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Any towns still alive?

Oct 3, 2004, 1:02pm
Oh yea, I have forgotten about Horizon City. Ok, so far:

SW City
Horizon City
Phin County
Dashtown (although I haven't actually confirmed it myself since I can't find
any 2004 objects there)
Ocean City

Chairman of Rockford Township, Phin County, Alphaworld
Governor of Commonwealth of Rockford (state)
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Off-Topic: Webpage Graphics...

Oct 6, 2004, 2:02pm
I actually liked that 3d Homepage icon on the main page of Activeworlds
Inc. website so, since the icon is copyrighted by AWI, my question is: is
there any free icons out there that shows a rotating 3d house? It would make
a nice icon for my website for use as button to return to homepage.

Heh, even I liked that rotating money icon or house icon in Grand Theft
Auto: Vice City so I guess rotating 3d icon is something I like. ;)

Oh, by the way, in case you're wondering, that 3d e-mail icon on Eep's
website is really good one as well. Luckily enough I found the similar one
to it at http://www.mcfedries.com/graphics/icons/mail2.gif and it was
actually a public domain image, as stated by the website. Unless Eep made
one that is so strikingly similar to it. ;)

As on the matter of posting PNG images in newsgroup, I didn't have
website yet and I wasn't actually sure if those free website provider allows
any images to be hosted upon their own website for other than website uses.
Actually, I haven't had chance to at least do some shopping since I don't
have a website right now (and I am not sure if free sites will last long
enough, as in the case of Stas.net shut down, taking down my website. Since
then, I've been paranoid. :/ ).

The things is that for some reason I actually have a strong preference
for PNG rather than GIFs or JPGs although I still used them anyway. I can't
seem to figure out why I have that preference but I guess that have to do
with the fact that the Microsoft Paint allowed the support for PNG and that
the PNG is merely a novel thing, as it is not really as much popular as it
is with the JPG or GIF. I have tried to create some drawings in PNG format
but I was rather a crappy artist so I have to use images I can find
somewhere else.

Now, there's an idea I've thought up for my website but I'm pretty sure it
has been done by others before: creating a network of pages on different
domains to create a website. For instance, you might have few pages as part
of your website on angelfire.com while other pages are on tripod.com and
geocities, thereby forming a website. Unforunately, obviously, it would
create a slowdown.

But at least I generally preferred to have my future/upcoming website to
be geared toward the high-speed internet users and as well the Internet
Explorer users so it may not be compatible with Netscape Navigator (or
Communicator, for that matter) or Mozillia (did someone says Godizilla? ;P).
It's not like I have any REAL business, or otherwise I'd be losing money
alot, so I have nothing to worry about anyway.

Anyway, does anyone have any freewares to recommend for me to try for
designing websites (graphics, HTML, audio, etc.) or any freebies such as
graphics or sounds for that matters? Thanks in advance for any suggestions,
help, or any kinds of responses to my post here. Have a good evening (or
morning for anyone else on the globe ;P). :)

Chairman of Rockford Township, Phin County, Alphaworld
Governor of Commonwealth of Rockford (state)

Off-Topic: Webpage Graphics...

Oct 7, 2004, 1:53pm
Seriously, shut the hell up and stop putting every words in your post in
caps. >_<

Chairman of Rockford Township, Phin County, Alphaworld
Governor of Commonwealth of Rockford (state)
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Off-Topic: Webpage Graphics...

Oct 7, 2004, 1:56pm
I actually did got impression that Dreamweaver sounds certainly good ones to
get. So that should help, although I'm not sure how much expensive that
software is. But I'll certainly look into it at the store. A big thanks for
that suggestions. :)

Chairman of Rockford Township, Phin County, Alphaworld
Governor of Commonwealth of Rockford (state)
[View Quote]

Off-Topic: Webpage Graphics...

Oct 7, 2004, 2:18pm
Thanks for tips and links. I certainly think that Notepad has
advantages, although I think there are many applications out there that are
Notepad PLUS extra text-editing capabilties such as tags list where you can
choose a tags and then insert it in the HTML document. It's certainly nice
feature I liked.

UltraEdit has that feature. Of course, it costs money and it's shareware
which cannot be brought in store. I don't like ordering via online. I prefer
either mail or check orders OR purchasing via retail stores in local area.

Recently in Paducah, Kentucky, we've had a new Best Buy store opened
there, which results in various new options to shop for in local area, such
as NVIDIA (sp?) GeForce graphic card (which I'm planning to purchase for my
desktop computer someday) and certain new software such as Abode Photoshop
(I believe), etc.

I can't buy these software right away, as they are considerably
expensive, so I am seeking out freeware for right now while I awaits for the
day when I'm able to afford to buy certain expensive software that are
useful to designing a website.

