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New Objects

Sep 16, 2004, 12:23am
Who's Nomad? I keep hearing alot about him/her so I don't know much about
that person except he/she is a well-known and prominent person plus a
certainly well-known object designer. But after that, I have no idea lol.

Chairman of Rockford Township, Phin County, Alphaworld

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New Objects

Sep 18, 2004, 6:12pm
Someone need to make a stoplight for our towns. ;)

"NEWBURYPORT, MA - A special interest group called townbuilders were
offering President Enzo a special politcal contribution in exchange for
stoplight objects. President Enzo's Press Secretary said, "No comments."
Attempts to contact the President's Counsel also failed to yield anything,
except for recorded advertising craps about Active Worlds.

According to Mr. Legion, an attorney representing townbuilders special
interest group, the stoplights is critical because without it, the trends of
high rates of accidents including damages to the avatars will continue. "We
cannot go without stoplights. Lara doesn't even like it either," said
Legion, "We'll probably get Eepish if necessary, to get President's
attention. Mr. President, will you please do something?".

Attempts to contact Lara also failed, for strange reason. We also tried to
contact Strike Rapier but his telegram answering machine said, "Busy killing
off Legion. Too many damn Legions to kills." Andras was also eager to call
us back but we couldn't answer it since we were at party next door from our
newspaper office.

Attempts to contact Eep face-to-face got his rather Eepish response, "Don't
come back here with your shit, you twit." and immediately have to run out of
his world before his eject gun got us.

Attempts to contact Mauz only turns into confusion when she spoken in mouse
language, which we tried to find translator for but couldn't.

Attempts to contact Alphabit Phalpha was successfully made but only to have
gotten her surprisingly obvious response, "I don't know what you are talking

Attempts to contact our newspaper editor failed.

Lastly, we tried to personally contact President himself but he hung up on
us, before we could fully explained our mission, saying he thought it was
his sister Enya, not newspaper, calling."

An excrept from Rockford Times newspaper.

Chairman of Rockford Township, Phin County, Alphaworld

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New Objects

Sep 19, 2004, 10:08pm
Don't encourage him (Enzo). -_-


Chairman of Rockford Township, Phin County, Alphaworld

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Taking extremely long to log into Active Worlds...

Sep 12, 2004, 8:15pm
I'm having same problem too. Only that I was already previously logged in
and was building during the session but then suddenly got error that any
changes will be lost. I don't remember the full part of it but it was
familar ones that you would usually get if connection was lost but I'm on
cable internet and it haven't disconnected yet. I tried relogging in again
but I was unable to do so. I'm now stuck. It's also taking long time for
attempts to log in. What's going on?

Chairman of Rockford Township, Phin County, Alphaworld

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Taking extremely long to log into Active Worlds...

Sep 12, 2004, 8:19pm
UPDATE: It's now working again. O_o

Chairman of Rockford Township, Phin County, Alphaworld

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Taking extremely long to log into Active Worlds...

Sep 12, 2004, 8:35pm
Well, even when I had situation described a post or two earlier, I still was
able to access website via Internet Explorer so I am not sure what cable
have to do with my problem but it could be cable and I have no clue about
cable lol. Just got cable on last Tuesday, September 7th for first time. :)

Chairman of Rockford Township, Phin County, Alphaworld

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Taking extremely long to log into Active Worlds...

Sep 13, 2004, 9:59am
How'd you get that? Inquiring mind wanna know!

Andras must be an AWI's secret employee!


Chairman of Rockford Township, Phin County, Alphaworld

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Terrain in AlphaWorld?

Sep 13, 2004, 1:13am
Issues, issues, and issues....

Only President Enzo know better. :)

Begins to write to President Enzo:

(Insert addresses here)

Mr. President,

On the behalf of our great nation of Active Worlds and its citizens, we
would like to know if it is possible to do this and this and this. Thank you
for your patience and understanding.

Sincerely yours,

Dr. Legion
Professor of Legionary Science
Active Worlds University
Ph.D. in Legionary Science ^_^

Dr. Legion
Professor of Legionary Science, Active Worlds University
Ph.D. in Legionary Science
Chairman of Rockford Township, Phin County, Alphaworld

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Terrain in AlphaWorld?

