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Jan 10, 2005, 9:15pm
It's great to see another Alpha World town start up ^_^
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hmmmmm ....

Jan 11, 2005, 4:14am
Maybe someone's just being nice ;)

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AW Light Feature

Jan 11, 2005, 4:08am
Indeed, thank you very much. ^_^

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Jan 11, 2005, 4:09am
That'd be great if we got that again. I wonder how much it cost to run the
servers at that time.

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Video/Picture tour of AWI Offices

Jan 11, 2005, 4:13am
I'm sure I'm not the only person who would like to see what goes on inside
the AWI offices, so it'd be cool if one of the staff were to walk around
with a digital video camera and picture camera and just give a guided tour
of what's going on. As boring as work in general might be, many of us would
really be interested ^_^

Video/Picture tour of AWI Offices

Jan 15, 2005, 6:47am
Yeah, I want to see some more pictures.

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Video/Picture tour of AWI Offices

Jan 20, 2005, 3:53am
That's the old place, mind you. They've moved from there since then, I

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Jan 19, 2005, 10:37pm
I don't believe that's the reason. I'm sure AWI has more than enough time
to do all the work necessary to add objects to the OP, and anyway, I believe
it should be top priority to make the citizens happier.

It's likely an issue of liability and risk of adding copyrighted objects to
the OP. Once you put an object on, you can't simply remove it, as many
people would have probably used the object after its availability. Note
that all of the objects added to the Alpha World OP were made just for the
object addition.

Seeing how AWI ignored CMM's button object by email, it might also be a
trust issue. They likely trust tunablues with back-up from Daphne more than
they trust CMM.

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Time to present this idea again...

Jan 15, 2005, 5:17am
How would you feel if AWI cut bits off of your subscription if you get
friends to subscribe? Wouldn't that encourage people to advertise more?

Recent vandalism attack on Tourist

Jan 20, 2005, 3:53am
I agree with Andras. A simple attitude change and perhaps a more positive
outlook on the Active Worlds community in general will be a good deterrant
for vandals.

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Recent vandalism attack on Tourist

Jan 21, 2005, 9:55am
Think happy thoughts? ;)

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Contact List Problem

Jan 22, 2005, 9:31am
You actually do have to restart your browser :X

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Homopobic Gatekeeper?

Jan 28, 2005, 11:01pm
Well, let's say he did break a rule. That means that if anyone mentions the
gender of his or her spouse, then that would be grounds for ejection as
well, correct? If so, then the rule in itself proves problematic.

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Homopobic Gatekeeper?

Jan 28, 2005, 11:01pm
Actually he is pushing many of the theories about the Goreans too far. The
whole article is written in tabloid style. It's hyped up, warping some
information to instill emotional response in the reader. (For instance,
"There is slavery in Active Worlds!" though he never mentions in the
"headline" that it's just roleplay slavery)

Though I find the Goreans' BDSM style (though kept in relative privacy) in
Active Worlds quite disreputable, I still think Cyberwolfman's views, though
fun to read, to be a bit obscure, and should not be used as a source of
information about the Gorean fandom.

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Homopobic Gatekeeper?

Jan 30, 2005, 4:36am
It shouldn't matter what the history is. All GKs should try their best to
enforce the rules equally. Imagine the controversy it would cause if one GK
was enforcing the rules differently than other GKs. Oh, I sure do wonder
what would happen.

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OT: A Killer Flu on the Way?

Jan 29, 2005, 11:46am
Oh noes. Read this. :P Let's stop scaring ourselves.


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OT: A Killer Flu on the Way?

Jan 30, 2005, 6:07am
No, it is not ironic.

His creations represent completely fictional events or completely real
events that happen every day. His movies never fed the fears of those who
were buying into the hypes of the day. For instance, it would be ironic if
he made the movie "The Day After Tomorrow." But, he didn't. Therefore, it
is not ironic. Perhaps you should re-read the article and find out what
he's really addressing.

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OT: A Killer Flu on the Way?

Jan 31, 2005, 2:57pm
There's no way for you to know why he wanted to write that article.
Crichton has been doing a lot of research on hyped up Y2K/Global Warming,
and other fears of the day for years, and seeing how all these seemingly
immediate dangers come to pass, I can't blame him or anyone else for being
very suspicious about a spanish flu that could kill a "billion." Man, a
billion people. Talk about a hyped-up number.

Which specific problems did he address that have been debunked? I'd like to
see them.

Of course the point of your post isn't to scare anyone, but it's best to
make people think about how they take things for granted *after* the event
has occurred. Otherwise, the effect you're trying to make is much less,
especially when these scares constantly come to pass. The biggest scares of
the past several years that have actually happened were never predicted.

Already killed eleven people in Vietnam? Okay. That's a standard death
toll for new deadly diseases, but it's far from the "billion" that one
article states.

Learn from history indeed. Every single huge scare that I have seen has
come to pass. Look at today's iraqi elections. They went fine, didn't
they? ;) *adds a tally mark*

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OT: A Killer Flu on the Way?

