A very serious article regarding hacking. (Community)

A very serious article regarding hacking. // Community

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Nov 28, 2004, 3:00pm


Nov 28, 2004, 3:40pm
"Popular hacker software includes "Comet Cursor", "Bonzi Buddy" and

Are you serious? Give me a freakin' break.

"Most American families use trusted and responsible Internet Service
Providers, such as AOL. These providers have a strict "No Hacking"
policy, and take careful measures to ensure that your internet
experience is enjoyable, educational and above all legal. If your child
is becoming a hacker, one of his first steps will be to request a change
to a more hacker friendly provider."

AOL is NOT trustable. It's a piece of trash.

"Computer hackers are often limited by conventional computer hardware.
They may request "faster" video cards, and larger hard drives, or even
more memory. If your son starts requesting these devices, it is possible
that he has a legitimate need. You can best ensure that you are buying
legal, trustworthy hardware by only buying replacement parts from your
computer's manufacturer."


"If your son has requested a new "processor" from a company called
"AMD", this is genuine cause for alarm. AMD is a third-world based
company who make inferior, "knock-off" copies of American processor
chips. They use child labor extensively in their third world sweatshops,
and they deliberately disable the security features that American
processor makers, such as Intel, use to prevent hacking. AMD chips are
never sold in stores, and you will most likely be told that you have to
order them from internet sites. Do not buy this chip! This is one
request that you must refuse your son, if you are to have any hope of
raising him well."

Oh, now you're really starting to push things over the freaking cliff, pal.

"There are, unfortunately, many hacking manuals available in bookshops
today. A few titles to be on the lookout for are: "Snow Crash" and
"Cryptonomicon" by Neal Stephenson; "Neuromancer" by William Gibson;
"Programming with Perl" by Timothy O'Reilly; "Geeks" by Jon Katz; "The
Hacker Crackdown" by Bruce Sterling; "Microserfs" by Douglas Coupland;
"Hackers" by Steven Levy; and "The Cathedral and the Bazaar" by Eric S.

So the kid likes to read about and learn about the internet, you stupid

"If your son spends more than thirty minutes each day on the computer,
he may be using it to DOS other peoples sites. DOSing involves gaining
access to the "command prompt" on other people's machines, and using it
to tie up vital internet services. This can take up to eight hours. If
your son is doing this, he is breaking the law, and you should stop him
immediately. The safest policy is to limit your children's access to the
computer to a maximum of forty-five minutes each day."

If he had the infected users to do it, and the oh so offensive programs
to compile the code to have.. wait, did you say DOSing is involved with
gaining access to the command prompt? Who the hell do you think you are
thinking this is info is all correct idiot?

Quake is an online virtual reality used by hackers. It is a popular
meeting place and training ground, where they discuss hacking and train
in the use of various firearms. Many hackers develop anti-social
tendencies due to the use of this virtual world, and it may cause
erratic behaviour at home and at school.

It's a game.. not a meeting place.. you are such a moron.

"BSD, Lunix, Debian and Mandrake are all versions of an illegal hacker
operation system, invented by a Soviet computer hacker named Linyos
Torovoltos, before the Russians lost the Cold War. It is based on a
program called "xenix", which was written by Microsoft for the US
government. These programs are used by hackers to break into other
people's computer systems to steal credit card numbers. They may also be
used to break into people's stereos to steal their music, using the
"mp3" program. Torovoltos is a notorious hacker, responsible for writing
many hacker programs, such as "telnet", which is used by hackers to
connect to machines on the internet without using a telephone."

Alright, now you're talking trash about the best freaking operating
system in the world to me, and it's LINUX. not LUNIX. You stupid moron.

"If your son has undergone a sudden change in his style of dress, you
may have a hacker on your hands. Hackers tend to dress in bright,
day-glo colors. They may wear baggy pants, bright colored shirts and
spiky hair dyed in bright colors to match their clothes. They may take
to carrying "glow-sticks" and some wear pacifiers around their necks. (I
have no idea why they do this) There are many such hackers in schools
today, and your son may have started to associate with them. If you
notice that your son's group of friends includes people dressed like
this, it is time to think about a severe curfew, to protect him from
dangerous influences."

The kid likes to rave... you MORON OMFG.

Allright. Enough with the commenting on figuring out your son is a
h4x0rz! at !1 I think you shouldn't even posted that URL. It's so false,
yet.. I actually got hyped up because of it, but still. That is so L A M E.