However, that link to a website you provided for was actually somewhat
useful, as it not only provides tutorials on how to write HTML, but also
provides graphics and tools as well links to certain free softwares. Not
only these free software they provides links to are for website designing
but also apparently 3d modelling, drawing, etc. so that should keep me busy.
:) Anyway, have a good evening and may God bless everyone in the world. :)

Chairman of Rockford Township, Phin County, Alphaworld
Governor of Commonwealth of Rockford (state)
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Off-Topic: Webpage Graphics...

Oct 7, 2004, 2:19pm
Wow, that was really an insulting reply....

Chairman of Rockford Township, Phin County, Alphaworld
Governor of Commonwealth of Rockford (state)
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Off-Topic: Webpage Graphics...

Oct 7, 2004, 10:43pm
Forget it. I'm not gonna continue this stupid thread anymore. And you,
Tony M, are ordered to leave me alone. Last time I heard you, you were
flaming me about my comments telling AlexTheMartian to do the research. Back
before that, you told me to do the research. You know, I decided to not
respond to your earlier comments in Andras' newsgroup flaming against me
about my comments telling AlexTheMartian to do the research but now here I
am, that you are flaming me again.

I will respectfully ask you to leave me alone. Besides, this was your
only reply in this newsgroup in a significant period of time since you've
last replied here and on the same day. Sounds like you're targetting me
here, perhaps having grudge against me. One more time flaming me again and I
will have you filtered (if I ever figured that out). Once filtered, your
comments against me won't do any good. Capiche?

Chairman of Rockford Township, Phin County, Alphaworld
Governor of Commonwealth of Rockford (state)
[View Quote]

Off-Topic: Webpage Graphics...

Oct 8, 2004, 5:56pm

This is the graphic icon for house that I'm referring to as "rotating 3d
house icon". My question to Activeworlds Inc. is this: Is it okay to use
that graphic for my webpage? Surely my website isn't for commercial-purpose,
as I currently have no interests in making money off my website.

I actually liked that graphic and would make a nice icon for clicking to
return to my homepage and also would make a nice icon for a link to 3d
Homepage section of Active Worlds official website in my AW section.

My website are planned to be home to Rockford Township (in Alphaworld),
the state of Rockford (generally covering universe-wide networks of towns
that some friends of mine and I've created), Circle of Peace Inc., a virtual
company that doesn't actually make any money at all anyway (it just
basically manages the network of towns under the state of Rockford through
maintainence of roads/highways and other aspects of public works in there),
and et cetera. So it's pretty much a personal/non-commercial website.

I haven't determined what website providers to use for my website,
although at this point I'd have to go with free webspace providers
unfortunately. Plus, apparently there has been some discoveries of existing
free image hosting networks but I'm still investigating it so not much to
say about it. Certainly an important thing to know that at any time you
considers a new services or products from a companies or businesses, you
must throughly investigates it and especially the fine prints that may
exists somewhere in there. Anyway, enough about that.

I've apparently discovered a quite good (and free for some reason) HTML
editor at: www.chami.com/html-kit/

Any other recommendations to make for my website? Heh, we should've
brought back general discussion newsgroup. But don't assume that, in
considerations of recent threads started by me that somewhat ((I doubt))
prompted Alphaworld cell data limit increases ((I doubt)), the newsgroup
will be brought back because I just say that. ;) No promises. :P

Jeeze, I've written another essay-like piece. ;)

Chairman of Rockford Township, Phin County, Alphaworld
Governor of Commonwealth of Rockford (state)

AW Cell Date Limit Increase

Oct 6, 2004, 8:25pm
Excellent, Mr. Pres--err I mean Enzo! ;) Thank you. :)

Chairman of Rockford Township, Phin County, Alphaworld
Governor of Commonwealth of Rockford (state)
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name change

Oct 7, 2004, 2:22pm
Hmm... at least that's the first attempt to make the breaking of the
traditions that we use our citizen names to post in AW newsgroup. ;)

Chairman of Rockford Township, Phin County, Alphaworld
Governor of Commonwealth of Rockford (state)
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Program upgrades

Oct 8, 2004, 7:08pm
Light Form, please see my reply to "For Kellie Williams" thread or click
here: news:415abcfb$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com (I think this link works?).

Chairman of Rockford Township, Phin County, Alphaworld
Governor of Commonwealth of Rockford (state)
[View Quote]

Program upgrades

Oct 8, 2004, 7:12pm
UPDATE: Yep it worked. Certain newsgroup links didn't worked for me years
ago. I guess it's either that old Outlook Express on my old Windows 95
computer was buggy years ago or the links points to thread either previously
deleted or gone. :)

Chairman of Rockford Township, Phin County, Alphaworld
Governor of Commonwealth of Rockford (state)
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Community Liason

Oct 9, 2004, 5:44pm
You're a moron.

