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AWCamp Lost It's Pride?

Aug 13, 2004, 12:10pm
Bleh he's my friend, so what? =/

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Meh! TV

Aug 8, 2004, 1:33am
Grammatical errors are almost as annoying as you being so petty over
constructive criticism.

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I admit it...

Aug 12, 2004, 2:07pm
Glad to see you acknowledge that :)

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I admit it...

Aug 12, 2004, 2:15pm
Sure, but assholes like you are real :)

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I admit it...

Aug 12, 2004, 2:28pm
You have yet to build up an argument as to why I am a hypocrite. It is
merely your opinion. After reading the numerous posts from people who think
you're quite an idiot, I have come to the conclusion that your opinion is
absolutely meaningless. So essentially you're just calling me a hypocrite
because you have no other word in your limited little vocabulary to throw
out as an insult. I'm assuming you've realized they have all gotten old? :)

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I admit it...

Aug 12, 2004, 2:56pm
To you a hypocrite is anyone who acts as upfront as you do. Excuse me for
being honest, if you can't handle that, then sure, I'm a hypocrite. However
you seem to overlook the fact that all this crap you've spammed the
newsgroups with has no relevancy whatsoever. It's just babbling from an over
opinionated individual who will never see himself as wrong and resorts to
swearing and bathroom humor to defend his views. It gets old. So do forgive
me for informing you, I know the truth hurts :)

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Building Contest Outrage

Aug 19, 2004, 2:41pm
"Of course, I am sure that the fact that this includes Ashley. and the
ongoing problems with her by certain other people involved in this protest
and the maintained harrasment of her by certain users is completly
irrelevant to the point that this has come around. :)~~~~~~"

It is irrelevant. Her build was a copy of ferrs, and to see that as first
place, is disgusting. You may also want to look into your statement a bit
more strike, I'm sure you will find numerous people with complaints
regarding her for harassing them, not so much the other way around.

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In need of some help

Aug 19, 2004, 2:45pm
What do each of those positions involve Kyle? they're kind of vague.

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Problem with AW regarding huge links..

Sep 6, 2004, 11:55am
yep it crashed me too ferr

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Free .info Domains for some reason Genuine.

Sep 9, 2004, 11:31pm
"The above images and testimonials may or may not be actual customers."


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AFantasy World's 2004 Building Contest & Halloween Party!!!!

Sep 10, 2004, 9:57pm
I really don't see why preventing ferr from entering the contest over
something like "lag" makes any sense. Lag varies user to user. A contest is
about judging who will win, not judging who should be allowed to
participate. Ferr told me that he was banned from the contest because past
builds of his were laggy. Plenty of my past builds were absolute crap. Some
people's old builds have zbuffer. I've seen plenty that were absolutely
uncreative as well. So why not prevent those builders from entering also?
Even if Ferr's past buildings were laggy, who says his entry can't change?
And lets say for example, Ferr was an AW hermit. The only reason sexy eyes
is aware of his past builds which were by her standards, "laggy"; is because
she obviously is familiar with him. I'm sure there are plenty of people who
she doesn't know who could enter and create laggy entries, there's no way to
prevent them from entering because you won't know how laggy their builds are
until after they are completed, which is why preventing someone from
entering for something as frivolous as "lag" in previous builds is pretty

until you see what their builds are like"ferruccio"
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Update to AFantasy's 2004 Building Contest Rules

Sep 10, 2004, 10:02pm
It's good to see you're trying to make the contest as fair as possible :)

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Sound problems...

Sep 18, 2004, 10:37pm
I thought you were deaf?

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For Kellie Williams

Sep 28, 2004, 11:02pm

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AFantasy contest... are the judges visually impared?

Oct 31, 2004, 11:09pm
I think a lot of the judging catagories were very subjective, and some
couldnt even really apply to template houses-like good use of textures, when
the builder used the default texture on the object. Use of commands also
cant really apply much to a template house because of that reason. Good
presentation, Good structure/symmetry, etc are also fairly vague.

And out of curiosity, is it just me or does the 5th place prize seem more
useful than the 4th place one? lol

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AFantasy contest... are the judges visually impared?

Nov 2, 2004, 5:15pm
LMAO you are such a hypocrite. You bitch about everyone whining over losing,
but have you forgotten about your drunken newsgroup posts when you lost the
CYs? Seeing as you can't even remember your gender, I guess so ;)

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Spam originating from these newsgroups?

Nov 3, 2004, 6:23pm
".Sharon: Strike you are a fool to run your mouth without knowing someone."

LOL kinda like how you accused me of hitting on your 50 some year old
boyfriend? Or how you made up all sorts of other sick lies about me? How
about the random telegrams I got from you saying "slut" and crap, when I did
absolutely NOTHING to you? Really you are NOT one to talk.

