alaskanshadow // User Search

alaskanshadow // User Search

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Help required

Jul 27, 2003, 2:59pm
Pretty cool uni, the nice prices and free world hosting seems a pretty nice
incentive to join. =)

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Help required

Jul 28, 2003, 12:08am

on that page it says in small print:

If you can not accept ActiveX controls needed for the one-click installer
here for the 2.8 MB setup.exe
here for the 1.9 MB containing the setup.exe

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One click shows all?

Sep 11, 2003, 5:33pm
Cbello had a bot that did that before-he used it for lighting effects. he
could maybe help ya =)

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appearing offline

Jul 6, 2003, 1:38pm
I think AW needs a feature where you can appear offline to certain people,
or make it so certain people cannot see you when you talk (PS should be able
to seen anyone tho obviously). This would be very helpful in many cases such
as stalkers, who I find very annoying >.< You can block your status,
t-grams, and mute the person, but a lot of times people can find ways around
that, such as getting others to contact you for them, or going to worlds
they know you visit. If this was harassment, you could get PK's involved,
but its really just an annoyance. So I think something like this would be a
good solution.

appearing offline

Jul 6, 2003, 2:30pm
Actually, yea, I do have quite a lot of stalkers, but its not harassment,
they just follow me everywhere asking questions or bugging me for no reason.
It's just mildly annoying =)

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appearing offline

Jul 6, 2003, 2:30pm
Hey strike, guess what? I do that with whispers anyways ;P

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appearing offline

Jul 6, 2003, 7:32pm
Actually, not really. And if your looking to use your precious rules against
me, let me know in advance so I have time to go get some popcorn =D

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User Status

Jul 27, 2003, 11:44am
Sounds good, but the "away from aw" triggered when another program is being
run over AW would be annoying. has that sorta, and its a pain
because some people can multitask while on AW. I usually have open
covering half the AW browser, but I can still keep track of the chat going
on. I think this feature would be nice if the user could choose to enable or
disable it, or even just select when it comes on like the AFK button. But to
have it triggered by simply opening another program, thatd be annoying.

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Custome avvi

Aug 10, 2003, 3:39pm
Seems a lot like and Second Life to me.. nice idea, but There and
second life use different avatar types than AW. They are nicer avatars, but
if AW did that, youd probably end up seeing less creative avatars like
animals or space ships etc. because in order to change the av's clothing
they would have to be skinned av's I believe.

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3d homepage wish

Aug 23, 2003, 9:00pm
Arent some of the avatars included in the Toons 3d homepage from homestar
runner? I'm not familiar with the cartoon or whatever but it seems as though
someone mentioned it before on here.

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Cleaning up NAC covered land

Aug 23, 2003, 8:30pm
It'd be nice if NAC builds became like tourist property-where anyone could
delete it. of course AWHS would have a lot of work then lol.

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Cleaning up NAC covered land

Aug 23, 2003, 8:55pm
I've been in AW for ages, and I'm not younger than 13 deary ;) It just makes
sense. Most of the NAC builds have been there for years. The chances of the
people coming back are slim. Its like the junk in your garage. all it has is
sentimental value.

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Cleaning up NAC covered land

Aug 23, 2003, 11:12pm
You dont even know my age LOL ;) As a paying citizen for AW, I think that
there should be more available building space. However its not needed yet,
its quite a pain to have to teleport everyone to find a reasonable amount of
land to build on.

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Cleaning up NAC covered land

Aug 23, 2003, 11:14pm
And I know you're just going to reply with more crap, so let me put it this
way-do you leave your dirty socks around because they have sentimental
value? no.

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Cleaning up NAC covered land

Aug 24, 2003, 1:03am
Its not a matter of being lazy at all. Its a matter of finding some decent
coordinates. anyone can spout of random #'s, but a lot of people want
coodinates that others will remember or will be easily recognized. ex:4000n
4000w. Usually these areas are cluttered with random objects in no
particular order or old buildings people have yet to return to. History?
maybe. But alpha world is so big, much of that history isnt viewed by
everyone anyways. Just a waste of space.

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Cleaning up NAC covered land

Aug 24, 2003, 1:35am
Guess what...Its called advertising.
If you see an ad for a place to visit, do you want to go there if the
coordinates are insanely illogical? 12312n 98974w? no, you want something
easy. Or say you lose your teleports list. what then? my point is that NAC
is just a waste of space that could be put to better use. you can debate it
to the ends of the earth but until you come up with a reason to justify your
opinion, I see no reason whatsoever to keep the NAC builds apart from them
being "old". well we keep a lot of old stuff, doesn't mean its useful or
that we even have a reason for it to be there.

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Cleaning up NAC covered land

Aug 24, 2003, 1:39am
Hey Joeman, I registered LONG before you buddy ;P
And if Im acting like the lady, DONT REPLY TO MY POSTS! lol

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Cleaning up NAC covered land

Aug 24, 2003, 1:48am
also, just for the record, I dont even build in Alpha unless I have to, so
this has nothing to do with my personal situation.

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Cleaning up NAC covered land

Aug 24, 2003, 9:55am
youre the one who has kept this going with your arrogant replies man, I'm
just defending my opinion. be a man for once and be able to admit when
you're wrong. anyways, I'm done with this post cuz im sick of debating with
someone on your level. quite a waste of time really. for someone who claims
I act like the lady, you sure as heck act like her too.

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Jul 11, 2004, 9:33pm
That would be useful. If someone uses windows XP skins then it sometimes
changes the chat background color making things like telegram notices a pain
in the ass to read.

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see AW in a new way

Jul 11, 2004, 8:16pm
badass :)

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Full Screen Mode

Sep 11, 2004, 1:40am
I've used fraps on AW before and it has recorded the 3d portion of the
screen only, which I'm sure is what you are intending to use it for. Perhaps
you're just not using the program correctly?

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Resizeable Object Window

Nov 26, 2004, 7:09pm
I agree, it should be able to be resized. if you have the web window, tabs
and chat open then the object properties box takes up almost half of the
remaining area.

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[awgate] games

Nov 26, 2004, 7:07pm
Good idea, but just image the flood of bold text with 3 chess/checker bots
and a GK...

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[awgate] games

Nov 26, 2004, 7:07pm
oops, *imagine, not image lol
Also forgot to mention the Newbiemon bot

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[awgate] games

Nov 28, 2004, 3:21am
haha :P

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[awgate] games

Nov 28, 2004, 3:26am
Anybody can win at AWGate Bingo, even people who aren't aware that they're
playing :O

ALaskanShadow: Ball number 8 is L-24
SWE: *marks free space*
SWE: now can i have my bingo?
NelXaga: called
ALaskanShadow: (to NelXaga) a lot
NelXaga: ALaskanShadow: a lot
NelXaga: roflmao
ALaskanShadow: "lyama" has called a BINGO - let's go check it out
ALaskanShadow: We have a WINNER! "lyama" has a valid BINGO :-) Any other
BINGO claims?
"lyama": ...I did?

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Certain worlds don't work on my 3.4 browser.

Jul 4, 2003, 9:58am
I had the same problem with AWTeen, Ferr, except even after clearing my
cache the problem persisted. I had to reinstall over 3.4, and everything
started working again for some reason, lol

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Virus Warning

Jul 3, 2003, 4:27pm
This is also from matt, and NOT wise to click:

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Virus Warning

Jul 3, 2003, 7:12pm
last time when he spread the virus, his ploy was a bot that had "artificial
intelligence" lmao.

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