alaskanshadow // User Search
alaskanshadow // User Search
Dec 16, 2004, 12:26am
I agree with Rossy-People are taking their religious biases too far. What
harm can allowing homosexuals in AWRPG bring? not a damn thing. You can't
procreate in virtual reality. You don't get legally married over the
internet. Hell their RPG gods aren't even considered 'real', so why is this
such a big moral issue? Seriously, why do RPGers feel the need to control
every petty little detail of someone's personal life on a 3d chat of all
things? When did it become so hard to respect someone's lifestyle choice in
RL and put your fake, 'medieval' morals aside? This just furthers my belief
that AWRPG is cult-like.
[View Quote]"rossyboy" <rossyboy at vwtv.org> wrote in message
news:41c0e088$2 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> In AWRPG, if I express my love for another male character (another
> homosexual male character, even) I am accused of causing an uproar, and
> poisoned. Even if the expression of that love is mere hugging and
> kissing, and saying things like "darling" and "my love".
> They claim it's because AWRPG's society is based on medieval times.
> This is total crap.
> In medieval times, women were discriminated against. So were black
> people. But oh no! None of this in AWRPG! But wait? I thought we had to
> do it because AWRPG is based on medieval times! No, they have actively
> CHOSEN what discriminations to carry over from medieval times.
> Therefore, that homosexuals were discriminated against in medieval times
> is NOT a defense.
> I would have NO problem if EVERY discrimination from the medieval times
> was part of AWRPG. It is the fact that they have chosen to drop some
> discriminations and keep others that angers me.
> In truth, the religion of AWRPG's Draeda could easily accept homosexual
> love as valid. But they have chosen to pick and choose what they would
> like to discriminate against and use the medieval theme as a defense.
> Why did they choose to drop the discrimination against women? Is it
> because it doesn't fit in with current Western society? LOOK AROUND YOU.
> In current Western society, homosexuals are protected from
> discrimination. I guess they decided that 5% of the population isn't big
> enough for an exception to medieval rules. The value must be between 5%
> and 50% somewhere.
Dec 16, 2004, 3:53am
I would agree if they didnt allow straight relationships as well, but when
they deem homosexual relationships inappropriate, that's flat out
[View Quote]"bowen" <bowen at andras.net> wrote in message
news:41c129e3$2 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> alaskanshadow wrote:
> It has no place in a public world with children. Personal life is just
> that, a personal life. We don't need personal mingling with virtual.
> If you want to have relations with the same sex, do it in your personal
> life, leave virtual to what it should be. Show affection accordingly,
> there's no need for sexual displays at all in a virtual world.
Dec 25, 2004, 5:22am
if your world was for tourists, "abuse it, you lose it. You abused it, you
lost it." doesn't really apply to a citizen newsgroup :P
[View Quote]"ltbrenton" <uaf_brenton at concsols.com> wrote in message
news:41cbfd00$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Due to AW being complete gits about tourist building, and the constant
> deletion that happens in my world, it is no longer used for tourist
> building. Just remember this - abuse it, you lose it. You abused it, you
> lost it.
> LtBrenton out.
> RIP Tourist World, 2004-2004
Dec 28, 2004, 9:28pm
It's humor. If you think this is so horrible, why not ban nude sculptures
from museums and their photos from textbooks? they reveal a hell of a lot
more, and I'm pretty sure you'll find photos of those works of art in nearly
any public school textbook. But you're worried about a christmas card?
posted in a 3d chat? where it is the users choice whether to click it or
not? I'm sure if their parents cared about them potentially clicking links
like that they'd be supervising them a heck of a lot more anyways, being as
the entire purpose of AW is to talk to complete strangers, which any
paranoid parent I'm sure would not want their child doing alone.