Feb 1, 2005, 6:07am
Aljazeera.net (I recall insane Hu using this as a "valid" source),
reuters.com, antiwar.com (Gee, I wonder if they're pushing an agenda.),
gulfnews.com Disgusting. Lmao at the anti war article. Sounds like whoever
wrote that was having a lot of fun with that. Do I believe a word of it?
Of course not. It's emotionally driven, without a bit of logic in it.
Look at the rferl article "U.S. and other foreign forces in Iraq stayed out
of sight of polling places yesterday but near enough to help Iraqi forces if
This directly contradicts the antiwar.com article. I can't believe you had
the resolve to post two contradicting statements if you want to sound
credible at all when discussing this situation.
Post something that isn't riddled with so much bias, and maybe I'll listen.
YES just about every news source on the planet is biased, but I'm sure you
have the eyes to find something more reasonable. Oh noes! It looks like
they're now criticizing how many voters actually showed up. Does that
really matter now? The predictions were much worse. You can tell that
these sources are clearly anti-american, anti-bush, anti-war, and are
writing those articles to push a clear agenda. They're desperately looking
for something to criticize, because they refuse to believe that yes, there
is indeed democracy in Iraq.

Anyway, the point that I was making about the Iraqi voting was that sources
everywhere predicted massive attacks and bombings during the voting, but did
anything even close to the predictions occur? Nope.

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OT: A Killer Flu on the Way?

Feb 2, 2005, 9:05am
Nah. This is just going to degrade into an argument over who's being
brainwashed. But, if you ask me, more mainstream media sources would be far
more credible than antiwar.com, which has one of the worst spins I've ever
seen :P By the way, I'm not talking about armor, or any other things that
happened during the war. Just talking about the voting.
I just love how there are so many small web sites out there that claim to
have the "real" truth, and that the mainstream media is all completely
wrong! They're so darned proud of themselves, don'tya think? ;) Now, let's
say that all media has a huge spin on it. What would you buy more? The
mainstream media through watching many different TV channels, reading
newspapers, and whatnot, or will you get your information from sites such as
antiwar.com, which clearly has an agenda? I'm just saying, be more careful
in the sources you choose. I'm not going to call you brainwashed, because
everyone loves calling people that these days when it comes to politics, so
even though I know saying that is a very easy card to play, I am not going
to jump onboard :P
I was not comparing those who are anti-bush to those who are anti-american.
I was citing one of your sources when I said anti-american. If you know the
news, you will know which source I am talking about.
Sorry if you're crying a river over the Iraq war not being perfect. Know
what I think? I think it is a huge mess, but I am not calling the
administration evil because innocents got killed. That happens in war.
That's one of the many things that makes war stink. I think there is a
greater good, though. "The Lancet estimated that 100,000 Iraqi civilians
have died." From what? If you're talking about "killed by americans" then
you are grossly mistaken. Let's take a biased liberal source called
guardian.co.uk, which is eager to inflate its numbers. They say "War may
have killed 10,000 civilians, researchers say." That's far from the 100,000
you cited, and far from the 700,000+ that Saddam's regime has killed. That
is why I think there is a greater good in this war.
Ooh Germany wanted to try Rumsfeld on war crimes. That's like France trying
to ban croissants and funny accents in the U.S. Do you think the United
States really cares what a country that accepted oil bribes from Saddam's
regime says? I sure hope not. Bring the troops home is a way of supporting
them? Do you know how many of those troops actually want to fight this war?
Do you know the disaster it would cuase if they left right now? We'd have
another Vietman on our hands. This war was riddled with errors, but we're
in now, and we're in for the long haul. It's too late to back out, so wipe
your tears and support our troops. We need to win this war.
Anyway back on the predictions. Yes, it's hard to predict anything without
someone getting on your case about being wrong. Crichton's point was that
we should stop getting worked up over it. These one-by-one armageddon
predictions never turn out to be what was predicted.
Thanks for the links. Though I might have already read some of those, any
read, biased or not, I still find interesting.

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AW Mapper: Reminder

Feb 1, 2005, 7:37am
I don't think so. I think they have green as their default color but I
dunno O_o

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Cy Nominations

Feb 1, 2005, 6:07am
Why didn't Lady TeaL announce this? I thought she was now the head of the
CY committee ?_? I'm confused now.

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Lighting in Alphaworld

Feb 7, 2005, 8:34am
Yeah it would be great if AW finally is having a day and night cycle.
Imagine all the possibilities now.

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Lighting in Alphaworld

Feb 7, 2005, 8:35am
I have no problem building with this brightness

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Light radius is back on 0 again:((((

Feb 9, 2005, 9:38am
Let's just hope they're improving ... something O_o

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CA list is a joke

Feb 16, 2005, 8:06pm
I want a list of all bootable words that the CA has.

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Reason why Alphaworld GZ never changes?

Feb 24, 2005, 3:09am
No offense, but that's an AbMo style reply right there :P Anyone who knows
AbMo knows what I mean.

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GOR world owners

Feb 24, 2005, 6:42am
He went off to There.

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GOR world owners

Feb 27, 2005, 12:47pm
Do you even know the difference between that and BDSM?

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GOR world owners

Mar 1, 2005, 12:44am
I'm about to smack you in the face for making a whole post just to say that

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