jerme // User Search
jerme // User Search
May 26, 2002, 10:53am
Thing is.. no one (except a few people at AWC) know where that number is. As
far as I know, there's no way of telling what exactly that hex number really
represents. I think you're over reacting a little strike...
From Ima's posts, it sounds like those radio buttons aren't there. If they
were there, his question (how do you do each kind of ejection) would have
been totally stupid. Ima replied to his post saying that the browser does
all three when you eject someone. It also sounds as if this hex # is never
displayed anywhere. I'm pretty sure you can't get it though the SDK either..
The eject function takes a session #, and a mode of ejection.
Jeremy Booker
JTech Web Systems
(www.JTechWebSystems.com -- Coming Soon)
[View Quote]"ananas" <vha at oct31.de> wrote in message news:3CF0D2D6.FC86CDCF at oct31.de...
> I doubt that it is something nasty like the key
> that XP uses to validate the licences.
> I guess it is more something like the BIOS serial
> number, the CPU serial or the unique network card
> number that, or a combination of two or three of
> those.
> It would be nice though if we knew exactly where
> it is taken from.
> strike rapier wrote:
May 27, 2002, 12:43am
Read carefully.... :o)
> I think you're over reacting a little strike...
Jeremy Booker
JTech Web Systems
(www.JTechWebSystems.com -- Coming Soon)
[View Quote]"ananas" <vha at oct31.de> wrote in message news:3CF0DA25.1B95BF21 at oct31.de...
> Where did I over react &ReallyBigQuestionmark;
May 27, 2002, 1:06am
Ok.. so what's the big deal?
Even if they can lookup your system ID, it's just a hex number... So, you
use your neato 'scientific' calculator to convert it. You end up with a
decimal number... BIG DEAL!! Do you know what it means? Do you know where
to break it apart and how to decyper the fields? No? .... I didn't think so,
it's impossible.
(1. Get the real definition of "Spyware" -
Spyware is ANY SOFTWARE which employs a user's Internet connection in the
backgroud (the so-called "backchannel") without their knowledge or explicit
permission. - Steve Gibson (www.grc.com)
AW is obviously NOT doing this... The hex number is comunicated to world
server upon entry to make sure you have not been ejcted. The hex number is
not being used for any sort of tracking, and is not (i'm relativly sure)
available to bots.
(2. What are they going to do with it?
Ok, so they've got some weird decimal (since you converted it) number that
identifes your system... what good is it?
(3. The number is a hash.
For those of us who are not cryptographers (someone who studies
cryptography, the art of encoding/encryping information), a hash is a string
of letters and numbers derrived from a some "key". For example, on
linux/unix systems.. your password is stored in a 'hash'. When you set your
password for the first time it is encrypted using a 'crypt()' system call
and the result is stored on the hard drive. This should tell you something.
If the linux community uses it, it's most likely *really* good.
There are a few neat things you should know about a hash. A hash only goes
one way.. Meaning once you encrypt something into a hash there is no way to
decrypt it. Also, encoding the same key will always result in the same hash.
So, each time you log on (to a linux/unix system) the password you enter is
'crypted()'. The resulting hash is compared to the stored version of the
hash. A good match means your password was correct, and you can log in.
This is why linux/unix passwords are so strong. There is no way to discover
the password without trying every possible combination (guesing a password,
encrypting it into a hash, and comparing it to the stored hash).
Jeremy Booker
JTech Web Systems
(www.JTechWebSystems.com -- Coming Soon)
[View Quote]"83058" <xavarella at unforgettable.com> wrote in message
news:3cf0e04a$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> He is absolutely not overreacting. 3.3 will become, as Strike accurately
> put it, spyware. All of this information will be available to the
> volunteers in AW, as well as AW employees and world owners. I'm more
> concerned about this information being accessible by the PK's and GK's for
> reasons that I don't care to go into right now.
> "jerme" <JerMe101 at bellsouth.net> wrote in message
> news:3cf0daae$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> As
> really
> never
> either..
> news:3CF0D2D6.FC86CDCF at oct31.de...
May 27, 2002, 1:23am
Maybe I can provide more clear explanation...
IP Address....
IP stands for Internet Protocal - Something invented way back when, in the
beginning of the internet.
Computers, in order to communicate, need to have a protocal. When your
browser goes out on the internet looking for a webpage it finds a server and
askes for the page you wanted. The browser expects that page to be delivered
in HTTP (hyper text transmission protocal). HTTP is simply a format for
sending requests and recieving replies. The IP protocal is much the same.
The basis of the IP protocal is the IP adress. An IP address is four numbers
seperated by decimal points.. (i.e. my IP addres is currently: IP address are used to uniqely identify your computer to the
rest of the internet. No other computer has the same IP address as your
computer at any given time.
There are two types of IP address - Static and Dynamic.
Dynamic IP address are used for dial-up internet users. Eace time you
connect to the internet (dial-up), your computer is assigned an IP address.
This address can varry from connection to connection. If you disconnect from
your ISP, and the re-dial you will most likely recieve a different IP
address. Thus, it is Dynamic. It changes... and cannot be predicted.
Static IP address are becoming common for DSL and cable modem users.
