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Why I'll never go to a gor world again

Jan 21, 2006, 6:10pm
"Not all Goreans are the same. it's like saying everyone who isn't is
the same."

Did you read this part:

"to be fair, I did meet a few, very few, people that actually gave me
the time of day to answer some questions" ??

My "report" is simply what I encountered. Met some nice ones, some bad
ones, sadly it was the bad ones with the eject rights that prevented me
from meeting the nice ones.

New avatars in the world ShopAW

Jan 24, 2006, 6:30pm
Must be a very warm setting where these people are from :p

Looks nice! and low-poly is always good!

New Earth

Jan 25, 2006, 10:42pm
OGLE-2005-BLG-390Lb, good name! I hope we don't meet any mean

From A Distance

Jan 29, 2006, 2:47am
Why don't you just run and do the things that are fun for you, and not
do the things that stress you out and bother you?

From A Distance

Jan 29, 2006, 5:07pm
Chat when you want to chat, build when you want to build, help some
people when you want to help. Most of these important sounding
organisations seem to do very little to no real work, rather than expand
their beurocracy to meet the needs of their expanding beurocracy. It
always amazes me how many projects and organisations spend more time
having meetings, designing a website, making fancy rules and titles,
then actually doing anything usefull.

[View Quote]

From A Distance

Jan 30, 2006, 1:18am
Yeah, I've heard good things about awnewbie, I always thought it was an
awi thing. Hope you find someone to keep it alive.

Modeler problem...

Feb 3, 2006, 12:07am
I love it when a plan comes together!

Selling avatars of RPG avatar set

Feb 1, 2006, 8:05pm

Looking for help

Feb 3, 2006, 9:14pm
Hi there AW community!

I'm looking for some building help. Nothing super fancy, but just
anyone who can build without horrible errors, and within a theme. It's
very very easy work, and quite fun! Just simple building facades and
such in Avatar.

See, just very simple box-geometry. And while you build, you'll have
some nice views and friendly neighbours like this:

It's fun, creative and easy!
Anyone up for a new challenge to work with some new objects?
Won't you be, please won't you be, my neighbour?


Crashing in Steel

Feb 5, 2006, 6:44pm
Most video cards can only display 256x256 or 512x512, some newer cards
can display 1024 textures, but a lot of people in AW still have pretty
crappy cards.

Don't worry about the texture sizes, AW doesn't actually display jpg's
as it's a compressed format and not suitable for real time rendering.
What the rendering engine does is download the jpg (a nice small size
for downloading) then converts it to another format and power-2 size (ie

So, on one hand, that giant giant texture probably isn't crashing anyone
or causing any trouble, as it is converted after downloading to a
renderable size, but on the other hand, it's massive size is an absolute
waste taking up space on your object path and needless time on our

I think at least.

[View Quote]

Stagecoach Island Video Available

Feb 20, 2006, 10:52pm
The video is bigger than the bloody product, why don't the people just
go check it out for them selves?

AWEC's incompetence is simply unacceptable

Mar 3, 2006, 9:43pm
I always ignore that callender. I always thought it was dead or not
even updated anymore. It looks so bad, out of date, and I never see any
actuall EVENTS on it, just weekly and most often out of date or dead

GKs are corrupt except for like 2 >.<

Mar 13, 2006, 12:05am

Second Life

Mar 14, 2006, 7:40pm
For once, me and Pos are in agreement. I checked out SL via a friend
who had it. Some places were kina prettier, but it wasn't somewhere I'd
want to hang out, even if 100% free given the alternative of AW.

AWI maybe never replies to emails anymore, but they are SUPER busy with
4.1 so I forgive them. I've heard some pretty bad 'gossip' about Linden
labs though.

[View Quote]

How much should a world cost?

Mar 19, 2006, 8:35am
Can't you just do the math? The worlds have a set price per square meter
no? Yeah, it's just $0.00025 per square meter.

So, a p4,000.. that's 80x80km, or 80,000 x 80,000m, thus 6,400,000,000
meters square. So... a p4000 would cost, using the basic private world
formula, $1,600,000.00

Wow.. yeah that's right. I can't imagine a project that would need that
much space. But there you have it, if you want a p4000 with NO special
pricing for 'buying in bulk', there's your price.

Obviously the only project that would need that much space would be some
sort of new super public building world. But Alpha has soooo much space
left, another isn't needed, in terms of just raw space. If you want
newer objects, cutting edge features, and the ability to donate to the
path, try awteen. There's also mars.

All of these words, even alpha, rarely have more than a few dozen people
in them. A new private public world, unless it offered something truely
new, also wouldn't ever have more than a few dozen. We can clearly see
from AW's pricing that every user capacity costs $10, so to literally
get a 'a few dozen' would cost about $360. Now, to have enough space
that no one has a trouble finding a plot of space, their largest listed
size of a p100 is quite large. Unless every single user is SW Comit,
with about 50 builders (and that's going to be hard to find in today's
AW) that gives everyone almost their own p30 world's worth of space to
build in.

