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Question for sweets

Jun 25, 2006, 6:15pm
Honestly, if an X rated world wants to participate let em. They'll miss
out on votes, but that's their problem no?

Question for sweets

Jun 26, 2006, 1:50am
That's fair enough, but the "if everyone can't see it" argument doesn't
seem to apply to pg-13 worlds no? How come one uninforceable and
generally ridiculous age limit is being picked as the cut off and not

A three challenge for you to pick and take up...

Jun 25, 2006, 8:53pm
Avatar is like all of those things, except the american ones! Plus
dangerous levels of steriods.

New CY Date Set

Jun 27, 2006, 7:05pm
Yeah, I'll be off doing Canada-day stuff.

More ImaBot releases for 4.1

Jun 27, 2006, 12:06am
I love you too

[View Quote]

What exactly does the "Empty Local Cache" option do?

Jun 27, 2006, 7:04pm
I'd LOVE a specific list of all the objects in your world, or something
in the building interface that you could "reload this object" or texture
or what ever, and jsut that item.

To Rick and JP...

Jun 28, 2006, 6:14pm
I offered to make them a comprehensive set of correctly UV mapped
primitives for alpha world at the request of SW city. Basically lots of
little cubes and rectangles and walls and triangles of smaller and more
various sizes, but it was refused due to their strict "no object
donations" policy. I can see for copywrite risks they can't accept tons
of objects, and just for the admin of having to deal with tons of
constant donations and requests, but hey, it's me!

So I don't think we'll be seeing many new objects in alpha any time soon.


Jun 30, 2006, 10:51pm
Why is your name .net ? Is a website you own or something?

Mr Pimp Noll

Jun 30, 2006, 11:12pm
Woah that really looks like him.. is it really him??

Happy Canada Day!

Jul 1, 2006, 11:23pm
Drinking and boating!! with a flag!

Happy Canada Day!

Jul 2, 2006, 2:26am
and nothing more american than petty oneupsmanship.

I had a nice fun day at the beach with my new boat, sorry if that's not
good enough for you.

[View Quote]

"The Cys have made it to the future", building off the title "transition to the future"

Jul 2, 2006, 9:48pm
To be fair it was a vote, not judges judging them selves. Although
maybe a little tacky for a organisation 'giving its self awards', unless
you're accusing them of fooling around with the votes, its all above
board, at least from a technical perspective.

Although most events and such don't include them selves or staff in the
voting process for reasons of the feelings of 'tacky' or 'something
fishy' it often garners from the public.

"The Cys have made it to the future", building off the title "transition to the future"

Jul 3, 2006, 7:43pm
Ever since I caught The Community sneaking extra resources in a game of
Catan and then kicked my dog, I never trusted it.

Back to the Future Recreation

Jul 2, 2006, 4:14pm
It's very close to the East Ending area of SW city, I think there's some
links to it on their website. And yeah, it's amazing.


Jul 5, 2006, 3:28am
You pass, A+.

last ntie

Jul 6, 2006, 7:24pm
How do you know who it was?

CitBingo is Back!

Jul 6, 2006, 11:07pm
Andras is the wind beneath my wings. I don't think there's anyone in AW
that hasn't been saved or helped by my favorite hungromaniac

Avatars.dat Editor version released!

Jul 11, 2006, 10:04pm
I can't go for a walk outside without finding wheel-mouses and winXP
cd's just laying around under cars and bushes. There's no excuse not to
have these things.

Windows 98 / Me no longer supported

Jul 12, 2006, 4:59am
Hours??? I'm not computer expert, I was super scared when I upgraded to
xp from 98 about a year ago. But it was soooo easy and only took about
an hour, counting time to figure stuff out.

I'm Baack (And Need Some Help!)

Jul 18, 2006, 7:51pm
Other than being forced to build all in the same ugly world and forced
to build only small-scale things.

But yeah, so long as you don't want your own world, don't want your own
path, don't want near unlimited space, then SL is fine.

SL doesn't exist solely for commerical benefit? Every company exists
soley for comercial benefit. So if you pay them a lot of real money,
they are nice enough to give it back to you in game money? Or can you
turn L$ back into real money? Wouldn't that make the game free?? What
step am I missing here?

[View Quote]

ATTN: Mystyyy - I Have an Offer For Ya!

Jul 12, 2006, 7:06pm
Why don't you just ask him?

Colony Alpha

Jul 12, 2006, 7:57pm
Does anyone remember when the colony alpha objects were first made
public. Like, when the path was first made avail and the objects put on
the aw site for download?

I'm tryin got date my world, but it's so old its date is listed as
"unknown" in awi's records. All I can remember is the one of the first
things we did was download the Colony ALpha path, as it was just added
for public use when Avatar was created.

If anyone can remember, that would be awesome!

History hunting!

Colony Alpha

Jul 12, 2006, 9:39pm
Yeah but that's not when they were offered on the aw website for others
to use. I'm wondering if anyone remembers when they were added for
download to site. I think it was around 98 99 ? Anyone know the exact

I started aw in late 96
Some time in 97 colony alpha was open for building, America world was
the cool new thing. Then private worlds started to pop up. My friend
bought a world and called it Avatar for no reason other than attracting
visitors sortly after, was like one of the first 'batch' of private
worlds, like the first year they really started to sell to the public.
Then about a year later, the owner decided to leave AW and traded me the
world on the condition I mail him some blank CD's I had (wierd!).

Colony Alpha

Jul 12, 2006, 9:56pm
Thanks to Mauz's site the mystery is solved.

I remember my brief switch to Outer Worlds when it first opened due to
not being able to afford to renew my world and the offer of a free (but
smaller) world in OW.

OW was in late 98, so that means my world is from late 97 or early 98.

Wholy smokes that's old! yet still an unknown world.


Jul 16, 2006, 12:41am
Please move off the board or I'll have to eject you :)


Jul 16, 2006, 4:17pm
I wonder why though. Anyone know why someone would suddenly go crazy
and get them selves banned?


Jul 16, 2006, 10:51pm
Internet lawsuits are GREAT, always on firm legal grounds.

But it's aw's fault, they should really add to thier licence agreement
something about being able to cancel accounts if they want and not being
liable for damages or losses.

Oh.. wait...

Harold & Activeworlds

Jul 19, 2006, 10:16pm
I don't get them

Harold & Activeworlds

Jul 20, 2006, 1:14am
Good riddance!!


Av Blocks

Jul 21, 2006, 6:20pm
I've had the same problem in my world for AGES. All the avs appear as
wierd transparent blocks.

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