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Spam originating from these newsgroups?

Nov 3, 2004, 7:26pm
Wow, bitch, dont even get me started posting your psychotic telegrams. You
are one seriously fucked up lady. I have not behaved terribly in "contests".
I entered a contest ONCE and you know what? I didnt ask people to vote for
me or anything, like you have it embeded in that little head of yours. Want
me to post every nasty telegram I have from you? Because I kept them ALL. So
don't even try acting like a victim here lady, you are seriously messed up
in the head, and I'm not the only one to recognize it.

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Spam originating from these newsgroups?

Nov 3, 2004, 7:28pm
Btw-The picture you saw of me was at my build index, and ever since you saw
it you acted like a jealous bitch to me. If you're vain, that's not my
problem. Now please, spam me with more random telegrams stating what a
"whore" I am, for no reason. You're a complete nutcase in my book.

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Spam originating from these newsgroups?

Nov 3, 2004, 7:31pm
Also, I NEVER said Kyle (elyk) was my boyfriend. I made that VERY clear to
your senile old self. So don't put words in my mouth you malicious SOB. The
fact that you bring who I vote for into this is just plain insane. I'm glad
I veer people like you away from wanting to use AW. Then you'll have a
chance to expierience the real world instead of harassing girls you are
envious of ONLINE.

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Spam originating from these newsgroups?

Nov 3, 2004, 7:57pm
This has NOTHING to do with that. It has to do with you having the nerve to
claim you don't judge people when obviously you do. I don't have to "wait"
to attack you, you bring it on yourself by making up crap about people then
telling them they shouldn't "run their mouth before knowing them". I'd like
to know just how you justify harassing me out of the blue when I did
absolutely nothing to you to deserve it, but I guess that's irrelevant to
someone as close minded as you are.

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Ethics When Applying to Organizations

Nov 2, 2004, 5:36pm
Especially when the images on your build are hosted yourself...he coppied
your build and is also leeching your bandwidth lol.

But yeah, I remember you building that house ages ago, and it was kinda dumb
of him to ask for your help with terrain then bring you to a place where he
had a copy of your build hidden lol. Leaves me wondering how he found the
original build in the first place.

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Ethics When Applying to Organizations

Nov 3, 2004, 6:21pm
er, you know AWnewbie is a tourist practice world for building right? And
more tourists go there than AWSchool. Having teachers in AWNewbie is
actually extremely helpful.

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Teens in Activeworlds

Nov 14, 2004, 2:40am
Well you did ban spyder from your world, what did you expect? Would you want
your build left in a world where you were unable to view it? And how mature
are you being by banning anyone who makes valid statements regarding ways to
improve your contests? Also as far as criticism-your contest gave none.
There were no reasons left as to why some builds placed higher than others.
When you decide winners without letting people know why, you shouldn't be
surprised when people find it unfair.

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Teens in Activeworlds

Nov 14, 2004, 3:10am
I don't recall spyder using profanities toward anyone while I was there, and
throughout that entire incident he was one explaining that YOU were NOT at

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AWTeen Ejection

Nov 22, 2004, 11:19pm
I don't agree with your ejection either. The conversation before the log you
provided was a bit questionable, but if that was their reason for ejecting,
why did they wait until after the fact when the situation was over with and
conversation was moved to a more appropriate topic? I also agree when you
mention them ejecting for things that are merely 'irritating' not so much
harassment. I'm curious if they even send in eject logs when they do this?
So if a questionable eject like this happens they can give a valid and
accurate response as to why it occurred?

[View Quote] > asked a PK whether following an avatar around is classed as harassment and
> they told me it's not an offence to eject for.
> There was a PK in AWTeen GZ today when I was ejected. I asked her why I
> kicked out and all I got was, "I guess AWTeen staff has decided that you
> needed to be ejected"; seems to me that some "powerful" people abuse their
> power, and like to eject people because they can.

*Waitin for Whatz NEW*...

Nov 24, 2004, 7:22pm
Some people are having trouble with firewalls and the upgrade. Apparently it
wont let you connect unless you take your firewall down in some instances.

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Please Guide Me!

Nov 26, 2004, 7:03pm
There's a classroom 3d Homepage I believe, which would save you the trouble
of modeling all the objects yourself. However Activeworlds doesn't support
voice. It's possible that you could do what some radio stations in AW do
however and broadcast it with the media feature.

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A very serious article regarding hacking.

Nov 28, 2004, 6:18pm
"Quake is an online virtual reality used by hackers. It is a popular meeting
place and training ground, where they discuss hacking and train in the use
of various firearms. "

I love how he talks about "The illegal operating system, Lunix" and links it
to ....which is an artist's website lol

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Server down?

Dec 14, 2004, 5:45pm
yup it's dead, and as usual the lovely network status page says everything
is just peachy. go figure.

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