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kah // User Search
kah // User SearchRe: ideasFeb 4, 2002, 1:10pm
With the stupid new pricing scheme banner ads would never be able to pay up
for cits, you'll have a hard time getting enough revenue off them as the e-advertising market is right now (you'd have to find something a bit more innovative to get a good revenue right now). You don't need to have bots approved by AW, and they can't really use their time on approving bots, they've got bigger issues on their hands (ok, so Ricky & JP would probably don't mind having fun playing around with bots all day, but anyways...). Just download bots from places that seem thrustworthy, and that are recognized if you're affraid of trojans, most bot programmers are honest people that wouldn't dream of writing evil trojans (with the new encryption the trojans can't do a lot either). Start out with easy to use bots like HamBot & Co ( ), Preston ( ) and Xelagot ( ). Then go looking for other bots (you can subscribe to the Bots NG for example), like the bots I've made, available at (I know the design is HORRIBLE, new one will come pretty soon). An important thing is that AW does not have an object compiler! I guess you're referencing to the object properties window, which only changes the property of an object (or duplicates/deletes one). Many people would like to see bots integrated into the browser as plugins, I think it's an OK idea, but right now it's not really that much extra work to launch a bot from your startmenu or desktop... For the avatars thing, I recommend starting your own OP and using one of the multiple OP tools currently available, allowing you to add as many avatars as possible to your world. Even though your 3DHP was, lets say, founded by the AWC artists it's your world now, their only responsponsability is to continue hosting the world and the OP, not to provide you with additional content. You've got to provide that yourself, I recommend reading through :-)) KAJ [View Quote] Re: ideasFeb 5, 2002, 5:30pm
at mart has never actually worked. The AWC haven't got time to create a bunch
of bots themselfes, they leave that to 3rd party programmers (anybody that can program in C/C++/VB/Delphi/Java/PHP...). I often do bots on request (freely), we can have a chat sometime if you want a special bot written for you. I did check out the 3DHPs, and now I get what you meant with object compiler :-)) There are PLENTY of free, extremely good avs out there, I can tell ya! Ananas also created a GUI app for editing the avatars.dat file (you'll know what it's function is if you read through Mauz's worldrunning guide) easily, get it at his site ( ). OP in AW is not an abbreviation for Operator, but for Object Path :-)) KAH Tourist enabled worldsFeb 9, 2002, 11:10am
Create Picture Tile=3 3Feb 15, 2002, 12:07pm
AW doesn't use that sorta stuff, just takes the U and V numbers (for mapping
over a surface like a sphere you need to go into decimal numbers and calculate the UV using freaky stuff I don't know how to do lol) KAH [View Quote] PHP IntegrationFeb 20, 2002, 2:41pm
default timeout is 30 secs actually... now, PHP is REALLY fast (if it's run
on a good, fast server, off course) and REALLY powerfull, you can do all sorts of encryption on it. Heck, you can even create complete stand-alone app (not web-apps, but apps for your frontend, even with a GUI if you use some of the technology available). On UNIX there's even a library for PHP called mcrypt, which offers a whole bunch of encryption algorythms (AW might be using it's own, but you could write an encryption/decryption algorythm for it in PHP, and you can load compiled extensions anyway)... But running a world server through PHP (on a webserver, obviously this is what's wanted) doesn't seem very wise, since a PHP *script* isn't meant for running in long periods really... KAH [View Quote] Colors Options....Feb 21, 2002, 12:23pm
Colours in chat are annoying... that stuff about messing up furniture has
got nothing to do with your windows theme/appearance settings... you probably just need a new vid card with more memory. KAH [View Quote] Colors Options....Feb 22, 2002, 11:06am
Passport and how AW could make more moneyMar 5, 2002, 3:35pm
they'll even sell ya one without winning heh. I checked out that AWSales
world, looks like they are(/were?) planning on AW caps and mugs and stuff KAH [View Quote] astart/astop/adoneMar 9, 2002, 1:38pm
you should allways make installers for your VB projects because of just
ActiveX controls and DLLs :-)) KAH [View Quote] We are moving our servers!!Mar 21, 2002, 2:40pm
Create Dark?Mar 21, 2002, 2:40pm
color=black worked in the 3.1 beta, but because Criterion told the AWC they
didn't support black light they took it off... KAH [View Quote] help aw make money (yes)Apr 7, 2002, 11:19am
that's not like your usual affiliate service, that's a low-rank business
partnership thing... not like those others, who are for ppl that put ads on their sites... KAH [View Quote] removal of object warnings facilityApr 6, 2002, 2:21pm
the object errors are only shown to ppl with build rights in the world, so
if you don't want everyone to see them, only give build to ppl that you trust and don't mind knowing the path KAH [View Quote] AW 3D Full Screen ModeApr 23, 2002, 2:43pm
bah, why stop there, why not have it compatible with VR googles? now THAT
would be really cool :-)) KAH [View Quote] AW 3D Full Screen ModeApr 23, 2002, 2:43pm
big deal, just make it possible to move it around, maybe Roland could get
around to making his own textbox like he's talked about at some TechTalks... KAH [View Quote] weatherApr 28, 2002, 7:55am
you don't really need superb vid cards for that, just use a particle system
(a trick is to have a small one that follows the camera, you won't really notice any difference), RW has got them (Roland said so himself). KAH [View Quote] weatherApr 29, 2002, 6:45pm
"anduin" <anduin at> wrote in
news:3ccc8b72 at > It's not Roland's choice though ;) no, it's Ricky's and JPy's, and we know what they usually do... pick the features their business partners want (hmmm, do they HAVE anyone right now? maybe they won't pick any features lol) KAH weatherMay 2, 2002, 2:45pm