So, to make your dream come true will only cost about $1360 "sticker
price". But we all know if you have a really good project, something
that is truely needed by the community, valued by awi, and you are a
reliable person, this cost can come way down. Not that a grand and a
half for one's absolute dream world is too ridiculous. You even get
$350 worth of free cits back from the deal! You could give these 5 free
cits to people to get some people to actually build in the new public
build world. Which, after a couple months, will probably become as
abandoned as wildaw, mars, or thebeans. Raw public building isn't
really that popular anymore. There are soooo many private worlds out
there, and world prices are fairly low that most people that are serious
about building just buy their own world. There's still life in the
public build worlds, look at SW City. Active worlds has TOO MANY worlds
and TOO MUCH land for the number of cits it has. The new trend is games
and such that push the limits of AW, something new.

We're like a city that at one time had a ton of downtown office demand,
but then there was a huge flood that killed most of the people, and to
make matters worse, tele-working became more popular, so there's too
much empty office space downtown, way fewer people, and technology has
changed to make such centralised office space obsolete for most. The
idea of building a new huge office tower in this city is a pretty
ridiculous idea. The key is to find out what IS in demand, and go with

How much should a world cost?

Mar 22, 2006, 9:59pm
If they lower the prices too much, then it won't just be the users who
are poor, but aw its self. it's like that damned game Lemonaid stand.
Rick and crew are attempting to set a price that will make them the most
money over-all. If the price is too high they'll lose money, and would
obviously lower the price if needed. When they first changed their
pricing model it was a little higher no?

Obviously the community wants cheaper prices and more users to play
with. You could argue that a more thriving community woudl attract more
people and make more money over-all, but I think we can assume awi has
poured over the data and come up with the current pricing system as the
'best' system for the current state of things.

maybe once 4.1 is out and they want to do a big user-drive it will come

Maybe they'll do some clever promotions to attract new users.

Maybe they'll do some interesting sceme to help hold ON to existing
users. Perhaps some sort of 'loyalty discount'. Say 10% off the yearly
price every year you are a cit.

Who knows! But of course they know the community thinks the prices
should be lowered. I want new state of the art computers to cost $200
bucks. I'd like a house for $50,000. I'd love a door to door huggagram
service staffed by Enzo for only $10 plus five cents a word. But they
ARE trying to run a business here.

if you've got some data and real hard numbers to back up why they should
change the prices beyond some antidotal evidence and personal feelings,
I'm sure awi would thoughtfully consider it all.

New Towers!

Mar 17, 2006, 8:49pm
We're welcoming TWO new towers to AW's most lovely little town of Avatar!

The first is a delightfully complex housing over 27,000 wonderfully
people stacked upon 104 well appointed floors

I won't post in html, but the link above is a great pic of the new building.

The second building we are welcoming is much small, but just as nice.
It houses 7,800 people and is 80 stories tall. Perched on the coast,
this new tower dominates the waterfront.
(you can actually see the previous mentioned building in the far back
left of this shot)

Any interested peoples are of course, as always, invited to Avatar!

Now Hiring !

Mar 28, 2006, 9:39pm
Well with so many help organizations in AW, he must have finally run out
of possible names to call his, and we've looped around to the start.
Obviously no one would be so foolish as to purposefully pick an existing
name if there were others available. I mean, that would just be
confusing and stupid...

4.1 April Fools Prank

Apr 5, 2006, 8:20pm
[View Quote] And only an extremely young and naive 'kid' wouldn't instantly figure
out that the statement was in regards to april fools. They more than
made it clear it was a cute joke as it was so over the top and obvious.
You almost couldn't call their message "april fools" as no one could
be fooled by such a message. Did you sit there 'clicking the closest
av' and then calling tech support, barely able to communicate due to
your extremely flustered and agitated state when the pixels didn't get
bigger? Were you actually tricked, or dare I say "fooled", by that?

I could see some complaints from lifeless obsessives if they actually
provided a link to a 4.1 download and after installing it and running
it, it turns out to be a joke that replaced your entire cache with
animated pictures of a dancing enzo, but even so: April Fools, get over
it, grow up, get a life.

In poor taste? What? I could see if their april fools joke was some
sort of message about how 4.1 was delayed due to a zionist conspiracy
that destroyed the world trade center and used their diamond powered
jew-rays to cause flooding worldwide to increase the bulk price of
pixels. That is poor taste. What is in poor taste here?

No, we wouldn't understand how it feels as we're not riduclous
high-strung lunatics. Insulting? Well good, you need some insulting to
perhaps shock the stupid out of you.

In closing,
You are dumb and silly, sit in the quiet-room untill you've calmed down
enough to come back and play. That, or keep having your indignant fit
as its quite entertaining to the rest of us. Tee hee :)

4.1 April Fools Prank

Apr 5, 2006, 8:54pm
[View Quote] You've found me out! Curses!

