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Eep Banned/Fix 3.2 Please

Dec 24, 2001, 1:12pm
I agree.. there has been a HUGE reduction in the number of flames. Mostly
due to the fact that Eep (along with a few of his flaming pals) have been
banned. How long has it been since you've seen a huge flame? You know.. the
ones where Eep is batteling it out with some newbie, in which even with my
21 inch moniter and my 1280 X 960 resoloution it still won't fit on one
screen.... Think about it.. it's much more peaceful here now... Leave Eep
out of the ng's.

Jeremy Booker
JTech Web Systems
( -- Coming Soon)
[View Quote]

Marketing Ideas (repost from new citizenship so it will be seen)

Jan 4, 2002, 4:40am
Well damn... You shure as heck told them straight! I hope AWC is listening,
though i doubt they like being slapped in the face with all these *simple*,
but useful ideas. (In fact, I think you should send a copy of this to every e-mail address. Support, ENZO, roland, luc, MM, the whole
gang... Or better yet, clean it up a little and print it out.. snail mail it
to them)... You've got some good ideas, and I hope AWC takes them to heart.

My 2 cents..


Jeremy Booker
JTech Web Systems
( -- Coming Soon)
[View Quote] [View Quote] I agree with that wholeheartedly.

> I thought you hired a marketing person. Why aren't they generating
advertising revenue?

Good question. AWC has had YEARS to get this part of it right, but all I've
seen is one expensive mistake after another. I don't personally know the
marketing person they've hired, but generally speaking, most marketing types
know what they are doing (they have to, it's a competitive field), so I have
to wonder: Are the marketing person's efforts being hampered by the
decisions of upper management? If so, then upper management needs to back
off and let the marketing person do their job the right way, without upper
management interference. That is what they were hired to do, so let them do
their job. It is the marketing person's job to create the company image, to
promote that image, to enhance that image, to work with the financial
officers to seek investors and partnerships and work with those partners in
a mutually beneficial environment (in marketing, AWC and it's partners could
ALL benefit from this person's efforts, but they need to let this person do
their job), to work with upper management in planning the future growth and
development of the corporation and the product - but to do that, upper
management needs to give the marketing person a voice in the decision making
processes, and upper management needs to learn to listen to what the
marketing person is recommending, as well as listen to it's long-time users,
builders, modelers, and content developers.

Up to the present time, I don't believe that that is what upper management
has been doing. They have been making decisions from *on high* and
forcefully pushing their own agendas... and look where it's gotten them.
They need to realize that their old model of doing business will not lead
them to future success, but to failure and bankruptcy of the corporation.
They need to be willing to really listen to new ideas, really listen to the
needs of the users and world owners and other content developers... not just
give lip service to the concerns raised by them.

Marketers do not just market to people outside the corporation, they must
also have their ears and eyes open to what the end users, world owners, and
other content developers are saying and doing. Any marketing expert can
tell you that Word of Mouth is the absolutely BEST way to promote a product
or service (and the least expensive way, too). If the users, world owners,
and content developers are unhappy, you can bet your bottom dollar they are
talking about it and telling others of their dissatisfaction... and that is
NOT the kind of marketing AWC needs right now.

Part of the problem, too, is that some of the users have been quite nasty in
their correspondence with AWC management. These are business people we are
dealing with, not creative artistic types, so we, as users and world owners,
need to address them in ways that they can relate to, and you (Casay) have
done so in this post. We need others to be able to write such posts and
letters clearly, concisely stating what they think needs to be done to make
AWC a success in the future... and to do it in a polite, business-like way
as if you were addressing the Board of Directors (which you are), not
snarling and swearing at people like an armed angry mob. If you were upper
management, would you listen to the angry mob types? Not likely.

> I'd think because your user total at any given time is low, too low to
> ad space. They have to be fighting a losing battle without having
> of ppl on-line at a time.

True, which is why I think the marketing person's efforts have been hampered
by upper management. Either that, or the marketing person they hired does
not know how to do marketing (I don't really think that, but I'm not in a
position to be able to determine what efforts this person has proposed, and
which have been approved or rejected).

