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jerme // User Search
jerme // User SearchReport: Microsoft dominance poses security riskSep 30, 2003, 11:21pm
> Which versions are free? Links please. I want it, lol.
This is a link to the Red Hat Linux 9 ISOs. You'll need some CD burning software that can burn ISOs. You don't want the SRPMs, just the regular ISOs. You need these files: shrike-i386-disc1.iso 03-Sep-2003 17:54 638M shrike-i386-disc2.iso 13-Mar-2003 22:30 646M shrike-i386-disc3.iso 13-Mar-2003 22:35 485M [View Quote] Macintosh & AW?Oct 1, 2003, 5:40pm
I don't claim to be a mac person at all. I think I used a mac all of like 3
times in my entire life. But, don't they make emulators for running windows apps? -Jeremy [View Quote] World Sever ProblemNov 4, 2003, 10:21pm
What you describe sounds like the typical behavior of a router/switch and
NAT device. What type of router do you use? You might try for specific directions on setting up two common routers. -Jeremy -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jeremy Booker - Owner / Webmaster JTech Web Systems ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." -Mathew 5:34 [View Quote] Remember that post about the Athlon 64's well... sorry intel lovers butNov 8, 2003, 3:15am
Hasn't IBM always been the odd man out? They've always done their own
thing... -Jeremy -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jeremy Booker - Owner / Webmaster JTech Web Systems ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." -Mathew 5:34 [View Quote] Remember that post about the Athlon 64's well... sorry intel lovers butNov 8, 2003, 1:57pm
The only example I could think of would be the PC. Althrough they created
the PC trend, they've also stuck with it. Other than that though, they're on their own. -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jeremy Booker - Owner / Webmaster JTech Web Systems ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." -Mathew 5:34 [View Quote] Remember that post about the Athlon 64's well... sorry intel lovers butNov 9, 2003, 5:10pm
Yea, Intel was the one pushing the stupid RamBus memory.. It was way too
expensive to every succeed. It never made it to "industry standard" status like DRR has. -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jeremy Booker - Owner / Webmaster JTech Web Systems ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." -Mathew 5:34 [View Quote] *sigh*Nov 8, 2003, 1:52pm
The GK take their jobs *way* to seriously, so I wouldn't worry about that...
However, "shit" is still a bad word in the USA. I realize that, as society is decaying into moral decadence, the word is used frequently and thus people are becoming, in general, desensatized to its use. I also realize that some people can use the word appropriately. By appropriately I mean using the word infequently to describe something they feel strongly about. But, there are also a lot of little kids around the gate that would go around using "shit" as every other word in their sentences. That's, definitly not what we want. Why let everyone at the gate have a potty mouth? You must also consider the fact that this situation is a "slippery slope". If AWI removes "shit" from the eject list, then the next question will be why don't we remove "damn", "fuck", "mother fucker" and "god damn" from the list. Then there'd be a whole lot of cussing at AWGate, and that's not the kind of image AWI wants to portray to newcomers at the gate. -Jeremy -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jeremy Booker - Owner / Webmaster JTech Web Systems ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." -Mathew 5:34 [View Quote] Rebuilding from CacheNov 25, 2003, 3:42am
Look inside your cache folder, under property, and then in the folder of the
proper world name. You should see cell.dat, cell.idx, elev.idx, and elev.dat (the last two will only be valid if you had terrain enabled in the world). I believe AWI had something about this in the help files... Try under the "world administration" section. I think it's under the sub-heading where they talk abot automatic backups. Andras also has a tool built especially for doing this, i think? -Jeremy -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jeremy Booker - Owner / Webmaster JTech Web Systems ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." -Mathew 5:34 [View Quote] Microsoft and cars.Dec 3, 2003, 9:00pm
There was once a joke (one of those massive chain e-mails) about "What if
AOL made cars?" Maybe that's what you're thinking about? -Jeremy -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jeremy Booker - Owner / Webmaster JTech Web Systems ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." -Mathew 5:34 [View Quote] Question about worlds hosterMay 28, 2001, 9:40pm
I am going to be offering free hosting soon, so, no need to worry about