[View Quote]"orb" <slclarke at adelphia.net> wrote in message
news:41d1d705 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Perra: to all kids some havent been nice this year.....from
> santa..........http://www.adr.lu/grafiken/SantaChimney.jpg
> SC.Mrs DOD: (((((((((((((((((((((((((((Perra)))))))))))))))))))))
> ORB: Perra do you really think you want kids to see that.. now I know to
> you to my ignore list you idiot
> SC.Mrs DOD: QRB that is not nice
> SC.Mrs DOD: Perra is a very nice person
> ORB: well did you see his url? maybe you can read
> Perra: some can takes joke..but some can´t Mrs Dod
> ORB: I question the level of intelligence among some of you GK's
> ORB: saving chat
> (GK) Tengel: Well, ORB, humor, doest hurt, so I didt see any thing wrong
> with it
> ORB: then you're another idiot
> SC.Mrs DOD: ORB awgate is G RATED
> ORB: I wouldn't want my grandkids coming to AWGate and seeing that sort of
> thing
> Tengel: Maybe so ORB :)
Jan 29, 2005, 3:12am
lol at "thoughtcrime". this situation reminds me of when Tart Sugar ejected
me for saying 'badass' without a warning just because it was a compound
word. then ejected me again when asking "why was I ejected for saying
bad***?" for 'masking a swear word'. it seems GKs can bend the rules all
they want to make their shifts more conveiniant for them. hell why bother
resolving the problem in a polite manner when you can just repetatively
eject someone who says something you don't like? situations like this never
cease to amaze me. dealing with a GK has become similar to dealing with an
idiot savant. all they know how to do is eject and spam a macros. I used to
never get bitched at in AWgate, but lately I can't have a logical
conversation without being screamed at that DEBATES ARE NOT ALLOWED! I can't
state that I'm atheist without being warned that religious conversations are
prohibited-yet people can talk about god all they want there it seems so
long as the context is favorable. saying you're gay, well hell I never knew
that being gay was reason for eject, but saying you have a companion of the
opposite gender is acceptable? get over your personal biases and petty
bickering-don't bend the TOS and world rules to back up your crappy reason
for ejecting someone. if you don't like what someone says in AWGate on your
shift-hey there's mute. if you actually took time to learn the program
before eagerly applying to be a GK to get pretty bold text, maybe you'd be
able to notify other users of how to put that feature to use. you may even
gain enough sense to be able to answer questions new users have like you are
expected to do when you submit the application form-the day I see a GK
complete their shift giving 100% correct information regarding the program
is the day I drop dead from shock. the fact that AWI has let this
organization sink so low is sickening to me. every time I start up
activeworlds it's like waking up in nazi germany. granted there are a few
GKs, but the vast majority don't know jack about the program and are as I
see it, incredibly irresponsible.
[View Quote]"Ryan" <ryan at example.com> wrote in message
news:41f85915$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> I think it's getting obvious that AWI needs to address the issues with
> the GKs. I understand that people make mistakes, but the complaints are
> just so consistant and numerous. It's a shame, but the facts point to
> the GKs becoming an organization focused on regulating morality and
> stopping "thoughtcrime". They don't even require evidence of wrongdoing
> or issue warnings that you have done something wrong before they eject.
> As for your comment C P, it doesn't matter what my beliefs or ideas are
> when it comes to ejecting or acting as an "official". The rules and
> procedures must be followed and equally applied regardless of someone's
> opinion of whether or not something is morally right or not. It is
> obvious that the procedures aren't being fairly applied here. It could
> be argued (with some merit) that Rossyboy is going out of his way to get
> ejected but each incident must be evaluated on the facts of that
> incident. Prior incidents should only serve to alert GKs to a
> *potential* problem, not an *actual* problem.
> In any case, though, I think the best solution is to simply avoid AWGate
> if you do not agree with the way GKs manage the world or if you consider
> yourself a "victim" of GK abuse :(
> Ryan
> C P wrote:
Feb 15, 2005, 6:25pm
A shame you're giving it away. Now we don't get to watch your life crumble
when it finally gets banned.
[View Quote]"Seiya" <starbuilds at yahoo.com> wrote in message
news:41fd8241 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Greetings and *hugsnkisses* I am giving away my citizenship, it has 3
> left on it. I have my own secondary cit that I am going to let expire
> I leave AW, and I am making no use of this main one with 3 months left on
> it. In a way, I am giving it away because I obsessed for years about how
> "great" the legacy of buildings under this cit would be and I struggled
> years trying to overcome this arrogance. So I decided the best thing I can
> do is to just give it away to someone I may not know, and that would be
> something to humble me, to have my "legacy" I cared so much for that was
> mundane, to be left in the hands of whoever.
> Now this cit is what you might call "damned" because alot of people have
> this cit blocked, anyways I will be living out the rest of my secondary
> time, and I will finish up things in my lab and will be doing so under
> of seclusion. Tis almost unhealthy how obsessed I am with building, so to
> give away my main cit and let this other one die out will be the best
> for me and hopefully teach me humbleness.
> Most of my builds are deleted over the last few months but I do have
> to the last of what I built, It is upto whoever gets the cit to decide to
> destory, keep, or add on to what I built:
> 17852.50S 17801.73W 0.25a 178 -ss factory remake
> 25350.00N 31300.00E 12.10a 0 -zion epic
> 32704.51S 567.85W 0.01a 180 -star laboratory
> Spare your personal comments and prejudice you have with me, I am not the
> most socially understandable person and I am fine with that anyways. The
> word to pass is on here surrounded by stars, up for grabs, enjoy! =)
> ~Seiya (345763)
Apr 4, 2005, 5:54pm
Seiya was disabled after deleting my property once obtaining my password
through stalking me and for harassing me through email, phone, and air mail.
To defend her without knowing the facts is absurd.
[View Quote]"Seiya" <starbuilds at yahoo.com> wrote in message
news:4250d1d0 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Dear Folks of the AW Community, My recently new citizenship has been
> disabled with a remainder of 8 months on it meaning $40 down the drain,
> my remaining cit which I am writing with now expires in 17 days.