> Go to and learn. See how MANY people are on that site and any
> time. They don't charge. Why not see about making some kind of deal with
> them or someone to provide the games in 3D? What about or EA?
> you want to charge so much per month you better start providing some good
> content! Put the Gaming worlds and other types under world content
> It's too easy for someone to come in, see a few really bad worlds and
> come back. Games is where it's at on the Internet right now. Ditch the
> AW mall idea and also the 3D web pages for now. They are terrible imho
> anyway. All this can be done with the current technology. Get some Case's
> ladder leagues going in there. Get hundreds of ppl in game rooms at a time
> well, there's your advertisers and the $ from them instead of from users.
> Games, games, games and more games!!!!!!! Umm contact Hasbro!!!! ;-)

YES YES YES!!!! You want to talk gaming? How about some decent prizes for
some of the games they already have? If AWC could establish partnerships
with the right companies, they could give away some really GOOD prizes,
which would, in turn, attract more users (and more corporate partners),
increase user participation in the games they already offer, and word of
mouth promotion about how great the prizes are would spread from one end of
the net to the other. How many people would be willing to go into AWBingo
if they knew they had a chance to win a free copy of Caligari TrueSpace, or
Adobe Photoshop, or Painter, or ZBrush, or a Nomad Jukebox, or a Palm Pilot,
or a 5.1 surround speaker system, or a Wacom Intuos2 graphics tablet, etc.?
I would, for sure!! [And if they need more ideas along those lines, hey,
marketing person, contact me. I'm sure we could work something out.]

How do they attract corporate partners to get those prizes to give away at
the games? First off, create a world and invite the best modelers,
builders, and content developers (website designers, music afficianados,
etc.) into it (AW should know who they are, they give away Cy Awards every
year, right?). Let those expert users build an AWC showcase world to show
these prospective corporate partners what is possible in activeworlds.
Allow these modelers and builders and content providers to display their
contact information so that they can get subcontracts from the new corporate
partners. THEN, have the AWC marketing person make appointments with the
people in those corporations who have the authority to make partnerships,
and actually bring them into the "Showcase World," as well as into some of
the best, most fully-developed worlds within activeworlds (not just AW-owned
worlds, but privately owned worlds, too); describe what's been done and by
whom; describe what possibilities they can foresee for promoting those
corporate partners, if only they had their own world here in activeworlds,
right?; promote the modelers and world builders and content providers (hey,
wouldn't some of you like to get subcontracts for some of those corporate
worlds???)... and sell those corporations their own worlds and the hosting
services to go with those worlds! Show them how activeworlds could benefit
their corporation, show them the tools that a 3-D world can offer that no
2-D website can even come close to. Sell them advertising in key areas
within alphaworld and awgate, sell them ad space in the building yards and
at the AWSchool world, sell them advertising on the website, and how about a
text ad at the bottom of the AW newsletter every month? Make reciprocal
agreements with those corporate partners so that they carry prominent ads
for AWC on their products and on their websites (and make sure the AWC ads
are not buried on page 126 of those sites, but on the front page!).

AWC, are you listening?

Once they got that part right, then they could start thinking about more
games with more sophisticated interfaces, and even BETTER prizes. Wouldn't
it be kewl to go on a treasure hunt and find an all expense paid trip to St.
Thomas, or even to the AW Reunion in Vegas (or wherever)? Get the new
corporate partners to use their marketing people to attract even bigger
crowds of users. The snowball effect would catch on in a hurry. AWC would
have more money for research and development, marketing and promotion,
infrastructure and upgraded equipment, and eventually they wouldn't have to
charge anything at all for citizenships.

> I think, AW is still the best 3D technology available at this time.

So do I... and so do a lot of other people.

> Build it and they will come, build the games, don't charge, they WILL
> Let the advertisers pay not the citizens!



