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jerme // User Search
jerme // User SearchObliterating Non Existant Folders in XPJun 15, 2002, 4:01am
From what I've seen, I'd have to say that Linux supports more hardware
that's out there (and has been out there for years now) than WinXP. Microsoft is actually talking about removing support for some devices/interfaces because of security concerns ( they're on a kick with the new "trustworthy computing" thing). Pretty much every thing you can think of is supported. Granted the packages for it may not *come with* the set operating system packages, and thus will not be detected/setup at install time. But, they are easily found out on the internet. Find yourself a good Linux newsgroup/mailing list and subscribe. They'll help 'ya out. Making you own drivers isn't necessarily that hard. It depends on what you mean by that. Programming drivers in Linux is a very advanced topic. But, taking the code that is all over the internet and compiling it isn't rocket science at all. I spent a few days trying to turn a cheap old HP system into a server. I bought a cheep NIC at Best Buy (the thing even said "tested - compatible with Linux" on the front). However, I get it home and put it in... nada, nothing... The problem was that my disto of Linux didn't have the needed packages / kernel modules included. After doing some research on the web, I found my NIC used a core chip that was common to several other NICs from different manufactures. Once I new the chip name, it took me only minutes to track down a website with the driver code available. It then took me an evening or two (on the newsgroups) to get the code to compile correctly and load into the kernel as a module. Nothing hard though... G'luck with Linux.. Glad to hear you're joining the group. Regards, Jeremy -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jeremy Booker - Owner JTech Web Systems ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [View Quote] linux?Jun 15, 2002, 8:58pm <--- A very nice (but pricy should you want
more than 3 users) FTP server you could run for them. read up on it. It's high-performance and very secure. -Jeremy -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jeremy Booker - Owner JTech Web Systems ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [View Quote] linux?Jun 15, 2002, 9:13pm
Umm.. i'm not sure I under stood that all.
The proxy won't forward FTP to the machine you need? Why not open up the FTP port (is it 21, or 23.. i always get those confused). If it won't forward FTP, how does it forward Telnet requests? -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jeremy Booker - Owner JTech Web Systems ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [View Quote] It's the mens turn to struggle!!!Jun 15, 2002, 9:11pm
> It's no wonder you find women posing as men in VR. It isn't protection
> against lecherous men as I previously thought, it is because they were > thrown into male avatars so many times, they began to believe thats what > they were!!! Is that what you think it is? Not to be rude or anything.. But I can wear a pink tutu avatar all day long, and not act like a women. Personally, I don't see how avatar gender is in anyway related to a tendency to pose as the opposite sex. Things of that nature (crossdressing, and the sort) are usually caused by psycholocial problems (if not by physical abnormalites). > World owners, I urge you to change your default avatars to female!! *points > vigorously at the male audience* Let the men feel what it is to be laughed > at for unknowingly walking around in a skirt!!! *bangs fist on desk* Let > the men show they have the strength and patience to resize windows to reach > the front of those horribly oversized lists full of restricted avatars!!! > Let the men wear those breasts they are always oggling at! oops...did I > say breasts? Sorry to those that are offended by seeing breasts in NGs. *g* Maybe you're taking the 'sexist' thing a little to far. :-) One avatar has to come first. If it's the lady avatar, you're going to have the guy whinning. If it's the guy avatar then you'll have the ladies complaining. Think about it for a sec. If the female avatar had always been first in the list, since the very beginning, don't you think the guys would be the ones whinning about it? Because of that.. I'm of the opinion that it doesn't make much difference. After all, it's only the avatar list... big deal if I walk around for 10 minutes wearing a skirt. I let people think what they want... lol *g* If you want to give me the URL to a path that has a female avatar listed first, I'll gladly use it in my world. (I currently use the AW path, and I'm not going to take the time to create my own just yet. -Jeremy -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jeremy Booker - Owner JTech Web Systems ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [View Quote] a new AW GZ?Jun 17, 2002, 3:36am
This only like the billionth time someone has said we need a new GZ... Has
AWC ever taken the time to redesign it? .... I don't think they're going to anytime soon... In all my 3+ years here that GZ has never changed... (except for that one time when Hurricane Cryonics struck GZ, we had knee deep water for an hour or so) -Jeremy -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jeremy Booker - Owner JTech Web Systems ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." -Mathew 5-34 [View Quote] New Lindows PCsJun 19, 2002, 10:00pm
Lindows just plain rules... and here's why...
