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CY nominations SOON!

May 9, 2006, 10:38pm
The Academy awards are voted by an Academy of 'experts' not the general
public. Otherwise they'd just count up box-office returns. People who
vote on the movies must watch all the nominees.

Undeserving or politically/financially motivated outcomes often happen,
but that will happen with any voting, but at least its a sort of middle
ground between an outright uninformed popularity contest and judging.

Although what's the big deal, if you don't like the way the CY's work,
you don't need to play.

I don't like American Idol, so I don't watch it or enter it. That's not
to say I can't complain about it, but I should keep in perspective that
its only and meaningful as I make it. Which, in the case of the CY's,
has always been a big 0. Yet I'd never try to take the fun away from
those who DO enjoy it.

Sweets, check out the SAW awards, its got some good promise and as its
not decided by a pack of pre-teens I'm pretty sure ALL worlds are
considered. The first one went off pretty good, and I think the next
will be even better.

Depressing ;)

May 12, 2006, 3:46am
Looks like from the raw numbers and math, the pricing change is making
them less money.

Then again there's less load on the server. That would need to be
factored in to see if this was a good plan or not. Even if it comes out
even or close to even, it would be better to have more people.

Well, awi is a business. I'm sure they know these numbers and math
quite well, and I'm sure they'll lower their prices if they have come to
the same conclusion as we have. Hey, maybe come 4.1 they'll go back to
$20 a year since it seems it would make them more money anyways!

Background needed

May 13, 2006, 8:08pm
I"m looking for someone with bryce or what ever that could maybe make me
a skybox texture for my world. What i currently have is ok, but it does
not exactly match what I need. Its some very simple terrain. Hills
to the south west and east, nothing but sky to the north. Rugged snow
capped mountains in the southern distance.

Anyone able to help me out?

Background needed

May 14, 2006, 7:47pm
ah, I definately need snowcapped mountains but green rolling hills. But
thanks for the offer!


May 14, 2006, 3:42am
I always save all my dumps!

Prelighting Program

May 15, 2006, 7:55pm
Prelighting is a very powerfull tool, but rather tricky to use correctly
as it pretty much has to be added in via notepad. I used to be able
to prelight all my objects with lovely gradiants and effects when I
worked in notepad, but working in wings, I've got no option other than
sitting there in notepad with a calculator for hours prelighitng every

But it's very basic math, seems like something a program could very
easily do.

What I'm looking for is a simple program that looks at the vertex's of
an object and figures out its XYZ dimensions then allows you to pick two
numbers and a direction, then poof, you've got prelighting.

For example. An object 1m thick, 5m wide, and 10m tall, you'd say "top
to bottom" and ".5 to .2" and the program would add the #! prelight X X
X comand to each vertex doing the basic math to give a gradiant of .5 to
..2 from the top of the object to the bottom.

A more advanced version would allow you to set a mid-point, and create
gradiants from there. For example, I could set the midpoint at 2m with
a prelighting at .6 .6 .6, and a top prelighitng of .1 .1 .1 and a
bottom of .2 .2 .2 and it would add the approprate prelight tags to all
the vertex's.

If such a program existed and was easy to use, it would truely help all
of AW. Abuse and over-use of the create light comand absolutely murders
the frame rate, but many people don't use the prelight comand as its
simply too much work to implement.

Anyone able to do this, or perhaps a program already exists?

Grand Theft Auto Project

May 18, 2006, 7:28am

Grand Theft Auto Project

May 18, 2006, 4:31pm
Sounds like for the most part it's just them 'borrowing' the textures
and some objects from the game and trying to come up with some sort of
gameplay of their own to go with it. The first part should be easy
since they both use renderware.

I'm just really hoping they do a good job on the world, rather than it
looking like someone's alpha world town with some better textures.
Could be AW's nicest most realistic contemporary city world!

Grand Theft Auto Project

May 18, 2006, 4:50pm
Anything better than the "games" we have now.

If you could have non-tedious gameplay OR a world that doesn't look like
shit, even just ONE of those, you'd be ahead of the pack. Go for it!
You guys can do it!

[View Quote]

Grand Theft Auto Project

May 18, 2006, 5:19pm
I think SOMEONE is forgetting to THINK ABOUT TEH CHILDRN!!!

Grand Theft Auto Project

May 18, 2006, 5:57pm
you don't get points for killing people in GTA. There are no points.

In fact, killing cops gets you in trouble, usually leading to a firey
car chase and your death, or subsequent arrest.

Just because you CAN do something in a game doesn't mean that's the
focus of the game.

The things you are suposed to do in those games generally center around
you exposing corrupt cops, taking down terrible criminals, fighting the mob.