"But I don't want to go among mad people," Alice remarked.
"Oh, you can't help that," said the Cat: "we're all mad here.
I'm mad, you're mad."
"How do you know I'm mad?" said Alice.
"You must be," said the Cat, "or you wouldn't have come here."
--Lewis Carroll, _Alice_In_Wonderland_

Forced upgrade to 3.2

Jan 5, 2002, 3:01am
I was once frustrated by the exact same idea. It will continue to nag at
your mind until you remember that 95% of people don't know jack about how to
use a computer. You have the mindset of a "power-user" (using that term
loosely). You know what's going on, what you want to get done, and how to do
it. You don't want any BS (I.a. Office Assistants popping up, performance
penalties b/c of "pretty" graphics, etc, etc, etc) standing in your way or
slowing you down. But when you're Microsoft, trying to produce a product
like Windowz, that's designed to be useable by someone dumber than a red
brick, all those graphics and things are good. Most people like all the
fancy graphics, neat animated office guys that spin around, and such.
(Prime example of this.. Have you ever seen the way IE will do transitions
between web pages? My dad loves these things and demands that I use them in
his website. I hover think they look stupid and waste time b/c it takes the
page 3 seconds longer to load. I want to design a *professional* site, he
just wants it to look cool and has no sense of what a pro site is.) These
things somehow make the computer "not so hard", or so it seems they can
understand it and tackle it better. The help provided by "clippy" the paper
clip in Office can be very useful if you're doing something very complex,
however there is no purpose for the paper clip. The same menus could be
launched by clicking the help button ( the one that shows clippy) or with
the help dropdown. So, you see.. Windowz isn't made with power-users in

Jeremy Booker
JTech Web Systems
( -- Coming Soon)
[View Quote]

Ohio United

Jan 7, 2002, 5:14am
....not working for me. I added that snip to the top of my .ini without the
second line... Am I just slow, or is your univ. down?

Jeremy Booker
JTech Web Systems
( -- Coming Soon)
[View Quote]

told you!

Jan 8, 2002, 6:21pm
Are any other Universes even up and running? I know DreamLand Park is down,
and Ohio United seems to be down also. In light of the price hike, I was
going to go looking arround for an alternate universe. All the ones I've
tried so far have not worked. I don't know if this is due to a problem on my
end or if AW has shutdown all other Universes.

On one hand I believe AWC would shutdown all the other universes. It makes
sence, b/c they know people will *flee* to get the cheaper (and sometimes
free :) cits. But, then again.. Those people paid a *lot* of money for those
Universes. The cheapest one listed on the site is $9,994. That's a lot of
cash to put into a universe just to have it shutdown, all b/c AWC can't keep
it's act together. However I've heard DLP was owned by AWC in the first
place.. Is this true?


Jeremy Booker
JTech Web Systems
( -- Coming Soon)
[View Quote]

An ALTERNATIVE To #D Homepages......

Feb 11, 2002, 2:09am
Umm.. no. I build at my leasure. Myself and a lot of other people would not
like the idea of having AW delete land (and hard work) just because I got
busy working on a project during my 10 days and could not complete my build.

AlphaWorld wasn't built in 10 days... It's taken years (about 6 now?? since
1995 correct?) for it to fill up as much as it has. How could you expect
people to complete builds in one day when it's taken that long to fill .7%
of the land?


Jeremy Booker
JTech Web Systems
( -- Coming Soon)
[View Quote]

World hosting and free downloads

Feb 18, 2002, 8:18pm
Yes, what 'silenced' says is true. Unless roland teaches AW how to use HTTP
passwords (the kind you set in apache's .htaccess files) the object path
will never be protected. Yes, you can hide the directory index in one of
two way - as any good *nix admin should know. (1. place an "index.html"
file in the directory, or (2. use Apache's indexing module and its
directives to disable the directory listings all together. I do the latter
for all my coustomers and do not consider it a "feature".


A.K.A. 'JerMe'

Jeremy Booker
JTech Web Systems
( -- Coming Soon)
[View Quote]

World hosting and free downloads

Feb 19, 2002, 9:14pm
SWE.. you're exactly right. If you cannot browse to your object path (with
IE or Netscape..) and view the textures and download the obj files then the
AW browser can't either. This means you can't really use HTTP passwords.
This is where roland could teach the AW browser to read/understand/reply
correctly to HTTP password challenges.