However, they are most often found on internet servers. When you type a URL
like www.activeworlds.com your computer interprets that into an IP address.
( This IP is always the same, and will not change. This makes
it much easier for your computer to find activeworlds. It always knows the
IP address, and can therefore start a connection.
Hope that makes it a little more clear.
Jeremy Booker
JTech Web Systems
(www.JTechWebSystems.com -- Coming Soon)
[View Quote]"chickengurl" <no at spam.ty> wrote in message
news:3cf13025$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Really? Is that what he was saying?
> What's an IP, btw?
> I just sort of commented not knowing what it was... can you please
> "zeo toxion" <zeo at activeworlds.com> wrote in message
> news:3cf12161$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> why
> static
> something
May 27, 2002, 1:24am
It is the hex form of a hash. You *can* convert it to a decimal number.
However, you cannot reverse the hash.
Jeremy Booker
JTech Web Systems
(www.JTechWebSystems.com -- Coming Soon)
[View Quote]"strike rapier" <strike at rapiercom.freeserve.co.uk> wrote in message
news:3cf13306 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> btw, thought it was hexadecimal so it could be reversed?
May 27, 2002, 3:58pm
What I said in my message about the OP passwords was all correct. By any
normal means, what you were talking about was totally stupid. The fact that
AWC released a version of AW could would give out all the information
changes a lot of things :-)
I was not trying to be insulting at all and I'm sorry you feel that way. I
was simply stating the obvious and posing simple questions.
P.S. Don't make me fix all the spelling and grammar problems in your message
(i.e. repeated words, missing punctuation, typos, slang, etc...) Maybe I
made myself look stupid by being proven wrong, but at least I don't sound
like a stupid 12 year old kid.
Jeremy Booker
JTech Web Systems
(www.JTechWebSystems.com -- Coming Soon)
[View Quote]"strike rapier" <strike at rapiercom.freeserve.co.uk> wrote in message
news:3cf26f71 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Ahh, yes, its you JerMe... person who completly said i was talking crap
> about a certain PW list onto be be proved wrong...
> Anywya, ive been told bout what it is and considring its only CT it seems
> reasonable.
> Try not to be so insultive cause U only look like some offencive moron :)
> *took that from my Classics teacher - its his favorite phrase*
May 27, 2002, 4:51pm
Not that anyone could actully find out what that number was... remember,
that hex number is a hash...
Jeremy Booker
JTech Web Systems
(www.JTechWebSystems.com -- Coming Soon)
[View Quote]"kah" <kah at kahnews.cjb.net> wrote in message
news:Xns921BCEA33AE62kahatkahnewsdotcjbdo at
> "strike rapier" <strike at rapiercom.freeserve.co.uk> wrote in
> news:3cf0d199 at server1.Activeworlds.com:
> Geez, it's probably the HD serial, the CPU serial or something like that!
> It tells you absolutely NOTHING about your system, it's just a number used
> internally by the manufacturer to identify a single object from other
> identical objects. It probably won't even be possible to find out the
> manufacturer of the hardware component based on the serial, they can't do
> anything with the info, it isn't even interesting to know!!!
May 31, 2002, 4:59am
lol.. I'd have to be really desperate to resort to those measures. However,
if the "computer id" was based solely on the MAC address, that would
theorectily be possible. MAC address make good identifies because no 2
network cards have the same address. However, not everyone has a network
card. And there are plenty of ways to change/spoof your MAC. For example, my
router (a LinkSys BEFSR81 allows me to clone MAC addresses.
My best bet would be that the system ID is based on the serial numbers of
several key peices of hardware. These serial numbers are put into some sort
of formula/algorythm, then put into a hash. The resulting number can't be
used to determine what those serial numbers were (you can't 'decrypt' a
hash), but it will be totally unique.
I have ideas of a few tests I could do in my world, that is, *if* I were on
beta. But, seems AWC/Roland want to be stingy with it again..
Jeremy Booker
JTech Web Systems
(www.JTechWebSystems.com -- Coming Soon)
[View Quote]"glitter bug" <seanderson at iprimus.com.au> wrote in message
news:3cf71691 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> What's stopping someone change that? Todays conversation with a collegue
> pointed me to a nice little application that can change the mac address
> (like was done on the early DSL modems). Nothing is stopping you getting
> mac address of someone you don't like on AW, getting a tourist account or
> whatever and going and getting them banned. I kinda worry about
> big brother tactis when there's teenagers out there with nothing better to
> do with their time than cause trouble.
> joeman <Joeman at bootdown.com> wrote in message
> news:3cf5803a at server1.Activeworlds.com...
May 27, 2002, 1:29am
d'oh! I don't mean to be a Eep... but I mean, c'mon people.. think! Obvious?
Jeremy Booker
JTech Web Systems
(www.JTechWebSystems.com -- Coming Soon)
[View Quote]"agent1" <Agent1 at my.activeworlds.com> wrote in message
news:3cf0efab at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> If there's nothing in your way, you'll continue moving forward.
> -Agent1
> "strike rapier" <strike at rapiercom.freeserve.co.uk> wrote in message
> news:3cf0ecf4 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
Jun 2, 2002, 1:14am
Give me a gram sometime, I might be able to give you some free space.
