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CobToRwx problems.

May 28, 2002, 4:42am
Yes it does. cobdump3 operates completely through dos via commands lines.

As far as I know, CobToRwx cant just be double clicked, you need to open up
a dos promts, cd into the same directory as CobToRwx and the Cob you want to
convert and typr somthing or other to initialise thep rogram with a command.


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Does the Management bug roland, does it bug u?

May 29, 2002, 5:51pm
> Yes, the security features are a good thing :) But with people going to
> if they dont get 3.3 soon, do we really NEED things like slide detection,
> we really NEED 70 AWC test worlds and do we need Cryonics as a manager?

We WILL be getting 3.3 soon. It will be released before the end of this
month. Thats like...2 days at the most.

Gand dosent need 70 worlds becuase he nees to keep different work seperate.
When 3.3 is released and the world list is now catagorised you wont see them

JP although he has been a b******d at times is, infact the guy behind many
successful business ventures other than AW and must have dont somthing right
to get all the money he has. Why you even brough him into this I dont know.
If anything, you oughta be critisizing Rick, I've heard much worse about


Does the Management bug roland, does it bug u?

May 29, 2002, 5:52pm
> Gand dosent need 70 worlds becuase he nees to keep different work
> When 3.3 is released and the world list is now catagorised you wont see
> anyway.

thats "Gand DOES need..."

The end of an era

May 31, 2002, 10:14am
Even though I almost went to prison thanks to Roland. I agree, he has almost
solely kept Active Worlds alive. Maintaining contact between AWCorp and the
Users as well listning to us whenever he could to improve the software.

You will be missed Roland, do come back and see us when you can :)


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trueSpace 4 Tutorials

Jun 4, 2002, 8:48am
Hey everyone,

I've almost finished my trueSpace 4 tutorials for making objects/avatars in
Active Worlds. You can view whats compelted of it at: -
only one section left to complete.

Once everythings finished I hope to expand the tutorial to cover more stuff,
but right now I'm just trying to get the basics done. If there are any
problems, mistakes or broken links, lemme know. :o)

robbie at

trueSpace 4 Tutorials

Jun 4, 2002, 3:28pm
nope. but if you want to learn to make objects for Active Worlds...trueSpace
4 is so much easier and does everything yu could need.

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trueSpace 4 Tutorials

Jun 4, 2002, 3:29pm
If you would like to make objects for Active Worlds...I would suggest you
stay with TS4 and leave the upgrade. TS5 bring whole new host of menus and
functiosn that are confusing and not nessacery for making objects for Active


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trueSpace 4 Tutorials

Jun 19, 2002, 5:33pm
Why upgrade to 5 at all? In my opinion there is no gain (when making obs for
AW) to be had by upgrading to 5. And quite personally...i hate 5.

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Don't Look Now! It's...

Jun 11, 2002, 8:49am
Hehe. I've been making objects and programming for years, its just now with
less time spent begging for citizenships to be re-enabled and dodging
universe bans I can concentrate more on my more productive nature. ;)
*swings in all kinds of ways*


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Don't Look Now! It's...

Jun 17, 2002, 10:59am
Its just been generated with GIF2TXT:

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Jun 14, 2002, 5:36am
> M A T T was banned from AW for hacking the X worlds universe.

Not that I know of. No-one "hacked" X Worlds. We had a few problems, but
they were so trivial they dont qualify as "hacks".

> He is presently sending some type of script that allows him to steal
> passwords.

Well, to me he sounds like another little kid with nothing better to do. I
would be surprisd if he had the knowledge to compose a ActvieX script, let
alone exploit it to steal someones password. Furthermore I highly doubt he
can steal a pasword through a website. The best of people in AW havent found
around the machine specific encryption yet, so I doubt some little n00b has.