Microsoft is admittly the standard operating system when it comes to desktops. Linux and Unix is the standard for servers. Microsoft has had not trouble breaking that barrier and moving windows onto *some* servers. Linux, however has had a extreamly difficult time breaking the barrier into desktops. Reason being...there are more desktop systems out there. When I use my computer, I need to be able to effectifly communicate with others quickly and easily and get my work done in the most efficient manner. When everyone else is using Windows desktops, it makes using linux a little hairy. Moving files between systems becomes tedious, as you have to worry about compability and having a linux counterpart for your windows programs and vice versa. Lindows breaks all the barries down by allowing you to run Windows programs from a Linux enviroment. Sure, this has always been possible with windows emulators for linux, but never to the extent that Lindows takes it. So, now I can run with my handy linux desktop yet still use all Windows programs to communicate with outsiders. It was only a matter of time before someone tried to combine the two OSes, it just took someone with enough resources to get the company off the ground. In summary, If I had a hundread dollars to spend on something, I'd spend it on Lindows. :o) -Jeremy -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jeremy Booker - Owner JTech Web Systems ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." -Mathew 5-34 [View Quote] [linux] NNTP softwareJun 19, 2002, 10:04pm
I'm looking for a good news server daemon.. Any recomendations?
Bowen? Andras? Thanks, Jeremy -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jeremy Booker - Owner JTech Web Systems ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." -Mathew 5-34 beta questionJul 8, 2002, 1:08am
You have to be on the inside with someone at AWC. It's really gay the way it
works... I'm going to take this space to whine and bitch about it. I believe I'd make an execellent beta tester... I program in C++, VB, Java, PERL, etc...I write my own bots ( I don't release any to the public), I have my own world I can use for testing, and so on..... I was trying to be kind and just wait for someone to notice me and add me to beta (as I was on the beta for the 2.x versions i believe). After I got tired of waiting I sent off a few nice e-mails to various people, yeilding no results.... Looks like a few other people are in the same boat.... We're headed down Shit Creek, without a paddle. ;-) -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jeremy Booker - Owner JTech Web Systems ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." -Mathew 5-34 [View Quote] funny pic....Jul 10, 2002, 2:03pm
Anyone else seen this yet?
LoL..... -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jeremy Booker - Owner JTech Web Systems ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." -Mathew 5-34 AW and laptopsJul 29, 2002, 1:05pm
You could talk to the dev team.. I'm sure they'll know. But, I think they've
all died.... Since we have no communication with them... They only way you get stuff done is to do it yourself. Here's how I'd figure it out... First, make a backup of the ActiveWorlds directory... Copy it to a safe place. Then, try randomly deleting your .idx and .dat files... the stuff that the browser needs to run. Just do 1 at a time. Then startup the browser. If it works, close it and delete another file. Eventully you'll figure out which file or files being missing or corrupted causes the error you're looking for. -Jeremy -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jeremy Booker - Owner JTech Web Systems ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." -Mathew 5-34 [View Quote] ctrl+enter...Jul 30, 2002, 11:12pm
Editing the file or not... Running a linux server and taking propdumps with
the current version of the admin tool will *always* yeild a garbage propdump file. It doesn't matter if you edit the file or not. I'm not sure if this holds true with the windows version of the aw server. I doubt it will.... Can someone test it? -Jeremy -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jeremy Booker - Owner JTech Web Systems ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." -Mathew 5-34 [View Quote] Java SDKAug 6, 2002, 2:10pm
All I can tell you is to look over -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jeremy Booker - Owner JTech Web Systems ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." -Mathew 5-34 [View Quote] help? :-\Aug 7, 2002, 1:02am
Windows pre 95 was just a wrapper... The bios started DOS, and dos started
windows... windows passed all the commands though to dos. Newer versions of Windows aren't based off of DOS. Now you need a boot disk to get to just DOS. Windows now only supports the command line... -Jeremy -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jeremy Booker - Owner JTech Web Systems ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." -Mathew 5-34 [View Quote] Re: NG TroubleAug 6, 2002, 11:55pm
He has no reason to be... but no doubt that he is...
-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jeremy Booker - Owner JTech Web Systems ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." -Mathew 5-34 [View Quote] Building Inspector: Unable to store changes! Check server for possible full disk or write-protected file(s).Aug 14, 2002, 11:03pm
I've gotten this error for strange reasons before. I don't remember the
exact problem or solution. The error means exactly what it sounds like. For some reason the world server could not save your changes to the object database. It could be more than just the server simply being out of storage. If it doesn't go away within a few minutes ( which I'm betting it will), then you'll have to take it up with Insanity. G'luck.... Let us know what you find out. -Jeremy -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jeremy Booker - Owner JTech Web Systems ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." -Mathew 5-34 [View Quote] is downAug 24, 2002, 4:32pm
Not again!! What kind of hardware failure?
