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Starby Solutions (Community)
Starby Solutions // CommunityseiyaMay 3, 2004, 6:33pm
Hello AW Community
I was thinking of maybe opening up a small AW business that has to do with building, it is called Starby Solutions. And basically it is a building solution service. For example, lets say your working on a certain thing in your house and need a certain design solution, or if you are building something and wish to have someone aid you in developing it to be more advanced, you would gram starby solutions. Just a thought I have, any comments? thanks~! brockMay 3, 2004, 6:35pm
-- Brock, IceFlare Network Founder/Administrator [View Quote] jaguar hahnMay 3, 2004, 6:42pm
Sounds pretty good to me. I like the idea, it would come in handy.
Jaguar Hahn - Sk8Freak [View Quote] count draculaMay 3, 2004, 7:26pm
"seiya" <starbuilds at> kirjoitti viestiss
news:4096aca7 at > Hello AW Community > > I was thinking of maybe opening up a small AW business that has to do with > building, it is called Starby Solutions. And basically it is a building > solution service. > > For example, lets say your working on a certain thing in your house and need > a certain design solution, or if you are building something and wish to have > someone aid you in developing it to be more advanced, you would gram starby > solutions. > > Just a thought I have, any comments? thanks~! > > Yes I guess it could be handy for some people, however, I would maybe more need someone to do the chatting for me so I could concentrate on building. Especially handy would be someone who would answer grams. Drac themaskMay 3, 2004, 10:03pm
If it involves money, its evil :[
-- Signed, TheMask :: Owner of Delusional-Minds Hosting :: Free world hosting.. Just a T-Gram will do it. ryMay 3, 2004, 11:09pm
Despite Brock's idiotic post (I hope the leaving of
iceflare in aw will be the leaving of Brock) Its a very good idea!! [View Quote] legionMay 3, 2004, 11:16pm
Brock, I think Ry meant to say you sucked. ;)
-- Legion "I think, therefore I am" - Rene Descartes, 17th-century French philosopher, Earth [View Quote] brockMay 4, 2004, 12:13am
Hmm...perhaps your right. :)
-- Brock, IceFlare Network Founder/Administrator [View Quote] sw comitMay 4, 2004, 3:14am
*Just knew Brock was going to be the first to reply before checking, and
that that reply would be pretty lame* Yuuuupp =P [View Quote] seiyaMay 4, 2004, 5:02am
Brock has a simple mind, there are no solutions from him.
However the idea basically involves me just working out any tricky or dumbfounded situations, I noticed that most builders in AW dont work towards architectural and building advancements, which is fine. But I think rather than opening up a business (which originally would be free) I still will open a free friend to friend service, so instead, if anybody has any problems like that please gram me and I'll do my best to help. Becuase I want to meet some new people. Also I think its the best way I can help the community seeing as I kinda just hide myself away in AW, but thanks for your input! brockMay 4, 2004, 9:08am
brockMay 4, 2004, 9:11am
-- Brock, IceFlare Network Founder/Administrator [View Quote] ryMay 4, 2004, 9:47am
builderzMay 4, 2004, 4:38pm
I don't see anything wrong with the idea. I know when I first starting
out with building that having the ability to use a service such as yours would have been nice. If you plan to offer it for free, go ahead -- no one is stopping you. If you plan to charge for it later on, you can do that as well. Citizens/tourists will dictate whether or not they will be willing to pay for your service. If no one pays, then you either need to market your service better or stop providing it. Simple as that. So I say try it and see what comes of it. Builderz brockMay 4, 2004, 8:35pm
No I just don't feel like letting Seiya live this down :)
-- Brock, IceFlare Network Founder/Administrator [View Quote] alaskanshadowMay 4, 2004, 9:26pm
I kinda agree with Brock. Seiyas a prick to people off the Newsgroups then
acts all sweet and innocent to anyone who hasnt met "it" yet or hasn't known it enough to see what it really acts like. And yes, I refer to it as an "it" because it keeps changing genders, so sue me. Its repulsive to see people forgiving it and being nice to it like its previous actions should be forgotten just because it fakes being nice to everyone. Thats dumb as hell. [View Quote] .sharon noneMay 4, 2004, 11:17pm
I'm just wishing it stays away from kids. It recently told a 14 year old
boy that it was girl. Maybe it needs to meet "new" people because the "old" people know that it's psycho and want nothing to do with it. broMay 4, 2004, 11:34pm
If you meet new people why not be honest about who you really are rather
than posing as a girl to little boys. I hear you are doing that again. [View Quote] elykMay 5, 2004, 2:19am
Umm...that's what AWSchool and AWUniv are for Seiya, to help with
