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Z and X axis rotation buttons in the object properties window

Dec 4, 2001, 4:54pm
whoops, typo, yeah I meant 3.3


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Email checking feature

Dec 3, 2001, 4:00pm
"minor modifications"? ok, you've done well proving you have no clue to
programming, it's would take **MAJOR** modifications, be a complete waste of
time, just plain silly... why do you think there are standalone email
clients? anyway, there are a *LOT* of web-services that will check your POP3
mail account. The SDK is not anything like a standalone application shell,
it's just a way of programming bots easily... those bots use standalone
stuff, it's not that hard to send mail...


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VRT time fix

Dec 4, 2001, 4:57pm
VRT clock adjusts at logon, so it's your problem if you're system clock is
going wrong...


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VRT time fix

Dec 6, 2001, 6:05pm
aaaaaaaaaaah, haven't you got it yet? with 500 users connected, sending the
VRT time every second would exhaust bandwidth and server capacities! if
setting it at logon isn't enough for you, why don't you just use a plain,
analog clock and go after GMT time instead???? or just continue to be silly
and not listen to ppl that are telling you how it works and why it wouldn't
work to receive it every second!! just get a quality CMOS/BIOS clock anyway
and you'll be fine...


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AW's Worlds Browser

Dec 6, 2001, 6:09pm
my guess is that he means this:
he wants the CT to be able to be in two worlds at once, so he can see if
there are ppl coming into his world. for the part about the world list, I
think he doesn't know that you can select not to show empty and private
worlds, seems like that's what he's asking for... [my opinion is that this
guy has been taking/smoking illegal substances before posting lol]


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?? AW Worlds Browser ??

Dec 6, 2001, 6:11pm
Marcus, please go back to your underground hole and stay there this time!


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a new tab. maby...

Dec 6, 2001, 6:13pm
nice idea, but what's wrong with pressing the Start-menu shortcut on your
keyboard or minimizing AW? ;-))


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a new user controlled option

Dec 7, 2001, 8:26pm
items? you mean models? max 10 models??? you crazy???


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longer world names

Feb 3, 2002, 8:25pm
what's wrong with pchmstr? sounds pretty much the same, but 2 chars


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ActiveWorlds needs a bank

Dec 8, 2001, 10:09am
no need for that, we have bank bots :-)) anyway, as soon as the USWF builds
up our new world we'll offer members to use the brand new banking system
developed exclusively for us.


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fix world surver bug

Dec 13, 2001, 2:13pm
it's *dail* and *server*... this must be something else, when I was on
dail-up and it went down, the world server never tryed reopening the
connection, I suggest you look at your dail-up config instead.


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fix world surver bug

Dec 13, 2001, 7:52pm
god, this is what school does to ya, folks!! should be illegal to run
schools, I tell you!


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fix world surver bug

Dec 18, 2001, 2:17pm
gee, I was tired after a long day of school and wrote the wrong thing, I
know it's "dial"...


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Hey Roland

Jan 2, 2002, 2:39pm
true, I had to wait nearly a year before I got my cit... not even my parents
that gave it to me!


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Dec 23, 2001, 3:50pm
AW 3.x seems to look for an update, but does not bother to redownload if the
size hasn't changed by more than 1kb or so...


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Dec 25, 2001, 8:23pm
this would be real neat... and I know RW3 supports particle systems too, so
the falling snow and rain shouldn't pose huge problems for Roland (the
staying on the ground is a lot harder to do, though, but possible to do very
nicely if you give it a few weeks)


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reprogram the tab's

Dec 26, 2001, 11:16am
do two separate AW installations (example C:\Data21AW\ and C:\SisterAW\),
then all the info will be saved separately :-))


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reprogram the tab's

Jan 13, 2002, 1:10pm
quote from the newsletter:
"The maximum number of contacts on the contact list has been increased to
in the bit on privacy features...


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Dec 30, 2001, 3:15pm
this is coming in 3.3 I think :-))))


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AW why?

Jan 11, 2002, 6:06pm
half? I wouldn't think so... and they need much more than the half anyway


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AW why?

Jan 12, 2002, 9:50am
thing is that obviously their current income isn't enough, heh


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AW why?

Jan 28, 2002, 4:50pm
it's the company income heh, what's required to make the company not go
bust, not what Ricky & JP get... that 100k+ income is one of the things
driving the quicker against bankruptcy, as a matter of fact...


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bot range

Jan 13, 2002, 1:10pm
actually, just buy a bot limit extension... and if it's for a *special*
event that requires more bots, you can ask the AWC nicely to have your bot
limit temporarily increased...


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bot range

Jan 13, 2002, 7:07pm
sorry dude, but *no*, there *aren't* such bots :-))
Cozmo, you don't need to buy a new cit, just a bot limit extension for your
*existing* cit, I think it's 20 bucks for another 3 bots, and you never have
to renew the extension I think :-)) contact sales at activeworlds.com or


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bot range

Jan 14, 2002, 8:11pm
gee, chill out, I was replying to THE JOKER SS, who said those bots did
*exist* at this very moment... and I did give you a solution, even though
it'll cost you a few extra bucks, it's better than buying new cits... and if
you had unlimited bot ranges, world servers in large worlds and bot programs
would very easily get overloaded, bad solution (even though 25 or 30 coords
each direction would be nice). Agent1 said you have to renew it, but it's
still better than renewing a new cit each month, so contact
sales at activeworlds.com for the details about a possible solution to your
problem. You've been banned before because you blew up at someone in this
NG, you should calm down a bit...


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bot range

Mar 8, 2002, 5:57pm
lol, he meant trainers as in sport shoes


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Fix the OpenGL video mode if it can be done

Jan 17, 2002, 5:59pm
probably the guys at Criterion being a bit lazy and not implementing it into
the OGL RW engine, I'd say...


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Fix the OpenGL video mode if it can be done

Mar 9, 2002, 4:20pm
explain why it doesn't work then heh


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Floating World Timeline....

Feb 3, 2002, 8:25pm
3DHPs are like any other worlds, except that the AWC built the world for
you. Bad idea, you learn a LOT more by building it yourself... You can use
bots in your 3DHP as much as you want to, just give yourself bot rights, and
find a bot :-))


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Floating World Timeline....

Feb 4, 2002, 1:10pm
I didn't even know there were bots for sale in at Mart, you can get some free
at very many places, just go looking for links (I posted some in my reply to
you in general.discussion) :-))


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