Sep 13, 2004, 1:38am
There's no such terrain spike in real life, are there? So there might be
some way to restrict that via control that prohibits spike of certain height
or something like that. I don't know much about it. But again, I doubts that
would be entirely possible but I am just throwing you all an idea to shape
up or at least throw away in the trash can in Enzo's office. ;)

Chairman of Rockford Township, Phin County, Alphaworld

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Terrain in AlphaWorld?

Sep 13, 2004, 1:51am
Grr... no editing capability in this newsgroup.

Anyway, why is this thread posted in community newsgroup? Isn't it supposed
to be in wishlist?

Eep would say:

Wrong newsgroup; use news://news.activeworlds.com/wishlist

(This quote was copied and pasted from eep's reply to "AW Profiles?" thread
started by Robbie in the same newsgroup on July 8th, 2004)

Chairman of Rockford Township, Phin County, Alphaworld

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Terrain in AlphaWorld?

Sep 13, 2004, 4:56am
If only President Enzo will have to answer that..... *just wishes* ahh well.

*wonders if there are Genie Lamp somewhere*

Chairman of Rockford Township, Phin County, Alphaworld

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Terrain in AlphaWorld?

Sep 15, 2004, 12:07am
Um, I doubt AWI ever used any products written or created by regular AW
citizens other than its own employee. I don't recall them using ImaBots
either, for example. Most of the bots I have seen being used by AWI were
from HamFon, a former employee of AWI (AWC then). Yes, I know, AWI did
approve the Demeter for AWTeen but that's all they did. They don't use it
directly in worlds such as worlds designed for corporations or others.
Neither do they use it in Alphaworld, whose does not have a caretaker but
rather AWI, a difference from AWTeen.

Chairman of Rockford Township, Phin County, Alphaworld

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Terrain in AlphaWorld?

Sep 15, 2004, 9:16pm
But AWTeen is SMALL--! And plus they don't have same environment as
Alphaworld does, the very green land with nice background (old but nice) and
etc. Many folks prefer simple Alphaworld atmosphere along with expansiveness
of the world. In comparsion to other worlds, the range of difference between
Alphaworld and second largest world in the Active Worlds in terms of
distance or size is bound to be huge, so huge that you can't believe it.

Chairman of Rockford Township, Phin County, Alphaworld

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Letter to President Enzo

Sep 13, 2004, 11:31am
Mr. President,

I would like to take a moment to say that you have done a good job as
the President of the great nation of Active Worlds. Lately, public relations
has improved significantly since you became President in 1997, which is a
good thing overdue. Clearly, the vision for the Active Worlds is not
achieved as of yet. However, I would like to discuss a critical issue that
may arise in the future: voice option.
Mr. President, I am a 19 years old with a deafness. I've found Active
Worlds to be an excellent program for me not only because of its ability to
allow you to build, to let you chat, et cetera, but also that the chat is
text-based and also especially for logging option for chatting. Now, I am
hearing a rumor that claims that the next version will include voice option
for the first time, which would make it practically impossible for me to be
able to communicate and at least to hear conversations going on at the
Ground Zero.
Mr. President, I am opposed to implementation of voice option, which
would create a great deal of difficulty for me to be able to socialize
around and doing certain things. I am wearing a hearing aid, which enable me
to hear sound effects and musics but it remains a difficulty for me to able
understand what other folks are saying in English, even though I knew how to
speak English and use sign language.
Mr. President, I urge you to not consider the voice option, for as you
can imagine it would make difficult for me to be able to do things normally.
It would be consider unfair for those folks whose deafness prevented them
from understanding the people very well if done in English.
Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Sincerely yours,
Chairman of Rockford Township, Phin County, Alphaworld

