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baro // User Search
baro // User SearchAWGays.comAug 4, 2005, 2:45am
" (not sure if this is also a problem with Islam either O_o)."
It's a capital offence in some muslim countries. Christian culture is like a tranny on a gay pride float compared to the islamic world when it comes to gay acceptance. One man's garbage is another man's treasureAug 8, 2005, 10:26pm
Doesn't really apply to AW, but neet idea!
Object command to make object move like a butterflyAug 9, 2005, 12:06am
Try putting a a rotate and a move on one. Also, make sure the object you
want to fly around is off-set so that when it rotates, it orbits an invible point, rather than just sit there and spin. I've seen the exact effect you speak of in many worlds, you should maybe ask em. Personal avatarsAug 10, 2005, 6:28am
upload avatar files, web based thinggy checks for a max file size, rwx
thingy tests for max geometry size (so you can't have a 500x500m flashing cube for an av). That would work. Untill of course someone uploads some X rated AV and some easilly offended types freak out and AW realises it's way too hard to check every av and shuts the thing down? Who knows, I'm sure they'll think of something. Personal avatarsAug 10, 2005, 4:27pm
That sounds awfull complex. They'll probably not have inspections and just
disable custom avatars from awi owned worlds so no children kill their siblings and rob a bank after seeing a boob. They just don't have the time to inspect hundreds, thousands of avs. An easier idea would to set up some sort of community group like the PK's, free labour inspecting new avs. I'm sure there are plenty of busy bodies out there that would love to sit there judging every av to protect children and not correctly folling the rules and rejecting any av who's clothes they judge not lady-like or of the wrong religion or race or didn't like the way that av looked at them. Over all, will be fun to see how they handle it. [View Quote] Objects makers in AWAug 17, 2005, 12:06am
That's one of the reason's I'll never pay money for objects. But I'm always
up for a fun trade! AW should just be a relaxing hobby, not some huge stressfull business full of copywrites and rip offs and ego-tantrums. quadruple posting....Aug 17, 2005, 6:08am
No problem, you'll find the AW NG a place where simple mistakes are ignored
with a smile, rather than jumped on and make fun of or yelled at for days and days in a non-stop flood of flaming resulting in people flaming the flamers and so on. That never happens, because we're a happy mature community. Are higher res textures more likely to z-buffer?Aug 19, 2005, 4:00am
Did putting the UV mapping back to normal make the zbuffering go back to
normal? Sounds like something some expirimentation might figure out. Also, the ground is slightly offset to be a tiny bit lower. Perhaps when you scaled up the ground, it scaled UP the ground making it overlap closer? Who knows, but it's a very interesting question. [View Quote] ENZO please read !!Aug 20, 2005, 10:22pm
Seriously, just shut up. I can't tell any of you apart. You're all bunch
of kids who pissed their pants in public and instead of quietly going off and doing your laundry, you all air it out and point at shout at eachother about who peed first or who's piss stinks worse. Stop slapping the community newsgroups with your wet urine stained pants, we don't like the smell, we don't care who pissed their pants first, why, or what you're going to do about it. No, I don't care who started it, I don't care who's right or wrong, I don't care about the issue, none of us do. Shut up. If you want to have a pants pissing contest, have it in private please, you all make the NG smell of urine. Christ, you all won't even piss in one corner, have to keep pissing all up and down the NG by starting new threads each time one of you can't control your self. I know you all feel angry and embarased after making such public fools of your selves, but it's best to just slink away quiety and for gods sakes, get a new pair of pants, we're sick of hearing about these ones. You all know who you are. I'm done..seeya.Aug 29, 2005, 8:43pm
Not that there's anything wrong with modeling for a business, but it's nice
to see someone who models from the same 'place' that I do, sweets. So much less stress, eh? DreamCty World Community Coming Soon!Sep 9, 2005, 4:32pm
Question about AW 4.1's Zone objectsSep 26, 2005, 4:33am
Question about AW 4.1's Zone objectsSep 27, 2005, 4:49am
Also, your potential problem you laid out seems mainly only applicable in
public building worlds, and they WON'T be adding zones to alpha and such. [View Quote] Anniversary of a Great BuildOct 18, 2005, 7:01pm
Sorry, there is no world called "offworld" running at this time.
What did I type in wrong??? New World - Now Hiring Lead Programmer(s)!Nov 1, 2005, 5:10pm
I never trust people who don't accept telegrams and hide their online
status. Usually such people are super paranoid privacy freaks, or have been 'forced' to seal them self off due to a large amount of enemies they'll manage to develop. [View Quote] OneSummerOct 30, 2005, 4:18pm
Why oh why oh why does this need to be aired out here in the community NG?