My two cents? Band him from your world if you want, dont talk to him if you
want. But dont make posts like this proclaiming him as some hacker becuase
its probably what he wants. AWCorp will ban the end of the week, I'd put my
money on it. Just send thme any evidence you have of him stealing



Jun 15, 2002, 6:50am
How can you assist a computer? :P


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Jun 15, 2002, 11:30am
does a computer "ask" for help? To assist is to help something/one to
complete and task with hich it wishes to perform of its own accord. To help to complete a task you wish to be performed is to control.


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UK Teens Reunion

Jun 21, 2002, 9:46pm

Trying to get this organised. If your a teen in the UK, I'm organising a
reunion (not endorsed by AWCorp) in London. Checkout the page for the events
of the day.


AntiCrax Day/Night Cycle Bot

Jun 24, 2002, 9:41am
For anyone interested, I will be displaying my new Day/Night Cycle Bot into
AntiCrax all day today. The bot facilitates random lighting settings within
a specified range. Also RGB Offsets to emulate different seasons. The bot
will soon become a permanent feature in Anticrax with more features.

Feedback welcome :)


AntiCrax Day/Night Cycle Bot

Jun 24, 2002, 10:01am
Opps, I almost forgot. A BIG thankyou to Grimble and Rumpnisse who helped me
with it.


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oops, prior question cut off some how

Jun 25, 2002, 6:56am
When you've deformed an object in truespace and you are happy that you are
not going to have to deform it again, click on the object (or objects) and
then click on the object union tool. If you have deformed the object, it
will ask you if you want to 'Delete Animatable Deformations and Deform
Connections'. Click yes but dont union the object with anything...jsut click
another button on the tool (like the cursor button) to get rid of the object
union thing.

This is because when you deform an object TrueSpace holds the deformations
in a kinda temporary memory (so when the conversion program reads it, it
sees the original object, undeformed.), so that if you deform again, all
your deform settings are saved. By clicking the object union button, your
telling trueSpace to loose the data its keeping and actually deform the
object. This is also so trueSpace can allow you to undo your deformations.

If you have any other problems, e-mail me or go to for
my tutorials. Hope this helps :o)


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Generations Day, AWTeen

Jun 26, 2002, 8:34pm
Tommorow, the largest event in the history of AWTeen will take place.

I've been havily involved with the development of this event. From the
creation of custom objects to bots and textures. Not only would I like to
tell you about how great tommorow is, I'd like to confirm a few things.

As some of you may know, the recent work submitted by NoMad 1 was rejected
by the AWTeen Core to be used in conjuction with Thor 2. At Generations Day
tommorow I will be giving a Demo of Nox, my new Day/Night Cycle bot using a
ingenuitive skybox which utilises masking to create a sky of any colour you
could desire. With that I have created a simple RGB transition bot that, if
approved by the Core could be elaborated to create Thor 2.

This brings the total number of major events at Gens Day tommorow back up to
three (as the previous Thor 2 showing was cancelled with when NoMads work
was turned down.) For anyone who is even contemplating now going heres
several reasons why you HAVE to be there.

1. The new AWTeen public terrain managment system, Demeter will be unveiled
in AWTeen. The latest of Brants creations; it will make AWTeen the number
one place to build in, anyone regardless of rights will be create to create
sprawling mountain ranges or cavernous valleys using a modular set of
textures I created allowing you to seamlessly blend grass, dirt, mud or snow
into your terrain.

2. My Bot Nox will be shown, as explained above, the new bot will boast the
same features as Thor but using a special Skybox to allow smooth transitions
between times of the day without huge downloads.

3. The new AWTeen Caretaker will be announced. Much speculation as to the
new Caaretaker has been rife throughout the AWTeen Community. Finally the
new caretaker will be announced by Brant who will lead AWTeen into the next
generation (thus the name of the event).

4. Strike Rapier will be giving an exclusive fireworks show with his amazing
bot, (seriously, it is exellent) which uses coronas to create realistic
fireworks sequences, this is how we will end the event to go down in AWTeen

It all begins tommorow (Thurday) at 1PM VRT, this may seem a strange time,
but believe me; this is an event worth staying in for. The AWTeen Core,
Myself, Brant and many others have been working hard to make tommorow a huge
success and we invite YOU no matter who you are to come and celebrate the
success of AWTeen and its community and welcome the new Generation for
Active World's second, if not the largest community. Be there.


