Ethics When Applying to Organizations (Community)

Ethics When Applying to Organizations // Community

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Nov 2, 2004, 5:33pm
Aoshima noticed I was a teacher's aide in awschool... so randomly he decided
to apply too. I was like sure blah blah blah this is how to do it. However,
when he asked me to help him out with terrain I joined him, only to discover
that he used a bot to copy one of my house's in awteen. Sure it's all well
and good being able to use a bot, but that's not the point of being a
teacher's aide. It's great to be in these organizations but why bother when
you're a fraud? People should realize that when you cheat, you're only
cheating yourself. His build is at AWTeen 23N 165E (if it's not deleted by
the time you visit), and my house is at AWTeen 1287S 1998E. It's lucky he
was rejected since he had no idea about terrain, but I wonder how many
people who do this actually do get accepted...


Nov 2, 2004, 5:36pm
Especially when the images on your build are hosted yourself...he coppied
your build and is also leeching your bandwidth lol.

But yeah, I remember you building that house ages ago, and it was kinda dumb
of him to ask for your help with terrain then bring you to a place where he
had a copy of your build hidden lol. Leaves me wondering how he found the
original build in the first place.

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Nov 2, 2004, 5:46pm
it was next to ashley's house in an area digigurl used to build in
frequently, so im guessing he could found it in a number of ways. Yeah it
sucks he's stealing my bandwidth, since I pay for the hosting of the pics

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samuel ml lison

Nov 3, 2004, 3:32am
[View Quote] You know what would *really* help, in all seriousness.

To actually see some AWSchool Teachers in AWSchool world helping newbies
every minute of the day like there are GakeKeepers in AWGate almost
every minute of the day.

Instead of having teachers run off to do their own thing in AWNewbie and
what not. There are a lot of Tourists calling out "is there a teacher
here", only to be left in silence, stranded in an empty world.

Are the volunteer incentives (extensions) really that low these days?

Come on guys :o)

Yours Sincerely,
Samuël ML Lison

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Nov 3, 2004, 6:21pm
er, you know AWnewbie is a tourist practice world for building right? And
more tourists go there than AWSchool. Having teachers in AWNewbie is
actually extremely helpful.

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Nov 3, 2004, 7:22pm
agreed, awschool is empty now... and cits needing help usually go to awuniv,
or email/tgram one of the teachers rather than hanging around saying "is
there a teacher here?"

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seiya faye

Nov 4, 2004, 3:24pm
Okay stupid question, but you can use up bandwidth just by putting up pic
urls on a picture object?


Nov 4, 2004, 3:40pm
[View Quote] Yes, you have to be able to transfer the picture to the object. This
consumes bandwidth from the provider that's hosting the image.


Nov 7, 2004, 12:52am
Hey Samuel maybe you would like to volunter your time and be a teacher too huh????
And who knows maybe you will stay alone at AWSchool GZ all day and night helping
ppl.....And BTW....I will go to AWSchool anytime someone tgram me and ask for help
....Now Josh if you still a teachers aide in AWSchool please show up and
help.....or then stay hanging in AWNewbie with the others. What I dont think is
fair is ppl going around saying that AWSchool is empty and theres no one there so
we dont exist......I the teachers (with their names at the wall) show up to do
some duty time maybe we can reverse this talking about AWSchool. The names on the
wall means nothing if you dont help.

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Nov 7, 2004, 2:57pm
mmm id like to help, but for some reason i never get the ppw. luckily
dreamer2 has signed me up to the ppw mailing list so i know what it actually
is so i can do my 2 hours a week in awschool...

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