"maki" <sonystylex at> wrote in
news:3cd050ae at > hmm because the other univerese have about 1-30 people on them, hmm, > don't always have people ready to help, aw always has small updates, > fixes, great interface, wonderful worlds, tons of them, hmm what > else..... > > -- > maki [sonystyle] great interface??? no greater than any of the other universes (DUH! it's the exact same software). 1-30 people? think again. not helpfull? again, wrong. great worlds? other universes have that too... tons of worlds isn't the same as tons of GOOD worlds, many are just 3DHPs and the rest are private or AlphaWorld clones for many... KAH weatherMay 3, 2002, 5:41pm
"maki" <sonystylex at> wrote in
news:3cd1b201 at > ahh the wisdom of kah :-) > > -- > maki [sonystyle] > Yep, I didn't quite like the way you butchered all other universes like that, with bad information :-)) I guess I defend other universes because of the wonderfull time I had in the VectorScape universe (as long as it lasted) and because all the silly errors and stupid policies the AWC are introducing piss me off, so I'd rather defend the alternatives to AW... KAH I wishhhhhh(list)May 3, 2002, 5:44pm
don't underestimate the possibilities (that aren't really sane to have
around, but what did you expect on a Microsoft platform?) of little tricks you can do to control AW through other apps... you could for example hijack the D3D device and render your own scene in AW, hide elements on the interface, etc, etc. I don't think easy to make plugins are such a good idea when you look at all the script kiddies we've had to now in AW... KAH I wishhhhhh(list)May 4, 2002, 9:40am
"strike rapier" <strike at> wrote in
news:3cd2ee65 at > Yes, but It would cause things to be allot slower doing things the way > your thinking about wouldent it? Whereas a straight forward SDK would > be able to accomplish allot.... The script kiddies will have to be > kept at bay for the good of Avatar kind. > > I feel we cant develop more without some way to directly interface > with the browser itself. But include ppw acess blocking and such.. Doesn't have to be slower, but I guess that AW will still render using RW anyway even though you override it, which would slow things down a bit, but manipulating stuff using their window handles shouldn't take away any performance. KAH I wishhhhhh(list)May 6, 2002, 3:42pm
"strike rapier" <strike at> wrote in
news:3cd40175 at > What about things like getting avatar enter events things like that? > > Sorry if i dont know much about it *crap programmer* :P > Hmmm, was going to explain things more in depth to you by email but the email you've provided in the message header doesn't work :-(( KAH I wishhhhhh(list)May 7, 2002, 3:50pm
"strike rapier" <strike at> wrote in
news:3cd40175 at > What about things like getting avatar enter events things like that? > > Sorry if i dont know much about it *crap programmer* :P trying to send this message again... Well, you'd need a proxy that recognises the AW protocol and reports it to the app controlling AW, but American law is silly on that point, and it's considered manipulating AW and is illegal in the US, meaning the FBI can bust you even if you live outside the US (if you do it on AW, since it's under American law). I think it's just plain silly, why the heck it should be illegal to run a proxy on an unpatetended protocol beats me, but it's best not to challenge destiny ;-)) KAH I wishhhhhh(list)May 8, 2002, 1:53pm
"anduin" <anduin at> wrote in
news:3cd86377 at > You think the FBI would go to China? I highly doubt it, China aint too > cooperative with American laws. Ok, so I'm in Australia, so what, LOL. Probably not just for something like that. And I didn't actually mean to post this thing, hit the wrong key, I was going to mail it lol, DOH :-)) KAH Create YFix me true, and so forthMay 8, 2002, 1:54pm
"pc maniak" <webmaster at> wrote in
news:3cd846f1 at > I wish there was a set of commands > XFix, YFix, ZFix, YawFix and AllFix, that when activated, would make > the user stick to that object while the object is moving or rotating, > as long as the user doesnt rotate upside down, and the user would be > able to get off the object, simply by walking off it, but while they > are touching it, they stick to it. good idea, and you're right, it's easy to program such a feature. KAH My wish..May 13, 2002, 3:17pm
"zeo toxion" <zeo at> wrote in
news:3cde9546$1 at > If your talking about the ejection thing then aw doesnt record it and > look at it and stuff...the world server uses it for ejections. What > would they do with it anyway? The browser gets info about your hardware to do the machine-specific encryption of your PW in aworld.ini (from 3.2 off). KAH Idiot ReportMay 21, 2002, 6:34pm
"zeo toxion" <zeo at> wrote in
news:3cea999f at > Get a new newsreader is you don't like it :P I can read his message > just fine in text version you just have to ignore all the code which > isn't too hard. Plus it wasn't any bigger then a normal text messag Why should he get a new newsreader? Posting HTML does NOT conform with news standards, having a newsreader that doesn't display it is good, because it can lead to less HTML posting. My newsreader handles the attachment itself, but I have to save it to disk and open it in a web browser to read the message. Am I going to do that? No, if someone want me to read their message, they can post their message properly, I won't go to the trouble of saving an attachment then opening it in another app just to read some post! It's all about standards and nettiquette... KAH Idiot ReportMay 22, 2002, 4:12pm
Look, you annoying HTML posting moron, when are you going to get that
posting HTML is against good news ettiquette???? If you tried posting HTML on USENET (except in the binary groups), they'd kill you in two seconds! The reply is MEANT to go under the quoted text, that's a standard, but you always ignore standards and do your own thing to everyone else's annoyance, so why do I bother to tell you? Can't you just go and live in a hole? Weirdo gnome... KAH |