkage Commission
[View Quote]"moff piett" <piett at home.com> wrote in message
news:3b353147$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Doesn't every ISP give 5-10 megs of webspace to every new customers? I've
> never seen one that doesn't.
Jun 23, 2001, 11:21pm
So this new world, from what I understand, is the next Alphaworld? Why
don't they just fix up alphaworld instead of starting over, as in merging
all the new objects in Alphaworld, modify old objects to work with light
better, etc. Alphaworld is sorta a mess but it's not hopeless =0
SW Comit
swcomit at swcity.net
Mayor of SW City
President of Community Linkage Commission
[View Quote]"moff piett" <piett at home.com> wrote in message
news:3b352b2b at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Hey everyone, here are some shots of the new awcom build world. It will
> start off small with enough objects to build basic homes and such, but as
> time goes on there will be votes for what booster set to make next, and as
> such the path will grow and grow.
> Not sure when exactly it's opening, but it looks good so far ! Enjoy.
> Also due to a lack of money and my computer slowy dieing, I may vanish
> aw for a while in the months ahead. When I'm able to get a job to raise
> funds for a new (or fixed) comp I'll be right back. anyone who knows me
> email me at malay_trip at hotmail.com if they need me.
Jun 25, 2001, 3:41am
BetaWorld ^_^
no not really, but it makes sense =D
SW Comit
swcomit at swcity.net
Mayor of SW City
President of Community Linkage Commission
[View Quote]"syntax" <syntax at earthcorp.com> wrote in message
news:3b36c22d at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Err, sorry. I know it isn't public yet. My real questions are is there a
> planned name for it yet? Is there a date for it to be released? :-)
> --
> Syntax
> syntax at swcity.net
> www.swcity.net
> syntax <syntax at earthcorp.com> wrote in message
> news:3b36c123 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
Jun 25, 2001, 3:44am
Well at least there's some descent wall and interior wall textures, from
what I tell from the screenshots. In alphaworld, there's really only a few
textures that you might actually see in a real house's wall.
SW Comit
swcomit at swcity.net
Mayor of SW City
President of Community Linkage Commission
[View Quote]"moff piett" <piett at home.com> wrote in message
news:3b352b2b at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Hey everyone, here are some shots of the new awcom build world. It will
> start off small with enough objects to build basic homes and such, but as
> time goes on there will be votes for what booster set to make next, and as
> such the path will grow and grow.
> Not sure when exactly it's opening, but it looks good so far ! Enjoy.
> Also due to a lack of money and my computer slowy dieing, I may vanish
> aw for a while in the months ahead. When I'm able to get a job to raise
> funds for a new (or fixed) comp I'll be right back. anyone who knows me
> email me at malay_trip at hotmail.com if they need me.
Jun 25, 2001, 6:42pm
I didn't mean that literally, all I meant is that there's not enough variety
of descent realistic textures for walls -_-
SW Comit
swcomit at swcity.net
Mayor of SW City
President of Community Linkage Commission
[View Quote]"moff piett" <piett at home.com> wrote in message
news:3b36d26f at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> What are you talking about? You must come from crazy land, because where
> live the world looks pretty much like aw. I live in a large brick house,
> it's brick inside and out and it's pretty much box shaped. From the
> it looks like it's 2 storied but really it's just a big square cavern with
> some furniture scattered about. The heating bill is a pain because the
> walls are paper thin and we can't afford any glass for the windows. My
> neighbour has a house very similar to mine, but it's made totaly out of
> glass. Ha, the poor guy's property wasn't quite the right shape for his
> house and he had to do this wierd thing with some of his glass so his
> could fit... I'm not sure how to describe it.. but if you look at it you
> get a headache and throw up. He's so rich he can even afford novelty
> furniture. Sometimes it's way too big, sometimes all cute and small.
> I don't know what crazy world you live in sw comit... sheesh what next
> you'll tell me those floating signs some kids down the street placed in
> little space between my house and the road saying "U R A FAG!!!!!!!!" are
> wierd.
Jul 2, 2001, 10:22pm
Crazily Insane Wild Emu Tribe, awww rolls off the tongue ^_^
SW Comit
swcomit at swcity.net
Mayor of SW City
President of Community Linkage Commission
[View Quote]"kellee" <kellee at my.activeworlds.com> wrote in message
news:3b40bfa2 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Dingo Tribe :o)) or one of the aboriginal names for the wild dog of
> Australia ~Warrigul~
> *teases Nornny*
> "syntax" <syntax at earthcorp.com> wrote in message
> news:3b40b6ce at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> to
Jul 3, 2001, 4:15pm
A lot of big companies, like squaresoft, don't need to listen to their
customers because they get good business and many customers in a large
scale, unlike AW.
