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Alphaworld Wishlist Thread

Sep 29, 2004, 4:08am
I just want AWI to pay more attention to Alpha World, and they are getting
on a slow but good start. I'm agreeing with Comit as well on the large cell

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Anthony's Rant for the year!

Sep 29, 2004, 4:13am
It's not like we are having people slowly trickle in. The rate is pretty
good, considering the events over the past 3 years. We need some way of
keeping the newly subscribing citizen's interest, like what comit said.
Right now, AWGate isn't that appealing, especially when some people are
getting ejected for stating the place they came from "I came from there.com
to see this place." First impressions is key here.

Gaps in latest Alphaworld objects... (WARNING: A PNG images files attached)

Oct 4, 2004, 10:10pm
omg you actually typed up a novel post over something so frivolus. You
humor me. Please continue to do this *instead* of making those jokes of
yours, and you'll have me laughing all day :D

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Any towns still alive?

Oct 4, 2004, 10:13pm
umm that is just last month :P
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AW Cell Date Limit Increase

Oct 6, 2004, 8:59pm
O_O!! wow! ^_^ thanks, e n z o!
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AW Cell Date Limit Increase

Oct 6, 2004, 9:03pm
There are so many things that I can now complete because the cell space is
now large ^_^ thank you so much
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Tourist Building off in AW

Oct 12, 2004, 8:18pm
I couldn't disagree more, HAM :P Allowing tourist building would actually
give tourists that extra incentive to register, because they will build
towns, realize how nice it is to start communities of their own in such an
open-ended place, and later register so they can continue their community
building without risk of deletion. That's what got me to register, and
that's what got so many others to register as well, SW City staff for one,
and look how much they contributed. It's so simple O_o give people a taste
of what AW is like and they will want to build here more often. Completely
bar them from what it's like, and they will not have any incentive to
register, since they will have no idea what it's like.

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litle info

Oct 28, 2004, 6:28pm
Demo of a software that reduces polygons in objects.

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litle info

Oct 28, 2004, 6:28pm
Oh yeah, and other stuff.
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AWGate Ejection O_o

Oct 28, 2004, 1:21am
Immigration Officer: Sorry, there is no world called "aw" running at this

Immigration Officer: Welcome to the AWGate. Much of the content in Active
Worlds is user generated & may not be appropriate for all users. Setting
your browser rating level can improve your enjoyment of AW by reducing your
exposure to offensive content. Enjoy your stay :)

RainBeau: u can see ppl when they pop in


Ferruccio: Bah.

Syli: yep Ascii R Us

Ferruccio: where the heck is alpha world?

"Kriss moss": will you give me cpr if I fall lol

RainBeau: ><(((*> ask who?

Ferruccio: I know I know "AW" on your teleport list :P

Syli: lol

Veger o: Boston is going To Win

Ferruccio: it's not there

HighFlier: <tosses popcorn to everyone

Master Crusher: ahhh...not a pg world where we go?...gins

Master Eagle1: If you want to do things like Syli just did use a search
engine and go look at ascii art

RainBeau: first-aid maybe

"Happyfellow": I love your name Ferruccio

naysa E fg: giggles....most definately not!

Master Crusher: tis done naysa

naysa E fg: naysa will invite You again.

HighFlier: hi Ferruccio

Master Crusher: awaits

Milena: i think so Veger

Ferruccio: Anyone here know what happened to AW? Perhaps a helpful GK could
come to the rescue of my confusion.

Master Eagle1: Greetigs Ferruccio

Ferruccio: That's your cue.

Ferruccio: *cough*

Master Eagle1: It is down

Ferruccio: Any specifics?

Syli: I heard it was down Ferr........no other info........did you look on
the newsgroup for more info?

HighFlier: it's the eclipse

RainBeau: if yer gonna stand up here..hide that camera..lol

Ferruccio: I posted the newsgroup post lol

Syli: lol oh

RainBeau: lol

"Kriss moss": aw my leg HELP

Syli: ok stay and have a snack

HighFlier: http://webcast1.uio.no/oslo1_eng.html

[Customs Aide]: Welcome, Ferruccio. For the Conduct Guidelines please say
World Rules or see http://www.activeworlds.com/community/conduct.asp

[Customs Aide]: Please do not flood the screen

[Customs Aide]: You have been ejected for flooding the screen with messages

Immigration Officer: You have been ejected from awgate

In a phrase: wtf? I wonder what caused the customs aide bot to flip out.

