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ferruccio // User Search
ferruccio // User SearchAW's lighting upside-down?Feb 25, 2005, 11:47pm
It seems that now things are being illuminated from the underside. I don't
know about you but I've never seen a world where the sun is illuminating everything from underground :P The lighting was just fine yesterday, but someone just *had* to bollocks it up. Someone fix it please :P AW's lighting upside-down?Mar 2, 2005, 8:02am
AW Mapper request... yet againMar 3, 2005, 12:07am
I'd at least like to hear what AWI has to say about not being able to update
the mapper. [View Quote] AW Mapper request... yet againMar 3, 2005, 7:34am
Hmm...Mar 4, 2005, 3:53am
Hmm...Mar 8, 2005, 2:58am
My OE is having problems. It takes several hours after I click "send"
before the post actually reaches the newsgroups. [View Quote] Complains lolMar 10, 2005, 11:31am
That is one of the most insane statements I have heard to date. Keep Alpha
World the way it is? What logic is in that? Thousands of users around the world have already established huge communities in Alpha World, and continue to build upon those communities. What? You say they should just pack up and leave what they spent years building up? There is no logic in that. Most of these users want to see improvements with the interface and features in-world. They don't want to take a hike and start over :P They want to see progress in their communities, and this can partially be achieved by progress in the browser and world features. Alpha World needs to keep progressing, and its progress will in no way destroy the history that it has developed. New York City is historical, no? And they keep building new buildings all the time. What does this do? Heck! I'm so surprised! It makes the place better! Golly! Now, I'm not saying destroy the old stuff and bring in the new, but all I am asking for is some improvements added on to what we alreay have, and don't tell me that removing the z buffer-thrashing from GZ is destroying history. A bit of cleaning up WOULD be nice. Your builds will still be there if AW gets improvements. If you want to stay historical, then just don't use any of the new features :P Anti-progress does nothing but hurt the business, and most of all, hurt the community. Anyway, sorry to hear that you left the GKs, John. It seemed that some of the sensible GKs (Lady TeaL) were cracking down on the abusive and incompetent GKs. GK reputation might have been improving :O It was from my standpoint at least. [View Quote] Complains lolMar 11, 2005, 8:27am
Whatever the change is, it has to be in a way where the "flagship" alpha
world will not change to another world. I think the company should have a vote on the active worlds website on what features alpha world should have. This would be slightly different from the completely ignored "feature vote", as the options would be for features that are already feasable in the browser. [View Quote] Complains lolMar 12, 2005, 1:10am
You completely missed the point he was making. We would not pack up and
leave Alpha World because we have invested so much time into SW City. Since we want SW City to continue to grow and develop, we want to have some improvements in-world. A "beta" world, no matter how amazing it is, would not get any of us to pack up and leave. [View Quote] The Cy AwardsMar 12, 2005, 7:51am
So I guess this would be a bad time to ask for that belated statue that I
never got from the 2004 CY awards eh? [View Quote] The Cys Can No Longer ExistMar 13, 2005, 3:30am
I have a very hard time figuring out why you would disallow the community to
continue the CY awards. To do so implies that somehow you want people to automatically think about you when they think about the CY awards. What's going on here? I think they should remember the community when they think about the CY awards, and should have the complete rights to continue the awards as they see fit. I find it selfish that you wish to prevent the community to try to continue something in Active Worlds that has been going on for years. Is this "progress" to quarantine something that the community cherishes? It's one of the last binding things that this community has. Please tell me that I am not seeing a darker side of you right now, Bit, because that is what I am seeing right now. [View Quote] The Cys Can No Longer ExistMar 13, 2005, 4:36am
What do you hope to gain out of preventing the community from continuing a
long-standing tradition? [View Quote] Alphaworld servers lately....Mar 26, 2005, 5:49pm
On the lighter side from the Boston StPatric's day paradeMar 26, 2005, 5:49pm
On the lighter side from the Boston StPatric's day paradeMar 28, 2005, 2:35pm
Thanks Stacee!Mar 28, 2005, 2:35pm
GO PKs!!Mar 29, 2005, 5:32pm
X___________________________________________X at how hard that was to read,
but interesting chat logs to say the least, if those give full context. Judging my his first post, I don't believe duskbat was saying that they brought eject bots to his outpost. He said "they WILL bring a pk bot to my outpost in AW" which is a mere prediction. [View Quote] We Need a Court SystemApr 1, 2005, 5:39pm
new worldApr 28, 2005, 7:34am
That is an interesting statement, considering in your own signature you
point out that your town, Hamsterville, is located at 5029N 500E, exceeding the p1000 conjecture :P [View Quote] > When I think BIG worlds, I think of AlphaWorld. I mean, AlphaWorld > has to be *at least* a P1000. > > THAT is BIG. > > Just my opinion :) > > Cheers for now :) > > PC Hamster > Mayor - City Of Hamsterville > pchamster at > Denver, Colorado (my REAL city :-)) > > HAMSTERVILLE GROUND ZERO - AW 5029N 500E > SKYPE ME at patspodcast Fix the invites.Apr 28, 2005, 7:42am
I'd like to be able to see whether an invite I send gets accepted or
rejected, much like the join requests we already have. AWUnivAB Contest Applications OpenJul 16, 2005, 10:57pm
That's going to be interesting, trying to keep all of the contestants
from giving out coordinates :D especially since it's AWTeen, and someone's bound to stumble upon it when randomely exploring. [View Quote] What Do You Like to Build?Jul 16, 2005, 10:46pm
[View Quote]
Just about anything except for most stores and factories.