SW Comit
swcomit at swcity.net
Mayor of SW City
President of Community Linkage Commission
[View Quote]"nornny" <Nornny1 at home.com> wrote in message
news:3b41c2cf$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Duh, because when you came in, there was this whole newsgroup mess, and
> eventually, Roland's leak that JP and Rick really don't listen to its
> customer, which sent everyone on a tilly. Can't blame them, they want to
> heard, but the big whigs just aren't listening. But not like any big
> really does, try going up to Squaresoft and saying you have the perfect
> storyline for Final Fantasy 15 or whatever the heck their number is on.
> Anyways, with AW, at least they're small enough and gave us enough hope at
> the begining that we could talk to them and keep in touch. Now, they do
> nothing. Hard adjustment this community JUST isn't about to take, and
> for it. ;)
> Nornny
> PS. I remember just a short year ago, I would see ENZO scuttering around
> and other worlds, either under aliases as Uncle ENZO or even under his
> name. Now, he's disappeared off the face of the universe. Shame, really. I
> wouldn't really mind if he changed names and cits of other ppl like he
> to, I heard, if he just stayed around and we could at least say "Hey you
> corporate loser! Give me back my name!"
> "mike zimmer" <zimmer at pitnet.net> wrote in message
> news:3b413fc1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> for
> and
Jul 3, 2001, 9:40pm
What's a Koochie?
SW Comit
swcomit at swcity.net
Mayor of SW City
President of Community Linkage Commission
[View Quote]"nornny" <Nornny1 at home.com> wrote in message
news:3b422a49$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Like you haven't already, but this makes it official, you guys have now
> become one tribe. No more stick-together-to-beat-the-other-team crap, it
> now become I-am-my-own-team-and-I'm-going-to-win. Factor tribe and Typo
> tribe is no more existent. Those names have gone down with the 6 before
> That tee shirt and title is only 9 more tribal councils away and anything
> can happen, as usual. Let's first introduce you guys, in case you don't
> each other already:
> From the Factor tribe, there is now 5 members.
> Syntax: one of the head builders in SW City, the guy has streamers
> posted all of that metropolis. He's likeable, shares good, loyal to
> tribemates, and has slipped under council radar from tribal council.
> However, due to a jury vote from kellee, he is left somewhat vulnerable
> should a tie vote happen, but most of all, resentful of kellee.
> Leaf: The youngest of the bunch, this AWTeen regular has a lot more in his
> sleeves than the average kid. Somewhat isolated and ignored because of his
> lack of newsgroup participation and young age, Leaf has grown a large
> hinder of insanity, believing the newsgroup has turned into a game of Star
> Wars. Votewise, he just gained one vote by an absent-minded Alphabit
> also leaving him vulnerable and probably resentful. Leaf is slow to vote,
> but has so far remained loyal and along the lines.
> Nornny: This Nornonton resident and AWTeen worker has everything. He's
> hosting the darn game. Always fair, he's not been able to keep a low
> in this game because of his hosting duties. He accepts that and plays his
> visibility for himself, rather than against. Although cocky, he has a
> to be, he's yet to have any votes on him. Although loyal to his tribe,
> members are ready to leap on him, especially Wing, when they have a
> Gamer: He barely posts on this newsgroup, but he's playing the game,
> a low profile, while keeping his tribemates company for support,
> Leaf. Able to wear many hats, Gamer stays loyal, and hasn't recieved any
> votes thus far. He's ot a prime target on anyone, but he could be seen as
> easily disposable by other tribemates.
> Alphabit Phalpha: The Cy Awards beauty queen. She's spent her Survivor
> so far posting Cy news, reading Vogue magazines, and making skimpy dresses
> out of coconuts and poison ivy leaves. Being the only girl on her old
> she comes into the game somewhat isolated from the Factor men, but close
> the Typo women, especially Casay, making her extremely dangerous and
> volatile to break tribal lines. Although never having a vote on her, she's
> been voting on her gut, rather than the tribe's, leaving Leaf as one in
> crossfire.
> 5 members also are left residing in the Typo tribe.
> kellee - An Australian superwoman indeed. She takes care of her new baby
> manages to backstab and scheme everyone out of existence. From her voting
> record, she has a STRONG hate for the SW City contestants, giving SW Chris
> AND Syntax votes to their list. Out of the three women in the game, she's
> most independent, spending her time alone rather than bonding with the
> tribe. She does, however, have 1 vote against her from a now gone Spark.
