sw comit // User Search
sw comit // User Search
Apr 10, 2004, 5:06pm
A company like AW should at least have a T3 connection which is about 45
Mbps; Ferruccio was just talking about their server hardware though, but
you guys bring up a good point. The monthly cost of a T3 service is
expensive. It's reasonable to believe they knocked it down to a T1 or
something seeing as how the public worlds are far less demanding than they
use to be.
[View Quote]"ry" <rbirkin at iinet.net.au> wrote in message
news:4077d12a at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> I dont think DSL Would hold 100 users..
> I do hope you mean 1.5Mbit DSL at the least.
> --
> Ry
> #323710
> Visit Ocean City! Luxury in AW - www.oceancity.tk
> AIM: RyAWU - ICQ: 256-319-414
> "ferruccio" <startrek3 at earthlink.net> wrote in message
> news:4077cc64$2 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> explain
Apr 10, 2004, 6:53pm
Should of had you plan the schedule, Rossy =P
[View Quote]"rossyboy" <rossyboy at vwtv.org> wrote in message
news:4078399f$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Come to our event! Here is your personalised schedule.
> Fri 2:21pm VRT - Your turn to cache
> Sat 10:00pm VRT - Opening ceremony
> strike rapier wrote:
Apr 10, 2004, 5:10pm
Leave it to AW to pick unusual ways of advertising =P
Seriously, every form of advertising I've seen AW do has been so
strange...well except once I believe they had a little ad in a gaming
magazine one time =D
[View Quote]"r i c h a r d" <richard.lazenby1 at ntlworld.com> wrote in message
news:40781434$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> I was going though some old posts but i noticed something else on the
> release page john found about the BBC.
> Carlsberg Beer to offer an Active Worlds CD-ROM with every 6 pack of
> Carlsberg Beer sold in Denmark
> Carlsberg Brewing Denmark has recently signed a contract with COF for
> purchase of an Active Worlds Uniserver that will be the home of the
> Carlsberg Beer Universe. This Universe will be available to all Carlsberg
> Beer consumers in Denmark and it will be offered as a CD ROM gift
> with every 6 pack of beer sold. The Universe will offer several thematic
> worlds including one public building world where users will be able to
> their virtual home in Beer land. Look for this promotion to hit store
> shelves in Denmark before January 1999.
> That should sell aw easy! if they did it for them selves
Apr 10, 2004, 11:40pm
Ugh, wtf is wrong with AW's servers recently? Haven't been able to do
anything for the past couple days now without getting a waiting for server.
I simply been trying to build a river and I've made about 50 coordinates in
the past hour because of all the lost connections and slowness. Heck even
if my chat message is too long I get a WFS.
It's not on my end, everything else works great and cable speed test reports
a 1.3 Mbps readout.
Apr 11, 2004, 7:11pm
Ironically it sorta let up after I posted this. I dunno it's kind of coming
in waves. The Waves of Lag (sounds like a good book =D).
I pinged the servers and traced it about the same time I posted the thread
too, and they came out out ok. Averaged at 104ms. It's not just me either,
some people with me at the time were getting it too. I really wonder if
they downgraded their server connection though...
[View Quote]"sw comit" <swcomit at swcity.net> wrote in message
news:40789404$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Ugh, wtf is wrong with AW's servers recently? Haven't been able to do
> anything for the past couple days now without getting a waiting for
> I simply been trying to build a river and I've made about 50 coordinates
> the past hour because of all the lost connections and slowness. Heck even
> if my chat message is too long I get a WFS.
> It's not on my end, everything else works great and cable speed test
> a 1.3 Mbps readout.
Apr 14, 2004, 7:19am
Prolly a few graphical building features for world-owners only and more
support for RPGs (for the sake of newAW if anything).
As an Alphaworldian, I've been pessimistic about upgrades since like 3.1,
sorry =P Just speculation though, any official word would be welcome.
[View Quote]"ferruccio" <startrek3 at earthlink.net> wrote in message
news:407cccbc$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> I've heard a lot of people mentioning the development of 4.0, but none of
> that has actually come from the AWI staff. Are there any official reports
> on what 4.0 is going to have?
Apr 15, 2004, 5:33am
This man speaks the truth. Ry for president ^_^
[View Quote]"ry" <rbirkin at iinet.net.au> wrote in message
news:407e078f at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> When are we getting it?!
> The old one is boring... AlphaWorld needs something new.
