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rude email proved fake

Dec 1, 2003, 7:51pm
I just thought I'd let everyone know that the email I posted from "bill" a
few days ago has been found to be a fake. (as I said was a posibility). He
did not call us all morons, that would be our email spammer password taking
spanish web mail using friend. (which is a lead some people are following

New Version Update

Dec 5, 2003, 4:39pm
Yeah, must be fake with a root of

Multi World CHristmas Present Hunt

Dec 6, 2003, 11:30pm
What are the reqs?

Multi World CHristmas Present Hunt

Dec 7, 2003, 12:07am
Sure, I've got a quarter of my world almost done and sealed off for some
sort of game, would be perfect for this.

Hello. I am Ci. are there any good builds in AW to see?

Dec 13, 2003, 6:54am
No, but I can see a lot of semi-deserving flames coming your way.

the GKs again...

Dec 14, 2003, 7:27pm
[View Quote]

Hacking Game

Dec 27, 2003, 1:09am
What's a robut?

Grover's Name Removed Near GZ

Jan 16, 2004, 7:34pm
Who was grover? I think I remember that name from a long time ago.

Matters of good Grammer

Jan 19, 2004, 12:55am
awgate = america? You know, probably a good 1/3 of the people there arn't
from the United States.

Also, man, I love this thread! Poorly written attack on bad grammar turns
into a huge tirade about "kids these days" and how american isn't as "stron"
or "Prioud" as it should be. Also, as much as I can't stand the US or its
culture/education system, you really shouldn't judge it by the content found
in an online chat program. For most of these kids it isn't "real" so they
can say and do things they'd never dare to in "real life". For example, I
doubt you'd stand up on a soapbox in the middle of your school and launch
into this slurred rant you just dumped on us, just as most of those kids
don't act like SUCH shits in real life.

Anyways, go get involved in local school politics or something, and for the
love of god proof read just a little. I'm not one to nit-pick spelin' and
"grammer" but good god woman, I can't understand half of that.

Whatever happened to, all of the heros?

Jan 20, 2004, 9:08pm
I miss Trot-dawg. That guy was my main man... *pours out bottle of vodka
for his dead homies*

[View Quote]

major doo doo hitting the fan

Jan 26, 2004, 11:29pm
The site comes up totaly blank for me... just a white page.

can aw release a 3.5 screenshot?

Jan 27, 2004, 7:25pm
The floating tabs are such a pain in the ass I stopped using AW for about a
week after getting the upgrade. The toolbar is also not improved, just
"different" so I had to re-learn the buttons. Not a big deal, but why oh
why did they waste time making new buttons and this stupid floating toolbar,
most everyone I know on the beta now runs aw exactly like in that screen
shot. If you maximise AW, the tabs panel gets in the way of the viewing
area and puts your view off-center, very distracting. Before one could
simply turn off and on the tabs panel if they didn't want it, I see no
reason to make to float and no ability to "lock" it onto the side like

Another E-mail Virus... Mimail Variant

Jan 27, 2004, 7:29pm
I really don't understand how these viruses infect anyone. Who the hell
would open something like that? It's like getting a package in the mail
containing a gun with a note "I promise this gun is not loaded, if you put
it in your mouth and pull the trigger you'll get a rock hard errection, get
to work from home and make up to 100 grand a year, and enlarge your breasts
naturaly". Anyone who pulled the trigger is just helping thin our the

Another E-mail Virus... Mimail Variant

Jan 27, 2004, 7:57pm
actualy to be fair I got a mail delivery error today and almost went to look
at the attachment but it was from a domain I've never sent an email to (I
don't send a lot of emails) so I decided not to.

Also I notice a lot of windows users like to hide file extentions, about 99%
of viruses could be avoided by just looking at the extention.

UnDocked Tabs...

Jan 30, 2004, 2:21am
I'd have to say the stupid floating-in-the-way-on-top-of-everything tabs is
the #1 pissoff from most people.