Please keep your dirty laundry to your self. If you feel you're being harassed, deal with it like an adult with the person bothering you, or let the PK's handle it for you. But under no circumstances should such ridiculous immature personal squabbles be aired out here. Not that these types of threads arn't totally hillarious watching adults flame each other and get all huffy and defensive untill their threads are deleted, but in all these cases nothing is ever settled, no one 'wins'. Everyone who airing their dirty laudry in a contest as to who's stinks more loses. I don't care how mean someone was to you, that's not what this NG is for. The moment you try to drag their name through the mud here in the NG, you lose. If onesummer comes in here and posts a long winded huffy defence instead of dealing with this one on one, she loses too. GTA models?Nov 8, 2005, 7:44pm
It's just a matter of seeing how they store their models. Maybe it's
actually just compressed up in some file a bunch of rwx's Ridiculous BotNov 8, 2005, 7:50pm
I'm sure people have complained about it before, but it happend to ME, so
it's personal now! Today I come into awgz and see some people talking about aw in general. Someone mentions second life and how it just isn't the same as aw. To add my feelings of happyness about aw in a public place, I happily write about how I've seen 2nd life and but neither offer anything close to what I like about AW. Ah, customer satisfaction, word of mouth, good moral boost for the company. Right? nope. I'm ejected. What??? I quick read what I said. I didn't say 2nd life was shit, or was fucking boring. Why!! Why was I ejected! Then I get a telegram from strike explaining what happened. uhgg... Ok AWI, I can understand maybe you got a ton of tourists spamming "VISIT THERE.COM!!!!" over and over or something ridiculous like that, and this drastic step was needed to stop it. Either way, if that's the reason, the spammers are gone and you're just hurting loyal customers. It seems quite... deperate and oppressive. You'll lose more customers with this tactic than you will from people talking about your competitors. OpinionNov 20, 2005, 11:08pm
How would you enforce it? Make them sign up using a credit card that then
bills then automatically after 2 weeks? If tourists needed to have a credit card or something like that to sign in, it would discourage a huge chunk of them, and using a credit card would be the only reliable way to enforce this. IP's change, email addresses are free and easy to create a million of. [OT] DeathNov 25, 2005, 5:15pm
Watch out China, your per-capita execution rate is in trouble!
Yeah, show those commie bastards how FREEDOM will always beat them, specially when it comes to kill'in evil do'ers! [View Quote] [OT] DeathNov 25, 2005, 5:43pm
Black people and mentally challenged people in texas with only small amounts
of evidence are different from normal people SWE, you don't need the same amount of evidence for it to be morally ok to kill them. Bush is a direct conduit to god and KNOWS who is must die. World 'mate' Partnership...Nov 26, 2005, 7:39pm
I'd like an STD test before mating with your world. Also, any genetic
history you could provide to make sure we'll be producing good stock. "Sneak peak" at AW 4.1 (different universe)Jan 17, 2006, 11:11pm
Don't Just Say NoJan 17, 2006, 7:13am
If one has soooo many friends you can't have a moment of peace and
apparently half of them get mad when you 'ignore' their tele's, well, looks like a self-correcting social system. A friend that can't respect your need to work sometimes and gets mad you don't shower them with instant attention isn't really a friend and you'll be well off without their bothering. Or at least that's my code-less option... But yes, a 'busy' flag along with the afk would be nice for some people. Another sugestion would be to become some sort of strange semi-hermit like me! It does wonders! Why I'll never go to a gor world againJan 19, 2006, 8:45pm
I'm not one to air complaints like this on the NG, but I feel my self in
the mood to write, and maybe get some feed-back other than 'told you so' :p For all my many years in AW, I've always known most people seemed to hate Goreans and their community. I always admired the fact that they were a strong role playing community I thought they added to the AW community. I assumed most people simply didn't agree with their chosing to role play as slaves, and some of their "adult" content. I always thought "sheesh people, it's just a game, just some fun fantas role playing". I've always remembered their worlds to be fairly well done, in the old days they had some of the first and best fantasy-themed worlds. So, I thought I'd go on a grand tour of the Gor worlds and simply explore them, meet the people, and maybe learn a little about Gor (I know pretty much nothing other than Tal, slaves). At first, being a stubborn independant type I admit I was a little stubborn when asked my age and would 'stall' a little, but I'd always give it and learned the loss of privacy was simply the 'cost of doing business' in Gor. Exploring a few worlds I found many ranged from absolutly horrible uninspired 'fantasy' garbage sloppily pieaced together from random free fantasy sets and even some theme-destroying non-fantasy stuff, to worlds that seemed to have a consistant theme, planning, and lovely objects and building. There was one consistancy though, extremely rude bossy unwelcoming people. (to be fair, I did meet a few, very few, people that actually gave me the time of day to answer some questions) Even after giving my age, I'd be followed and houded, I felt like everyone had their finger on the eject button waiting with glee for me to say the wrong thing or go to the wrong area. Doing my best to behave, respect that they were role playing enviornments, and still ask questions and get info, I was without a doubt always ejected. Many it seemed could not understand that a visitor was actually trying to not break the 4th wall by speaking totally OOC. I'd try to ask questions from the perspective of a traveler, and I'd be met with confusion and people telling me to read the books. Everyone of course knew I was up to something. Obviously I was trying to seem interested in Gor and respectfull of role-playing just to at the list min shout "GOR SUCKS LOL!!!!", so it was wise of them to eject me before I had a chance to launch my cunning plan. The sad thing is, the whole reason for my tour was to learn about gor, their worlds, and their object needs so perhaps I could use my ability to make 'fantasy' style objects custom fitted for their theme. I came in wanting to help a community I often defended and admired, and was left simply thinking "No wonder everyone hates you, you bring it on your self!" I supose in their defence they'll claim they have SO many people and kids that go there just to cause trouble they've become jaded and defensive, but in their sweeping "Eject first and don't even bother to ask questions second" policies, they've chased away an innocent simply wanting to learn and provide low-cost/free/traded objects. I guess that's no loss to them, but it was sad for me to be proven so wrong. |