You don't have to kill any innocent people in the entire game. Players
doing all those things you described and rail again aren't doing so
because it's what you're suposed to do, they are doing it on their own
accord because they think its fun, even if it hurts them in the game.

it's simply a game where you can do anything you want. You can drive
around safely helping the police if you want. Any 'evil' in the game is
directly chosen by the player.

Grand Theft Auto Project

May 18, 2006, 8:33pm
Yeah, the two origional ones were little indy PC games that had little
to do with the modern ones, other than the concept of driving around and
stealing cars.

It's 3 4 and 5 that are considered the "real" ones. the true 3d ones
that were on playstation 2, those are the hugely popular and well known

The first two's graphics were so primitive you couldn't even tell what
was happening. Many don't even know the PC ones even existed.

Grand Theft Auto Project

May 19, 2006, 4:33pm
When I was young and got mad I'd always run out, and before I knew it,
built a thriving city on land I didn't own. Simcity screwed me up, and
I'm just begining to realise the damage it caused my formative brain.

Also, I cried when I first saw wolfenstien. Killing a dog?!?! That's

But yes, I've definately seen kids get influenced by things. Most kids
are fine, but there's always the idiot that sees ninja turtles and
starts kicking stuff (immitating the origional, not kicking with anger
at the new series). But that raises the question of if its the
influence that's the problem, or the strange disconect and ease of
influence of the child, and what that cause is. I'm going to say bad
parenting because its easy and this entire 'debate' is based on
uninformed speculation and personal experiance.

Grand Theft Auto Project

May 19, 2006, 6:24pm
[View Quote] > Sorry, you're wrong. It has to do with the way you're raised - only
> children raised by irresposible and unintelligent parents will be
> allowed or inclined to mimick a cartoon or video game.
> Now please, for the sake of the project, i'd like you to all forget
> about this pointless arguement - maturity is much more imporant than
> age. I started playing GTA at 11, and i've not carjacked anyone yet, nor
> have i killed anyone. Please leave it alone and continue your comments
> on the project, this is for constructive comments and criticism of the
> project - not debating whether or not GTA is bad for children.


May 20, 2006, 5:32am
Some could argue you hiding and listening to them was an affront to
their privacy. I kinda like to know who I'm talking to, and if you
don't want to talk or be seen.. why are you there at all?


May 20, 2006, 5:09pm
That's up to the 'host' of the world you are currently in, as it should be.

> I'm doing just the opposite, recently having come back to AW after years
> away. My AW related activities have skyrocketed. I'm seriously addicted
> again. :) But I would like the option of whether my name shows or not to
> other cits and tourists.


May 20, 2006, 5:36pm
Or just set your self to afk. As long as yo don't fly around to ruin
your cover, people will ignore you.

[View Quote]

here we go again

May 26, 2006, 6:56pm
oh wow it's coming out. That's neet!

People can use these 3 days to perhaps break their addictions to ugly
public buildings worlds and perhaps try their hands at something new..
like the world Avatar! ha!

here we go again

May 26, 2006, 9:46pm
My guess would be 0

OLD windoze? CLICK HERE!

May 29, 2006, 4:52am
Obviously step one is to get bloody xp, which I agree with.

[View Quote]

New Project :)

May 31, 2006, 3:37am
Wait.. there's more than one stargate inspired struggling teleport
network with barely enough members in aw?? Amalgamate!

Private Worlds

May 31, 2006, 3:51pm
Download the latest world server when its avail and install then
transfer over your props and such. Andras posted on this topic nicely.

v4 object type rights. Not for everyone?

Jun 1, 2006, 2:00am
Doesn't seem much worse than what people could do previously. Heck,
just following someone around with your av and getting up in their grill
is about on par with those listed.

[View Quote]

cell limit in aw

Jun 2, 2006, 6:50am
I heard that the way cell max space is handled is quite complex and
really hard to change. Then again that might just have been an excuse
to previous community demands for higher cell amounts.

I just wish they'd give us world owners an option for 'unlimited' or
some near unlimted amount.

World Server

Jun 3, 2006, 7:23pm
It would help to know what problems after another you are encountering.

World Server

Jun 4, 2006, 9:24pm
I guess they wern't nominated for a technical award...

[View Quote]

What. The. Hell?

Jun 4, 2006, 3:11am
that's horrible

as I watch it die

Jun 5, 2006, 11:34pm
Why is anyone still there??

as I watch it die

Jun 6, 2006, 8:03pm
It's more we're all having a party on a moving train chugging towards
progess and upgrades, and you decided to jump off into the middle of
nowhere durring a nice part of the party. Get back on the train silly.

[View Quote]

as I watch it die

Jun 6, 2006, 9:09pm
I can barely go in a tall building, let alone a roller coaster.

But it's better than a dingy ghost-town full of creepy hermits, if you
know what I mean.

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