Jeremy Booker
JTech Web Systems
(www.JTechWebSystems.com -- Coming Soon)
[View Quote]"poseidon" <doubleagentjsr at aol.com> wrote in message
news:3cf8f2c4$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Hey all,
> do any of you know where I can get a good amount of server
> space, for an object path, to the point where the cost is not insane? I am
> tryin to upload portions of the AW Megapath, including some custom
> avs, and textures. Any information is welcome :) Thanks!
> Poseidon
Jun 11, 2002, 1:47am
.... He's gotta save some content for the second edition...
Jeremy Booker - Owner
JTech Web Systems
[View Quote]"builderz" <sawran at yahoo.com> wrote in message
news:3D056571.67C76CCE at yahoo.com...
> Great post, GK. ;)
> <cheap satire>
> However, you forgot to add some other citizens to the list (such as
> Guppy Lips, Just In, Ima Genius, Mauz, Tony M, MrBruce, ambivalent,
> Tacoguy, Filmkr/Insanity, and myself). And what about the =), :], and 8)
> smiley faces, Goober?
> </cheap satire>
> -Builderz
Jun 15, 2002, 4:05am
That is awesome.. I've been looking for that page for a long time. Ever
since my school web site got hacked and replaced by that. I tried to grab it
before they restored the site from backups, but i didn't get it..
That's all PERL code 'ya know.. If you look closely.
Jeremy Booker - Owner
JTech Web Systems
[View Quote]"gandalf" <Gandalf at madactor.co.uk> wrote in message
news:3d0a3712 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> I can beat that.
> http://www.btinternet.com/~richard.t.grey/peace.html
Jun 13, 2002, 2:19pm
aww.. heck, why not? I'll give it a shot.
Count me in....
Jeremy Booker - Owner
JTech Web Systems
[View Quote]"nornny11" <Nornny1 at attbi.com> wrote in message
news:3d08b3a4$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Thanks to what has become the most generous Flagg in years (quick folks,
> milk him for all AWC's worth), he kindly gave me a cornicopia of things
> NG Survivor 2, after much begging and puppy eyes (he's a sucker for
> puppies).
> Okay, first, let me say the usual, NG Survivor is a 16 week game that
> in the newsgroup, in ActiveWorlds, and on the web, where 16 of you
> posters try to become the Ultimate Survivor and win the "Million Dollar
> Prize." What is the Million Dollar Prize?? Well, let me quote what Flagg
> said
> "a grand prize of one P-50 w/ hosting & FTP for the ultimate Survivor"
> God, I'm drooling...and I'm sure many of you are too, even the ones that
> worlds. I mean, who couldn't use another? :) This is MUCH better than a
> stupid tee-shirt from the first season,
> but thanks to AWC sponsership, we've got those too! Each week, a reward
> challenge or web challenge will give EVERYONE a chance to win a tee-shirt,
> not just the Survivors. Survivors will also get little rewards for their
> long journey if they survive long enough. The dogs usually get to them
> within a week. ;)
> For all you old Survivor remnants, this new season has plenty of twists
> turns to make your viewing pleasure even more enhanced. Besides the
> surprises I have for the Survivor themselves, the biggest change in
> Newsgroup Survivor 2 is that a lot of the game will be played in
> Activeworlds! :) That's right, Flagg loaned me a world, and thanks to the
> kind contribution of Robbie, a former contestant, we have a custom OP to
> play with. Each week, the immunity challenge, and the tribal council,
> with other important events in the game, will take place live in the
> for all to view. After Tribal Council, the person "kicked off the
> will also be available for a live Town Meeting type chat with viewers and
> any one else who cares to watch. They'll be able to ask questions and get
> honest answers, as none of the remaining contestants will be present to
> listen in.
> So, if you have an hour or two every week to log into AW, and you keep up
> with the general.discussion or community (lurkers are more than allowed to
> play) newsgroup, PLEASE PLEASE sign up! :) I don't want just overzealous
> pre-teens, I want manipulative trash-talking adults, drunk and wasted
> college kids, and kind old tech-savvy grannies and grandpies. All you have
> to do to be considered is fill out a small form at
> http://www.myactiveworlds.com/~ngsurvivor/signup.html. Who knows, for your
> little effort, you could win a world. :) Doesn't that sound nice? People
> have already signed up, I still have your application, so there's no need
> sign up again.
> Please please please, let me go out of AW with a bang, and bring back NG
> Survivor. I only have a few applicants at the moment, and I need 16. :))
> Everyone wins in the end (except the 15 people who will lose). Here's a
> list of people I'd personally like to see play, if you guys are
> please sign up along with anyone else I didn't mention (they're just being
> listed because they posted or were mentioned recently). I know a lot are
> busy to play, but still, never hurts to ask? :)
> Anduin Lothario
> Lady Murasaki
> barbarae
> andras
> Goober King
> builderz
> bowen
> bitmaster
> XelaG
> Imagine
> rypp
> PC Hamster
> Ptolemy
> Maki
> Johnny B
> Jerme
> Glitter Bug
> Brant
> Zeo Toxin
> binarybud
> Baro
> 83058
> Anyone else... :)
> Wow, never knew there were so many people in the newsgroups. :) Surely, I
> can force 16 of ya to play my sadistic game, right? Or, scout around for
> some other AW users to join the newsgroup and play, we can raise the
> population and flame each other at the same time, it'll be fun. The game
> will start in July, the earlier, the better. :) But I can't play until I
> 16, so sign up! :)
> AND FOR THE ORIGINAL 16, tell them how fun and evil this game is. :))
> Special thanks to AWC, especially Flagg, Robbie for the OP, and Count
> Dracula for the webspace, wouldn't be able to do it without ya.