Chairman of Rockford Township, Phin County, Alphaworld
Governor of Commonwealth of Rockford (state)
[View Quote]

Community Liason

Oct 12, 2004, 12:15am
Rick and JP are just milking AWI for all the money it's worth, the only
reason it remains around with as little staff as possible. They don't care
enough to expand it. AW is no longer about the community, no longer about a
dream to create a 3D version of the internet. It's just a money put that two
men wait at the bottom of for more people to throw money into. A lost cause.
AW is no longer what it was, and never will be again....at least as long as
Rick and JP are still behind it.


(via Joe zip)


I guess this isn't the same person, you say? Pay more attention, sir.

Chairman of Rockford Township, Phin County, Alphaworld
Governor of Commonwealth of Rockford (state)
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Community Liason

Oct 13, 2004, 4:18pm
Sorry my bad. Should've been quoted. I have trouble trying to figure out the
best way to quote it but I guess I gave up on that. lol. Anyway, I apologize
for any inconvenience from my earlier post.

Chairman of Rockford Township, Phin County, Alphaworld
Governor of Commonwealth of Rockford (state)
[View Quote]

Community Liason

Oct 14, 2004, 6:57pm
You're referring to Brock, right? That's the person whose off-base remarks
is quoted in my postings. I didn't make that remarks, Brock did.

Chairman of Rockford Township, Phin County, Alphaworld
Governor of Commonwealth of Rockford (state)
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O/T *Superman* dies...

Oct 11, 2004, 8:41pm
You're a moron.

Chairman of Rockford Township, Phin County, Alphaworld
Governor of Commonwealth of Rockford (state)
[View Quote]


Dec 2, 2004, 1:29am
I think SolServer is just same thing as Galaxy Servers. Their information
about both of them is sure as hell confusing. :P

Chairman of Rockford Township, Phin County, Alphaworld
Governor of Commonwealth of Rockford (state)
[View Quote]

An early return to warm and sunny day....

Dec 30, 2004, 10:46pm
Mr. President,

I would like to make a request that the Alphaworld be returned to the
warm, sunny days with the greener grass making its return once again. I
believe that the whiteness of the snow-covered grounds need to go. We have
already experienced them for more than a week. I can bet that one of your
constituents will tell you that they are tired of it at this point.

The Christmas is already over and I think we ought to have a warm, sunny
New Year's Day. I urge you to issue an executive order that requires the
Alphaworld Environmental System Control Center (AWESCC) to do the
aforementioned action.

Thank you for reading this letter and I hope we will communicate again
in future. Thank you, Mr. President.

Chairman of Rockford Township, Phin County, Alphaworld
Governor of Commonwealth of Rockford (state)

Happy New Year! TaLLan hates me! :)

Jan 2, 2005, 7:04pm
Would informing Uncle Enzo help? At least he IS still the boss over
Gatekeeper organization. He is sort of like Mayor who is chief executive
with authority over police department.

At least Gatekeepers really need to have an Internal Affairs bureau to
investigates civilian complaints against some of its, uh, officers..err I
mean... Gatekeepers. Seriously, this is starting to sound like a corruption
scandal in big-city police department. The Gatekeepers management are acting
like Los Angeles Police Department in that they prefers to protect their own
members rather than turning them over to prosecution by using various
methods such as delaying investigations or whatever.

Whenever they actually ejected honest folks like SW Comit and others who are
a prominent and highly respected citizen, that would shatter my confidence
in Gatekeepers and it already happened... today. I think the public has
already lost confidence in Gatekeepers, just like the citizens of Los
Angeles who lost confidence in their police department.

Now, I have feelings that Gatekeepers management, like Los Angeles Police
Department, are delaying and/or blocking investigations of their own members
that make cleanup of their corruption unlikely in the near future.

Interim Head of Internal Affairs Bureau of SW City Police Department.