paying. There are no bots that run on Linux, but it can be done with a Win emulator. About the server admin. I would never give you access to this (and I doubt anyone, in their right mind, will) for these reasons: 1) There is only 1 user name and password for the admin, and I'm not giving that to you. 2) IF I gave you the password you would have access to all the worlds running on my server, not only yours. Unless I ran 2 different aw servers on the same machine; which is unnecessary. -- JerMe at ---------------------- AIM: AlphaNumeric100 ICQ: 106209991 AW: JerMe (#296967) [View Quote] To Whom It May Concern... [long!]Jul 18, 2001, 6:22pm
Jeremy Booker - "JerMe" (#296967)
Nicely said Goober. I'm so glad someone has finally stepped up and put it to them straight... Are we rewriting or not??Jul 21, 2001, 2:35am
I believe the reason that so few AWCIers post here (or read for that matter)
is that, up until just recently, the ng's have been full of 95% crap. Nothing but flame wars, simple announcements, flame wars, heated debates, flame wars, threads that are humongus and take too long to read, yet more flame wars, and still more flames (you should get the idea by now... ;-), etc.... You're almost better off *not* reading them. Another reason may be that they are afraid of getting cornored by Eep, or someone else for that matter.. Evidenced by what happend to Factor recently. Eep insults Factor, he replies decently, more insults... Factor did his best to keep a profesional tone, but after a while that breaks down. Your only solution is to sink to Eep's level and cus the person, or ingore them all together. I'm almost certin that the AWCI folks can find more constructive things to do with thier time than reading/getting involved in flame wars, pointless debates, and other nonsence. How about that new website? [View Quote] sure aw betaJul 21, 2001, 2:08am
Wow! I'm proud of you people!!! Eep was the only one to post a flame! This
should be like a model thread or something... An lagimint question, several good answers. A good referance to a web page/FAQ... And for the most amazing of all... Chuck said it belonged in the Beta ng (clearly wrong.. as the beta tests are closed, and only those on the beta list can post there) Dispite his misinformation, Brandon and Wing both avoided flaming him, and gave inteligent, curtious answeres. All that with no flaming! (Well, except for Eep... but now the ng's just woudn't be right if every thread didn't have a flame from Eep, now would they? ;-) Again, I'm very proud of you all <pats heads> sure aw betaJul 21, 2001, 11:54am
Yeah. Logically the Beta ng would make more sence for that post. And, in the
past, that has always been the place for stuff like that. Upto Version 2 anyone on the beta team could post there. However, since AWCI decided to go with closed betas for 3 (...3.2, and i guess all feature versions), the Beta group has been restricted to that smaller group of beta testers. [View Quote] sure aw betaJul 23, 2001, 5:16am
Hmm.. Seeing as I've been arround for *years* ( 3 to be exact) I wouldn't
exactly call myself a newbie. [View Quote] sure aw betaJul 23, 2001, 5:17am
ftp helpJul 23, 2001, 4:59am
CuteFTP is by far the best FTP client I've ever seen... I would recommend it
over any other. It has the resume feature (look for it in the options), and many many more. I did have a crack for this...but lost it in a reformat/reinstall. Lately I tried to download it again, along with a crack (try However, GlobeScape has since added server auth to the software. No matter what I tried...server always rejected the crack... Good luck, and let me know if you get it too work. I'm working on setting up a server (look for it to be online within the next 1- 1 1/2 weeks) and thus I have looked into FTP software. John Viper is right... You have to have a decent piece of server software... Not all of it is capable of using the resume uploads feature. [View Quote] skyboxJul 26, 2001, 3:39am
"ever tought about thinking?" -- Is it just me, or did that not make any
sence at all.... Seems to me there are a few people that need to think about -JerMe ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jeremy Booker JTech Web Systems ( -- Comming Soon) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [View Quote] New Activeworlds WebringJul 26, 2001, 3:28am
You know... Before you go off and make us start signing up for Yahoo accounts... You could try asking arround about it a little. Maby this wasn't totally your decision. But AWCI needs to know that there are plenty of talented people out there. Many of whom (including me), I'm sure would help write a coustomized CGI script to run on AW's servers. You could, as "percipient" stated, look for a free script. This would be better overall for the webring, as AWCI could directly control all aspects of the operation, and you have a group of people who could update/modify the script as need be. Just try asking for stuff, and you'll probably come out with better results..... -JerMe ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jeremy Booker JTech Web Systems ( -- Comming Soon) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [View Quote] [CU] First Citizen Union MeetingAug 4, 2001, 6:14pm
Goober King,