> Nornny
> --
> You will go to http://www.myactiveworlds.com/~ngsurvivor/signup.html
> You will go to http://www.myactiveworlds.com/~ngsurvivor/signup.html
> You will go to http://www.myactiveworlds.com/~ngsurvivor/signup.html
> You will go to http://www.myactiveworlds.com/~ngsurvivor/signup.html
> You will go to http://www.myactiveworlds.com/~ngsurvivor/signup.html
Jun 19, 2002, 8:40pm
AWC has at least 1 Sun Microsystems server in their new location.... goto
http://www.sun.com/servers/index.html and check out the prices on a decent
server (with multiple procs). You'll see the prices get very high, very
quickly. They have to make money somehow...
I offer free and fee based hosting, check my website:
Jeremy Booker - Owner
JTech Web Systems
"Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about
itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." -Mathew 5-34
[View Quote]"strike rapier" <strike at rapiercom.freeserve.co.uk> wrote in message
news:3d10caef at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> I just saw this...
> http://www.activeworlds.com/products/ftp.asp
> How can FTP hosting be so expensive!
> There are Free FTP servers with 250Mb, granted they have strings attached
> but the prices are kinda rediclous
> -Mark
Jun 19, 2002, 8:44pm
Hmm.. i guess you already knew that I offered hosting... I didn't notice who
i was replying to, lol.
Jeremy Booker - Owner
JTech Web Systems
"Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about
itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." -Mathew 5-34
[View Quote]"jerme" <JerMe101 at bellsouth.net> wrote in message
news:3d11084c$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> AWC has at least 1 Sun Microsystems server in their new location.... goto
> http://www.sun.com/servers/index.html and check out the prices on a decent
> server (with multiple procs). You'll see the prices get very high, very
> quickly. They have to make money somehow...
> I offer free and fee based hosting, check my website:
> www.JTechWebSystems.com
> Regards,
> Jeremy
> --
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Jeremy Booker - Owner
> JTech Web Systems
> www.JTechWebSystems.com
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> "Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about
> itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." -Mathew 5-34
> "strike rapier" <strike at rapiercom.freeserve.co.uk> wrote in message
> news:3d10caef at server1.Activeworlds.com...
Jul 9, 2002, 2:54am
Dear Diary....
Not much action to speak of.... So far I've missed all the events due to RL
issues. Was on vacation (a small island in South Carolina) for the first
week of the game. Missed the Sat. challenge because of a wedding.
Only one vote to kick me off so far.. I wonder who the little twerp was...
I'd bet my money on Maki. He's still crazy over the whole panda thing (don't
ask.. inside joke... visit the world "JTech" and maybe you'll figure it
out... ROFL).
In other news....
Our camp looks like absolute crap!! There's no coodination, and rows of
trees/plants everywhere... What's up with our flag? It's run down the pole
and says
Now entering llama-land.
Team: Ambient Spirit, Maka, Mongo, Gandalf,Joeman,
Hmm....We also have some kinda gate/fence system going on... lol, nice...
No alliances to speak of yet. I've hardly talked to anyone. Lioness seems to
be a nice lady though.
Until next time...
Jul 13, 2002, 12:59am
Hey everyone... After reading the update, I thought I should clear things up
a little... This is a telegram I'm about to send to Gand.
Hey man.. I wasn't trying to accuse you of setting that tent on fire, or
trying to ruin your reputation. The flame had your name on it, so I thought
you'd be the first to ask about it. I realize that all of us survivors have
ED and anyone could have set that tent on fire. When I asked you about it, I
was kinda half joking anyway... Didn't know you'd take it the wrong way. I
think it's pretty funny in a way. Everyone's getting upset about the camps
changing and stuff being deleted/moved. On top of that Norny knows all
about it, but isn't talking. Anyways, sorry about that. :o)
Jeremy Booker - Owner
JTech Web Systems
"Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about
itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." -Mathew 5-34
Jul 18, 2002, 2:30am
As I heard it... Nornny is gone to camp IRL. He said he may not get access
to a news reader while he was there, but would try.
Jeremy Booker - Owner
JTech Web Systems
"Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about
itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." -Mathew 5-34
[View Quote]"lioness e" <nobody at nowhere.net> wrote in message
news:3d3641cd at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Ok, .................we had that fun time on Sunday with the immunity
> challenge .........and a war almost broke out. I don't know bout the rest
> Robego and Nebewi, but I figured an update would be posted by now on the
> website. I've been checking it every day and still no changes. There were
> soooooooo many juicy things going on in our camps since Sunday, I was
> certain Nornny would have jumped on the chance to flame us all and I
> pictured him drooling as he labored at his keyboard nonstop for hours
> up a scathing report and pasting those incriminating, recorded, chats. Is
> Nornny slacking in his duties as the "host" of this debacle?