Your best bet is to use a script of some sort to hide the actual path of the
OP. For example the path your users see would be Now.. that
tells BS about where the OP is. I know it's on but not the
specific location.. The actual objects could be stored in a directory that
is not made public by the web server, or even a directry with permissions
set so that only the user the script runs under has access to the objects.
That would prevent every except root and the user that calles the script
(could be the same user, the user that the web server runs as, or any other
specified user) from accessing the objects. This arrangement allows for the
security of the objects to be handled by the OS's permissions. If you're
using PM$ WinBlows then don't worry about setting this up, it's pointless.
However, if you use a *nix OS have it at. No one will get their slimey paws
on your objects.

Now the cash is a totally different issue...

Jeremy Booker
JTech Web Systems
( -- Coming Soon)
[View Quote]

sale of aw3.3

Feb 22, 2002, 1:06pm
I haven't heard anything about that. (i'm not that 'up' on all the rumours)
But, would that be a great step in the right direction for AWCom?

1. They'd be making money off the sales of the boxed product
2. That would bring a HUGE influx of new citizens
3. A boxed product would give AW much more publicity (i.e. they would get
reviews in gaming mags.. considering retail stores would group it in with
the games)
4. reviews bring more business.... and so on

Sounds like a great idea to me! ;-)

Jeremy Booker
JTech Web Systems
( -- Coming Soon)
[View Quote]

Basic PC Security

Mar 6, 2002, 12:05am
Yes.. Steve Gibson is a genius! He writes all his software in assembler
(the first step above raw 1s and 0s.. the first and orignal programming
language) That's why all his software has sizes in the K or KB range, and
downloads quickly.

Mr. Gibson has appreared on TechTV several times, and deffinitly knows his

I'd recomend reading his whole site, suscribing to his newsletter
(, and useing a few of his software tools.

I'd also especially recomend you read his two reports on several Denial of
Service attacks was hit with.

Enjoy.. I hope you learn something ;-)

Jeremy Booker
JTech Web Systems
( -- Coming Soon)
[View Quote]

World Hosting (was Re: Lost Worlds)

Mar 11, 2002, 11:51pm
As the prices for AW are going up, and more and more people are leaving due
to $$ issues... I'd thought I'd take this opportunity to offer my services
to everyone.

I know *good* world hosting is expensive (including your object path), and
this keeps many people from renewing their worlds or even buying a world. I
also know that many people have the impression that just because *free*
hosting is free that it is somehow of an inferior quality. I'm out to prove
both of those notions false.

I offer free world hosting (any size, any user limit) and free object path
hosting. You have unlimited storage space for your objects (within reason)
and an FTP login for uploading/managing your files. I make backups of your
world database nightly, and you can obtain a copy of these by simply
e-mailing me. (I can deliver them by e-mail, web download, you can log in
and download via FTP, or even have them burnt to a CD!) I leave the backup
of your object path to you, as you should maintain the files on your
computer also.

The biggest concern of world owners is usually stability/uptime for their
world and object path. I'll be totally honest with you and say that my
servers are not up 100% of the time. We typically have about 1 day every
month were something stops working for one reason or another. I find the
problem within a few hours, and work nonstop until things are back to
normal. This specific reason is why I maintain a backup server in my home.
Should there be a disaster, in minutes I can have everything back to partial
state of service.

I also believe my level of service, not just hosting, is excellent. I try
to work very closely with world owners to solve any problems they have.
This includes web pages, programming work, and debugging any object path
problems. I'll do pretty much anything I can to help out.

The reason I've taken the time to type all this out... Lately, as I've just
been world hopping and talking to different people, the reaction when I
mention my services has been very negative. It's usually something to the
effect of "Ohh, it's free... It couldn't possibly be any good". Which is
obviously not true. Yes, many people have "been down that [free] road", and
now insist on throwing money away....

If for some reason you don't believe me, I'm going to give a name or two out
as references. Feel free to ask "OneSummer", or "Just In" about my
services. OneSummer owns the world "BluPearl" and is a co-owner (along with
Just In) of "Broadway". I have no doubt they will have only good things to

Thank you for your time and attention.


A.K.A "JerMe" (#296967)

Jeremy Booker
JTech Web Systems
( -- Coming Soon)

[View Quote] --
Jeremy Booker
JTech Web Systems
( -- Coming Soon)

World Hosting (was Re: Lost Worlds)

Mar 12, 2002, 12:35am
I've been asked by at least 2 people now, and I realized after my post that
I forgot to say anything about that...