> However, she manages to pull strings together when it comes Tribal Council
> night.
> Wing- Wing sticks out like a sore rock out of Typo, and does most of the
> trash talking. However, he's the bonding glue that keeps the tribe
> taking a leadership position right from the begining. Most of Typo has
> followed, and he's probably hoping most of the Factor members will too. If
> that happens, he's bound to take the game.
> Casay- This Objects'D female is tougher than nails, but still sees it fit
> co-conspirate with her Vogue friend, Alphabit. Being such good friends,
> might be bound to betray lines and become the final two, but who knows.
> listens well, and is a good team player. Votewise, she's clinching her
> at her long gone tribemate, Chuck, who leaves her vulnerable in a tie vote
> with 1 previous vote.
> SW Chris- As close as buddies as can be to Factor tribe member, Syntax, he
> signed up hoping to be on the same team as his SW City friend.
> Unfortunately, they were placed in enemy tribes. But now, they're together
> again and who knows if they'll betray their tribes and go up on top. Chris
> has gotten a vote in his own tribe by kellee, and you can be sure he won't
> let that slide now that they're competing against each other.
> Tony M- The charter happy Tony isn't so happy after 6 weeks of gameplay
> little food. He's ready to kick some butt. He's so far has stayed down
> being the most undercovered of the usually loud Typo tribe. But he's
> secret weapon and vote, showing no signs of disloyalty and besides Wing,
> being the only member from Typo without any previous votes. Who knows, he
> could take it all...
> Well, that's everyone! Your 10 contestants who are so far, yet so close to
> that million dollar prize. And oh wait...the tribe's name. Well, after
> polling on the Mini poll, Wing's tribe name wins out by the visistors to
> Survivor site with SW Chris's Mango Tribe name following. Therefore, the
> merger tribe name is:
> Koochie Tribe. Unless, Wing and Chris wants to reach a settlement of
> Manchie, Koocho, Koogo, Mangie as possible names. :)
> Otherwise, we're sticking to Koochie. So, Koochie tribemates, don't get
> settled yet, because your FIRST IMMUNITY CHALLENGE starts immediately and
> ENDS ON FRIDAY! :) You have the whole week to log onto:
> http://www.cbs.com/primetime/survivor2/games/index.html and play the
> Survivor fishing game to prove to the tribe you can rack up the most food
> and stay another week. This works the same way as the cow challenge. Take
> printscreen and upload it or send it over to me via email. :)) However, no
> averaged scores this time. You get the highest score, you win. Should you
> end in a tie, no one wins and no one gets immunity, so you better be
> no doubt. Should you submit more than one before Friday's end, the one
> the highest score is the one I'll use. NON CONTESTANTS: You too can play,
> but once you submit your score to me, you must include the name of one of
> the remaining 10 contestants in the game. :) Good luck, and this is
> an IMPORTANT immunity for some of you. Get fishing! We're hungry!
> Nornny
> <production note> Feel free to write diaries on your first week as a new
> tribe. ;) the site has been updated and will continue to be as always. :)
Jul 16, 2001, 5:30pm
Yes, sorry, only males can use special avatars.
lol jk, good point though, I never noticed that O_O
[View Quote]"kellee" <kellee at my.activeworlds.com> wrote in message
news:3b51fed5 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Does any one other than me feel that the "special" avatars on the aw path
> are a little.... one sided? There is Father Christmas (male), an stupid
> upside down one (male), a really pathetic flat headed weirdo(male), the PK
> (male, but not a bad av) and the blimp, which is so mmmm well lets face
> its gotta be male.
> What i would like to enquire about is WHY take the female PK av off? Is
> only males that are allowed to have special avs in AW or worlds that use
> AW path?
> The blimp, well whatever ..... but surely the two stupid avs ( the upside
> down one and the weirdo) could be replaced with female avatars? and not
> something wierd?
> Ideally i would think the female PK and one other "cute but fun" one (
> maybe a female pixie or elf? ) would even out the choices for all
> whatcha reckon?
Jul 16, 2001, 5:23pm
This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
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You have my vote too. I absolutly hate garbage (3 walls and a tree, =
lol). When I was covering my land for SW City a long time ago, I ran =
into sooo much garbage. Like a hill object in the middle of nowhere - =
wtf is with that? O_O
[View Quote] "tyrell" <tyrell1 at sk.sympatico.ca> wrote in message =
news:3B524E98.D0147E4B at sk.sympatico.ca...