> I have come to terms with my AW experience, I dont regret the good and bad
> times I had, I learned alot in many areas, I dont hold any grudges against
> anybody, I am just glad I was able to call myself a "virtual pioneer" for
> few years. I was able to make good friends who have left over the years,
> I have been able to develop my sense for design, but above all I have alot
> of good memories from this place, and wont hold onto the bad ones. So I
> come back everynow and then as a tourist just to check things out, but I
> dont have the money for a new cit, nor the time.
> So I just want to say I apologize to all that I hurt, and I forgive all
> have hurt me, I had a good time that I wont forget, I taught myself alot
> about architecture and I am proud to be able to leave AW the 21st of this
> month with a good attitude and no regret or anger, I am just glad for the
> opportunities and good times I was able to have here.
> So gram me if you want within my last couple of weeks, or email me at
> starbuilds at yahoo.com Maybe someday when I have more leisure time and if AW
> is still around, I will come back. To my old friends and new and
> I love you! Ciao~! =]
Apr 5, 2005, 6:06pm
FYI Seiya and her friends were all blocked in every way possible by me, and
were still able to stalk me to the point where police were almost contacted.
Had AWI not interviened, they would have been. As you've seen from the
replies by people before the reason for her being disabled was known, not
knowing the facts may only allow those who do not abide by the rules of this
program such as Seiya to get away with abuse. I stand by all statements I
have ever made regarding her, as they are the truth and I think all users
have a right to know what they will potentially get themselves into when
getting involved with this individual. If you see things differently, that's
fine, however this users abuse extends for years which I assume you are not
aware of being as you are a relatively new citizen. She has been blocked by
everyone under the sun yet her harassment continues. What this person has
done IS illegal and AWI had every right to and was justified in disabling
her account and the others involved. It's not a matter of being paranoid,
this has happened to numerous users aside from myself. There comes a point
when action must be taken, as letting someone abuse others to this extent by
as you put it "just blocking them" and ignoring them, is not a solution.
[View Quote]"LtBrenton" <uaf_brenton at concsols.com> wrote in message
news:4252a16d$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> I am aware. But I'm not paranoid. There's a difference. If they have a
> "hidden agenda" as you put it, just block them. Don't play the hero.
> -=LtB=-
Apr 5, 2005, 6:53pm
The provocation here stems from users finding out Seiya was not who she
claimed to be (a 16 year old female-she was using a fake photograph to lure
people into relationships with her). I really don't think someone's building
skill has any importance when it comes to breaking the law.
Yes you may have had an 'unpleasant' expierience with me, or some of the
others who posted-I still find you ejecting me repetatively without warning
from AWGate for using the word "badass" to be downright unethical. Forgive
me if it offended you when I questioned your actions, but being told I
cannot say something without a reason as to why it is offensive is simply
illogical to me. Especially when it is regarding a compound word with no
vulgar meaning in the context it was used in, simply because it contains the
word "ass".
[View Quote]"Tart Sugar" <tartsugar at comcast.net> wrote in message
news:4252e3ae$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> I think it would be interesting to get Seiya's side of this story.
> I've never had a problem with Seiya. I first met Seiya in AW when I was
> still TheRaven.
> We have exchanged many civilized grams in the past. I admire Seiya's
> building skills.
> I have, however, had some rather unpleasant run-ins with some of the other
> ppl posting to this thread.
> One has to wonder what the provocation is here.
> ~ TS
> "LtBrenton" <uaf_brenton at concsols.com> wrote in message
> news:4252630c at server1.Activeworlds.com...
Apr 10, 2005, 6:09am
Apparently you do not know me well-I have no standing in AWteen as you
"Badass" is not 'vulgar' slang, it's just slang. It means the same thing as
"cool" for instance in modern days. You have yet to explain to me just how
that is vulgar, and I have given up on ever getting a satifactory response
in that regard. I also find it strange that you ejected me for saying
"badass" but not the english version, "badarse". Why is that? It means the
same and is equally vulgar by your logic. Further more, the first time I was
ejected, I recieved NO warning and NO explanation. Upon returning to AWGate,
I asked "why was I ejected for saying 'bad***?' " and was ejected once more
for "masking a swear word". This to me is GK abuse, it cannot be justified
by claiming a word contained a vulgar word, that's not how the english
language works. Words are considered bad due to their MEANING not due to
[View Quote]"Tart Sugar" <tartsugar at comcast.net> wrote in message
news:425705aa$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> "AlaskanShadow" <monkeysarepretty at yahoo.com> wrote in message
> news:4252ec9d$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> First of all, let me say that I am sorry you are still bothered by an
> incident that took place about 8 months ago.
> Second, I was not offended by your questioning of my action. I'm sorry you
> were not satisfied with my explaination that the word "badass" is not G
> rated. I was, however, perplexed that a person of your standing in AWTeen
> did not know that using such a word was not acceptable in a G rated chat
> room.
> *Badass* is vulgar slang in any context and thus not G rated. After being
> ejected once for using that word it is totally illogical to me that you
> would come back and use that word again, even to the point of trying to
> it by saying "Bada$$".
