No tourist allowed? (Community)

No tourist allowed? // Community

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May 30, 2001, 8:22pm
I read in some post in the last few days that unless your a citizen of
AW you can't post here ,why not? some of the people I know in AW are
tourist who live in areas where they can't afford to pay for AW but come
and build each day and are very much a part of the AW community ?

sw comit

May 30, 2001, 8:45pm
It's a price to pay to keep spammers, commercial advertisements, or
"no-gooders" out of here I guess, at least some of it.

SW Comit
swcomit at
Mayor of SW City
President of Community Linkage Commission

[View Quote]


May 30, 2001, 8:48pm
They are not allowed to post because it is something included when you buy
you citizenship. You buy your cit to send telegrams, build without worry of
deletion, joining etc. Newsgroup posting is one of those luxuries. Oh man,
I could only imagine what the newsgroups would be like if TOURISTS were
allowed to post. I don't think I would even bother to read them...
syntax at

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May 30, 2001, 9:02pm
sw ,don't you allow tourist to build in your city? are you saying just because
they are a tourist they are no gooders , spammers etc?hmm

[View Quote] > It's a price to pay to keep spammers, commercial advertisements, or
> "no-gooders" out of here I guess, at least some of it.
> --
> SW Comit
> swcomit at
> Mayor of SW City
> President of Community Linkage Commission
[View Quote]


May 30, 2001, 9:04pm
I realize there are certain advantages to buying a citizenship. I can imagine
what it would be like to include *tourist* in here because I really don't see
any *Luxurie* to posting here !! This is suppose to be an information and help
like desk isn't it ? hmm

[View Quote] > They are not allowed to post because it is something included when you buy
> you citizenship. You buy your cit to send telegrams, build without worry of
> deletion, joining etc. Newsgroup posting is one of those luxuries. Oh man,
> I could only imagine what the newsgroups would be like if TOURISTS were
> allowed to post. I don't think I would even bother to read them...
> --
> Syntax
> syntax at
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s p a r k

May 30, 2001, 9:44pm
HA! What gave you THAT crazy idear?
~S p a r K
Retired Head builder
Current P.I.

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alphabit phalpha

May 30, 2001, 10:21pm
I'm not positive about this....but I believe the reason Tourists can't post
in it requires a citizen password so that if someone wants to ban
a can be done by citizen info.
I think that it's not a special priviledge but a control thingy?

m a r c u s

May 30, 2001, 10:33pm
There is no point in this, I tried to talk to Activeworlds about the very
same thing and they are too stuck up the ass to do anything for the
citizens. When someone degrades you and you complain to them, they do
nothing. When you see porn in Active Worlds areas where kids can go, they
do nothing (and AW don't respond with "did you ask a peace keeper" because I
did a lot of times giving them coordinates and world name). When you even
try to submit a group event, organization, cause, whatever to them they
don't respond. This is basically useless, and when they treat me as much as
I have seen after just 4 months of using their services, I suggest you
relieve your worries and find another program which will care about you and
your concerns.

After all, it doesn't take a genius to come up with the idea to put a
tourist newsgroup up and limit the rest to citizens. If people don't want
to read the posts, then they just don't click on them, that simple.

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May 30, 2001, 10:40pm
I believe we went through these same arguments once, twice, twenty times before. Just concider it getting access to one more feature
with your $20.
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May 30, 2001, 10:42pm
Ahh, theres a view on it, because the only reason this was put into effect was to *maybe* stop the flamewars. Anyway, why the hell
would anyone in the right mind want to post here?

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May 30, 2001, 10:50pm
Apparently, none of us here have the "right mind." Maybe the tourists are
smarter than we think. lol.


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May 30, 2001, 11:04pm
well Marcus ,*degrades you *--theres too many features such as mute and not
allowing join to allow anyone to degrade you. As for porn your complaining to
the wrong people ,PK do not delete porn , or anything else for that fact, you
have to submit a request to GET at
I don't want to relieve my *worries* by finding another program , i happen to
like AW :)
You are right that each can decide which post to read or not . Also i think
there is a point in this. Tourist can read here your right but many *tourist*
could have some valuable input *shrugs*

[View Quote] > There is no point in this, I tried to talk to Activeworlds about the very
> same thing and they are too stuck up the ass to do anything for the
> citizens. When someone degrades you and you complain to them, they do
> nothing. When you see porn in Active Worlds areas where kids can go, they
> do nothing (and AW don't respond with "did you ask a peace keeper" because I
> did a lot of times giving them coordinates and world name). When you even
> try to submit a group event, organization, cause, whatever to them they
> don't respond. This is basically useless, and when they treat me as much as
> I have seen after just 4 months of using their services, I suggest you
> relieve your worries and find another program which will care about you and
> your concerns.
> After all, it doesn't take a genius to come up with the idea to put a
> tourist newsgroup up and limit the rest to citizens. If people don't want
> to read the posts, then they just don't click on them, that simple.
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May 30, 2001, 11:08pm
hi tyrell :)

but lets not take away what little benefit Citizenship offers for the
sake of those who don't support AW (with their money - for whatever
(valid or otherwise) reason)...