Chairman of Rockford Township, Phin County, Alphaworld
Governor of Commonwealth of Rockford (state)
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Working, yet undocumented action command: Cursor

Jul 6, 2005, 12:24am
If anyone haven't noticed, cursor is as old as 1996 and probably 1995.
Please see
for more info (scroll down to see where it provides information about

Apparently Worlds Inc. has them in reference but Circle of
Fire/Activeworlds.com Inc./Activeworlds Corp./Activeworlds Inc. has failed
to include it as part of reference at www.activeworlds.com

Talk about an omission. ;)

Omission Expert

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My baby

Jun 21, 2005, 1:19pm
Congratulations, Papa! BTW, Happy late Father's Day. :) *>_< at not checking
this newsgroup two days agoes*

*passes around glasses of champagnes to everyone and holds up a glass in the

May the great times of seeing your baby growing up comes and for your son to
become like you in many ways! Cheers! *does the glass-touching thingy
(forgot the word for it) and then takes a sip of it* :P

Legion (sends a lots of $$$'s and presents to Heu and his family for
celebrating the birth of his son :P)

[View Quote]


Jun 27, 2005, 12:17am
And that would be Microsoft, yes? ;P

Willy Gates
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AW Citizen Info Page

Jul 8, 2005, 6:12pm
Oh, please, that was a lame website. This is just a latest crap that
some of us have been fed up with. The thing is, people who made that website
are pretty much wasting their time. In fact, I personally think that people
who may have been victimized or know one who have are just doing it out of a
personal revenge. I think you better leave these judgement to Activeworlds
Inc. The fact is that Activeworlds Inc. reserves its right to suspend or ban
any citizenship.
Well, guess what? Activeworlds Inc. has decided not to suspend or ban
her citizenship. I believe they have some extraordinary good reason to
render that judgement. Basically what happened is that people here are
trying to take the law into their hand (or something like that... cannot
remember that particular quote) which is a foolish thing to achieve.
Until then, Seiya is innocent until proven guilty, in which Activeworlds
Inc. has apparently rendered its own judgement against those who clamors for
her guilty verdict.
If you don't know this, the decision-making process about who is to be
banned or suspended is not taken lightly by Activeworlds Inc. Don't tell me
that Activeworlds Inc. has made a flawed judgement. It may be but it is
their final judgement to make, not yours.
As far as I'm concerned, I have not seen any strong, concrete evidence
that proves any of the alleged charges against Seiya. That may explain the
Activeworlds Inc. judgement made earlier. I am not inclined to believe the
accusations until a strong, concrete evidence can be made, which apparently
has not occured in the past and today.
The Activeworlds Inc. is your corporate version of a supreme court. The
Activeworlds Inc.'s final judgement shall be respected.


[View Quote]

Rapier in CY's ?????

Jul 15, 2005, 4:49pm
I have to agree with Syntax..... what is your point, ORB? You obviously
haven't given a good point about your little problem with Strike Rapier, not
even after all of your crappy replies I have readed in this entire thread.

Sorry, but I'm still not convinced either.


[View Quote]

Rapier in CY's ?????

Jul 15, 2005, 6:26pm
You know, you really are getting lame already. Virtually everyone here,
including myself, are getting annoyed by your comments.

Obviously, it appeared you have lost our patience. :/


[View Quote]

As the Activeworld Turns....

Jul 15, 2005, 6:38pm
Nice parable. I would love more of these. :D

Anyways, this pretty much reminds me of the old days of the America when
there are so many small towns and so few large cities whereas there are so
abundant rural area full of wildlifes, farmlands, etc. Heh, I have an
appointment for eye checkup that will take me directly to a small town in
Missouri through the vast rural area. I love to explore and obviously I get
the chance on that day once again.

If you don't know, the exploring of the real-life world in outdoor can
really give you lots of inspiration for building towns, houses, offices,
farms, etc. I owe a large debt to these explorations (as well in
explorations in AW) for my inspiration to build something in Active Worlds.

It bode well to my love of crafting out a huge world full of rural, urban,
and unsettled area that includes towns, farmland, forests, etc. If anyone
have played Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, that world in the game was
certainly the type of world that I am describing. I was particularly
impressed by the town of Fort Carson in that game. It has a 50's style
motel, a realistic downtown area (with tree-lined median in the street and
rows of building along the street as well a courthouse-looking building),
etc. that are surrounded at best by a vastness of deserts.

I try to craft out the world like those above but I can never be satisfied.
It will look real good but it won't stop, never being fully satisfied.
Therefore I continually creates contents in these world as it expands. I
have a great vision but the vision itself is continually expanding without
an end in a sight.

That's all and thank you, AWI and folks, for giving me an opportunity to
enjoy what Active Worlds have to offer. It is my pleasure to be part of the
Active Worlds community and I really enjoy it. I am grateful for it.


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AWUnivAB Contest Applications Open

Jul 15, 2005, 6:24pm
Well, I'm not participating in that contest since I have no interest in it.
However, will these contest be on display? I would love to check on contest
to see how it is going. :D

Events Checker

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no t'gram

Jul 19, 2005, 3:00am
Strike Rapier is a drunk. ;P

J/King. :P

Just Kidding!

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AWLife Newsletter

Jul 20, 2005, 6:45pm
I like both Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox, although I am beginning
to find myself using latter more often than the other. 0_o

Fox on Fire

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