AWGate Ejection O_o

Oct 28, 2004, 1:37am
Ah, that makes sense. This must be somehow connected with the AW server

AWGate Ejection O_o

Oct 28, 2004, 6:26pm

[View Quote]

Alpha World's server..?

Oct 28, 2004, 1:36am
What's up with it the past 2 days? Everything has taken ages to cache, and
usually it downloads instantly for me. Several other people are having the
same problem. I find myself building the same thing over and over just to
have it disappear when I bounce. I can still chat with people at the same
time though.

AFantasy contest... are the judges visually impared?

Nov 1, 2004, 12:39am
*reads the thread*

This is why I think all contests should be in Alpha World lol

AFantasy contest... are the judges visually impared?

Nov 1, 2004, 12:50am
And from an objective standpoint, I must agree that the shape of Chrystal's
house from the outside was exactly the same as the template house at
Afantasy GZ, minus two chimneys, and a doorway.

Potentially MAJOR Problem At AW GZ

Nov 1, 2004, 6:24pm
Do you have any idea how Active Worlds works? >_< I really don't think some
uncovered land is going to be a disaster. It's been that way for almost 9
years and there have been no problems. Besides, if anyone found the AWLD
ppw, having that land covered wouldn't prevent the vandalism.

Potentially MAJOR Problem At AW GZ

Nov 1, 2004, 6:28pm
oops, wrong position in the thread. that wasn't directed at comit

Potentially MAJOR Problem At AW GZ

Nov 1, 2004, 6:29pm
Do you have any idea how Active Worlds works? >_< I really don't think some
uncovered land is going to be a disaster. It's been that way for almost 9
years and there have been no problems. Besides, if anyone found the AWLD
ppw, having that land covered wouldn't prevent the vandalism.

Potentially MAJOR Problem At AW GZ

Nov 1, 2004, 11:01pm
Just about everyone (excluding the AW Amish, come on, there's AWGZ world to
preserve it) agrees that the AWGZ is very ugly and desperately needs a
revamp. I like the way they do it in AWTeen, periodically changing GZ
styles to keep things interesting.

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Crash Toothbrush Reduced

Nov 2, 2004, 12:35am
doesn't look any shorter to me. Anyway, the URL problem was fixed a long
time ago.
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Crash Toothbrush Reduced

Nov 4, 2004, 6:44am
ohhh okay
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Nov 4, 2004, 6:43am
It only jumps above that if you refocus the browser or return to your
browser, then goes back down to the 30s. No matter what, I stay at 34 fps
after the frame rate control takes over, and my settings say to keep it
around 100.

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Nov 6, 2004, 4:56am
I was averaging 96fps before the release of 3.5. What makes your browser so
much different?

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New Cy Awards Organizer:)

Nov 2, 2004, 2:20am
You're both making me queasy.
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Spam originating from these newsgroups?

Nov 7, 2004, 1:48am
whoaaa binarybud SWE wasn't attacking you in any way lol
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Dangerous Chemicals

Nov 2, 2004, 8:59pm
I showed people that site almost a year ago :O!!
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Help Tech's of ActiveWorld Please ;)

Nov 7, 2004, 4:00am
Could you please be more specific on what exactly you are seeing? Also
please mention what type of video card you use, and what other 3d programs
you use.

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Help Tech's of ActiveWorld Please ;)

Nov 7, 2004, 5:31am
Right-click your desktop, select "properties" then select the "settings"
tab. Right under the dark grey box with a large and small box in it, you
will see a narrow white box. (it might also be an option-type box with an
arrow on the side.) Tell me what it says in that white box.
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Scientific Question

Nov 12, 2004, 10:48pm
Interesting, because The Day After Tomorrow goes completely against your
anti-Kerry beliefs. Al Gore called it the movie "Bush doesn't want you to

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Teens in Activeworlds

Nov 14, 2004, 5:14pm
Then why the hell did you bring this up again? What was your point?

[View Quote] Now leave it alone, as you all say, its Old News! Over and done with, and I
> am better off without people like that in my world.

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