-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jeremy Booker - Owner JTech Web Systems ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." -Mathew 5-34 [View Quote] Privacy Leak in Mozilla and Mozilla-Based BrowsersSep 21, 2002, 12:58am
Really this information is very valuable to some webmasters (and
companies).... You would not believe the sheer ammount of statistics you can generate from one web server log file. Information on how visitors got to a site, and where/when/how they leave is already analized. Check out... That is a sample Web Trends report. Use the menu at the bottom left to change the info you see. -Jeremy -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jeremy Booker - Owner JTech Web Systems ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." -Mathew 5-34 [View Quote] world helpSep 17, 2002, 10:46pm
Heh.. yea guys... Thanks maki.
If all else fails, and you just can't figure out how to get that router setup, then I'll host your world for you. As Maki said, I am in the process of setting up a pricing plan that will include both paid and free accounts (for world hosting, and object path/web hosting). Currently, everything is still free. You can see a draft of the price plan at: If you have any questions, or would like to get your hosting setup, please e-mail me at JerMe101 at Regards, Jeremy a.k.a. JerMe (#296967) -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jeremy Booker - Owner JTech Web Systems ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." -Mathew 5-34 [View Quote] uhhhhhSep 18, 2002, 5:34pm
That would also be my recomendation...
-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jeremy Booker - Owner JTech Web Systems ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." -Mathew 5-34 [View Quote] Next Wave of Beta TestersSep 19, 2002, 5:45pm
The beta thing is very funny.. The people I would think that had the most
technical knowledge and know-how for debuging a program are the ones who are *not* on the beta program (with the acception of Xel, Ima...). There are many other's out there, including myself, who program, desing networks, script bots, are world owners, host worlds or OPs, and so on.... Yet are not on Beta. I sent in my application just as I was supposed to. Seeing no results after 2 weeks, I resent my application. I saw many people I knew still being added, however my application was ignored. A few days later the "next wave" post was made.... It's not right..... such is life. -Jeremy -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jeremy Booker - Owner JTech Web Systems ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." -Mathew 5-34 [View Quote] Is E N Z OOct 20, 2002, 1:15pm
it's too bad all that got deleted when they reset the database....
-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jeremy Booker - Owner JTech Web Systems ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." -Mathew 5:34 [View Quote] Re: build 435Oct 23, 2002, 12:57am
I sense someone getting a little touchy...
To answer the original question... Yes, a window should remember its size. That would be a good recommendation to the programmers. It's not a huge new feature, but only a tweak of one that already exists. It is very appropriate as a beta post. However, the message from our lovely programming team is generally if it's not a specific bug, they don't want to hear about it. In other words... They want you to just shut up about it because they're not going to take the time to fix it anyways. > first time? > > Right? Perfect? If we waited until every new feature met everyone's > standards then we would never have another release. > Keep in mind that you are not the only one that wants something. Balancing > the wants of the users and the needs of the company against our timetable is > a complex task, and not as simple as "just make everything perfect". Ok, or we you can just keep releasing half-assed versions that don't have well thought out or well implemented features. Does that sound better? I'm not trying to suggest that you please everyone... That, obviously, is crazy. All I'm trying to say is that adding things like an apply button, or making a window remember its size are such trivial things. Yet, they're what signify a truly *good* piece of software. These little things are considered finishing touches, and *should* be brought up in the beta. Sure, you can get the world properties to work. But, if you want to get it right the first time, little things (like an apply button) need to be taken care of. > Another way to cut down down on nagging is to identify people who can't > follow the guidelines of the beta newsgroup and remove them from the beta > program. Guidelines? I violated the guidelines?!? Hmm... looks like no one else pays any attention to them either. I guess you just haven't noticed that yet. Although, I'm sorry you feel that way... I can't help but laugh. What are you tying to do by revoking my beta status? ....Such childish games, and I'll have no part in it. Looking back, I can't see that you've ever really listened to any of the suggestions the beta team had. Almost every post to this newsgroup is a waste. The only thing left to say is: good riddance. > Oh yeah - personal attacks do NOT belong here, either... That was not a personal attack, simply part of my signature. I'm sorry you took it that way. -Jeremy -- Following in the footsteps of Eep.... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jeremy Booker - Owner JTech Web Systems ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." -Mathew 5:34 [View Quote] Re: Identifying what worlds allow TouristsOct 23, 2002, 1:00am
Don't bet on it.... Take it to the wishlist hun. They don't care, nor are they going to listen.