> --
> Ry
> #323710
> Visit Ocean City! Luxury in AW - www.oceancity.tk
> AIM: RyAWU - ICQ: 256-319-414
Apr 15, 2004, 7:25pm
It's just a saying...for AW conservatists who don't want change.
[View Quote]"lioness." <nobody at nowhere.net> wrote in message
news:407ecc71 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> AW amish???? Since when are the Amish using computers?? Or electricity
> for that matter. 0_0
> "ferruccio" <startrek3 at earthlink.net> wrote in message
> news:407e2d32 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> the
Apr 16, 2004, 5:18am
[View Quote]"seiya" <starbuilds at yahoo.com> wrote in message
news:407f756a at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Is there a place that can help me find old property? I would very much so
> appreciate it~!
> -Seiya
Apr 16, 2004, 6:44am
Bah beat me by a minute =D
[View Quote]"roadkill" <chunkylover53 at aol.com> wrote in message
news:407f7a7e at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> http://tangent.imatowns.com/
> seiya wrote:
Apr 18, 2004, 4:48am
No offense but how do you know you never been burned? If someone cheats the
idea is to get away with it lol, you know what I mean? =P
I don't see what was wrong with the in-world voting like last year. Was
funner and probably more secure from multi-voting minus the few people who
have more than 1 cit.
[View Quote]"alphabit phalpha" <alphabit2003(NOSPAM) at swbell.net> wrote in message
news:40818ff4$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> There's a note in the instructions saying that if you are having
> problems you can just email them please.
> In the past 6 years I have had 1 incident where someone "mistakenly"
> voted for the same thing like 35 times.
> I trust the Community and so far we have never been burned:)
> "zeofatex" <greg at warpedsoap.com> wrote in message
> news:4081839d$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> submitting
> Submission
> re-voting.
Apr 18, 2004, 8:26pm
That's about what I got...Athlon 2600, ATI 9600 pro, and I use have 512 RAM
(1 GB now). I get a good fps in my opinion, suits me well.
[View Quote]"ry" <rbirkin at iinet.net.au> wrote in message
news:40828da0 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Hey All,
> Just wondered, what processor (cpu) and RAM does everyone have on the
> computer when using active worlds...
> Getting a new computer soon, looking at an Athlon 2600+ with 512mb RAM....
> Does anyone else have anything close to this if so does AW run pretty
> --
> Ry
> #323710
> Visit Ocean City! Luxury in AW - www.oceancity.tk
> AIM: RyAWU - ICQ: 256-319-414
Apr 19, 2004, 3:03am
Actually in my experience since 1998, CPU upgrades do more good for AW that
graphic card upgrades. Some programs are just more CPU sensitive. Anybody
else notice this?
[View Quote]"kf" <none at junk.mail> wrote in message news:4082F13C.4DC4 at junk.mail...
> There is (in AW terms) only little difference between a P3/1000, an
> athlon XP2000 and a P4/2660 or P4/3200 as long as you have a decent
> graphic card. In this case, I tried them out with a GF TI4400, which is
> somewhat similar to the new GF5700/5750 and this is comparable to the
> ATI9600 - again, in terms of AW performance, which means DX7 and no need
> for antialiasing, things look different when you play the latest
> DirectX9 game or run huge resolutions with 4 and more levels
> antialising, then you would need, in fact, the latest products,
> preferably ATI.
> Whether you have 256 or 512 MB of main RAM does not really matter, and
> the RAM of the graphic cards is usually not used to a higher degree than
> 64MB anyway.
> It mainly depends whether you have antialiasing turned on or off and
> whether you run 800*600 or eg. 1600*1200 screen resolution. The higher
> the antialisaing level and the higher the resolution, the slower the
> whole thing will get (and respectively you need a faster/newer graphic
> card then).
> CPU speed or type only matters when you do other things at the same time
> (eg. when beoing in AW, calculate 50 digit primes while encoding a DIVx
> movie and zip your whole drive - in this case you would need a very fast
> CPU or even multiple ones...).
> So to cut a long story short, any P3/1000+, P4/2400+, AMDT1400 or
> AMDXP200+, all will work perfectly when you got at least a GF4 or Radeon
> 9600 graphic card.
> It is more important to have your system configured and tweaked well -
> both things can quite well make up for some missing 1000 MHz or RAM...