> 2. I, myself am into building landscapes mainly and wondered if anyone > else is? Yes. > 3. What types of things have you created? Houses, mountains, starships, office areas, various gardens, skyscrapers, also lots of things related to major builds in sw city. > 4. What is your favorite theme? Very few themes I don't like. I really hate victorian though. Dunno why :P > 5. Favorite thing to build? Huge projects. > 6. Or what particular build are you most proud of? The palace at AW 2218.41S 3983.53E 0.92a 180 for now, but probably not for long. > 7. What types of special effects or aspects do you like to incorporate > into your builds? Lots of astarts. > 8. Has anyone else's builds inspired your building? Just about anyone with a good idea, whether they're a n00b at building or not, will be inspiring. > 9. What inspiration causes you to create your builds? Just about anything. > 10. How long have you been building? Since 2001. > 11. How did you learn to build? SS Goku taught me for the first day or so. After that, it was all self-taught. > 12. What do you credit for your success in building? Probably the SW Core. It seems that they are the only active community left in Active Worlds. Without the people around, I don't think I would be building that much. > 13. What feature/function do you use most in your buildings? In the current build, about 90% of the objects are 3 axis-rotated. > 14. Do you have a special texture or object you use frequently? Rock2, flat36, and woodpost seem to be the main textures I use in houses. > 15. What features or functions would you like to see added for building > in AW? Larger cell limit. Larger cell limit. Larger cell limit. For new browser features, I want the ability to stretch and skew objects. > 16. What Objects would you like to see added for your building pleasure > in AW? Curve objects that don't have messed-up gradients and are not misaligned. More objects based around the 1 click width of the pp01_n, perhaps a nice .5x.5 meter square. AWLife NewsletterJul 19, 2005, 6:36pm
If you want to make the text bigger, simply hold ctrl then rotate the
mouse scroll wheel. [View Quote] cell limit in awJun 1, 2006, 3:52pm
[View Quote]
Roadkill did a test to see how many objects can fit in the old database,
and with the new. 74 objects could fit in a single cell, with a large cell limit, under the old database. Only 55 of the same objects can fit with a large cell limit under the new database. I am not building anything in Alphaworld until AWI does something to compensate for the more bulky database. It's just too difficult to alter what's already there. Cell limit in AW back to large?Jun 6, 2006, 7:59am
Because of the new mySQL database, it is extremely difficult to edit
buildings that were built under 3.6. Objects filled the cells more quickly. In order to compensate for this, AWI raised the cell limit in Alphaworld to huge. This worked perfectly, and I was finally able to continue my building. Just a few minutes ago, in the midst of building, the cell limit was reduced back to large, thus cutting our effective cell space in half. The construction is, thus, halted once more :P It's extremely difficult to build with the cell limit fluctuating like this :P I was even ready to write an email complimenting JP on the decision to raise it. Cell limit in AW back to large?Jun 6, 2006, 9:42am
If they did that.. would be the ideal solution, though it would be a
good idea to make large cell limit the equivalent of whatever huge is now. That way, no builds made over the last few days will be left incomplete :X [View Quote] Cell limit in AW back to large?Jun 6, 2006, 3:30pm
The cell limit is still not quite at its 3.6 ability.
3.6, Large: 74 4.1, Pre-cell space fix, Large: 55 (~25% drop on what we had in 3.6) 4.1, Post-cell space fix, Large: 65 (~17% drop on what we had in 3.6) 4.1, Pre-cell space fix, Huge: 89 (~20% increase on what we had in 3.6) On another note, I find it to be a little painful to have the cell limit raised 20%, then lowered again :X even if it was back at its 3.6 level. AW seemed to have worked just fine under huge :O Wouldn't be too bad if large cell limit were redefined to be the equivalent of huge.. along with redefining the rest of the cell limits. That way, like I said, every build made over the last 4 days won't be left incomplete. Anyway, thank you very much on your efforts, so far, to fix the problem :D [View Quote] Cell limit in AW back to large?Jun 6, 2006, 4:25pm
Indeed. The alphaworld servers seemed to have handled huge cell limit
just fine. AWTeen has a mega cell limit, movers, global chat bots, terrain bots, not to mention a *much* larger OP, and I bet its database is growing just as fast, if not faster, than alphaworld's. Their servers seem to be just fine :D Perhaps it's time for a change.. upping the limit in Alphaworld (to huge, perhaps?) with the 4.1 release would certainly be an improvement that many would appreciate for years to come. ;D [View Quote] |