Letter to President Enzo

Sep 13, 2004, 12:01pm

Chairman of Rockford Township, Phin County, Alphaworld

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Letter to President Enzo

Sep 13, 2004, 2:30pm
There are no blind folks on Active Worlds and it is especially a fact that
Active Worlds has the greatest emphasis on visual elements so blind folks
will pretty much miss alot of it so what's the point of using Active Worlds
if there's not much things to do there? Besides, there are many other
programs that does have voice chats for blind people. Why need another one
when there's other one already? I mean, don't take it the wrong way. I wish
blind people could be cured in order to see everything. I mean, picture is
worth a thousands of words, right? But anyway, Eep also said that the Active
Worlds is considered to be a "game" so I'm not sure if there is any blind
people playing games on computer, as the games usually has strongest
emphasis on graphics and other stuffs that requires you to be able to see. I
know, it isn't fair and I'm troubled by that fact but many games are that
way. However, deaf people, on other hand, can see (in most case. I'm no
blind either) and are capable of doing anything if they know English and
other stuff and then they'll be fine. But the problem is, even understanding
people speaking English or even foreign (to American anyway) language all
the time is next to impossible. Blind people, on other hand, can understand
(if they are not also deaf) English. So they have certain advantages over
each other. But this is Active Worlds, where its emphasis is on graphics,
because it's virtual reality. Virtual reality or game not, it's still
graphics-dependent. Virtual reality is not virtual reality if it lacks
graphics. As you can see, the sounds effects in Alphaworld hasn't been
updated as much as models and avatars are. In fact, some of them are
actually unchanged since early Alphaworld years. On other hand, the models
and avatars has been either added or updated much more frequently than sound
effects are. And because overwhelming majority of deaf folks are not blind,
they will be able to do a lot of things in Alphaworld or Active Worlds
whereas blind people can't do (but not impossible, though it's more
difficult) lot of things such as building and et cetera. You have to
remember that main thing that distinguishes Active Worlds from other virtual
reality programs is that it allows you to build buildings and/or towns,
hence the need to be able to see. Once again, there are many other chat
programs out there that aren't necessarily graphics-based. Also, remember
that graphics-based chat program tends to be more slower in relaying chats
than do text-based chat programs (in terms of CPU and internet connections)
so the text-based chat programs are generally more preferred by blind people
and it's also obvious because they can't see! Now, not all of blind people
are fully blind. I remember meeting a couple who are both partially blind
and they operates a vending machine business in addition to their store
business which both are on a state property in eastern Kentucky. I really
admired them for their hard work and striving to succeed (and in fact they
were, thanks to their hard work that really paid off. Who says blind, deaf,
or other people can't succeed? :)). But still, even with partial blindness,
they were often required to look closer to see what is in front of them.
Anyway, I'm lost in writing this reply so I gives up! lol

Chairman of Rockford Township, Phin County, Alphaworld

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Letter to President Enzo

Sep 13, 2004, 4:09pm
But aren't speech-to-text and text-to-speech unreliable? Last time we tried
that, it was at middle school library in pre-1999 era using microphone and a
software but it fails to pass all tests we've done, by saying a sentence,
and it didn't converted the speech into text correctly (i.e. incorrect
spellings or words). Besides, there are over thousand of accents that make
it very difficult to do conversion. Not only that is, but also other
variations exists. Computer are currently dumb.and there's no doubt about
it. I doubt they've had much improvement although I haven't seen such
converters in play since pre-1999 era incident. But we're not as much as
advanced as we can be (especially when that Middle Ages delayed our
advancement so we're still behind on technological development. Without
Middle Ages, we would have seen entirely different, and better, technology
than we have now in the same period). I doubt we're technologically advanced
enough to ensure a converter technology that won't incorrectly translates a
spoken word into wrong word or mispelled word.

Chairman of Rockford Township, Phin County, Alphaworld

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Letter to President Enzo

Sep 13, 2004, 6:12pm
Now that is really a relief I've been waiting for! Issues resolved! ^_^
Thanks, tengel!

Chairman of Rockford Township, Phin County, Alphaworld

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Letter to President Enzo

Sep 14, 2004, 9:50am
Um, is that even real one? Whatever happened to that search tab? I don't use
it but it has existed in every version since... 3.4? *can't remember*

Chairman of Rockford Township, Phin County, Alphaworld

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Letter to President Enzo

Sep 14, 2004, 10:00am
Wow, I'm surprised to discover that one of the prominent members of the AW
Community is deaf. Sorry to go off the topic, but wasn't Princess Leia of
today the same one as one mentioned about in New Worlds Time article about
Cyborg world (Princess Leia's world, I believe), one of the first worlds in
the Active Worlds Universe? I was asking because many of the former or
long-time citizens have changed their name and/or to other citizen number
since Active Worlds for various reasons. At least, that's my observations, I

Chairman of Rockford Township, Phin County, Alphaworld

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Letter to President Enzo

Sep 14, 2004, 11:25am
>_< I've lost my reasoning when I first wrote the letter to President Enzo
(never mind that he ever read it). I should've realized that if you are to
have Active Worlds application enabled to allow public voice chats, you're
in trouble.

