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What happened to the contest worlds?

Jan 26, 2004, 7:07pm
And just for future reference-Id rather shoot myself then apologize to
Seiya. he/she/it will never deserve it. Ever.

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AW Abuse

Jan 25, 2004, 11:33am
Yea, I had dial up until about a year and half ago or so..when it comes to
AW, I hardly even noticed a difference. When you download something its
cached anyways, it might be a big deal if you had to download it every time
you enter a world, but you dont. and in reality, Im sure theres a few worlds
you visit regularly anyways.

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AW not a Product

Jan 25, 2004, 7:41pm
I dont believe in God. And I dont want to be part of a community that
accepts people like you as members -__-

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major doo doo hitting the fan

Jan 26, 2004, 11:11pm
That site is just something to cause trouble, I dont see how they think
they'll get anything across with that attitude.

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major doo doo hitting the fan

Jan 27, 2004, 12:08am
So youd rather spread untrue bullcrap about organizations and have gullible
people believe it? I think thats kind of stupid. If youre worried about
people noticing the stuff stated on that forum is completely made up, why
post it to begin with?

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major doo doo hitting the fan

Jan 27, 2004, 12:18am
And dont get me wrong, Im all for discussion on these topics, assuming they
are true, but many are absolutely ludicrous and are in no way backed by any
facts. its just some idea pulled out of someones ass because they dont like
that particular organization.

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major doo doo hitting the fan

Jan 27, 2004, 12:47am
Im talking about your PK thread, claiming PKs hack people. Just how is that
related to GKs? Where is the evidence to justify the harassment towards that

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UnDocked Tabs...

Jan 30, 2004, 6:08pm
I wanna know where they expect us to put these useless floating tabs...if
you use the built in web browser, the only other place to put them is in
front of your screen-a totally useless place. Its pointless having just the
tabs be movable if the web browser isnt. Its also stupid that each time you
restart AW it resizes the damn window because the tabs arent built in-you
have to resize it every time you start AW so the tabs dont automatically
over lap.

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UnDocked Tabs...

Jan 31, 2004, 1:55am
Thats a pain in the ass, I dont want tons of minimized windows, thats what
the built in web browser is for, so you can view a site while watching the

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UnDocked Tabs...

Feb 1, 2004, 10:32pm
Yeah, and IMO its still a pain in the ass to have an uncentered screen

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AW 3.5 issue

Jan 30, 2004, 6:05pm
It works like it did before for me, the only difference is the mouse stays
centered so it doesnt go off the screen and you have to reselect the object.
its actually a very useful feature if it works correctly

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3.5 Loading Prob.

Feb 6, 2004, 4:58pm
3.5 seems to randomly freeze and have to be closed by windows...last time it
did this, I tried reopening it and only the stupid movable tabs loaded. so I
exited it, and tried opening it again. again the tabs loaded, but the rest
was automatically minimized. when you maximize the screen, it doesnt allow
you to resize the window (it minimizes it instead) so the tabs are once
again blocking the damn chat. Now it doesnt open at all. Im assuming I have
to reinstall it to fix it-restarting hasnt helped. Anyone else have this

3.5 Loading Prob.

Feb 7, 2004, 2:01am
Thanks :)

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Re: Okay, what the heck?

Mar 13, 2004, 9:42pm
Looks like I was right about this being M a t t. I just got another email
with a ton of OP's and passwords for Mutation, AD&DRPG, AWTeen, America,
Ashmore, England, France, Amigos3, Olympe, Tarosaki, Legenda, Brasil3d,
Femzone, Taurius, AAWR, Russian, Spanish, Aeon and Vega worlds -______-

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Re: Okay, what the heck?

Mar 13, 2004, 9:53pm
ooh and apparently this person reads the NGs cuz they just sent me this
lovely email:

>From: "Christopher Stevens"
>To: toastersarecool at
>Subject: Fuck MATT!
>Date: Sat, 13 Mar 2004 18:48:48 -0500
>M a t t is gone and now you answer to me. I swear if you all fucking
>say his name one more time I will go bonkers. HE'S GONE!!! AND NOW I

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Another stupid email

Mar 14, 2004, 11:16pm
Just got another stupid email from with an attachment..may not want to
download it. The script kiddy probably attached a virus, and even if its not
a virus, its disrespectful to the avatars creator to download the avatar

Tsk Tsk Tsk. You all had to brag in the Newsgroups about the PHP Scripts and
pretty muched beg us to show you that even PHP Scripts are not helpful. And
to prove that...we ripped Lady Mur's new $50 Leprachaun Avatar even though
its supposed to be protected by CodeWarrior's "1337" PHP Script. Sorry AW,
You Lose!

So Consider The Avatar Included In The Attachment An Early St. Patrick's Day
Gift From Your Favorite Eastern Europe Hacker, Chris Stevens.