Oops AWEC did it again...

Apr 13, 2006, 8:36pm
Trailer trash is not unique to the US

Free Citizenship

Apr 5, 2006, 10:11pm
Wait, did some of you BUILD a location for your games? Pfft how
original, what next, you'll talk to YOUR friends with a keyboard?


Just for fun

Apr 7, 2006, 5:46pm
I have dreams all the time that something terrible has happend to my
world. Like I log in and find out awi for some reason canceled my world
or deleted my OP for some unfair reason. or that someone has 'hacked'
my world and taken it over and turned it into some paintball/kids-tv
station world.

Seems to be a repeating theme of losing my stuff.

I was ejected from AWGate...

Apr 20, 2006, 3:21am
Dang, did they destroy your record attempt?

DotSoul/My first experiences with 4.1 Building

Apr 24, 2006, 4:34pm
I checked out that universe... maybe I just got a bad impression, but
the builds in the crater look like they were actually hit by an
asteroid. I tried to ask in the most polite way where the builds or
areas that wern't just absolute random 'playing around with 4.1 effects'
style test-builds were, but no one seemed to know.

Does the universe have any real builds, anything nice, or is it just
some random disjointed piles of objects?

DotSoul/My first experiences with 4.1 Building

Apr 25, 2006, 8:37pm
Why would they do that, or were they some how 'illegaly' upgrading their
world to 4.1 ?

DotSoul/My first experiences with 4.1 Building

Apr 25, 2006, 10:42pm
That universe is really really awful. It's like a giant earth moving
machine dug its tungston teeth into an absolutely random spot in alpha
world's NAC wastelands some time in late 1998 then just kinda dropped
the objects and parts of buildings into a big landfill along with a few
random particle emitters.

It's so sad to see such a huge financial investment in something as full
of opportunity as a new universe used no where near its fullest, or even
barely used at all. Why not create an interesting community with
direct support for towns and community building. Why not create an
interesting building game, or an interesting theme, or just ANYTHING
other than "Here's some land.. I guess you could build.. what ever."

it's like seeing some crazy billionare building a huge land reclamation
island in Hong Kong's Harbour and announces that aliens have given him
construction technology decades ahead of what anyone else has, and as
the world watches what fantastic amazing project will be put on this new
plot of land where anything is posible, he just throws up some early
90's pink stucco McMansion and calls it a day as that's the grandest
project he could devise. He's not making a statement or flaunting his
wealth, he's just lazy and uncreative. But I guess its his island and
he can waste it how ever he wants. But that's not to say the world
can't look at him like a fool who threw away one of the greatest

But who knows, maybe he's just biding his time in his ugly little
cheaply made house untill the plans for his giant mega-arcology / space
elevator / cure for cancer is finished. The world can only hope and
wait... or write pointless frustrated NG posts.

5 days left on world is it worth me renewing?

Apr 25, 2006, 11:32pm
Dear Hoover,
As a long time customer, nay, business partner in our job of vaccuming
my carpet, I have recently heard that your engineering department has
been finalising a new hand-held vac. Your official statements about
this new vac has listed all its features and you have stated it is
currently undergoing quality testing and will be out "soon", but as a
partner in your business (I once bought a vac from you!) I demand that
you personally take time out of your day to give me detailed progress
reports and access to all your internal engineering and R&D info. And
what is this "soon" business and your claims that even you don't know
when it will be done? This does not meet my impatient self-important
demands to be undeservingly and uneedingly over-informed on matters even
you do not know. Some of your testing staff have made it clear how the
progress on the new vac is coming, but this isn't good enough, I demand
that your CEO treat me like his most important share holder and answer
my usless 'are we there yet' questions to which I already know the
answer to but I'm so overly-emotionaly invested and obsessed with your
vacumes that I'm deluded my self into making ridiculous comparisons to
business-partners when I'm nothing but the lowliest consumer of your
product but I demand attention. I demand this, as a business partner
with a dirty floor.

CYs need photographers

Apr 28, 2006, 9:36pm
Wow, that was amazing.

CY nominations SOON!

May 9, 2006, 6:13pm
Sweets, what kind of horrible world do you live in where parents take
basic responsibility for their children, and comapnies only have to give
ample warning and tools for parents to control their children's
activities with no way for the child to access without circumventing the
password or having a lazy parent that didn't bother to set it??

What next, the bouncer and lobby of a strip club will be legaly enough
to allow their operation?? What if a child was to get hold of a tank or
even a large truck or van and ram it through the front (or any wall) of
the building and saw a... forgive my graphic language, but.. a boob.

If such an event happend, the club would be liable for millions.
Although no amount of money can cure a tainted child, that will have to
live the rest of his (probably short) life with the memory of that
picture of a boob, or lumpy low-poly nude avatar. I should know, it's
something I stuggle with every day... I'm sorry I can't go on...

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