ok ,,lets not even bother to ask them to join AW or by them a
citizenship either , eh?? well , not me ,i happen to like seeing
*tourist become citizens when they can *afford* to , glad this isn't the
street of NY and we are talking about Bums starving here :) Lets all
just stick our noses in the ground and pretend we are so powerful
because we are citizens!!! :))
[View Quote] > Hi ladybunny...
> I'm going to have to wade in with my take on this issue. I stand
> behind not allowing Tourists to 'post' in this NG. As has been pointed
> out prior, with Citizenship comes extras, one being the ability to add
> your voice to the NG. I see no reason to take this away from those who
> wish to support AW with their $20. (and, yes, I realize there are some
> folks who just can't afford the $20 a year to become Citizens... well,
> I can't afford a 'big screen TV'... life's full of hardships... :-) )
> It's my understanding that even tho' one can't post, one still has
> access to what others have posted (they can read the posts), so the
> argument about ' information and help desk' support is invalid. As a
> 'non-citizen', however, one still has the option to reply directly to
> anyone posting so if they wish help it's an easy matter to get it.
> (aswell, of late, getting any 'information or help', of worth, from
> the Group strains the legal definition of the terms... IMHO :-) )
> I'd have to agree with you about the 'Luxurie' (sic) of posting here.
> Quite often it's like wading thru' a swamp... BUT it's 'our' swamp.
> I'd wager that within a month of opening the NG up to Tourists we'd
> have a thread about wanting a 'Citizen only' Group... I'v no problem
> with a wide open Group... but lets not take away what little benefit
> Citizenship offers for the sake of those who don't support AW (with
> their money - for whatever (valid or otherwise) reason)...
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May 30, 2001, 11:10pm
hmm ,well i never saw all those argument :)
to be honest i haven't seen a good argument on this either not one person has given me a answer that makes sense about why a tourist
can't post here.

[View Quote] > I believe we went through these same arguments once, twice, twenty times before. Just concider it getting access to one more feature
> with your $20.
[View Quote]

goober king

May 30, 2001, 11:18pm
Down, boy, down! You're pointing your finger at the wrong people. AWCom
does not equal community. The community organizations like the PKs and
AWEC and the rest are run by Average Joe Citizens, not AWCom employees.
If you've got a problem with how an organization is run, take it up with
the people running the org. The extent of AWCom's involvement in the
community is prizes and PS rights, and that's about it. Granted, that's
not the most ideal of situations, but it's the one we're presented with.

And frankly, I think the tourists *should* get their own newsgroup. You
can even call it the "Newbie" newsgroup, for all I care. But it should
be easy to set up a single newsgroup where anyone can post about
anything at all. (Doesn't even have to be about AW) Think of it as a
WildAW of newsgroups. Perhaps it could even take the place of the
long-lamented Test NG.

Thoughts Facter?
Goober King
Proof that Goobers ARE as dumb as they look.
rar1 at


May 30, 2001, 11:18pm
ban a citizen from the newgroups? who in the world would they ban? and why? if
its for language i have never seen such abuse of the english language as in
this newsgroup! if its for *behavior * i have never read such fighting back and
forth as here LOL ,,hmmm *rolls eyes at why anyone would be banned from here !!

[View Quote] > I'm not positive about this....but I believe the reason Tourists can't post
> in it requires a citizen password so that if someone wants to ban
> a can be done by citizen info.
> I think that it's not a special priviledge but a control thingy?


May 30, 2001, 11:27pm
goober ,,you know i am not a boy !!! :) i am not pointing fingers i just
wanted a justified answer as to why no tourist could post here !
The community organizations you speak of could be questioned as to being run
by the average *Joe* LOL
I don't have a problem with how any are run becuase actually i have other
things to have problems about not a bunch of volunteers who have nothing
else to do but sit and Play at the computer all day .
I also think AW has been involved many times with *your* towns in aw , your
town connections are everywhere and listed on many awld sites. so not sure
where you get off saying thats all your presented with.
Why would you give the tourist their own newsgroup when this one already
exists? thats like sending a child out to pee in the yard when you got a
bathroom in the house :)
hmm *shrugs*

[View Quote] > Down, boy, down! You're pointing your finger at the wrong people. AWCom
> does not equal community. The community organizations like the PKs and
> AWEC and the rest are run by Average Joe Citizens, not AWCom employees.
> If you've got a problem with how an organization is run, take it up with
> the people running the org. The extent of AWCom's involvement in the
> community is prizes and PS rights, and that's about it. Granted, that's
> not the most ideal of situations, but it's the one we're presented with.
> And frankly, I think the tourists *should* get their own newsgroup. You
> can even call it the "Newbie" newsgroup, for all I care. But it should
> be easy to set up a single newsgroup where anyone can post about
> anything at all. (Doesn't even have to be about AW) Think of it as a
> WildAW of newsgroups. Perhaps it could even take the place of the
> long-lamented Test NG.
> Thoughts Facter?
> --
> Goober King
> Proof that Goobers ARE as dumb as they look.
> rar1 at

sw chris

May 30, 2001, 11:28pm
SW Comit isn't saying that all tourists are no-gooders or spammers. He is
saying that spammers and no-gooders will have free access along with the
law-abiding tourists, should anyone be allowed to post here.