Here's a tip. Run aw in a window, re-size the window to leave a space on
the left side the size of the toolbar, then move it there. Other than the
file and teleport an such menues not being where you'd expect them, it's
pretty much the same. But the thing is, most everyone is doing this... so
why the hell did they change it?

Skybox needed

Jan 30, 2004, 8:35pm
Just get a "space" texture and put it on an existing one

Lives and you

Jan 31, 2004, 8:48pm
Every time you send a chain letter, 2 email server admins kill them selves.

The VWTV Network

Feb 1, 2004, 7:44pm
Sweet deal, now we can finaly have more stations than watchers.

Regarding Wine Parties/Grape Stomp Parties in AW

Feb 7, 2004, 6:57pm
Ihnk, religions aren't things to faithfully follow, they are more like a
potpourri of rules that people can pick and choose from to back up what ever
current personal beliefs need backing up or short comings that need filling
in. Think people should be nicer to each other? Quote from a book rather
than forming your own ideas! Don't like a current political trend?
Interpret a quote to prove the trend is wrong! Got a bunch of miss-placed
hate you want to target at a group? Don't worry, apparently so does god!!
Want to go to war? Yep! It works in all cases. Just be careful to never
actually read and follow ALL the rules, because that may inconvenience your
life and make you realize that most of the rules are utter out of touch
draconian gobshite.

[View Quote]

World Ratings

Feb 8, 2004, 5:53pm
An R rated world owner could also look at their world log, see someone
tried to get into their world but the rating was too high, then send the
person who tried to get in a telegram with a cuss word in it, then assume a
new identity and buy a new citizenship. After the child was finished their
cussword induced killing spree and drug binge (specially if he/she ever
played one of those violent video games) I think we could all file a class
action lawsuit against AW.

Also, yeah.. you'll generaly hear more words above your rating in an
average visit to a G rated world than from the welcome message of an X rated
world. So if a single viewing of the word "fuck" is un-stomachable to
anyone using AW, welcome messages shouldn't even be on your content-panic

Awesome city

Feb 29, 2004, 5:56pm
Good gravy, I was getting about 3 fps in there, and you want MORE detail?

[View Quote]

The Passion of The Christ: Out now in theaters. Pick up a ticket

Feb 25, 2004, 6:15pm
I prefered him in "Air America", Crashing a smaller plane INSIDE a bigger
plane to hide from the bad guys!? Oh Mel...

The Passion of The Christ: Out now in theaters. Pick up a ticket

Feb 25, 2004, 7:58pm
And this has nothing to do with aw community. I don't come here telling
everyone to go rent the zoolander DVD because I just watched the out-takes
special feature and it was 'teh funny'. It's "aw community" not "RL movie

Then again if something like this REALLY bugs you, just ignore the post.

I just don't want to see the aw community forums turning into a movie
review/religion spamming forum.

Great tool to help you build better!

Feb 28, 2004, 5:43pm

One of the top 50 largest web pages in the world, packed full of pretty
much EVERY building of note in the entire world. Pictures, and importantly,
dimentions. Very helpfull for getting scale right (something so lacking in
aw. How many 2 story banquet hall bedrooms have we all seen?)

Great tool to help you build better!

Feb 29, 2004, 7:57pm
Didn't Eep sometimes know what he was talking about and actualy had quite a
few skills? So no, brock is not the new eep. Then again I don't know what
the guy does, other than random "Look how high and mighty and way way way
above the rest of you am I because I come on NG's and randomly tell people
they are stupid." posts.

Im gonna pop..

Mar 3, 2004, 5:57am
I have no idea what you are talking about. Python? Lem 12 what? Sponsor


Mar 5, 2004, 12:11am
8 Years ago?! It wasn't that long was it?! Was it 8 years since it last
existed, or when the first one came about?


Mar 5, 2004, 10:21pm
You're fired.


Mar 6, 2004, 7:19am
Why? There are plenty of much more 'deserving' worlds that could use a
community. Heck, alpha world seems to be dieing lately.

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