Hmmm... didn't know I was on a short list... :-)=20
I still maintain the (old) AW Museum in Alpha (continue to keep server =
space for all the JPGs etc) and obviously the same JPGs for the new =
I believe the biggest draw-back to my being in charge of any =
'historical' project, however, is my TOTAL intolerance of spam (read: =
signs promoting a location elsewhere), crap (read: sex bunnies from =
hell, click here), 3 walls and a tree (read: someone, 5 years ago, =
starting a build, only to lost where it was and never went back to =
finish it) etc being kept just because someone placed it/them there =
before we had to pay for the privilege. This, in my opinion, isn't =
history. It's 'spam, crap or 3 wall and a tree'...=20
IF I were ever to take on this kind of responsibility it would be with =
the express understanding that I would be 'CLEANING THE AREA UP'... This =
would leave the 'intended' build as it was originally built BUT ALL 3rd =
party junk would be removed... I don't care if Protag himself placed it =
I know this flies in the face of those who believe that 'anything' =
built before a certain date should be kept. It doesn't matter that the =
'added items' have nothing to do with the builders idea of what (s)he =
was creating. I, on the other hand, feel that only the creators =
intentions should be saved... Everything else should be DELd and the =
gaps that allowed it to be placed in the first place be filled in (an =
example is west of AW GZ, just past the Memorial Garden - the signs =
would be toast)=20
So... IF anyone is considering me for any job requiring cleaning up =
the 'historical sites' they'd better want them actually cleaned up and =
not just preserved... Where I live we don't have horses on the street =
any more... The 'horse shit' have been long removed... :-)=20
[View Quote]
Before Munkuy left office, he told me he had a small list of people =
who he=20
would like to take over control of AWHS, and, not to be braggy or =
he did have me in the list for planning all those AWHS historical =
tours. The=20
thing is, he never told any of his small group of AWHSers what you =
do as=20
president and how he would transfer power or anything. He didn't =
even pick=20
one of us, he just told us we were being considered, but then =
Someone should really take up the job, but I have NO AW history =
embedded in=20
me besides what i've learned from a few tours, I just would love to =
maintain the beautiful AW gz. Tyrell, however, would be a very good =
as he ran the AWHS museum and so forth and can spout out 6 years of =
whenever you ask him. mauz too. :) one of those two should =
definately help,=20
but both are extremely busy. :( It'd be a shame if we couldn't keep =
historically intact before it is damaged or hidden away by vandals =
and ad=20
hungry kids. :?=20
[View Quote] "kellee" <kellee at my.activeworlds.com> wrote in message=20
news:3b5208b0 at server1.Activeworlds.com...=20
> Goober commented that the AWHS is dead. Apparently, since Munkuy =
left, it=20
> has indeed entered its terminal phase. The current person so =
called "in=20
> charge" is himself guilty of vandalising historic AW GZ builds =
> advertising and other rubbish.=20
> Will some one that is responsible and gives a damn take up the =
> It would be a shame for the good work that the AWHS *did* to go to =
Tyrell - Alpha Prime - 21.8s 457e 90 - "Mundus vult decipi"=20
"Eat well, stay fit, die anyway."=20
ICQ UN - 272905=20
All those who believe in psychokinesis raise my hand.=20
Content-Type: text/html;
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<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
<META http-equiv=3DContent-Type content=3D"text/html; =
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<BODY bgColor=3D#ffffff>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>You have my vote too. I absolutly =
garbage (3 walls and a tree, lol). When I was covering my land for =
SW City=20
a long time ago, I ran into sooo much garbage. Like a hill object =
in the=20
middle of nowhere - wtf is with that? O_O</FONT></DIV>
<BLOCKQUOTE dir=3Dltr=20
BORDER-LEFT: #000000 2px solid; MARGIN-RIGHT: 0px">
<DIV>"tyrell" <<A=20
href=3D"mailto:tyrell1 at sk.sympatico.ca">tyrell1 at sk.sympatico.ca</A>> =
wrote in=20
message <A=20
href=3D"news:3B524E98.D0147E4B at sk.sympatico.ca">news:3B524E98.D0147E4B at sk=
didn't know I was on a short list... :-)=20
<P>I still maintain the (old) AW Museum in Alpha (continue to keep =
space for all the JPGs etc) and obviously the same JPGs for the new =
<P>I believe the biggest draw-back to my being in charge of any =