It sounds like you've got the ball rolling on a very good idea. However, It all comes down to this... First.. *If* AWC accepts this idea (big if...), how is the leadership of the CU going to play with the leadership of AWC? Is the CU just going to be a way to consolidate all the bitching into a list of what gets bitched about most, or will we actually be able to affect the course of AW? What guarantee do we have that AWC will listen to what the CU wants? For example, if the CU meets with AWC one month and says "We'd like to see feature X in the next version of AW." Will AWC have any kind of requirement to follow that up (by adding the feature)? Will our requests have priority equal to or greater than those of AWC, or the same "if we get a chance" priority as the requests of individual citizens? I don't expect the CU to start running activeworlds.. But there is a fine line between that, and the same old bitching with no response that goes on now. Something will have to be worked out so that the CU has enough control or input into decisions to get stuff done ( but not too much, mind you) Who decides how much input the CU has, and how will AWC go about granting that still remains a mystery..... I'm tending to believe the next thing people will be complaining about is that AWC isn't listening to the CU... the CU will dissolve from lack of community interest (mostly because AWC does little or nothing of what the CU asks)... and all this work is in vein. I know that's a pretty pessimistic outlook on things... But if AWC doesn't have any kind of commitment to the CU (which they say they have a commitment to the "community" AKA "the CU") then the CU is going to become useless very quickly... AWC is a company.. A business... And therefore, we cannot expect to run it, or have any control over their decisions at all. That is left to the owners. But, if the CU expects to get anything done, we'll have to get around this problem somehow. Don't get me wrong. I am very much in favor of this group. But there above problems will have to addressed. But, I fear another failed attempt at organization will only harm the relationship between AWC and the community. Regards, Jeremy Jeremy AKA "JerMe" (#296967) -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jeremy Booker JTech Web Systems ( -- Coming Soon) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [View Quote] To Rick Noll a long and sincere letterAug 8, 2001, 2:57am
You guys flip over the smallest thing. R E L A X !!!! It was 255kb. Not
even a meg. It took me like, what.. 7 seconds, to download?!? 5Megs or more and i would get a little upset... But come one give the guy a break. At least he had some nice -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jeremy Booker JTech Web Systems ( -- Coming Soon) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [View Quote] To Rick Noll a long and sincere letterAug 8, 2001, 3:21am
Ehh.. stop your pathetic whineing (tying his best to sound like eep...not
doing a very good job...). Ohhh.. so that's why you guys bitch so much about big messages. What to fix your problem? Stop synchronizeing It's not that hard. Mark all your messages as read. Then open group, download new headers, and read the messages that have interesting topics. No need for synchronizeing, it's a waste. Your phone lines are a seperate issue, one that you must deal with. -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jeremy Booker JTech Web Systems ( -- Coming Soon) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [View Quote] To Rick Noll a long and sincere letterAug 8, 2001, 3:25am
Well, they were knock-off's of the real pics of that style. You know.. the
ones that are actully encouraging, and But, they were still good. Heh.. ;-) -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jeremy Booker JTech Web Systems ( -- Coming Soon) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [View Quote] What ever happened Factor?Aug 26, 2001, 2:56am
Don't forget i'm still working on this webring script for you guys. I have a good bit done (the basic framework, and the join/next functions). However, there is still a good bit to go (next 5, previous 5, search, and admin) Work has been slowed to a crawl due to school, soccer practice and other facts of 'life'. Fear not! I will finish it. It would be great if you could whip up some images and tables or whatever you want this thing to look like. I'm to the point where a template of the code people need to copy and paste would help. e-mail me with any questions... JerMe at Thanks, JerMe -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jeremy Booker JTech Web Systems ( -- Coming Soon) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [View Quote] -= JTech Web Systems Announces Hosting Services =-Oct 26, 2001, 1:00am