~The Death Squad~

Another stupid email

Mar 14, 2004, 11:17pm
*from matt possibly according to AWI

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Another stupid email

Mar 14, 2004, 11:51pm
I added the email address of the person (Christopher Stevens) to MSN...they
were offline, and coincidently, are an "unknown member" with no profile. M a
t t however, was on his MSN account at the time that email went out. With a
common name like "Christopher Stevens" and an account that looks like it was
registetered with the sole intentions to harass people annonymously, it
wouldn't surprise me if that's just one of Matt's decoy accounts

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Another stupid email

Mar 14, 2004, 11:52pm
and meh at all my typos. Ive been up since friday -____-

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Another stupid email

Mar 15, 2004, 12:42am
From : Christopher Stevens <christopher_stevens1 at>
Sent : Monday, March 15, 2004 1:09 AM
To : admin at, alex at,
alphabit2003 at, baronjutter at, carlbanks at,
dmmercury at, ironhead at, jennifer755 at,
JerMe at, john1018 at, kfoerst at,
majmatrixx at, maki at, matt_scriven195 at,
nikona at, richard.lazenby1 at, ricky at,
startrek3 at, tartsugar at, temp1 at,
thelady263414 at, toastersarecool at, twisti at,
xelag at
Subject : Active Worlds Objects Not Safe Evern With PHP Scripts,
Sorry (NOT)

Attachment : (162 KB)

I already forwarded it to abuse

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Another stupid email

Mar 15, 2004, 1:40am
I just noticed something somewhat strange...the person sending these emails
knew to email me at my hotmail account (couldnt be more specific with the
header due to that) rather then my yahoo account which is registered with
the I doubt theyre getting all their email addys from the NGs. Why
they're emailing the people they do, makes no sense whatsoever

Starbuild Index Rebuilt~!

Mar 26, 2004, 6:16pm
I see satan was reborn.

Why do you feel as though your index is anything special to flaunt? You
write that as though we all cared before about your index, which is highly
unlikely. Your attitude hasn't changed a damn bit since you claimed to have
"changed", and I still view your builds as total crap simply for the fact,
that you want respect, but give none to anyone else. All you do is make
claims that you will "change" and never follow through with them. You're
still a stuck up ass to anyone who prevents you from getting your way, and
your ego is laughable. If you want to be able to brag about all your
accomplishments like your build index, you may want people to respect you as
a person first, which I don't see happening at all, ever, at the rate you're
going. You're still a mean and nasty person to anyone who has yet to forgive
you-and I do believe they have a good reason for not doing so.

And to all the people who plan to criticize me for writing that-You
obviously don't know a hell of a lot about seiya-or you think you do and
believe Seiya has changed its ways (it's conniving, and if you're gullible,
sure-believe that), and I don't feel like going into depth for the
thousandth time regarding him/her/it. So if you don't know seiya, and feel I
am a bad person for stating my opinion, then be my guest and bask in your
own ignorance.

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AW Birthdays...

Apr 1, 2004, 1:20am
grow the fucking hell up

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AW Birthdays...

Apr 1, 2004, 1:36am
Kindly remove your foot from your mouth, and your head from your ass.

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AW Birthdays...

Apr 1, 2004, 6:26pm
You're attempt at sarcasm is laughable :) You do realize nobody on this
newsgroup gives a damn about your petty comments except you, right? In fact,
I bet they're getting pretty annoyed by them all. I'm only involved in this
because you were being a total prick to someone for no reason. So if you
have nothing else better to do, go ahead and keep replying. You're obviously
one of those people that seems to think any argument can be won by having
the last word, despite the fact that everyone else views you as immature.
Pretty sad considering I'm 18 and you're way fucking older than I am lol.

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Starby Solutions

May 4, 2004, 9:26pm
I kinda agree with Brock. Seiyas a prick to people off the Newsgroups then
acts all sweet and innocent to anyone who hasnt met "it" yet or hasn't known
it enough to see what it really acts like. And yes, I refer to it as an "it"
because it keeps changing genders, so sue me. Its repulsive to see people
forgiving it and being nice to it like its previous actions should be
forgotten just because it fakes being nice to everyone. Thats dumb as hell.

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Starby Solutions

May 5, 2004, 6:02pm
First off, if it bugs you that much, ignore the thread, nobody is forcing
you to read this. You're a citzen like everyone else here, and everyone else
has managed to ignore stuff they don't agree with.

Second, you obviously don't know Seiya too well, or else you'd know that
him/her/it whatever it claimes to be now, starting this, is just going to
hurt more people. I have yet to see anybody "flaming" in this thread, just
speaking their mind based on factual events. Sorry if some people can't
handle the truth, but thats no reason to pretend it doesn't exist.

Perhaps you need to research all of the psychological traps seiya puts
people in. It thrives on attention and forgiveness. The more "friends" it
gets the more it lies to people and the more conniving/competative it
becomes. So I'm sorry if you think people are "flaming" seiya, but if you
looked into it a bit more, you'd find that statement to be absolutely

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Starby Solutions

May 5, 2004, 8:32pm
Here's a thought, piss off and stop forgiving people who treat the entire
community like shit. I dont give a fuck about your shallow opinions on what
I say, because its out of ignorance.

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Starby Solutions

May 5, 2004, 8:34pm
Also, jackass, I dont think I'm better than anyone else, thats the reason
SEIYA disgusts me, which cretins like you fail to realize. Now I know you
hate me for defending people you randomly flamed before, so by you bitching
me out for this, you're being a hypocrit. get a life.

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Can we be silent in our Community?

May 11, 2004, 1:31am
Grow up, even when people point out things you've done wrong in the past,
you still try to justify it. You claim "oh, they're laughing at you" like as
if you're superior once more. Quite funny how it's just the opposite. Wake
up and look around at what I call "reality". Stop trying to make others seem
less than you for telling people the truth and accept the fact that you were
a jerk to people and still are. Hell just today someone showed me vandalism
by you made yesterday, now go ahead and tell me you've changed. It's
laughable. Sharon has spoken the truth, which you don't want to hear for
obvious reasons. I laugh at you seiya, because you can't accept it. And I
respect Sharon for puting her reputation on the line for a cause she
believes so strongly in. You're posts like this are out of ignorance, and
you're too blinded by your silly little ego to accept that. It's pathetic.

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