Why? Because there's no way to censor or eject you if you've said an
inappropriate word. Computer, at this point, cannot very much recognize, if
any at all, the difference between the inappropriate and appropriate words
and also especially that the speech-to-text or text-to-speech converter is
still unreliable despite several years worth of developments and
improvements, hence the inability to recognize a spoken words. Therefore,
there goes the reasoning that private voice chats is preferred to public
chats. Activeworlds Inc. could've made a huge, irreversible mistake, but
they didn't and I applaud their smart thinking regarding the present
situation that could make the public voice chat a mankind's nightmare, if
any at all. Good thinking, Mr. President!

Chairman of Rockford Township, Phin County, Alphaworld

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Letter to President Enzo

Sep 18, 2004, 8:31pm
Another concern arises.... what about news service using voice chat for
interview if logging features are available? I would like an assurance from
all news services including, but not limited to, AWNews.org and all
television and radio stations that does interview, that they posts the
transcript along with the voice chat logs (voice, not textual) logs. Only if
the voice chat logging features were available....

Chairman of Rockford Township, Phin County, Alphaworld

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Letter to President Enzo

Sep 18, 2004, 9:48pm
So that mean voice chat can be saved so folks can listen. So I still want
assurance from news service to post transcript beside the logs to listen.
I'm not backing down from it.

Chairman of Rockford Township, Phin County, Alphaworld

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A little culture

Sep 13, 2004, 2:34pm
British have school proms like us the Americans? Wow, I have never been so
wrong, making an assumpation that British are a boring people. Haha....


J/King :P

Chairman of Rockford Township, Phin County, Alphaworld

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A little culture

Sep 14, 2004, 1:30pm
'Every country in Britain'? What are hell are you on? Pot?
(Assuming you don't know what I mean by pot since you're British)

Seriously, Britain is at most only one country, unless if you count England,
Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland as countries. But where's the national
government? Unless nation and country are different....

Chairman of Rockford Township, Phin County, Alphaworld

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A little culture

Sep 14, 2004, 4:39pm
That's what I'm thinking, Jstone2004. Thanks, Rossyboy, for clearing it up.

Chairman of Rockford Township, Phin County, Alphaworld

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A little culture

Sep 14, 2004, 10:45pm
"The sun never sets on the British Empire". :)

Chairman of Rockford Township, Phin County, Alphaworld

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Sound problems...

Sep 14, 2004, 6:24pm
Is it just me or is trjazz2.mid in Alphaworld and mlz-noqt.mid in COFMeta
not working for me? Other midis are working so far. O_o

Chairman of Rockford Township, Phin County, Alphaworld

A.W. 2004 Economic Report (Final Revised Edition)

Sep 15, 2004, 12:37am
Construction Industry Stable
Real Estate Industry Stable
Television Broadcasting Industry Stable
Radio Broadcasting Industry Stable
Bot Development Industry Stable
Tourism Industry Declining
E-Newspaper Industry Declining
World Hosting Industry Growing
Object Path Hosting Industry Growing
Townbuilding Industry Stable
Modelling Industry Growing
Worldbuilding Industry Growing
Website Hosting/Design Industry Growing


Private Sector - Mixed (Growing/Declining)
Public Sector - Stable

Public Sector---

Education - Stable
Government - Stable
Law Enforcement - Stable
Other - N/A

A.W. Economic Growth Rate - Stable
A.W. Population Growth Rate - Low
A.W. Currency Unit: None
A.W. Economic System Type: Free Enterprise, Capitalism
A.W. Government Type: Mixed Dictatorship/Democracy (as determined by
Head of State and Goverment: President Enzo (1997- )
Capital: Newburyport, Massachusett, United States
Major Cities: SW City, AW GZ City, Hicks Town, Pink Village, Horizon City,
and other cities
Transportation: Teleportation, Railroad, Automobile, et cetera.
Communications: Telegram, Radio, Television, Telephone (via bot), Bots,
Daily Newspapers.
Education: Free, noncompulsory. University and Schools available. Major
University: AWUniversity.

Please let me know if there is any correction needed. Any corrections made
will be included in next revised edition of this report. Thank you

Dr. Legion
A.W. Department of Commerce

A.W. 2004 Economic Report (Final Revised Edition)

Sep 15, 2004, 11:09am
What rating would you suggest, Mr. Ferruccio?

A.W. Department of Commerce

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