advanced building, problems and other tools. Also, not as many ppl care about "architectural advancements" and competitions as much as you do. There are many AW Builders who have achieved great buildings in AW, so that statement of yours is false. Don't try to push this "we should be better architecture-wise" stuff on everyone because it starts to get really bothersome. It's like those ppl who come door to door trying to convert you. It's annoying. People are going to do what they want to do and be who they want to be. ;P [View Quote] -- Elyk kfoerst at builderzMay 5, 2004, 3:25am
I'm not familiar with Seiya's prior history so I can't comment on things
in that respect. I was just replying to the building idea itself. Builderz [View Quote] > I'm just wishing it stays away from kids. It recently told a 14 year old > boy that it was girl. Maybe it needs to meet "new" people because the "old" > people know that it's psycho and want nothing to do with it. seiyaMay 5, 2004, 3:57am
Rumours are as rumours does... I just dont make a big deal about it thats
why people see me as an easy rumour target... But thats ok, because some peoples true colors show during my posts, and they aren't pretty. About the Starby Solutions idea, it wont ever cost money for it, I just want to do it as a community service and a way to get friends, I wish some of you re-read my posts as thats what I said before, if you dont need the help then dont ask, but for those who do, the help is available. I was originally turned down several times for an AWuniv teaching position, so why should that stop me from a "door to door" service so to speak? Now, officially I am announcing that if anybody needs help in that area, then gram me and I can help, and we'll see how this idea turns out, I hope it can be an encouragement and inspiration for others to start up things, as it would bring alive the community, which is what you all want right? PS-If you have a problem with me, gram me about it, dont let your ugliness show in here. elykMay 5, 2004, 5:35am
"But thats ok, because some
peoples true colors show during my posts, and they aren't pretty." I don't see any difference in anyone's attitudes here. "Showing your true colors" is when you say one thing and then contradict it later by showing your true feelings. They are just stating their opinions. "I was originally turned down several times for an AWuniv teaching position" Stating that openly won't help your business. [View Quote] > Rumours are as rumours does... I just dont make a big deal about it thats > why people see me as an easy rumour target... But thats ok, because some > peoples true colors show during my posts, and they aren't pretty. > > About the Starby Solutions idea, it wont ever cost money for it, I just want > to do it as a community service and a way to get friends, I wish some of you > re-read my posts as thats what I said before, if you dont need the help then > dont ask, but for those who do, the help is available. I was originally > turned down several times for an AWuniv teaching position, so why should > that stop me from a "door to door" service so to speak? > > Now, officially I am announcing that if anybody needs help in that area, > then gram me and I can help, and we'll see how this idea turns out, I hope > it can be an encouragement and inspiration for others to start up things, as > it would bring alive the community, which is what you all want right? > > PS-If you have a problem with me, gram me about it, dont let your ugliness > show in here. > > -- Elyk kfoerst at seiyaMay 5, 2004, 7:00am
Just trying to do a community sevice, not start a flame war, I'm bailing
this thread. .sharon noneMay 5, 2004, 1:02pm
That is how it gets it's pleasure builderz. In aiming to abuse the "new"
people that it so desires to meet. They dont' know it's past so they walk right in the door. Seiya no one cares what your doors look like. [View Quote] legionMay 5, 2004, 5:30pm
Guys, guys. I am warning you all. If you don't stop these flaming wars, you
can bet I will complain to E N Z O about this flaming war. These flames must end NOW. I'm tired of your whining and flames. You must keep it off newsgroup. Do it in telegrams or emails or whatever but do not flames or whine in this newsgroup. This must be kept clean. If you keep it up, I may complain to E N Z O and ask him to shut down this newsgroup. I can promise you that I will personally do that. I do not tolerate these flaming wars in this newsgroup. Now, end this flaming war now and move it over to somewhere else. If you don't, well, you know what I may do to take steps to end this stupid, blatant thing. I'm sorry but I'm now fed up with all of your stupid flaming and whining. I will complain to and ask him to shut this newsgroup down if you don't move it somewhere. This is your warning. -- Legion A citizen determined to end this nonsense.... "I think, therefore I am" - Rene Descartes, 17th-century French philosopher, Earth [View Quote] brockMay 5, 2004, 5:53pm
Wow....E N Z O? YOUR COOL.