> And am I wrong in assuming there was to be a tribal council after that
> immunity challenge? What happened with that?????? And aren't we supposed
> have some kind of reward challenge this week????? I haven't heard
> yet. Does anybody from the Survivor contest know anything bout these
> yet??? Maybe I was left out of the loop on these things. Can someone clear
> this up for me please? ;-")
Jul 22, 2002, 4:01am
You'd be surprised how much a decent connection runs... lol
Jeremy Booker - Owner
JTech Web Systems
"Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about
itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." -Mathew 5-34
[View Quote]"dion" <Dion at digevo.net> wrote in message
news:3d3a2811$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> I would think that it would be cheaper to buy a computer and a fast
> connection to host people than to pay another organisation.
> "john" <johnfricker at lineone.net> wrote in message
> news:3d397ede$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> the
Aug 6, 2002, 11:55pm
He has no reason to be... but no doubt that he is...
Jeremy Booker - Owner
JTech Web Systems
"Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about
itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." -Mathew 5-34
[View Quote]"ihnk" <awihnk4 at yahoo.com> wrote in message
news:3d506dca$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> hopefuly he isnt pissed at me :-D
> "image" <image2 at qwest.net> wrote in message
> news:3d5064d6$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> these
Aug 6, 2002, 12:35pm
Just In (from this universe) may have some he'd let you use from Broadway. I
believe he also has the walk + don't walk signs. You'll have to talk to him
about it though... :-)
Jeremy Booker - Owner
JTech Web Systems
"Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about
itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." -Mathew 5-34
[View Quote]"pc hamster" <pchamster at email.msn.com> wrote in message
news:3d4f7634$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Hi everyone:
> Moving on to a more CONSTRUCTIVE and USEFUL thread, I'm in the need for
> traffic lights for my town on AlphaWorld.
> Does anybody know where I might find 'em???
> Better yet, if they're a series of objects, what's the common name(s)???
> Thanks a bunch in advance....Cheers for now everyone :-)
> Patrick
Aug 8, 2002, 4:30am
[NG Survivor 2 - Diary entry #3]
Dear Diary....
Yea, this makes it entry #3. Why so few entries? Because not much has been
going on since the last time I wrote. With this big "switch" thing, maybe I
can find some stuff to say now.
Since last time I wrote, the camps have only gotten worse. All of our
objects were gone, there was alomst *nothing* in our camp. The only thing
that kept it from becoming totally baron was the makeshift table and chairs
made from rotated palm trees. When the OP died on us all of Ambi's hard work
on that was turned into black triangles. Along with most of the other
greenery around our camp.
Our tribe was widdled down to a mere 4. We lost 2 more to fudged immunity
challenges, and maka resigned.... Not a cool deal. We're making it though.
Doesn't matter much anyways, as our tribe has been completly split.
I must say nornny, interestig twist.... It seems I'm now with Builderz,
Binary Bud, and Maki. Thats fair enough... I don't like the doubt nornny
shows about my place in the tribe. I don't think I'm going anywhere anytime
too soon.
Jeremy Booker - Owner
JTech Web Systems
"Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about
itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." -Mathew 5-34
[View Quote]"nornny11" <Nornny1 at attbi.com> wrote in message
news:3d51b272 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> I told you things would heat up in the newsgroup. ;) And for our 12
> contestants, they're being burnt to a crisp! So, take some time out from
> flaming all the stupid people out there (including yourself) for a
> of Survivor surprises. The game has changed, and so have our castaways.
Aug 9, 2002, 5:20pm
Hey guys... I haven't played that much.. maybe for 10 mins... But I'm gunna
hit it hard tonight. I'll let you know....
Jeremy Booker - Owner
JTech Web Systems
"Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about
itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." -Mathew 5-34
[View Quote]"builderz" <sawran at yahoo.com> wrote in message
news:3D540DC2.9A248AE8 at yahoo.com...
> Hey, Binary. I got a score of 2230. I played for about 30-45 minutes. I
> wonder what Maki and JerMe got for our tribe. Oh, I put up some trees
> around the new Robego camp. The OP doesn't display the textures for me,
> but oh well. If you want to expand the barrier or move it back, go
> ahead. If you don't like it, please tgram me if you decide to delete it.
> -Builderz
> binarybud wrote:
Aug 11, 2002, 3:41pm
*joins BB in his head hangning....*
I thought I was doin good... lol
Jeremy Booker - Owner
JTech Web Systems
"Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about
itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." -Mathew 5-34
[View Quote]"binarybud" <lmauk at traverse.net> wrote in message
news:3d568dc7 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> WOW! BB bows his head in shame hehehehe technique.....it'sall in
> technique lol
> Well done Lioness :)
> "lioness." <nobody at nowhere.net> wrote in message
> news:3d56040d at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> email
> back
> Cross
> scored
> level.
> second
> to
> Saturday
> easily.
> that
> water
> as
> I
> my
> for
> we
Aug 8, 2002, 11:46pm
..... Interesting waste of bandwidth, I must say.....