> As you keep pointing out, (then and now) "badass" is a compound word,
> meaning - one word made up of two separate words. As I recall you tried to
> tell me 8 months ago that I should also be ejecting for other compound
> such as "grass" as it contained the letters *ass*. Take away *ass* from
> "grass" and you are left with *gr*. *Gr* is not a word, so "grass" is not
> compound word. *Badass* on the other hand is a different story. *Bad* and
> *ass* can stand alone as words. "Bad" is perfectly fine. "Ass" is not.
> On a final note, GKs do not always have to give a first warning before
> ejecting somebody. The CA certainly doesn't. We will post our "hated
> telling ppl that The Gate is G rated and certain behavior is expected by
> Cits and tourists while in The Gate. Ppl who are new to The Gate very
> do not know that The Gate is a monitored chat room, so yes, we will give
> them fair warning to amend their ways. 19 times out of 20 they will
> Regular visitors to The Gate know the rules very well so no first warning
> called for. That would be like giving every person who came into The Gate
> swearing a do-over. How logical is that?
> For example - "I'm gonna kick his a$$.". If you know better than to post
> something like that then an "Oooops, sorry GK." ain't gonna cut it.
> I hope this clarifies things for you.
> ~ TS
Apr 11, 2005, 4:53am
Everyone who has replied has yet to explain to me just what offensive
meaning there is to the word 'badass'. All you have said so far is that it
*contains* a vulgar word. Well if that's the case, I may as well claim the
word 'grass' is offensive. As I said before, just because a word contains a
word that is vulgar, does not make it vulgar. Just because some parts of the
world find it offensive doesn't mean people should refrain from saying it if
those people cannot even tell WHY they find it offensive. That's the problem
with people being petty about censoring other's nowdays. People jump at the
chance to keep people from saying things because they're taught those things
are bad. They don't know why they're bad, just that they're 'bad'. That's
like not voting for a candidate for president because ads on TV tell you
he's bad. You don't think for yourself and question why he's bad, you just
go with it and vote for the latter. It's ignorance.
Apr 11, 2005, 6:07pm
You posted the dictionary definition which was NOT the context I used it in.
I used it in the form of SLANG which has a completely different meaning, so
your argument is not relevant in this instance.
[View Quote]"Lady NightHawk" <dmurtagh27 at hotmail.com> wrote in message
news:425a2a5b$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> We have explained it, you just don't like the answers. But here it is in
> dictionary.com and thesaurus.com
> Dictionary.com says...
> 1 entry found for badass.
> bad·ass ( P ) Pronunciation Key (bds) Vulgar Slang
> n.
> A mean-tempered or belligerent person.
> adj.
> Mean; belligerent.
> http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=badass
> Thesaurus.com says...
> No entry found for badass.
> Did you mean bad ass?
> 313 entries found for bad ass.
> http://thesaurus.reference.com/search?r=2&q=bad%20ass
> 313 entries found for bad-ass.
> http://thesaurus.reference.com/search?r=2&q=bad-ass
> According to thesaurus.com there is no such word as badass, but rather bad
> ass or bad-ass for which there are 313 entries for you to puruse if you
> really need to know what the meaning/connotation is. The only difference
> between these and what you said is a space or a dash but it's the same
> word(s) either way. In reality your badass is a typo, the correct
> are either bad ass (ejectable by CA) or bad-ass (CA doesn't do spaces and
> dashes). Joining the words into one is masking (in this case). At some
> in time, as often happens in the english language, the space and/or dash
> were dropped ... just like what was e-mail is now email still both are
> electronic mail just the same.
> Now if you need to know what the word ass means by itself here it is ...
> http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=ass
> the closest match to how what you said would be interpreted would be this
> part ...
> ass
> n 1: the fleshy part of the human body that you sit on; "he deserves a
> kick in the butt"; "are you going to sit on your fanny and do nothing?"
> [syn: buttocks, nates, arse, butt, backside, bum, buns, can, fundament,
> hindquarters, hind end, keister, posterior, prat, rear, rear end, rump,
> stern, seat, tail, tail end, tooshie, tush, bottom, behind, derriere,
> Putting bad before ass is just like saying badarse, badbutt, etc. Not sure
> we can make it much clearer than that. Believe it or not is up to you but
> the majority of folks not in your age group would have considered that
> borderline swearing or masking a swear word. As previously pointed out
> awgate is g-rated, an environment suitable for all ages ... badass is not
> something you should say in the presence of a six year old or the parent
> a 10 year old ... and as you know awgate does get alot of young people and
> some parents of young people. There are lots of other worlds that are
> rating if you want to let the tongue fly.
> In case you don't know the meaning of g-rated, here it is also (as it
> relates to TV where it first came into being)...
> http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/masterpiece/schedule/ratings.html
> TV G
> General Audience
> Most parents would find this program suitable for all ages. Although this
> rating does not signify a program designed specifically for children, most
> parents may let younger children watch this program unattended. It
> little or no violence, no strong language and little or no sexual dialogue
> or situations.