> ry wrote:
Apr 19, 2004, 7:30am
Well this is from AW 2.1 and out, never ran software mode if I didn't have
to. I remember, the change from 1.3 ghz to XP 2600 was pretty impressive,
and I kept my old Radeon 8500 only upgrading the CPU and mobo. Then I got
the 9800SE later and it wans't very impressive in AW, but a huge different
in other 3d games.
[View Quote]"ananas" <ananas at oct31.de> wrote in message
news:40837406$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Maybe you're running in software rendering mode, use an
> OpenGL software emulator or measured with a Pre3.3 version?
> I have one P3/550 (Slot1/Katmai) with a Radeon9000 and
> it still runs quite smooth and Count Dracula has a
> P3s/1133 (Tualatin) with the same Radeon9000 and it's
> fine too. (The Tualatin is 3x faster than the Katmai)
> The biggest difference between the P3s/1133 and the
> P3/550 is when complex models come into range, the first
> render takes much longer pn the 550. Once it's there, the
> framerate is still acceptable. The dual MP2600+ is not
> much better than the P3s/1133 if you run only AW3.3+.
> Just all background activity is nearly stopped on the
> 550MHz one while AW runs, although 3.3+ leaves way
> more CPU time for background tasks than 2.2/3.2.
> I think, AW runs better with faster CPUs up to a certain
> CPU speed. Everything on top doesn't help AW anymore,
> from that point only faster video cards increase speed.
> sw comit wrote:
Apr 19, 2004, 5:39pm
Not at all =D
In fact WinXP Home is better for games and 3d apps as it has less features,
it uses less resources that way. Besides the only stuff pro has over home
doesn't matter to most people.
80 GB HDD and the XP2600 are sorta the best-bang for the buck products right
now anyway, as you probably know from shopping.
Though if it were up to me, I'd save money by downgrading to a 17" CRT
monitor and use the saved money to buy an Athlon 64 3000+. Besides, the
only thing LCD has over CRT is size and looks. It's slower responding, more
prone to problems, and has that viewing angle thing.
[View Quote]"ry" <rbirkin at iinet.net.au> wrote in message
news:4083c23e at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> I'm on Windows 98SE At the moment, so please dont reply saying GET XP
> totaly prod my voodoo doll on you (Promise not Threat)...
> Thanks :)
Apr 19, 2004, 9:33pm
There's a few user/group settings that you can access through safe mode.
It's been awhile since I've had to do it though. And there's plenty of free
3rd party apps you can use for remote access.
And I was just talking about cheapest LCDs, like the $300 ones I see on
pricewatch. You can get a Phillips 17" for $100. I've had bad experience
with LCDs, and I personally don't care for them. CRTs have been good to me
though. It's totally a user preference though your right. And yes I am AMD
and ATI, we had that long discussion before remember? =P
[View Quote]"bowen" <newoB at sardna.ten> wrote in message
news:40842417$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> The XP Home version I had would not let me change the Administrator
> password or give me access to the user/group settings. I could then
> connect remotely with no password as administrator wherever I went (even
> using remote computer management it would NOT allow me to change it)...
> made me feel secure.
> On that note, there are two different types of LCD. The one with the
> view angle problem is the older style, often the same price as CRT's
> now, but the newer style does not have the same problem with the view
> angle (something to do with having a seperate transistor for each pixel
> or something like that, as the old style had just one for length and
> width). As long as you're not cheap (why should you be, you're buying a
> piece of technology?), you can get a prefectly comparable LCD to CRT
> with the same refresh rates (mine refreshes up to 85Hz... don't imagine
> why you would need anything more than 60 though) and no view angle
> But, then again, I don't like carrying 60 lb monitors around so that was
> a large factor in my choice of monitor. Maybe you like the workout?
> Don't know. :)
> It's my experience that CRTS are prone to problems as it is... my
> friend's monitor turned a green tint after her stereo was too close to
> it and she left it on. But, we're all fanboys of something... I have my
> nVidia and LCDs, you have your Athlon and CRTs -- I would bet $100 you
> would buy an ATI too... you just seem aggressive like they are.
> ;) I'm bored, can you tell?
> As always:
> nVidia owns you.
Apr 19, 2004, 9:34pm
AMD XP 2600+, not windows XP build 2600 lol.
[View Quote]"starfleet" <Starfleet> wrote in message
news:40845359 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Build 2600 = pro, not Home.