As of today, JTech Web Systems will begin offering *free* world hosting services. (Note: the services are free for no reason other than the server is stationed in a non-profit educational foundation building. It's illegal to use non-profit buildings to do for-profit work.) This service is very reliable, as there was only once in the past 6 months when the connection was broken. (It was due to an ISP problem, and was resolved in 15-20 minutes). I will not release server specific specs here. However, if you are seriously interested in using our service, feel free to contact me for more information. More services are set to be online soon. Web sites and object paths are next on the list. Eventually, (as soon as there is a SDK released for linux/unix) we plan to offer a full suite of web-based admin services, along with FTP, website and world log analyzing tools, automatic (on user defined schedule / anytime you feel like it) database backups. Again, for more information contact me (JerMe at Thanks, -J. -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jeremy Booker JTech Web Systems ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -= JTech Web Systems Announces Hosting Services =-Oct 27, 2001, 12:55am
If you don't have anything constructive to say, get out. I don't know where
you get off making an assumption like that... Whatever you say buddy... -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jeremy Booker JTech Web Systems ( -- Coming Soon) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [View Quote] -= JTech Web Systems Announces Hosting Services =-Oct 27, 2001, 1:03am
Yeah, that's it. (Note the signature..) However, there's nothing there yet
(Just the generic 'domain reserved') due to some DNS issues with the ISP. The IP addy of the server is still in the reverse domain of the education foundation where the servers are located. So, all the programs get confused when they see the IP listed for the domain doesn't give the same addy in reverse lookup. It's somewhat of a security feature. The website isn't completely finished yet either. However, as soon as all the DNS stuff is sorted out, it'll be there. Regards, Jeremy -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jeremy Booker JTech Web Systems ( -- Coming Soon) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [View Quote] Unfair ejection...Dec 8, 2001, 1:35pm
Everyone was warned. Trekker wasn't the only one screaming in all caps. His
chat log is only about a sixtenth of what all was said. I was so discusted i went to muting people, after a while i just left. No one was listeing to Xel or Pose, and nothing was getting done. It was because of these stupid kids who can't be mature. I'm 15, yet you don't see me screaming "strip club" in a g-rated world.. That's just gunna happen in the first place. I imagine they (Xel and Pose) were very anoyed/frustrated... I would have ejected him too, and he's not the only one that would have gone bye bye either. -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jeremy Booker JTech Web Systems ( -- Coming Soon) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [View Quote] Re: The strange saga of Yahoo and WebRingDec 8, 2001, 1:27pm
I had been working on a new webring CGI script, to be 'donated' to AW.
However, the project kinda fell apart after facter left. He was my AW contact for the whole thing. A few days after I e-mailed somone (don't remeber who) about the project, asking if i should contine work or thow it to the trash pile. I recieved a negitive reply. So, since then the webring script has been sitting arround taking up valuable bytes on my hard drive. In light of this recent news, I would be happy to resume work ASAP. I'd like a go or no go from someone with authority at AWCOM first though. I don't want to do the work involved and then the script not be used. Let me know what you think.. -J. -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jeremy Booker JTech Web Systems ( -- Coming Soon) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [View Quote] Re: The strange saga of Yahoo and WebRingDec 8, 2001, 8:41pm
Bowen, I looked my gob of e-mails.. I found this.. recieved on Oct. 30, 2001 (almost a month after i sent my e-mail on Sept. 26) ============================================== Dear Jeremy, Please forgive me for taking so long to get back to you. I needed to touch base with some other people with regards to their preferences. At this time they are not wishing to pursue any further work on the script that you had started with Fletcher. I do thank you for touching base with us, and apologize for any inconvenience this has caused you. Warm Regards, Kellie Williams/Mountain Myst Community Services Activeworlds Corp. Please include previous email dialog in all replies. ============================================== So, as you see.. I've done nothing on the script since then. However, if someone at AW asks I'd be happy to finsih it ASAP. My time, however, is very precious. I cannot afford to work on this project if it's not giong to be put to good use. (Otherwise, i'd just write it out and send it to them, not caring what they did with it...) Kah: Thanks for the hosting offer. However, I have my own server setup over here (Dell PowerEdge 1400, RedHat Linux 7). But, the idea is for ActiveWorlds to host it on their own. ;-) -J. -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jeremy Booker JTech Web Systems ( -- Coming Soon) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [View Quote] |