As of now my servers are behind a SDSL connection. I know it's by no means
the fastest connection available. However, It serves it purpose well. It's
not blazing fast or anything, but not like a snail either. I recommend you
go to Broadway GZ and download the 500+ objects there.. It takes me only
about 90 seconds from my home DSL to the server.

I'm currently looking around for T1 hosting. (contacting people I know, etc)
So far, it looks promising. I just can't afford the $700 a month (even *if*
I had paying customers) fee for T1.


Jeremy Booker
JTech Web Systems
( -- Coming Soon)
[View Quote]


Mar 31, 2002, 11:50am
What the hell are you talking about? The passwords are encrypted every step
of the way. The only way to get them is with brute for cracking (a program
to guess the password). Which, takes forever unless you have a
supercomputer. Needless to say, someone didn't get 53 of them by that
method. It takes an ungodly amount of time just to get one.

That only leaves a few other options. First, what you're saying is totally
false. Second, the password was intercepted between the world server and
client, or vice versa. The password must be sent from the world server to
the client, so the client can unzip the rwx files. This, however, is also
encrypted.... The only other way is if someone was actully good enough to
compromise a few servers and get an atdump. But I presume even *that* stores
the password encrypted...

Next time, make sure something is at least *reasonable* before you

Jeremy Booker
JTech Web Systems
( -- Coming Soon)
[View Quote]

Is it me or is Alphaworld op down?

Apr 9, 2002, 7:36pm
I noticed this earlier... it seems the following files have gone missing...

Warning: unable to download
(file not found)
Warning: unable to download
(file not found)
Warning: unable to download
(file not found)
Warning: unable to download
(file not found)
Warning: unable to download
(file not found)
Warning: unable to download
(file not found)
Warning: unable to download
(file not found)
Warning: unable to download
(file not found)
Warning: unable to download
(file not found)
Warning: unable to download
(file not found)
Warning: unable to download
(file not found)
Warning: unable to download
(file not found)
Warning: unable to download
(file not found)
Warning: unable to download (file not found)
Warning: unable to download
(file not found)
Warning: unable to download
(file not found)
Warning: unable to download
(file not found)
Warning: unable to download (file not found)
Warning: unable to download (file not found)
Warning: unable to download
(file not found)
Warning: unable to download
(file not found)
Warning: unable to download
(file not found)
Warning: unable to download
(file not found)
Warning: unable to download
(file not found)
Warning: unable to download
(file not found)
Warning: unable to download
(file not found)
Warning: unable to download
(file not found)
Warning: unable to download
(file not found)
Warning: unable to download (file
not found)
Warning: unable to download
(file not found)
Warning: unable to download
(file not found)

You'll notice that the files and are not found...
However, they still show up in my world JTech... (I haven't dumped my cache

Jeremy Booker
JTech Web Systems
( -- Coming Soon)
[View Quote]

AW's trading Symbol...

Apr 12, 2002, 2:16am
Ok.. so, I'm confused... Which stock symbol does AW go by.. AWLD or AWLDW



..... In other interesting news:

NEWBURYPORT, Mass., Jan. 18 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Activeworlds Corp.
(Nasdaq: AWLD - news), a leading provider of three-dimensional technology on
the Internet, in conjunction with Columbia University's Institute for
Learning Technologies announced today the commencement of a virtual reality
construction project where students from four New York City public schools
will have the opportunity to build memorials, buildings and other structures
they design to virtually occupy the World Trade Center property.


Jeremy Booker
JTech Web Systems
( -- Coming Soon)

Ban Cyclone Cit#340396

Apr 18, 2002, 9:03am
OMG!!! He is capable of intelligent comment....

For once I can say: My thoughts exactly....

It usta' just be Eep, but it seems more and more people have the same jaded
view of AW these days...

Jeremy Booker
JTech Web Systems
( -- Coming Soon)
[View Quote]

Someone doing AWC's advertising for them?

Apr 27, 2002, 12:55pm
That's funny... No one up at AWC seems to see things that way. At least
their actions don't show it.


Jeremy Booker
JTech Web Systems
( -- Coming Soon)
[View Quote]

New Cy Pages!!!!!