Jeremy Booker - Owner
JTech Web Systems
"Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about
itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." -Mathew 5-34
[View Quote]"wizard myrddin" <wiz at no.spam.rdescape.com> wrote in message
news:3d531d47$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> lol Joke
> http://users.pandora.be/p0p0/youare.swf
Aug 14, 2002, 10:58pm
Yea, I was a little disturbed (not necessarily mad) when the first I heard
about this was from a couple of world owners I host for.....
Not a good deal....
When are the folks at AWI going to figure out that they *can* actully post
in NG's?
Maybe an automated mailing list (where you send an e-mail to an account
controled by a progam to signup, remove and edit your prefrences) for
pressing info would be better.
Jeremy Booker - Owner
JTech Web Systems
"Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about
itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." -Mathew 5-34
[View Quote]"mongo" <mongo at drmongo.com> wrote in message
news:3d5ace7a at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Added as a click link on their website, linking to this page:
> http://www.activeworlds.com/tech/upgrade.asp
> looks like there's gonna be some pissed off world owners, but at least
> they'll get the message from the website.
> "ananas" <vha at oct31.de> wrote in message
news:3D59E132.979E8E45 at oct31.de...
> August
> associated
> to
Aug 25, 2002, 4:58pm
Dear Diary,
Well... Yet another loss... It seems I never make it onto the winning team.
:-/ I'm not too upset over it though. I share builderz's opinion. I got
short notice, and didn't even have a chance to look at it until the judging
was over. Take a look at the number of objects we had to work with... what
did you people expect?!?
In other news... I've got the odd feeling that this round I'm out.. I admit
i've not been online as much as usual. I'm 2 weeks into the new school year,
and I'm trying to be a little more dedicated to my grades this year. That
means the work is stacking up high.... I've also not even said a word to BB
or Builderz since the big 'switch'. I an never seem to catch them online.
I've gotten a few grams from them over the week informing me of the
challenge and of the council.... I don't have a single alliance within my
tribe, and I'm not sure if the pre-switch alliences are still around or
what... Like I said, I haven't talked to anyone. I also think the lack of
anyone else trying to get in touch with me, may be an indicator that
everyone else is teamed against me.
So, i'm feeling a lot like the odd-man-out. Maybe it's not so bad though.
I've known maki for a while now, and builderz and I are good friends. I host
maki's world, and OP for free... the least he could do is show a little
appreciation :o). I also know Builderz because he does some hosting for a
couple friends of mine. I'm not a complete stranger to either of them, yet I
don't know if that would prevent them from voting for me. BinaryBud is the
only one I don't know, and have never talked to.
About that last reward challenge. I hunted those damn deer for over an hour.
When, afer about 20 mins of hunting, I came upon a few deer... I let them
get as close as I thought they would, and shot my bow straight at the
nearest one. Couldn't hit crap. In the rest of my time playing, I never
managed to see another deer. Pick an easier game Norn.. We could have used
those objects for cryin out loud!
Well, that's my thoughts on that..... Until next week (maybe)...
Jeremy Booker - Owner
JTech Web Systems
"Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about
itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." -Mathew 5-34
[View Quote]"nornny11" <Nornny1 at attbi.com> wrote in message
news:3d67a5a5 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> --Not that anyone listens, but as the usual disclaimer, SNIP GODDARNIT
> reply to this post--
Aug 25, 2002, 6:09pm
That's not my fault... I'm still waiting on all the paperwork.....
Jeremy Booker - Owner
JTech Web Systems
"Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about
itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." -Mathew 5-34
[View Quote]"maki" <maki at awmaki.com> wrote in message
news:3d692b82 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> jerme wrote:
> host
> ha! you haven't even set up the billing system yet! :-)
> maki www.awmaki.com
Sep 2, 2002, 3:13pm
I believe my last words will be the same as Mongo's. "No Comment".
I'd also like to send this post with the feeling that I have some sort of
dignity remaning. I don't want to make myself look like a fool, unlike the
numerous other people that feel the need to grace us with their needless
posts and flames.
I also share Mongo's opinion of the game. This whole round of NGS has been a
crock. From people cheating, times changing..... For example: (not to whine
or anything) I would still be in the game if it wern't for that public
voting thing. Since when does the public get to vote? And who set up the
vote so that anyone could vote as many times as you want? All the other
survivors had mabye 10 votes at the most for them.... Number of votes for
me: over 1000. Some little shit got his jollies the other day by clicking
that damn button a thousand times or so. ....What a load of crap. *rolls
eyes and shakes his head*
Looking back, it's all pretty funny.... It is indeed good for laughs.
Jeremy Booker - Owner
JTech Web Systems
"Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about
itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." -Mathew 5-34
[View Quote]"mongo" <mongo at drmongo.com> wrote in message
news:3d72c3f4$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> No comment - you don't want to hear what I honestly think of this whole
> Survivor series. I'm trying my damnedest to leave with my dignity intact,
> and what I have to say right now would make Eep look like Miss Manners. I
> have met some nice people in the contest, and I hope these friendships
> continue. It was good for laughs occasionally - I wish all the remaining
> contestants the best of luck - except for the two schmucks that voted me
> the contest, of course.
Sep 10, 2002, 11:25pm
So... you thought you'd just vote me off and that'd be it.... lol. Ohh, how
mistaken you were.