SW Chris

[View Quote]


May 30, 2001, 11:30pm
so?? and *law-abiding tourist?? LOL does this mean that to post here we as
citizens are law abiding? :) hmm *shrugs* again

[View Quote] > SW Comit isn't saying that all tourists are no-gooders or spammers. He is
> saying that spammers and no-gooders will have free access along with the
> law-abiding tourists, should anyone be allowed to post here.
> SW Chris
[View Quote]


May 30, 2001, 11:39pm
*chuckles to self*
I believe you would want to discuss some of these "banning" questions of
yours with our dear friends Eep and Facter. Also, I have seen newsgroups
much worse than this one. I happen to like this one though, it keeps me
syntax at

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alphabit phalpha

May 30, 2001, 11:39pm
It has happened in the past...well...I think it has:)...No I'm pretty sure
it has:)

tony m

May 30, 2001, 11:59pm
they can simply ask their citizen friends to post for them.

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May 31, 2001, 12:04am
too simple Tony :)
there is nothing in the awld conduct guidelines that states of guidline
behavior for these newgroups. I copied and pasted all guidelines and did a
search for *newgroups* and none was found.
Therefore is this newgroup an *anything* goes? Then whats the problem with
tourist being able to post here?
As for banning since there are no guidelines how could you ban someone with
nothing to show them . Isn't that like arresting someone for going into the
wrong bathroom when no signs are displayed saying which is which :)
*shrugs* again

[View Quote] > they can simply ask their citizen friends to post for them.
[View Quote]

sw comit

May 31, 2001, 12:29am
Don't be silly of course I do. I don't have anything against
tourists...and what I said in my previous post does not include every
tourist. If someone wants to spam or advertise or cause trouble they'll
most likely do it on a tourist name since they have no ID and can't be
caught (as far as I know). I also agree with what Syntax said: You pay to
post here.

SW Comit
swcomit at
Mayor of SW City
President of Community Linkage Commission

[View Quote]

sw comit

May 31, 2001, 12:32am
Ahhhh typing out chuckle you.
*slaps syn*

SW Comit
swcomit at
Mayor of SW City
President of Community Linkage Commission

[View Quote]


May 31, 2001, 12:38am
Tourists used to be able to post here... actually a few years back,
anyone was able to post here. I like the citizen only rule and yes it
has definately cut down on the spamming. Flame wars are a different
matter hehehe.

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May 31, 2001, 12:49am
LOL lady you are sooo right ,,,,,,, tourists and kids we ALL were once :-)
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May 31, 2001, 12:50am
hi rehabber ! well ya never know who might poof in here :)
I never came here a *few years back* nothing here interested me lol
I was way too busy building when online and trying to learn all I could about
making a world. Maybe I was a tourist then ! who knows *shrugs*

[View Quote] > Tourists used to be able to post here... actually a few years back,
> anyone was able to post here. I like the citizen only rule and yes it
> has definately cut down on the spamming. Flame wars are a different
> matter hehehe.
[View Quote]

sw chris

May 31, 2001, 1:25am
I understand your concerns, but if you want to put up with spam and any
"moron" tourists (again, not saying all tourists are this way), set up your
own newsgroup. I myself don't want the spam that most other newsgroups get
plagued with. If limiting the access of this newsgroups to citizens only
keeps the spam and most morons out, then that's a price as a paying customer
I'm willing to pay.

SW Chris

[View Quote]


May 31, 2001, 1:35am
did I ever say I wanted to *put* up with spam ,please don't type words into my
post (mouth ) whatever ...
and do you think I could possibly ever in all my years of living have the
knowledge to even TRY to set up a newsgroup? LOL you don't know me very well :)
i leave that junk to the puter nerds and such ! or the Morons of cyber space ,oh
, i am NOT calling every online junkie a Moron btw :) but if the shoe fits
,,hey! wear it lol
and if limiting the access of this newgroups to citizens only makes you a happy
camper :) then I hope your roasting marshmellows and weinies :)
cause thats the price as a paying customer is willing to pay!! right SW? lol
(you must never surf the web , spam capital of the world )

[View Quote] > I understand your concerns, but if you want to put up with spam and any
> "moron" tourists (again, not saying all tourists are this way), set up your
> own newsgroup. I myself don't want the spam that most other newsgroups get
> plagued with. If limiting the access of this newsgroups to citizens only
> keeps the spam and most morons out, then that's a price as a paying customer
> I'm willing to pay.
> SW Chris
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