> http://tms.ecol.net/movies/ratings.htm
> G:"General Audiences-All Ages Admitted."
> This is a film which contains nothing in theme, language, nudity and sex,
> violence, etc. which would, in the view of the Rating Board, be offensive
> parents whose younger children view the film. The G rating is not a
> "certificate of approval," nor does it signify a children's film.
> Some snippets of language may go beyond polite conversation but they are
> common everyday expressions. No stronger words are present in G-rated
> The violence is at a minimum. Nudity and sex scenes are not present; nor
> there any drug use content.
> BTW, grass is one word, not two words combined ... it doesn't mean gr and
> ass, it's just grass. And, in a g-rated world the conversations should
> remain suitable for all ages ... period ... thus anything containing
> potential vulgarity should be curbed to protect those that should not be
> exposed to it, especially the young. If all of the above doesn't explain
> as well as some of the other posts that were quite detailed, then your
> are closed and no amount of explaining will satisfy you.
> --
> "AlaskanShadow" <monkeysarepretty at yahoo.com> wrote in message
> news:425a10f3$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
Apr 11, 2005, 6:09pm
I am in fact fully aware of what a compound word is, but I am also smart
enough to realize that compound words do not have two meanings because they
have two words, something many people who are against my argument are
failing to comprehend. The word "bad" and the word "ass" do have negative
meanings, but "badass" does not. How is this so hard to realize? you're
judging a slang term for being negative because it is spelt the same as
negative words. You might as well find donkeys offensive for being called
jackasses, if the meaning of the word has no value, just the spelling, I
would assume this would be the case??
[View Quote]"Mauz" <mauz at my.activeworlds.com> wrote in message
news:425a9304$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> "Lady NightHawk" <dmurtagh27 at hotmail.com> wrote in message
news:425a2a5b$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
and ass, it's just grass. And, in a g-rated world the
anything containing
> Thanks LNH :) It did not occur to me that maybe Alaskan just did not know
> what a compound word means: a word made of two separate, legit words.
> I suppose that all this knowledge of delicate styles, contexts
> and appropriate behaviours for different social situations
> is just something that everybody has to learn some time in life -
> if not at home or school, then the hard way in chat rooms ;)
> --
> Mauz
> http://mauz.info
Apr 11, 2005, 6:14pm
Thank you ORB, that's what I was trying to explain. I do realize that some
people may dislike people using the word (whatever reason they have for
feeling that way, justified or not is their own business), however a person
shouldn't be ejected for it without a warning when the word itself is so
[View Quote]"ORB" <SharonClarke at hotmail.com> wrote in message
news:425aa4d1$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Badass is slang and has nothing to do with ones bum. It's similar to
> a person is "hot" or "groovy* (nostalgia, gotta love it) , but with
> different meaning. Badass could actually mean a few different things as
> it's a broad slang term. For instance, the meaning 'trouble maker' is
> associated with 'badass' in some geographical locations, though "badass"
> could also mean one who is "cool" in another area.
> One reason for different interpretations is that a slang term from one
> country could mean something totally different to a person from another
> country. I think the interpretation depends on the individual's experience
> with the word... as it's such a loosely used slang term it will then be
> variously understood.
> Generally speaking, GK's are left to interpret as they must. They are
> pressed to make quick decisions to keep the atmosphere of the gate light
> G Rated. If Badass meant our bums though, then what you're implying is
> that Alaskan is sitting at the Gate looking at people's backsides and
> judging whether they are good ones or bad ones. I think she wasn't doing
> that at all. So, if it's partly the meaning you were considering when
> ejecting her you made a mistake.
> To wrap this up however, since this is a rather open ended subject
> based on opinions, IMHO I believe that we ought not say Badass at the
> I think it's distasteful and inapropriate..but doesn't merit ejection yet
> warning.
Apr 11, 2005, 6:41pm
The "f word" the "s word" and "hell" are all derived from words with vulgar
meanings. Example-the "s word" as slang can be traced all the way back to
the indo-european root "skei", which means to split or separate; to
"separate" excrement from the body. Today's slang is simply that word
developed over the centuries. Passed through danish, dutch, swedish, german
and english terms to what it is today, a vulgar term used to describe feces.
To call someone feces I'm sure is offensive.
Try tracing the slang version of the term "badass". You will find nothing
vulgar. It means something along the lines of "cool" or "sweet" when used in
the slang context. The context we use it in as slang cannot be traced back
to any vulgar words. The literal meaning of the word of course can, but the
slang version cannot. So to classify "badass" in with the other terms you
used simply means you have no sense of the history of the words which you
consider bad.
[View Quote]"Tauntaun" <tauntaun99 at yahoo.com> wrote in message
news:425a2992$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Why is the "f" word a bad word? Why is the "s" word a bad word? Why is
> underworld word a bad word? They all refer to issues that parents deem
> not something kids should be prevy to at their age of imcomprehension.
