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robbie // User Search

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So very sorry.

Jan 24, 2003, 4:46pm
When I was seven I peeked at my presents before christmas day *breaks down*,

TS Tutorials Completed (inc: How to make AVs)

Jan 26, 2003, 7:50pm
I've completed my tutorials at: - new sections include
how to make avatars and articulate them and how to create picture sign and
facer objects. You can now also download the entire tutorial for local
viewing on your PC.

I hope everyone can understand it OK, it was very difficult trying to
explain how to articulate avatars.

Feedback welcome, Enjoy!


There you Have it Folks.

Jan 27, 2003, 5:28am
Are you psyically or mentally incapable of replying to one of the million
other threads you've got from the last week, rather than making a new post
for every stupid thing that enters you mind? Jesus.


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Jan 28, 2003, 5:35am
You might be incapable of balancing a happy social life and a regular bit of
AWing, but I am. I have great fun out with my friends in real life and find
a bit of time later at night when I have no homework to get into AW and do
somthing building or make some objects.


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Seiya's Song

Jan 28, 2003, 5:34am
I think I'm going to cry.


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Inside The Art Of "Artifex" - A New Face On AW

Feb 7, 2003, 5:29am
Excellent, this is just what we need, more tallented modellers and avatar
designers in AW to help keep things fresh.. Good work Artifex, don't stop
making new stuff! :o)


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Freedom City

Feb 14, 2003, 5:30am
Its those damn commie bastards, right, Yanst? It's all their fault.


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I'm Back

Jul 5, 2003, 1:37pm
Woah, I got a massive response on my Jungle Warfare Set. Thankyou everyone
who made kind comments and those that have bought the set. And a big
thankyou to MrBruce for taking over my citizenship renewals.

Now I'm fully aware of whats been going on in the NGs regarding certain
people and MrBruce. I know that theres been a number of problems in the
past. But after looking around A!!CT and talking to some other people who he
renews for. He seems like an honest guy who just wants to make his world

Anyways, so without making my first post in a while into a massive debate,
I'd just like to say that you all are a great community and you've pulled
together to help me out when I needed some help. AW is one of the few
communities where you'll find that online. So thanks! :D


Aw video5 released

Jul 16, 2003, 4:22pm
Adobe Premier 6 is the Daddy for Video Suites IMO. No software can make
special effects easy, its just generally a difficult thing.


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Trusted Sources

Jul 24, 2003, 7:22pm
How about:

Those are my AW Resources :)


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Oriox3D - A New 3D Modeling Resource

Sep 18, 2003, 4:35am
Hey Everyone,

Checkout my new 3D objects site: On this new site I
will be giving away more free objects as well as selling premium packages. I
am also working to build up a resource page with all the most useful links
for AW modelers.


Message to all from M A T T

Oct 8, 2003, 5:36am
Pull the other one M a t t.

Castilion supposedly died in a car crash, mp3 supposedly had a lung
collapse. You idiots come up with the lamest stories just for a bit of
attention or sympathy and we all see through it.


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Solo debit cards?

Nov 27, 2003, 8:05am
English Solo Cards dont work Strike, American ones do.


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Nov 30, 2003, 6:19pm


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OK, what have we learned this weekend?

Dec 1, 2003, 8:02am
> object path. I honestly do not believe any object paths that are being
> compromised are being "sniffed" to have the PW derived from browser
> communication. I believe it is far more likely that common AW objects in
> object paths are being used for comparison, cutting down on the time to
> crack the password.

This is such a common misconception. I got hold of the first true
Browser-Based Object Path Password decrypter in 2001. They've been around
for some time. The algorythm that encrypts the password in AW isn't so much
weak as it just hasen't changed in years and AW hackers have had a long time
to work on it.

Even now theres still EXE's floating around that decrypt OP passwords, and I
even saw a bot once that logs in as a citizen and then crawls through the
entire world list cataloging OP passwords.

The only point I want to make is, yes - 99% of the kids that "terrorise"
people like MrBruce are just attention seeking losers who actually know

What's important is there are 2 or 3 people in AW with skills you wouldn't
believe. There are hacks in existance that can gain Caretaker control of any
world from scratch, with no priviledges to start with. Luckily these mroe
serious bits of code remain in the posesion of their authors, and the
authors are mature enough to keep their findings to themselfs and the Dev

All I am saying is don't underestimate "hackers" as a collective, but don't
get wound up by these pathetic idiots that parade around trying associate
themselves with the ones who really can.

New Version Update

Dec 5, 2003, 3:46pm


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New Version Update

Dec 5, 2003, 7:37pm
Seriously, that isnt fake. I know from experience, when you get accepted
into the beta group you are given a web address to keep up with updates,
that is the page that the alpha testers are using to keep track of whats in

You watch it update as time goes on.