Looks like no one (from the tribes) won the challenge this week....
whoops..... :-P
Hey norn... don't I get to take part in that Public voting BS? Didn't you
say a while back that if a memeber of the "public" won the challenge that
the winner would choose the tribe that won the challenge?
Sounds like things are getting interesting... g'luck... you'll need it. :o)
"Been there, done that.... got the t-shirt"
Jeremy Booker - Owner
JTech Web Systems
"Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about
itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." -Mathew 5-34
[View Quote]"nornny11" <Nornny1 at attbi.com> wrote in message
news:3d7e4c4d at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> ========SNIPPIT! SNIPPIT GOOD!==========
> When last we met up, our nine surviving survivors met up and merged into
> tribe, Onondago. They didn't believe in packing lightly, and cluttered
> camp up with various objects as they tried to rebuild the small Tiveac
> to accomodate a full tribe.
> Meanwhile, controversy stirred at the first Individual Immunity Challenge,
> when Lioness received her Immunity necklace for staying on her pole the
> longest. Blame and bravos alike were sent to maki, who was scapegoated for
> fixing the incident.
> Builderz loses his connection and Binary loses an eye. Gamecube loses
> respect for missing another important event. The females strike up a
> friendship.
> Was it really maki, and will he take the blame? Will Gamecube finally fall
> in his absense? Can BB or Builderz survive another week? Is there a female
> alliance? Find out, on this week's post of NG Survivor 2...
> *cues theme song*
> And here we are, Week 8. ;) There sure has been a LOT going on, especially
> in camp. The dynamics of the tribe is constantly changing.
> But first, we start off with last week's reward challenge. I made the
> unfortunate mistake of giving our survivors a beer bellied tribal
> and a spear, and set them loose to get the farthest distance possible with
> that spear. The survivors are playing only for a tee-shirt this round.
> gain nothing if a member of the public wins the reward.
> BinaryBud perfected his tossing skills and managed an impressive 534.824
> distance. Lioness said she had gotten a 538, but forgot to save it, and
> stuck with a distance of 521, missing the mark. Ambi was the last up, but
> could only get 332.995 distance. No one else participated in this
> non-intensive
> BinaryBud wins the challenge from his tribe. However, he does not win the
> challenge. Born-again member of the "public" since he was casted off by
> Robego tribemates, JerMe JUST snatched BB's teeshirt with a 535.019. Karma
> does seem to get around these days.
> JerMe wins a tee-shirt, complimentary of AWI. I'll be in contact JerMe. :)
> Well, with a disappointing reward challenge, the rest of the week was all
> spent strategizing. Lioness, wearing the Immunity necklace, is safe from
> losing this week, however, she too, must align herself to save her in the
> long run.
> Mod, the wait-he's-still-in-the-game birdie, had little to say about
> camplife. "good. No complaints yet :P"
> Gandalf, meanwhile had a lot to say. "Camplife is good. I have struck up
> alliances, and kept the old ones...I am a firm believer in the strength of
> women, and so Lioness and I have become closer..."
> Wait, there's more from this resident blabber-mouth. ;)
> "Agrivating me? Well, there's that damn "alpha male", and a few
> AWTeen himself"
> I'll leave you guessing as to who it is. *cough* RICE *cough*
> And then, we get to the good stuff.
> "Not much really...I have heard from a few people on their idea's for
> tomorrow's council...Well, two names have reached my ears...Gamecube and
> maki...."
> Can you guys just see our survivors clap their forehead?? But I digress...
> "Well, to be honest with you, Gamecube, as far as I can tell, has never
> popular with the awteen crowd..."
> "And maki with his NG comments always seem to cause a flame or two...maki
> a threat to some of my alliances, or so I have gathered...plus, this
> cheating thing, whether it be true or not, has made him unpopular"
> In just two simple statements, Gandalf acknowledged not only a budding
> AWTeen alliance, a battle between the lazy one and the threat, the fact
> the newsgroup DOES play a role in this game, and millions of other juicy
> info into the secret lives of Onondago. :) QUICK, EVERYONE, GET OUT YOUR
> Of course, these all could be bold face lies, but they didn't come from my
> mouth, it's right out of Gandalf's.
> Meanwhile, Builderz is also having great insecurities.
> Ambient Spirit: How you doing?
> Builderz: To be honest, I've been better.
> Builderz: I know I haven't been around as much as I used to.
> Ambient Spirit: it happens.. happened to me too.. i was too sick to come
> in
> Ambient Spirit: its living in the jungle that did it lol
> Builderz: I heard about BinaryBud's eye problem, too...I guess we all
> had our off days
> Obviously, survivor life is not only giving our survivors much unneeded
> stress and scheduling issues, it's wearing on the physically too.
> Well, there's not much more to say on this subject matter. No one seems to
> be safe except Lioness. Ambi also feels oddly relaxed for the big night.
> We meet four of our survivors up on Tribal Council Plateau in NGS2002.
> Ambi, Builderz, and a special appearence by Gamecube. :)
> Up on Tribal Plateau, the contestants are told of the next weeks to come.