> same goes for your word (a description of a buttocks). It's classic usage
> (like with the other offensive words listed) lays in references parents
> don't want referenced too... even though they it is seldom used for it's
> literal meaning.
> Now if you are considering every person who doesn't agree with your
> on this issue as ignorant, I don't see what point you are making as you
> purposely trying to isolate those you are trying to appeal to?
> -Taunt
> "AlaskanShadow" <monkeysarepretty at yahoo.com> wrote in message
> news:425a10f3$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
Apr 11, 2005, 10:29pm
You do realize how a dictionary works, right Tart? Badass is a slang word.
The "vulgar slang" it is referring to is the dictionary definition, NOT the
context I used it in. You STILL cannot explain to me how implying something
is 'cool' using different words is vulgar. All you're doing is repeating the
dictionary definition and going "Look! it's classified as slang!". Yes,
words can have multiple meanings, it does not make them all bad.
[View Quote]"Tart Sugar" <tartsugar at comcast.net> wrote in message
news:425accce$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> "AlaskanShadow" <monkeysarepretty at yahoo.com> wrote in message
> news:425acaf8$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> You are absolutely correct. Ty for making our argument for us. : )
> Dictionary.com says...
> bad·ass ( P ) Pronunciation Key (bds) Vulgar SLANG
> underscore VULGAR SLANG
Apr 11, 2005, 10:58pm
If you go there you'll notice the numerous definitions the word has as a
slang word, as dictated by people around the world how they interpret it. I
personally do not consider the dictionary definition slang, being as it is
hardly used in that context today (that being it takes a more literal
meaning today than the other slang words spawned from it), however if you
want to be picky, technically it is (slang being informal language
consisting of words and expressions that are not considered appropriate for
formal occasions). That does not however, mean that all forms of the word
(which are slang) have the same meaning. If the dictionary definition is
catagorized as vulgar slang, that is because the definition in that sense IS
vulgar. However when used to express a friendlier topic, such as "that shirt
is so badass", I fail to see any offensive meaning. Yes, it's spelt the same
as the version considered 'vulgar' but writing is meant to be interpreted.
Depending on the context of words they have different meanings. Just like
"read", I read books. Or "read", I read Tom Sawyer. Jackass-as in a donkey,
or jackass in the sense of a disagreeable person. I would find it quite
idiotic to eject someone for having a conversation regarding donkeys, though
I understand why this word is ejectable via CA due to the term "donkey"
being used more frequently and the term "jackass" commonly used to abuse
others. I have yet to hear someone assult another person in AW by referring
to them as a "badass". That definition of the term is long out dated, and
now days the word is used to describe a characteristic of someone who is
rebellious or to describe something one finds favorable. Now I also have a
slight problem with everyone assuming the word "vulgar" automatically means
non-g rated. If you look at the definition for vulgar, it has a wide range
of definitions that apply to words like this, including the following: "Of
or associated with the great masses of people; common. Deficient in taste,
delicacy, or refinement.". Do I think the word "badass" is common? yes, I
do. Do I think it lacks refinement? of course, it's slang. I also found this
particular line quite interesting: " The word vulgar now brings to mind
off-color jokes and offensive epithets, but it once had more neutral
meanings. Vulgar is an example of pejoration, the process by which a word
develops negative meanings over time. "
[View Quote]"AlaskanShadow" <monkeysarepretty at yahoo.com> wrote in message
news:425b0840$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> You do realize how a dictionary works, right Tart? Badass is a slang word.
> The "vulgar slang" it is referring to is the dictionary definition, NOT
> context I used it in. You STILL cannot explain to me how implying
> is 'cool' using different words is vulgar. All you're doing is repeating
> dictionary definition and going "Look! it's classified as slang!". Yes,
> words can have multiple meanings, it does not make them all bad.
> "Tart Sugar" <tartsugar at comcast.net> wrote in message
> news:425accce$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> in
Apr 12, 2005, 1:12am
If it took 8 months to get a reasonable response, then it was worth it;
considering emailing the gatekeeper address takes roughly 1 year.
[View Quote]"Tart Sugar" <tartsugar at comcast.net> wrote in message
news:425b1af3$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> ok Obviously, no matter what anybody says, you are going to insist you
> were "wronged". I can not make a blind person see.
> I'm very sorry I did not give you a warning first before I ejected you.
> What you keep dredging up happened 8 MONTHS AGO. Get on with your life.