> "sw comit" <swcomit at swcity.net> wrote in message
> news:40841ccb at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> features,
> right
Apr 21, 2004, 10:46pm
160 days. Prolly no more than 1 day summed up was spent outside of SW City
[View Quote]"themask" <ricky at whaletech.net> wrote in message
news:4084db88$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Mine is 188 days 7 hours 46 minutes as of 4/20/04 4:07:24am Eastern Time
> --
> Signed,
> TheMask
> :: Owner of Delusional-Minds Hosting ::
> Free world hosting.. Just a T-Gram will do it.
> http://www.delusional-minds.com
Apr 24, 2004, 5:33pm
I'm interested in seeing how game's performance is effected when running in
Linux vs Windows...
[View Quote]"themask" <ricky at whaletech.net> wrote in message
news:408aaa5a$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Agreed :)
> --
> Signed,
> TheMask
> :: Owner of Delusional-Minds Hosting ::
> Free world hosting.. Just a T-Gram will do it.
> http://www.delusional-minds.com
> "bowen" <newoB at sardna.ten> wrote in message
> news:408a0b10$2 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> http://www.informationweek.com/story/showArticle.jhtml?articleID=18902754
> there.
Apr 26, 2004, 9:32pm
Personally, I use Zonealarm Pro. I don't know if it's the most secure
firewall, but I use it because despite popular belief it's the least bloated
and uses less resources than Kerio, Tiny Personal, and Sygate and
Norton's...I tried them all to test. Other than that it's powerful enough
for most people. The popup blocker is pretty good too.
[View Quote]"jaguar hahn" <markterrell10 at hotmail.com> wrote in message
news:408d7b4c$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Hello,
> I was wondering what do you all think the best firewall is for XP? I host
> servers and the current firewall is just a plain mess.
> Jaguar Hahn
Apr 28, 2004, 8:32am
Hey everyone. I don't usually advertise my builds, but I feel like this is
my best work in the past 3 years since Peril Mountain and some might be
interested in seeing.
Sharman Caves is a vast network of caves that's been in the works for about
6 months now, off and on. You can just explore it, but if you want the
maximum experience you can call it an adventure and gather clues and lore
for...well you'll see ;D
Here's a few screenshots of the place:
And here's a map that you may want to leave open in a browser for
Coordinates are AW 1688s 4698e 300
Feedback and suggestions are appreciated =)
Apr 29, 2004, 7:52pm
Wooo got a lot more visitors than I expected. Unfortunately due the number
of visitors times number of sounds effects in the caves, plus the SWC radio
coming out this month and the forums being very busy, our webspace hosting
ran out of bandwidth for the month. So if you were planning on visiting,
I'd suggest waiting 'till the start of May.
Apr 30, 2004, 6:28am
I'm not sure what our BW limit is. Can't check because that was require
bandwidth lol. It's the first time we had this problem though. Been a busy
month =o
Thanks for the hosting offer though. We're looking for ways to host our
radio shows, I'll keep you in mind if you're up to it.
[View Quote]"themask" <ricky at whaletech.net> wrote in message
news:40919b0d$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Wow, low bandwith limit?
> --
> Signed,
> TheMask
> :: Owner of Delusional-Minds Hosting ::
> Free world hosting.. Just a T-Gram will do it.
> http://www.delusional-minds.com
> "sw comit" <swcomit at swcity.net> wrote in message
> news:4091790d at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> number
> radio
Apr 29, 2004, 3:05am
Awww another satisfied customer.
[View Quote]"bopnblues" <DonNick at msn.com> wrote in message
news:40907469 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> I was greeted with an upgrade window on AW. Stupid me, I clicked ok and
> 3.5.
> It looks crappy to say the least as compared to 3.4.
> In 3.4, you could walk up to an object and it's crystal
> clear and sharp. Not in 3.5....looks all blurry and pixely.
> :-P
> Now let's consider the worlds/contact list. In 3.5, this
> is a separate entity. It floats. For me to see what's going
> on, I have to keep that stupid window open.
> In 3.4, it made a lot more sense. It was attatched. And
> the worlds could be easily read. Not in the case with 3.5
> where they have letters represented the worlds.
> Was someone drunk when they designed 3.5??????
> Frame rate. Quite simply, the frame rate sucks in 3.5
> I can move around fast but whoop de doo. :-P
> They (AW) sacrificed better graphics for blurry graphics.
> The stupid pop up worlds/contact list is a pain. Frame
> rate is bad.
> Wow.......all these great qualities! I must rush off and
> install 3.5. No thanks, I trashed 3.5 and am happily back
> on 3.4. :-)
> The end.