:: Owner of Delusional-Minds Hosting ::
Free world hosting.. Just a T-Gram will do it.

hyper anthony

Nov 28, 2004, 3:45pm
I don't know if I should laugh or pity them...

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Nov 28, 2004, 4:06pm
Laugh! I think its meant to be funny! I think...


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mr brain

Nov 28, 2004, 4:41pm
This is SO FUNNY :P I'm still laughing, hehehe... 30 minutes in the computer
means he's using it for denial of service attacks... ROTFL!

I think I'm a hacker too :P I even use an AMD processor!

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Nov 28, 2004, 4:42pm
I'm hoping this is a parody....

I quote from item 3...

"If your son has requested a new "processor" from a company called
"AMD", this is genuine cause for alarm. AMD is a third-world based
company who make inferior, "knock-off" copies of American processor
chips. They use child labor extensively in their third world sweatshops,
and they deliberately disable the security features that American
processor makers, such as Intel, use to prevent hacking. AMD chips are
never sold in stores, and you will most likely be told that you have to
order them from internet sites. Do not buy this chip! This is one
request that you must refuse your son, if you are to have any hope of
raising him well."

LOL.... It only gets worse from there...

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strike rapier

Nov 28, 2004, 4:49pm
Thanks for the laugh John :)

- MR

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Nov 28, 2004, 5:28pm
I posted it because its funny.



Nov 28, 2004, 5:34pm
After a little research out of interest, it appears that the article itself
is hosted on Debian Linux.


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Nov 28, 2004, 5:59pm
That's so old.. :P

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Nov 28, 2004, 6:18pm
"Quake is an online virtual reality used by hackers. It is a popular meeting
place and training ground, where they discuss hacking and train in the use
of various firearms. "

I love how he talks about "The illegal operating system, Lunix" and links it
to www.lunix.com ....which is an artist's website lol

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Nov 28, 2004, 6:19pm


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Nov 28, 2004, 7:55pm
lol, ya, the links are the greatest..some of the ironies:
-trigger locks" links to an anit trigger lock site
- "vital internet services" links to netscape
-"betrayed the principles" links to bill clintons white house page!
-"integrity" links to george w bush's whitehouse page!
-"denials" ends you up with a 404 error page
and finally, the quote:
"Your child's future may depend upon it. Hacking is an illegal and dangerous
activity, that may land your child in prison, and tear your family apart. It
cannot be taken too seriously. "
emmm, cannot be taken too seriously? :) so ya, just chill, don't take it as
something serious!

now i'm guessing someone actually wrote it who was either serious, or not
very god at making sarcasim very obvious O_O.

and emm, just one thing:
"Any father who has had a seventeen year old daughter attempt to sneak out
on a date wearing make up and perfume is well aware of the effect that
improper influences can have on inexperienced minds"
what 17 year old DOESN'T wear make up and perfume? especially on a date!
especially perfume!

Well, i personally do not have my parents decide what i read, play, watch,
do, or who i hang out with(well, who i hang out with, and what i do, to a
certain extent, assuming i'm not chilling with cocain dealers and killers,
and getting arrested), and would never think about doing that to my kids
(assuming i end up with kids) and i think any parent who does, is over
protective, and just gonna srew up thier children... Gotta be independant,
gotta learn for yourself. just need a bit of guidance.


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Nov 28, 2004, 8:08pm
lol, any of you read his other articles?
lol, that guy is such an idiot. feel sorry for his chilren :)


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strike rapier

Nov 28, 2004, 8:17pm
"One could say, that without the kryton, Europe would be a communist
controlled hellhole where possession of a Bible is illegal, instead of
Europe being a communist controlled hellhole where possession of a Bible is


Ahhh so true.

- MR :)

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Nov 28, 2004, 8:20pm
ok, that guy is definatly just taking the piss! definatly! lol,


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Nov 28, 2004, 8:20pm
after reading what strike poster, came to the conclusion that the author is
definatly just taking the piss :)


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Nov 28, 2004, 10:18pm
LOL I was about to quote the same exact thing "Popular hacker software
includes "Comet Cursor", "Bonzi Buddy" and "Flash". " it's there on copy and
paste. No need to restate what was just said.

It's a bunch of bullshit by some stupid mother who doesn't know jack about
computers. It's just as dumb as mothers against video games and mothers
against peeing standing up.

It almost seems like something TheLady would write lmao.


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Nov 28, 2004, 10:21pm
Continuing on seeing it's just a joke the lady would not post it. She would
have been serious.


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Nov 29, 2004, 5:18am
A bible? No!


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