> ~ TS
> "AlaskanShadow" <monkeysarepretty at yahoo.com> wrote in message
> news:425b0840$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
Apr 12, 2005, 2:38am
Who am I trying to talk to with my arguments? The people who feel the need
to self moderate other's language involving subjective words they claim are
offensive, but cannot give a reasonable explanation as to why.I have not
called anyone names in my arguments, so I do not see where you got that
idea. I also don't see how explaining my point of view is disrespecting
their decisions. If that is the case, then anyone against my argument is
disrespecting my decisions as I am theirs, so that's quite a hypocritical
statement. Differing views would be a more adequate term. You ask how I hope
to argue against people being offended by the word. How can you be offended
by something if you do not even know why it offends you? Do 3 letters really
upset you that much if they don't even have a vulgar meaning implied in this
context? If so I must say that's fairly ludicrous. I really don't care
whether people change their minds regarding what they deem appropriate or
not, that's not my intentions. My only goal is to shed some light on the
logic people use when determining what words constitute 'bad' words-It's
these words which are often so subjective they lead to petty ejections,
which is something I hope will one day be resolved. It seems 'ejectable'
words not covered by the customs aid vary from gatekeeper to gatekeeper.
Some consistancy when asked not to use certain words would be nice, but how
can that occur when a word can be interpreted so many ways? If my goal to
you is to upset people, then I must say you are sadly mistaken. My sole
intent is to express my views just as you have done.
[View Quote]"Tauntaun" <tauntaun99 at yahoo.com> wrote in message
news:425b18e2$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> You don't consider your word to be derived from a word with vulger
> This is to say that you consider the slang version of the word to preclude
> the literal meaning? I find that highly unbelievable.
> From what I know, it is best to stay away from saying all questionable
> vulger language. Even if you don't consider it to be in your meaning. In
> science, you can sometimes get away from using the "f" word and whatnot if
> it is in the correct literal context. However you are admitting that you
> aren't even using the conjugated word in the context it should be used.
> have admitted that you are not using it to the dictionary definition. So
> why are you even using the word at all? In accordance to what you are
> saying, it is slang, and therefore not a proper form on the English
> language.
> You failed to address my second concern too, which I find interesting.
> are you trying to talk to with your arguments? What is your purpose and
> point? Are you purposely trying to disrespect a majority of the people
> there by calling them names and furthermore disrespecting their decisions?
> People have said they are offended by the word. How do you hope to argue
> such a thing? And supposing you do somehow find such a way... how do you
> hope to argue without disrespecting their opinion (and hence destroying
> change you have)?
> I don't see any point in your continued discussion here, as you seem
> at upsetting people.
> -Taunt
> "AlaskanShadow" <monkeysarepretty at yahoo.com> wrote in message
> news:425ad2e0$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
Apr 12, 2005, 6:04pm
Or they're just corrupt :) If GKs can make up their own conduct guidelines
at their whim, as many seem to do, of course you can claim it's justified.
And FYI, I can't recall a single person I know as of late who has recieved a
response from the GKs within a decent allotment of time when it's regarding
a complaint. Most don't get a reply at all, which really does not surprise
me. And yet people wonder why the GK organization is going down hill.
[View Quote]"Tart Sugar" <tartsugar at comcast.net> wrote in message
news:425bc949$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> No. If there is a legitimate complaint the Gatekeepers act on it within
> week. Seeing as I have never heard a word about this eject from any of my
> superiors, I can only assume the eject was justified.
> I'm sorry if that displeases you.
> "AlaskanShadow" <monkeysarepretty at yahoo.com> wrote in message
> news:425b2e77$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
Apr 12, 2005, 6:29pm
I am complaining because I did not get a warning or explanation for the
eject. A person made a comment regarding my website's name, which contains
the word "badass". I said "badass?" and surprise, to the blue room it is.
Upon returning to the word I asked "why was I ejected for saying bad***?"
because I did not get an explanation and assumed that was the word I was
ejected for, being as I know how petty many GKs can be. I didn't email the
GK addy to question it, because emailing the GK addy for a response is like
asking an elephant to wade through peanutbutter. By the time I'd get a
response, assuming I got one at all, chances are it would be a completely
useless prewritten response anyways. In fact, the last 3 or 4 times I have
contacted GKs via email, I got returned mail because the addresses it
forwarded to were not working, so really, I decided a simple question would
be more efficiant. Unfortunately, due to that question I was again ejected,
this time for "masking a swear word". I for one fail to see how someone can
eject me without telling me why or warning me, then eject me again for
asking what I was ejected for, and self-censoring the word which I assumed
was questionable. Situations like this happen all the time, not just to me,
to tons of people. It's gotten to the point where GKs harass citizens more
than the other way around in my opinion. And when a citizen does cause
trouble for a GK, a lot of times I can't say it's unjustified anymore. I
used to defend a lot of the GKs because they took a lot of crap, but a lot
has changed in the past 3 or so years. When the majority (not all) treat
people as Tart did to me, I don't feel an ounce of pity for them. I used to
never get bitched at while in AWGate. Now I can't even have an intelligent
discussion without being told "Debates are not allowed". I can't say I'm
atheist either, because "religious discussions are forbidden at the gate"
(though the numerous christians who talk about god dont get such treatment
I've noticed). I can't use slang. I can't question why I can't use slang. I
can't post links to .jpg images because "They may contain a virus". And
don't get me wrong, not ALL GKs do this. See that's the beauty of it,
because no two GKs can have the same rules. That would make things too
simple. Citizens are left to assume what specific GKs may or may not flip
out about because they over censor absolutely everything. So I don't think
I'm being unreasonable when I get upset for being treated like just another
sheep-being slapped in the face by a GK and expected to just tolerate it.