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How to handle this idiot. (read me matt)

Dec 30, 2003, 9:04pm
Hey all,

AW has had some characters in its past, so far we've enjoyed almost a decade
of harmony in our small but strong community, afterall, it was that which
convinced me to make AW my home in the first palce.

When kids like M a t t come along and get everyone all worked up over
nothing. The only thing it should make us think about - is how prepared we
are (or not as the case may be).

As any regular Internet user, you should all be running a Anti-virus and
Firewall program in order to protect your PC from most common malice. A
little bit of sense as to what files you download and what information you
share and your pretty much protected.

Basically what I'm trying to say is, the attitude we should be showing
towards Matt is not of anger and or agression. Simply ignore the kid and let
AWI deal with him afterall, the only reason he's doing it is for attention.
He's trying to feed his lonely little ego with any attention from you folks
he can get.

As you read this yourself Matt which I'm sure you will, your not really
making yourself look like any "leet" hacker to me or any of the
"knowledgeable" users in AW. Your making youself look like a stupid kid with
nothing better to do with his life than terrorise middle-aged women and
other kids your age. No-one fears you, infact most of the people I've spoken
to laugh at you and your poor stunts. Maybe it'll take you a while to
realise - but as soon as your done annoying people and you actually want to
do somthing constructive in AW. You'll find no-one in AWI or any other world
in AW will ever trust you or even like you enough to give you any kind of
chances or privilages for that matter.

It took me a while to learn that lesson. You probably never will.


Inflated User Numbers

Jan 24, 2004, 11:23am
Not quite, highest it got to was 15000, it would of got to 65535 if it
hadn't of been maxing out the servers bandwidth.


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Panthers Lost

Feb 2, 2004, 7:37am
English Soccer pwnz American Football.


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Netsky Virus and AW Posters

Mar 9, 2004, 5:50am
The Netsky virus spreads by infecting users, searching their PC for e-mail
addresses(searches your entire PC if it can, not just your e-mail address
book) and then sends e-mail messages with fake header information and the
worm attached, to other users.

The people, whose computers sent you those e-mails - weren't necessarily
kids, they could be anyone with a PC and the internet. These people probably
have no idea what they are doing to you.

I think you should perhaps read up on your subject a little more before you
go blaming kids for somthing that adults are just as seceptable to and
responsible for. Do you think the author of the Netsky worm is a 12 year old
kid or a 25 year old adult? Case Closed.


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Does anyone know...

Apr 5, 2004, 4:23pm
All but Photoshop. I'm a PSP 7 person myself.


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Brock: I've had it.

May 13, 2004, 5:33am
Brock is gay.

-Robbie ;)

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CY Results?

May 24, 2004, 10:02am
You might make more friends if you didn't post crap like this all the time.

Do you think that every person who reads these posts needs to recieve abuse
just because a few people have been sending you malliceous grams.

Theres a lot of friendly helpful people in AW and these NGs that would never
abuse you or laugh at you behind you back no matter what you've done. Don't
you see that by posting stuff like this - these people feel like your having
a go at them for no reason and thats how you alienate yourself from this

As for letting "telegrams" force you to drink uncontrolably - well thats
your problem. Get over it, its virtual reality. The people that are abusing
you aren't taking it THAT seriously, why should you?


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If you have spare time..

Jul 2, 2004, 3:21pm
I dont think she realises that its the way she acts that makes people think
the way they do about her. Simply saying "I built this place, its very
private but I'm inviting you all to come see it. Its very special to me but
I was about to delete it last night." is enough contradiction to make anyone


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AW Profiles?

Jul 8, 2004, 3:23pm
I had an idea, wanted to know whether people would find it useful.

The 'View Home Page' feature has not really served much purpose in AW other
than to link your personal website. What would people think to a Profiles
website much like the one MSN Messenger users can customise except with
questions relating to what you do in AW.

Thus when people view eachothers profiles, they can find out more about
citizens they've just met or are about to contact.

Questions could include favourite worlds, favourite VR pass-time,
accomplishments and multiple links to favourite websites.

What do y'all think?



Jul 13, 2004, 11:53am
w00t, I made that object. I feel so special ;)


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Jul 19, 2004, 6:06pm
A man of few words ;)


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A Levels

Aug 20, 2004, 11:34am
I got C C D E :P


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Oriox 3D now working.

Sep 2, 2004, 5:03pm
I noticed today that the links to purchase objects from were not working and since fixed them this

Any customers that attempted to purchase objects in the last few months that
were unable to complete the purchase are asked to resubmit their purchases.
You will not be billed twice.



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