Apr 29, 2004, 4:18pm
Mipmaps look terrible IMO.
*digs up old picture* http://swcity.samspcservice.com/whymmsucks.jpg lol
A little Anisotropic Filtering is the better alternative.
[View Quote]"carlbanks" <carlbanks at triplehelix.info> wrote in message
news:40913d46 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Mipmaps off actually looks worse.
> kf wrote:
May 7, 2004, 1:50pm
AW GZ City? *snicker* =P
[View Quote]"legion" <jonsavel at juno.com> wrote in message
news:40952682 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Industry:
> Construction Industry Growing
> Real Estate Industry Growing
> Television Broadcasting Industry Growing
> Radio Broadcasting Industry Growing
> Bot Development Industry Growing
> Tourism Industry Growing
> E-Newspaper Industry Slow
> World Hosting Industry Growing
> Object Path Hosting Inudstry Growing
> Townbuilding Industry Growing
> Modelling Industry Growing
> Worldbuilding Industry Growing
> Website Hosting/Design Industry Growing
> ---------------------------------------------
> Private Sector - Growing
> Public Sector - Growing
> ---------------------------------------------
> Public Sector---
> Education - Growing
> Government - Growing
> Law Enforcement - Growing
> Other - Growing
> ------------------------------
> A.W. Economic Growth Rate - High
> A.W. Population Growth Rate - Low
> A.W. Monetary: None
> A.W. Economic System Type: Free Enterprise, Capitalism
> A.W. Government Type: Mixed Dictatorship/Democracy (as determined by
> Government)
> Head of State and Goverment: President Enzo (1997- )
> Capital: Newburyport, Massachusett, United States
> Major Cities: SW City, AW GZ City, Hicks Town, and others.
> Transportation: Teleportation, Railroad, Automobile, et cetera.
> Communications: Telegram, Radio, Television, Telephone (via bot), Bots,
> Daily Newspapers.
> Education: Free, noncompulsory. University and Schools available. Major
> University: AWUniversity. Major School: AWSchool.
> Please let me know if there is any correction needed. Any corrections made
> will be included in next revised edition of this report. Thank you -- A.W.
> National Economic Institute (AWNEI)
> --
> Legion
> "I think, therefore I am" - Rene Descartes,
> 17th-century French philosopher, Earth
May 4, 2004, 3:14am
*Just knew Brock was going to be the first to reply before checking, and
that that reply would be pretty lame* Yuuuupp =P
[View Quote]"brock" <BrockL at iceflare.net> wrote in message
news:4096ad28 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> --
> Brock,
> IceFlare Network
> Founder/Administrator
> http://www.iceflare.net
> "seiya" <starbuilds at yahoo.com> wrote in message
> news:4096aca7 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> need
> have
> starby
May 7, 2004, 2:11pm
I been trying to make an ambient background sound effect, and, it works fine
in wav but no matter what I try, it skips in mp3 form. There's about a half
second delay before it begins again in the loop. Has anyone been successful
on getting a clean loop, and, if so how? I'm using LAME 3.96, though I've
tried other versions and it didn't work either.
- Comit
May 10, 2004, 4:00am
Well, are you at least uber? O_o
[View Quote]"ubermonkey" <ubermonkey at wcalliance.com> wrote in message
news:409e90b5$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> I hate to have to bring this difficult topic up in a public forum, but I
> feel that, since we're all discussing and sharing our personal secrets, I
> need to come clean too.
> I'm not really a monkey.
> I know, I know -- for the past eight years, I've been letting everyone I
> knew in AW believe I was in fact a monkey -- an ape to be specific --
> through complex genetic tampering, had become capable of communicating
> a rough form of "English" and a computer, and had even learned how to
> program through a system of "banana rewards."
> Well, it's all lies.
> I'm so ashamed.
> Sincerely,
> Uber "Not A Monkey" Monkey.
May 14, 2004, 9:27pm
23 Petabtyes? lol, I'm gonna need a bigger hard drive X_X
[View Quote]"ry" <rbirkin at SPAMiinet.net.au> wrote in message
news:40a4c049 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> To download the WHOLE Internet? Every page, graphic, program -
> E V E R Y T H I N G
> http://www.w3schools.com/downloadwww.htm
> --
> Ry
> Rys AW Hosting Solutions
> www.ryshosting.tk
> Mail: ryshosting at iinet.net.au