Apr 26, 2002, 1:11am
Well.. When you said "new" I was expecting something a little *newer* than
that... That was so easy to slop together I could almost cry!

Just so everyone can see... This was my entry:
Please tell me what you think...

Jeremy Booker
JTech Web Systems
( -- Coming Soon)
[View Quote]

New Cy Pages!!!!!

Apr 26, 2002, 1:30am
Sadly, the choice has already been made. (that's what I was referring to in
my previous message)

Check to see the new design that was
chosen. Something of a sloppy remake of the old design if you ask me. The
images were moved a little, and there is a top and left hand golden rules
added, plus the left side menu.

Jeremy Booker
JTech Web Systems
( -- Coming Soon)
[View Quote]

New Cy Pages!!!!!

Apr 26, 2002, 10:31pm
Yeah.. belive it or not... I'm only 15, sophmore in high school.

Jeremy Booker
JTech Web Systems
( -- Coming Soon)
[View Quote]

New Cy Pages!!!!!

Apr 26, 2002, 10:36pm
Yes.. in fact, you're totally right Bowen. I told alphabit when I e-mail my
entry, that it was just a rough outline. Just about anything can be changed
to sute the needs of the CY team. That was just so they could get an idea of
what I would do, should I be made webmaster. However, I'm kindof glad I
didn't spend anymore time on it than I did. I spent half a week working on
the graphics and layout, all wasted...

And, I bet you didn't know that I can program PERL/CGI... That will do all
the vote counting you ever need, and I would have written coustom apps, just
for the CY awards. Whant PHP, I don't know it.. but I know plenty of other
languages, so if it were necessary I would learn it for a project.

I really didn't mean for this to become a huge deal either... You don't have
to defend you decision to me. I was just commenting on how "not-new" the
"new" site looked.
Jeremy Booker
JTech Web Systems
( -- Coming Soon)
[View Quote]

New Cy Pages!!!!!

Apr 26, 2002, 10:39pm
When I talked to Alphabit and asked about using some of the existing
artwork.. I was told a *new* design was needed. I took that to mean
*totally* new, not just rearanging stuff.

Jeremy Booker
JTech Web Systems
( -- Coming Soon)
[View Quote]

New Cy Pages!!!!!

Apr 26, 2002, 10:45pm
Hey guys.. everyone chill.. Stop critisizing Comp. I believe the site looks
good, though it does have some things that could be fixed (which everyone
else has already pointed out). At first glance I thought it was a very
clever design, and it does look good.

I was just disapointed... I put much labor into designing a totally new
site, and a slight rearangement made my work worth nothing. And yes, I
know.. I was prepared from the start to except not being the webmaster...
That's not what all this is about.

Jeremy Booker
JTech Web Systems
( -- Coming Soon)
[View Quote]

New Cy Pages!!!!!

Apr 26, 2002, 10:51pm
When I do design work my resolution is set to 1280x960 on a 21" CRT.
So, I have to set some kind of standard... When I design things to look good
on my moniter, it's usualy way to big for 800x600. So, yes.. I did
specificly design that site for 640x480. I've found that while *most* people
use 800x600 (that is the factory default these days on OEM systems), *some*
people (including my grand-ma) still insist on using 640x480. I belive the
enclosing table is only 525 pixels wide, which fits nicely inside the
browser at 640x480, and only has a little margin at 800x600. This design
also works well from within the AWB as it is left aligned (the specific
reason I didn't center it). Take a look at my (still under
construction) homepage May not look like it, but you
can fit all that int 640x480. I designed the images to strech to the size of
the browser.

As for the rollovers. Maybe they're not needed.. but they do grab attention.
Don't complain about load times... If you could see the file sizes on those
images, you'd feel totally stupid for complaining. The largest image is 1KB,
all the rest are in the K range. You download more than that when you enter
the GZ of just about any world.

Thanks for the constructive criticism though...

Jeremy Booker
JTech Web Systems
( -- Coming Soon)
[View Quote]

New Cy Pages!!!!!

Apr 26, 2002, 11:51pm
I'm behind you all the way Bit. People made a much bigger deal out of this
than I ever anticipated. Thus, I've removed the CY pages I created, they
join the rest of the "to-be-forgotten" files on my system.