-- Brock, IceFlare Network Founder/Administrator [View Quote] alaskanshadowMay 5, 2004, 6:02pm
First off, if it bugs you that much, ignore the thread, nobody is forcing
you to read this. You're a citzen like everyone else here, and everyone else has managed to ignore stuff they don't agree with. Second, you obviously don't know Seiya too well, or else you'd know that him/her/it whatever it claimes to be now, starting this, is just going to hurt more people. I have yet to see anybody "flaming" in this thread, just speaking their mind based on factual events. Sorry if some people can't handle the truth, but thats no reason to pretend it doesn't exist. Perhaps you need to research all of the psychological traps seiya puts people in. It thrives on attention and forgiveness. The more "friends" it gets the more it lies to people and the more conniving/competative it becomes. So I'm sorry if you think people are "flaming" seiya, but if you looked into it a bit more, you'd find that statement to be absolutely ludicrous. [View Quote] count draculaMay 5, 2004, 6:49pm
"legion" <jonsavel at> kirjoitti viestiss
news:409940bd at This must be kept clean. If you keep it up, I may > complain to E N Z O and ask him to shut down this newsgroup. I can promise > you that I will personally do that. I do not tolerate these flaming wars in > this newsgroup. I doubt even you is so importnat that by saying you do not like a thing, it will be removed. Just a friendly hint. The world do not circulate around you, but you are a part of it :) Drac legionMay 5, 2004, 7:06pm
Doesn't matter. Keep these private matters off the newsgroup. It's private.
We don't want to heard it. I don't care if you think the newsgroup is the place to do that. This is public newsgroup, not a place to take private matters to. I don't give a shit about these problems you have with Seiya. This is not a place to discuss your personal problem with someone else. I don't care about your personal problem with others. Now, though, I might soften and ask E N Z O personally to delete this thread. But next time you flame in another thread again, I can and will ask E N Z O to shut down the newsgroup. Anyway, I will ask you to end these flames. Plus, these flames are in direct violation of the Conduct Guidelines and the Code of Conduct for Newsgroup (I can't remember the correct or exact title but do know that it strictly prohibits the flames). By the way, I'm sorry but I do read every posts and I don't care if you advise me to ignore it, I WILL read every posts. I just don't have to put up with these flaming shits. -- Legion flaming shits... 0_0 "I think, therefore I am" - Rene Descartes, 17th-century French philosopher, Earth [View Quote] count draculaMay 5, 2004, 7:51pm
"legion" <jonsavel at> kirjoitti viestiss
news:4099576e at > Doesn't matter. Keep these private matters off the newsgroup. It's private. > We don't want to heard it. I don't care if you think the newsgroup is the > place to do that. This is public newsgroup, not a place to take private > matters to. I don't give a shit about these problems you have with Seiya. > This is not a place to discuss your personal problem with someone else. I > don't care about your personal problem with others. Now, though, I might > soften and ask E N Z O personally to delete this thread. But next time you > flame in another thread again, I can and will ask E N Z O to shut down the > newsgroup. Anyway, I will ask you to end these flames. Plus, these flames > are in direct violation of the Conduct Guidelines and the Code of Conduct > for Newsgroup (I can't remember the correct or exact title but do know that > it strictly prohibits the flames). By the way, I'm sorry but I do read every > posts and I don't care if you advise me to ignore it, I WILL read every > posts. I just don't have to put up with these flaming shits. > > -- > Legion > flaming shits... 0_0 > I do belive shutting down the newsgroups wouuld be against what they promise when you buy a world or uni. It says NG support. Do not get me wrong, I do not like flames, but I think one also need to learn to ignore things that one do not like. One can not always run to mom when a kid says a bad word. Drac |