-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jeremy Booker - Owner JTech Web Systems ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." -Mathew 5:34 [View Quote] Re: Identifying what worlds allow TouristsOct 23, 2002, 1:42am
lol.. yea, I think that's a first.
Just so you can sleep tonight.. I don't plan on making a habit out of it. -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jeremy Booker - Owner JTech Web Systems ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." -Mathew 5:34 [View Quote] Re: build 435Oct 23, 2002, 1:50am
'eh.. ther're just mad because I called them slackers for not "feeling like" making a beta world
server..... *mumbles* bunch of Windoze lovin' sons of...... When will they figure out that if it has the word "server" in it that it needs to run on *nix?? -- A window? What's that? #man windows ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jeremy Booker - Owner JTech Web Systems ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." -Mathew 5:34 [View Quote] Re: build 435Oct 23, 2002, 6:59pm
You seem to be of the same mistaken opinion as the rest of those lazy..... nevermind.... 999 told me
the reason they do not release a *nix version is "it would just be one more thing to track." I can understand that, as I see the dev team is a very busy bunch. However, that's a sorry excuse for something of this nature. What if there's a problem with the *nix port of the server; some bug specific to only that build. So then, after the beta is over, they'll release an untested (relatively untested, compared to the windows server) build for production use. That's dangerous... And that is specifically what the beta period is for by definition alone. Both builds need to be released so they can both be tested in tandem. As programmers it is part of their job to do that. They need to do their damn jobs instead of crying and saying "we don't want to because it'll be too much work". If it's too much work then find another job. The beta is for testing the browser and server *before* they are released as production builds. It only makes logical sense to test both windows and *nix versions of the server. Creating and tracking a *nix build would not be that much more trouble. The effort would be worth the better product in the end. -Jeremy -- The McDonald's in town is hiring.... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jeremy Booker - Owner JTech Web Systems ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." -Mathew 5:34 [View Quote] Re: build 435Oct 23, 2002, 7:13pm
No goob.. I don't drink. ( My extended family has a lot of problems with booze, i'm not even going
to start that bad habit). I'm sorry to sound so "eep-ish"... But damnit, it's the truth. I'm sick of the mediocrity here. I'm sick of the dev team not taking suggestions as simple as "add an apply button". Sure, it takes a little more effort and dedication to accept simple suggestions such as that; however it makes for a much better piece of software in the end. I guess it's just takes too much dedication for them. It's the little things, (like not having an apply button, windows changing size, errors handled incorrectly, not supporting more than one OS, and lacking many small interface tweaks) that hold AW back from becoming a great piece of entertainment and business software. I regarde Eep as nothing less than a genius. That may be going out on a limb for the guy.... However, he has so many great ideas. His only fault is that he can't, or doesn't know how to go about, getting them accros to people; and I see why. When your audience lacks the willingness to understand the idea you are trying to convey, as I believe is the current sittution, it can be frustrating. -Jeremy -- "If you're head is wax, don't walk in the sun." -Benjamin Franklin ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jeremy Booker - Owner JTech Web Systems ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." -Mathew 5:34 [View Quote] Re: build 435Oct 23, 2002, 7:15pm
> Why don't you go check out that Micky-D's job.
Sorry, I already have an application in at a local manufacturing plant. Database administration / IT assistant -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jeremy Booker - Owner JTech Web Systems ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." -Mathew 5:34 [View Quote] Nvidia driversDec 2, 2002, 8:00pm
I've been having simmilar problems after upgrading my Alienware system from
Windowz ME to 2000. In the process (clean install) I lost all my drivers. Running a GeForce2 64mb GTS/Pro with the latest detanator 40 drivers produces random lockups. My screen goes blank and the hard drive activity light is on constantly. I trace my problem back to the DirectDraw portion of the SETI at home client. The display will eventully caus the computer to lockup. Once or twice I have recieved an error message on a blue screen (rare in win2k). I searched though the MS Knowledge base and traced the error back to direct draw and video driver problems under win2k. I haven't had the patience to downgrade to the archived nVidia drivers. Will try that.... -Jeremy [View Quote] Admin Tool Status Bar problemsDec 2, 2002, 10:36pm
(beta tester: please forward to beta group)
The latest admin tool release (non-beta) has a few problems that need to be corrected. The status bar, at multiple different times, is not cleared. After starting a world, or any failure of starting a world, and after uploading/downloading world data the status bar displays the same message endlessly until a different message is displayed. Maybe make the status bar go blank after short period of time (30 seconds to a minute). Maybe even a read-only console that scrolls each message up (so the actions taken can be reviewed) could be added. Different (out dated) messages always catch my eye. These could prove very confusing to an unaware user. -Jeremy |