[View Quote]"Mauz" <mauz at my.activeworlds.com> wrote in message
news:425c0ce8$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> "AlaskanShadow" <monkeysarepretty at yahoo.com> wrote in message
news:425b4298 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Yup interesting discussion, some very good points made :)
> Just to clarify: are you mainly complaining about not getting a warning
> - that is, GK should have first said that it was not G rated in her
> and then only if you had repeated it you could have been ejected -
> or do you think that people should not be ejected for it at all,
> i.e. G-rated word (because surely GKs can eject for non-G-rated words)?
> I understand your point about well-meant words, but offensive words
> are not just ones that have a negative meaning; there is nothing bad
> about your body parts or bodily functions or making love per se.
> Likewise, even a positive compliment can be labelled upsetting:
> I've seen tourists getting ejected by CA for saying "wow, this is good
> My argument about compound words was that since "ass" is autoeject,
> then it is within GK's discretion to consider any derivatives ejectable
> Like must be done with certain other (albeit much more gross) words.
> Personally I find it one of the mildest words in CA's list, wouldn't even
> mind it taken away completely, from offence to a matter of style.
> However, when something is ejectable then GK must eject,
> even against their personal stand.
> --
> Mauz
> http://mauz.info
Apr 13, 2005, 2:33am
AWI and the head of the GKs are constantly nagged about how incompetant the
GK organization has become, it doesn't make a difference. When Tart stated
"I have, however, had some rather unpleasant run-ins with some of the other
ppl posting to this thread. One has to wonder what the provocation is here."
With the sole intent to discredit those who have been abused by Seiya,
without knowing an ounce of what Seiya has actually done, I find it
insulting that I can be put on par with an internet predator for something
as silly as questioning an unfair eject. I do feel it was necessary to say
just why her dealings with me have been 'unpleasant' as she implied it to be
something equally horrible to that which Seiya has done, which is not true.
[View Quote]"DaBean e" <shamilton7 at hotmail.com> wrote in message
news:425c360e$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Understood, but this wont get you anyewhere. I learned the hard way with
> my PK dealings. You should have contacted the head of the GK program, or
> even AWI before coming here with it.
Apr 13, 2005, 2:40am
"I have, however, had some rather unpleasant run-ins with some of the other
ppl posting to this thread. One has to wonder what the provocation is here."
Your intent was to discredit those against Seiya by implying petty things
like my questioning of your eject to be worse than what Seiya had allegedly
done, therefore giving her a reason to be "provoked". I don't honestly
understand how my questioning your eject is worse than Seiya violating the
law, but it certainly seems like that was what you wanted to imply by not
mentioning just what caused these 'unpleasant' run-ins.
[View Quote]"Tart Sugar" <tartsugar at comcast.net> wrote in message
news:425bc831$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> No. It was Alaskan Shadow brought it up. Again.
> "ORB" <SharonClarke at hotmail.com> wrote in message
> news:425b2e93$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
Apr 13, 2005, 3:57am
Infuriate? I'm not infuriated. But I do find it funny how you assume I am.
Do I ask for it? of course, if I didn't want a debate, I do think I would
have stopped replying. And don't try your reverse psychology crap on me
Chris, it wont work :P
[View Quote]"SW Chris" <chrisw10 at nckcn.com> wrote in message
news:425c9b95$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> *dons faux british accent* (because I love british arch-villains)
> To be honest, you ask for it. You really do. And just to infuriate you
> further, and I know that your blood is boiling right now... Yes. This
> was specifically designed to make you mad. Should one wish to gain
> and rob me of a satisfactorially vicious reply, one should remain silent.
> For once. :)
> Chris
> "AlaskanShadow" <monkeysarepretty at yahoo.com> wrote in message
> news:425c931c$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
Apr 13, 2005, 12:34pm
well being as few others who posted have given you a reason to dislike them,
I can't imagine who else it may be, except maybe Rossy if you don't have a
sense of humor. And even then, you implied that it was more than one
individual, so what else would one assume?
[View Quote]"Tart Sugar" <tartsugar at comcast.net> wrote in message
news:425d139c$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> "I have, however, had some rather unpleasant run-ins with some of the
> ppl posting to this thread...."
> Yes. That CLEARLY says AlaskanShadow.
> *rolls eyes*
> "AlaskanShadow" <monkeysarepretty at yahoo.com> wrote in message
> news:425c931c$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
Apr 11, 2005, 11:35pm
cool find, ORB. I've been looking for a site like this for a while now, as
our library here has few classic works of literature. Another site I came
across a few days ago is similar ( http://www.thefreelibrary.com ) and may
have some books bibliomania doesn't or vice versa
[View Quote]"ORB" <SharonClarke at hotmail.com> wrote in message
news:425b00b0$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> http://www.bibliomania.com/0/-/frameset.html