The future of AW? (Community)

The future of AW? // Community

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nomad 1

May 6, 2002, 11:53pm
Hi, I've been going without much AW for a while now (I let my world and
citizens lapse several months ago, more due to other commitments than due to
AWC status). Now I'm getting an itch to make objects again and I'm
wondering if I should fork over the money to AWC to renew. I've been
waiting for positive signs since the major changes in pricing, now I read
that AWC is merging with the makers of Stuffit software. Huh? I'm more
uncertain than ever as to the future of AW. New pricing scheme, apparent
reduction in numbers of users, no more techtalks, no word on 3.3, and other
negative signs have me worried. Can someone with some business knowledge
please explain what AWC might be up to in this latest move. Better still,
someone at AWC please send a word to enlighten all of us. (How I miss
Rolands least it provided a glimpse of AWC and the feeling
that someone at AWC was willing to endure contact with it's users)

NoMad 1


May 7, 2002, 12:02am
I guess it's really your descision, I mean, I'm staying (till the end? lol)
And will renew, and I know alot of people who are, and who are paying more
and more money on their worlds, and to let tourists in etc. I think if we
would just be willing to pay the prcies and enjoy it aw might be able to
pull through, they jsut need some sort of exposure to the public to get them
going too. Oh well till the end, aw :-)

maki [sonystyle]
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May 7, 2002, 12:19am
Too quote a much too used phrase, Long story short, I believe this is a last
futile attempt to keep themselves from going deep into the hole.

They might be around for another year, but that's pushing it too far.
They're forming a conglomerate monopoly, in hoping that one of them will
still have money after one goes down. But they're doing it with such
nothings it's not funny. They should really merge with an out of cyberspace
company. An example would be something like.. oh I don't know K-mart (bad
example, I know). At least you know there's always going to be people who
will shop at K-mart for obvious reasons. That would be the *smart* choice,
even though I wouldn't choose K-mart.. maybe Walmart.. seems more secure
lmao. That's my 2 cents.


Have $3... want a website?

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May 7, 2002, 1:22am
Well.. I'll be here till the end too... I'll even fly up north and become a
yanky for a weekend so I can attend the auction where all their equipment is
sold off. I'd love to get a bid in on that nice Sun Microsystems server....


Jeremy Booker
JTech Web Systems
( -- Coming Soon)
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goober king

May 7, 2002, 5:44am
As far as I can tell, the only reason AW is merging with Aladdin is to
keep their stock value above $1/share so they won't get kicked off
Nasdaq. However, if the deal doesn't go down soon, Nasdaq might kick AWC
off the market anyway. If that happens, who knows what's going to happen
to the deal...

[View Quote] > Hi, I've been going without much AW for a while now (I let my world and
> citizens lapse several months ago, more due to other commitments than due to
> AWC status). Now I'm getting an itch to make objects again and I'm
> wondering if I should fork over the money to AWC to renew. I've been
> waiting for positive signs since the major changes in pricing, now I read
> that AWC is merging with the makers of Stuffit software. Huh? I'm more
> uncertain than ever as to the future of AW. New pricing scheme, apparent
> reduction in numbers of users, no more techtalks, no word on 3.3, and other
> negative signs have me worried. Can someone with some business knowledge
> please explain what AWC might be up to in this latest move. Better still,
> someone at AWC please send a word to enlighten all of us. (How I miss
> Rolands least it provided a glimpse of AWC and the feeling
> that someone at AWC was willing to endure contact with it's users)
> NoMad 1

Goober King
Even he knows a fast one when he sees one...
rar1 at

wizard myrddin

May 7, 2002, 5:58am
True there, think all can see that..and what in some ways is happing.. but
as you indicated what happens if all these deals fail???

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