> Currently, there are nine players in the game. Two of whom will make it
> the way to the end of the game. The SIX people voted off before them
> the members of the jury. That jury will decide who wins the Million Dollar
> Prize out of the two. However, it's obvious that you need an odd number of
> players to make a majority, and so, the seventh vote will be The Dreaded
> Public Vote. ;) Whichever of the Final Two gets the most voted casted FOR
> them by the public will get a vote casted for him/her to win the world.
> could be a crucial swing vote or not. This also means that this week's
> castaway will also have missed the jury by one week. Lioness e.
> automatically advances because of her Immunity, and is guaranteed a spot
> the jury.
> And speaking of immunity and the public, next week, Week 9, is a "third
> week," meaning the public has a vote on who they want to see casted off
> Onondago. But there's a twist to stop the public short. Anyone who holds
> Immunity on a third week can choose to give up the immunity necklace to
> the public vote, meaning it will not be tallied. However, this also means
> that this contestant can now be casted off by his/her tribe. The decision
> giving up Immunity will be made at Tribal Council, and no sooner.
> And now onto the questioning. The revelations speak for themselves. ;)
> Nornny11: Ambient, you've been a pretty hard worker, how have things been
> going around camp?
> Ambient Spirit: Great... its very exciting having a 'new family''' and
> Ambient Spirit: ihavent done much in the new campsite cos.. it being my
> home anyway.. I thought it would be nice to give everyone new to that site
> chance to make it there home too
> Ambient Spirit: so i havent been very active with building
> Nornny11: Builderz, is it strange going from a tribe of 3-4 to a tribe of
> 9? how's the adjustment?
> Builderz: Well, there were some disagreements with fellow Robego members
> what to do with camp and who should do what. I think it might be even a
> harder now that there are more people to deal with.
> Nornny11: maki, do you agree?
> maki: sure..lol
> Nornny11: Gamecube, you've been pretty invisible in this game, what's the
> explanation?
> Gamecube: well, i am in school.. and havent been on.. just do stuff when
> can.. but i am ging to try to do everything now on to try to win ;)
> Ambient Spirit: you go hon!
> maki: o_o
> Well then, some interesting things have come about in less than 5 minutes,
> but unfortunately, these survivors must make up their minds now. :)) Half
> them, however, have not read these testimonials until now. The votes have
> been replaced with "..." but everything else has been exactly copied and
> pasted.
> Mod goes first..."This is a tough choice to vote someone right at the
> beginning so, I took a page from lionesses book, and pulled out of a Hat,
> know it is a terrible thing to do, but I had no choice. I vote ..."
> Lioness votes next..."Its painful to vote off anybody but since we have to
> lower the hatchet down on somebody, my vote is for .... He's the only one
> that hasn't made any effort to talk to me or get to know me. He doesn't
> up for very many events and from what I've seen he doesn't help much with
> building the camp either. Sorry .... ;-"<"
> Eric follows..."i vote ...... too much of a threat"
> Gandalf then casts his vote...
> Next up comes Builderz..."... because I have not seen him very much
> throughout the game and I wish to remain true to my fellow Robego
> Gamecube then votes... "... He hasn't been on like me and just isn't doin
> stuff"
> Ambient Spirit follows..."... because he scares me. He came up behind me
> once night in the old Nebewi camp and i nearly had a heart attack.. When i
> said hi.. he poofed! "
> maki then votes...
> BinaryBud finishes off the voting.
> Okay, I'll go tally the votes. Our survivors are NOT aware of the votes
> themselves, this will be the first time they've been told also. I know
> you're all anxious, so let's see how you guys voted. Remember, the person
> voted off will be kicked off the edge of the newsgroup, and the rest will
> create the jury and Final Two.
> First vote...
> Mod.
> Second vote...maki.
> maki.
> ....
> ...
> Gamecube. That's 1 vote Gamecube, 2 votes maki, 1 vote Mod.
> Gandalf.
> Next vote...
> maki.
> Gandalf.
> ...
> Gamecube. 2 for Gamecube, 2 for Gandalf, 3 for maki, 1 for Mod.
> The last vote...
> ...
> ...
> ...
> Gamecube...
> *tribal music climaxes*
> Gamecube and maki. You are tied, with three votes each. So let's explain
> tie. In the event of the tie, your tribemates vote again between you two.
> They cannot vote for anyone else. But before Ambi, Lioness, Eric, Mod, BB,
> Builderz, and Gandalf decide your fates, you will have the oppurtunity to
> plead your case in the newsgroup. :) After I see BOTH replies below this
> post, I will then ask for each of the survivors to telegram me their vote.
> You must do so ASAP, I will only give you until Wednesday night to state
> your case.
> There is NO way you can tie again, as there are seven members safe in the
> tribe at this point, so I will not need to explain the rules any farther.
> So please, get on your knees and grovel you two. You can say WHATEVER you
> feel the need to say, ANYTHING. The fate of the game depends on it.
> Survivors, listen closely. Everyone else, just watch the drama unfold. :)
> I will be back on Thursday or sooner to reveal the results of the revote.
> Stay tuned.
> --
> From the Newbie's Guide to the AW NG:
> "Nornny11 - The original wishy-washy man, this one can actually insult
> and compliment you in the same breath, and in the end say absolutely
> nothing! What a talent!"