I'd also like to extend a thanks to Comp.. Overall, It's a nice design.
Don't get me wrong, I like it. Take the people's suggestions though, they
only want to improve things.


Jeremy Booker
JTech Web Systems
( -- Coming Soon)
[View Quote]

New Cy Pages!!!!!

Apr 27, 2002, 9:02am
*sigh* I really don't care anymore guys... how about let it go?

> I saw the site this morning (it seems to be down now)
Yes, I did that on puropse. I don't want people looking at it anymore.. it
just doesn't matter any longer. No reason to occupy space on my server with
useless trash.

>but my god, a Cy
> Awards page with no purple AND gold? Blashemous!!! Burn him at the
> :)) How will the Bits live after seeing such a travesty!!! j/k. :)

Yeah.. exactly what I figured out, the hard way.

> Actually, your sample page looks a lot like your main site, which screams
> subliminal messaging to me. lol.

Umm.. care to explain this more? The only thing that looks even remotly
alike was the rollovers. The colors, fonts, and even the basic layout is
different. The whole header was created from scratch. I can send you the
files where I saved it as my design progressed.

>It's not that its a bad design, but my
> conservativeness wins over your well presented web design. :) I can't see
> the Cys without its simple elegence, and I think the new webmaster gets
> out better with just a few minor tweaks to get the whole site more
> organized. :)

Well... alphabit asked for something *new*. I didn't know that meant tweak
the existing site, so I came up with something totally new...

>I like them both, but I think Alphabit made a good decision,
> not that if she chose you, it would be a bad decision either

yea, nice save.... I agree, she made the best decision. So, why are we still
talking about this?

>you're both
> very talented, and should work on MY site. lol.

After this, i'm kinda burnt out on webdesign. The only websites I'm going to
be working on in the near feature is my own (it needs a lot of work) and
sites for some paying clients. I'm getting sick of working my a$$ off for
free, and wasting my time. People don't value my work, because it was
free... and that's not uncommon. People don't value anything that's free,
why should I expect things to be any different?

Jeremy Booker
JTech Web Systems
( -- Coming Soon)
[View Quote]

The future of AW?

May 7, 2002, 1:22am
Well.. I'll be here till the end too... I'll even fly up north and become a
yanky for a weekend so I can attend the auction where all their equipment is
sold off. I'd love to get a bid in on that nice Sun Microsystems server....


Jeremy Booker
JTech Web Systems
( -- Coming Soon)
[View Quote]

Password theft

May 16, 2002, 1:06am
The lag time and differences are most likely due to the way the universe
server (which keeps track of cits) synchronizes it's information with the
news server. (These could be running on the same machine, most likely not
though.) Most news servers are based off of the username/password database
of whatever system they are running on. Thus, you must have a username and
password on the news server for your post to be accepted.

What I believe is happening is this: When you change your password the
Universe server contacts the news server and changes your password, not only
on the universe server, but on the news server.... However, the Universe
server does not keep track weather of not your account has expired
constantly. The account being non-expired is checked once each time you log
on. If you're over your 1 year then you just simply won't be able to log in,
no further action is taken. So, daily, weekly, or just whenever they feel
like it, AWC runs a program that compares the news groups user list to the
Uniserver's group list and removes the expired cits. This would explain the
lag between expiration and deletion of NG rights.

Again, this is just my educated guess... Talk to Roland or one of the other
development team members if you want to know the details.


Jeremy Booker
JTech Web Systems
( -- Coming Soon)
[View Quote]

Follow your dreams

May 20, 2002, 1:47am
..... only the millionth "farewell" letter I've seen lately. Prices a little
too high?

In any case.. We'll miss you MacB. g'luck in your future endeavors and
thanks for the word of encouragement.


Jeremy Booker
JTech Web Systems
( -- Coming Soon)
[View Quote]

Read this.

May 21, 2002, 5:19pm
But why would JP and Rick sell 600,000 shares each? At $.15... that's
$180,000 dollars changing hands.

Seems a little excessive to me... I think this other company is planning
something. Maybe they just want to have their foot in the door, so when AW
bites the dust they'll have an advantage.

Jeremy Booker
JTech Web Systems
( -- Coming Soon)
[View Quote]

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