World Hosting (was Re: Lost Worlds) (Community)

World Hosting (was Re: Lost Worlds) // Community

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Mar 11, 2002, 11:51pm
As the prices for AW are going up, and more and more people are leaving due
to $$ issues... I'd thought I'd take this opportunity to offer my services
to everyone.

I know *good* world hosting is expensive (including your object path), and
this keeps many people from renewing their worlds or even buying a world. I
also know that many people have the impression that just because *free*
hosting is free that it is somehow of an inferior quality. I'm out to prove
both of those notions false.

I offer free world hosting (any size, any user limit) and free object path
hosting. You have unlimited storage space for your objects (within reason)
and an FTP login for uploading/managing your files. I make backups of your
world database nightly, and you can obtain a copy of these by simply
e-mailing me. (I can deliver them by e-mail, web download, you can log in
and download via FTP, or even have them burnt to a CD!) I leave the backup
of your object path to you, as you should maintain the files on your
computer also.

The biggest concern of world owners is usually stability/uptime for their
world and object path. I'll be totally honest with you and say that my
servers are not up 100% of the time. We typically have about 1 day every
month were something stops working for one reason or another. I find the
problem within a few hours, and work nonstop until things are back to
normal. This specific reason is why I maintain a backup server in my home.
Should there be a disaster, in minutes I can have everything back to partial
state of service.

I also believe my level of service, not just hosting, is excellent. I try
to work very closely with world owners to solve any problems they have.
This includes web pages, programming work, and debugging any object path
problems. I'll do pretty much anything I can to help out.

The reason I've taken the time to type all this out... Lately, as I've just
been world hopping and talking to different people, the reaction when I
mention my services has been very negative. It's usually something to the
effect of "Ohh, it's free... It couldn't possibly be any good". Which is
obviously not true. Yes, many people have "been down that [free] road", and
now insist on throwing money away....

If for some reason you don't believe me, I'm going to give a name or two out
as references. Feel free to ask "OneSummer", or "Just In" about my
services. OneSummer owns the world "BluPearl" and is a co-owner (along with
Just In) of "Broadway". I have no doubt they will have only good things to

Thank you for your time and attention.


A.K.A "JerMe" (#296967)

Jeremy Booker
JTech Web Systems
( -- Coming Soon)

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Jeremy Booker
JTech Web Systems
( -- Coming Soon)


Mar 12, 2002, 12:15am
Whta is your connection speed?

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Mar 12, 2002, 12:35am
I've been asked by at least 2 people now, and I realized after my post that
I forgot to say anything about that...

As of now my servers are behind a SDSL connection. I know it's by no means
the fastest connection available. However, It serves it purpose well. It's
not blazing fast or anything, but not like a snail either. I recommend you
go to Broadway GZ and download the 500+ objects there.. It takes me only
about 90 seconds from my home DSL to the server.

I'm currently looking around for T1 hosting. (contacting people I know, etc)
So far, it looks promising. I just can't afford the $700 a month (even *if*
I had paying customers) fee for T1.


Jeremy Booker
JTech Web Systems
( -- Coming Soon)
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Mar 12, 2002, 12:55am
wow sounds great jerme. AlexTheMartian and me are gonna use it.

Come to news://
To have fun and enjoy. Theme is misc.
And CarLBanks owns the NG.
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Mar 12, 2002, 2:01am
This sounds like a good deal, I currently host everything I have on my home
system (28.8k >_<)

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