*plug plug* Nox *plug plug*

Jul 2, 2002, 3:45pm
I am very honoured to see that Nox was nominated for a CY! Its not even in
use in any world yet! hehe.

Just so you can read about Nox before you vote ;) here's there URL to a
short a description about it:

"Who cares about the CY?! I get to meet alphaBit! ;)"

This is Annoying

Jul 9, 2002, 7:54pm
Roland is NOT an idiot. He has contributed as much to this communit as Rick
Noll or Ron Britvich. (well maybe Rick isnt such a good example *wink*).

Perhaps if you knew what you were talking about instead of making yet
another useless post you wouldnt make yourself look like such an "idiot".


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trueSpace 4.2 Tutorials

Jul 11, 2002, 6:12pm
I am in the process of updating my tutorials to include new pages on the
more advanced techniques in trueSpace. Already the deformation page is
available for you to go and read, I'll be adding a new page each day
(providing I get time) until the tutorial is complete.

Comments and Questions Welcome :)


trueSpace 4.2 Tutorials

Jul 11, 2002, 6:14pm
Offcourse the URL could be helpful, LOL


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trueSpace 4.2 Tutorials

Jul 13, 2002, 1:03pm
Offcourse there is Jonny! Cobdump 3, Accutrans and COB2RWX all fully
reconise and support opacity in COB files.


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trueSpace 4.2 Tutorials

Jul 13, 2002, 1:06pm
I do try and tell people *sigh*. Stay away from trueSpace 5+! Its overly
complicated with a whole new system and it has hundreds of new tools that
arent supported by AW anyway. Its only possible advantage is its a bit more

I've never used 5.2, but in TS 4.2 you select the paint object tool, then of
the 4 spheres in the shaders window you left-click the top right one, then
select plain transparency. Then right click the sphere and set the value to
anything between 0 and 1. This is fully supported in AW, although in TS the
object may not be rendered as semi-transparent (depending on your video card
it may just be shaded darker to simulate semi-transparency).


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trueSpace 4.2 Tutorials

Jul 15, 2002, 5:20pm
Well I'm too set in my ways JB, sorry. I'll stick to 4.2 :D


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WATCH Out For Idiots That Like To Stir Up Old Hate Flames

Aug 4, 2002, 7:36pm
Shut up and push off, peed.


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Re: Object path protection

Sep 9, 2002, 5:20pm
I dont think he's even in AW anymore. Eep prolly got his way and drove him
out, which is a shame since he made a huge difference in this community and
hes left by the far biggest flaw in AW unreported, CT in EVERY world anyone?


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Concerning The Game

Oct 16, 2002, 3:13pm
Stop acting your some well founded company, as long as your a poster on this
newsgroup, your an individual, and we don't welcome indivudals with open
arms thats post their anoyance in every available newsgroup when it only
bares relevancy for one of them. As J b e l l kindly pointed out, if your
such a well established company, you would know that you cannot play for
money on the ineternet unless your over the age of 18. I can supply a link
to both european and american government websites that state that if you


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Second Life? What happened to the First one?

Dec 12, 2002, 6:20pm
Now now, Big E. Lets not encourage foul play. I didn't see you smiling when
Gavroche unpacked the 3.2 browser despite the encryption or when Sleepy E
wrote a tunneling program give himself CT in any world. ;)

Nah, I just hope Second Lame has a CEO who is as fun as easy going, they'll
need it to compete with AW. They might have the fillz, but not the


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Caligari TS 5.1 question

Dec 23, 2002, 8:44am
Mrbruce, my tutorials at are still incomplete, I add new
sections every week or two when I get time to write them. Since you wrote
this I have added the "Adding/Deleting" section to the tutorial. I'm glad to
see you are finding it useful :)


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