project, however, is my TOTAL intolerance of spam (read: signs =
promoting a=20
location elsewhere), crap (read: sex bunnies from hell, click here), 3 =
and a tree (read: someone, 5 years ago, starting a build, only to lost =
it was and never went back to finish it) etc being kept just because =
placed it/them there before we had to pay for the privilege. This, in =
opinion, isn't history. It's 'spam, crap or 3 wall and a tree'...=20
<P>IF I were ever to take on this kind of responsibility it would be =
with the=20
express understanding that I would be 'CLEANING THE AREA UP'... This =
leave the 'intended' build as it was originally built BUT ALL 3rd =
party junk=20
would be removed... I don't care if Protag himself placed it there...=20
<P>I know this flies in the face of those who believe that 'anything' =
before a certain date should be kept. It doesn't matter that the =
'added items'=20
have nothing to do with the builders idea of what (s)he was creating. =
I, on=20
the other hand, feel that only the creators intentions should be =
Everything else should be DELd and the gaps that allowed it to be =
placed in=20
the first place be filled in (an example is west of AW GZ, just past =
Memorial Garden - the signs would be toast)=20
<P>So... IF anyone is considering me for any job requiring cleaning up =
'historical sites' they'd better want them actually cleaned up and not =
preserved... Where I live we don't have horses on the street any =
more... The=20
'horse shit' have been long removed... :-)=20
[View Quote] <P>nornny wrote:=20
<BLOCKQUOTE TYPE=3D"CITE">Before Munkuy left office, he told me he had =
a small=20
list of people who he <BR>would like to take over control of AWHS, =
and, not=20
to be braggy or anything, <BR>he did have me in the list for =
planning all=20
those AWHS historical tours. The <BR>thing is, he never told any of =
small group of AWHSers what you do as <BR>president and how he would =
transfer power or anything. He didn't even pick <BR>one of us, he =
just told=20
us we were being considered, but then disappeared. <BR>Someone =
should really=20
take up the job, but I have NO AW history embedded in <BR>me besides =
i've learned from a few tours, I just would love to help =
<BR>maintain the=20
beautiful AW gz. Tyrell, however, would be a very good choice <BR>as =
he ran=20
the AWHS museum and so forth and can spout out 6 years of AW =
you ask him. mauz too. :) one of those two should definately help, =
both are extremely busy. :( It'd be a shame if we couldn't keep AW=20
<BR>historically intact before it is damaged or hidden away by =
vandals and=20
ad <BR>hungry kids. :?=20
[View Quote] <P>"kellee" <kellee at my.activeworlds.com> wrote in message =
href=3D"news:3b5208b0 at server1.Activeworlds.com">news:3b5208b0 at server1.Act=
<BR>> Goober commented that the AWHS is dead. Apparently, since =
left, it <BR>> has indeed entered its terminal phase. The current =
so called "in <BR>> charge" is himself guilty of vandalising =
historic AW=20
GZ builds with <BR>> advertising and other rubbish. <BR>> =
Will some one that is responsible and gives a damn take up the =
<BR>> <BR>> It would be a shame for the good work that the =
AWHS *did*=20
to go to waste <BR>> <BR>></P></BLOCKQUOTE>
<P>-- <BR>Tyrell - Alpha Prime - 21.8s 457e 90 - "Mundus vult decipi" =
well, stay fit, die anyway." <BR><A=20
<BR>ICQ UN - 272905 <BR>All those who believe in psychokinesis raise =
my hand.=20
Jul 16, 2001, 7:55pm
Ugh I dunno why the hell that went in HTML for. It asked me if I wanted it
in HTML and I said no =\
Jul 16, 2001, 5:10pm
lmao, there's your friendly welcome, xelnaga ^_^
[View Quote]"kah" <kah at kahbot.com> wrote in message
news:3b5317a4$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> shit, are you newbies so silly that you allways post tests to the WRONG
> NG?????? tests are accepted in general.discussion, but since that NG was
> created, there is NO REASON WHATSOEVER to tolerate test posts in this
> man, what does that name sound like???
> "xelnaga" <xawx at hotmail.com> wrote in message
> news:3b52525a$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
Jul 18, 2001, 6:49pm
I don't think I've ever played a game that didn't have a major problem.
First I played Scarab (which is what the S stands for in SW), but the
network that it was played on didn't like the game we lost all but a few
servers so it was laggy. Then I played Faldon, an RPG, but the (one)
producer was too busy with other things and let the game corrupt and fall
apart. Then good ol' AW, but I don't need to talk about that, we already
know O_O.