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Jun 14, 2002, 5:36am
> M A T T was banned from AW for hacking the X worlds universe.

Not that I know of. No-one "hacked" X Worlds. We had a few problems, but
they were so trivial they dont qualify as "hacks".

> He is presently sending some type of script that allows him to steal
> passwords.

Well, to me he sounds like another little kid with nothing better to do. I
would be surprisd if he had the knowledge to compose a ActvieX script, let
alone exploit it to steal someones password. Furthermore I highly doubt he
can steal a pasword through a website. The best of people in AW havent found
around the machine specific encryption yet, so I doubt some little n00b has.

My two cents? Band him from your world if you want, dont talk to him if you
want. But dont make posts like this proclaiming him as some hacker becuase
its probably what he wants. AWCorp will ban the end of the week, I'd put my
money on it. Just send thme any evidence you have of him stealing


It's the mens turn to struggle!!!

Jun 16, 2002, 9:41am
I wore the Bride Avatar for a week in AWTeen to proove that it shouldnt
matter what AV you wear.


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venting about games.. pay litte heed

Jun 25, 2002, 12:17pm
*slap slap slap*

Your forgetting the almighty Duke Match :P


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Calling Javascript Boffins...

Aug 13, 2002, 10:39am
I need a javascript to dynamicly resize an iframe's height based on the
length of the HTML file it is loading into it so that there is no need for
scroll bars. This is because I am using PHP to create a website where the
content for my site is loaded into the template file eliminating the need
for multiple files with the template in. Offcourse different pages that I
load into it will be different lengths (width isnt an issue) so I need a
javascript to do this.

I've looked all over the net and cant find one that works properly. I used
to have one buy it was lost when I had to reformat. From what I remember it
was a function that was called in the body tag onLoad and resized based on
the window.height of the page it loaded in.

The actua ljavascript that did the resizing was in the HTML file it loaded
in, not the file with the iframe, although the template file was in DIV

Can anyone help me? :)


New Forum for anytihng. Kept up everyday. Always updated.

Aug 19, 2002, 9:18pm
In the day or so the board has been up you've had about 2 new members, heh.

Like Eep said not long ago about another guy and his web board:

"Just what we need, another forum."

I believe this just prooves him right.


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All ActiveWorlds Hackers Finally Gone!

Aug 23, 2002, 7:42am
Yeah well they missed you, lamer.


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Aug 29, 2002, 8:00am
tech talk? ;)


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Funny Enzo!

Sep 5, 2002, 4:55am
heh, Status has been playing with his world server again.

Basically its possible to edit the world server to change the messages
forwarded to the browsers of the users in the world quite easily. one of the
easiest being to make it make bots appear as citizens - then here merely
logs in a chat bot as [E N Z O] and has some fun. The same thing happened
when Gavroche was creating tourists and changing peoples citnums in AntiCrax
last year.


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Funny Enzo!

Sep 5, 2002, 3:25pm
oh no! úbah hacker chicklit is using recycled hacks from last year!

I'll be the first to admit a year ago I was no better than the hordes of
lame wannabes in Active Worlds, but I've grown u pand got a life since then.

Is dosent matter if it was a citizen bot or tourist chicklit, 2 minutes with
a ASM editor and you can make that cit bot or tourist appear to others as
anything you want. Its a lame hack and at best all you would of done is a
bit of Hex editing, you idiots are just living off the "glory" of the people
who really did that stuff, not that they are any better. I'm disapointed to
see that Mod is involving himself with that stuff again - after loosing two
citizenships I would of thought he might of learnt somthing. It seems that I
was the only person who finally got some sense *sigh*.

Its becoming increasing aparent that AW is having problems sustaining
itself, its wannabe n00b culture like this thats causing half the problems,
it makes AW look like all the MMORPGs out there where you arrive to find a
group of antisocial morons who spend their life abusing the system in an on
going quest to become Mr. l33t.


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Problems with activeworlds

Sep 8, 2002, 5:03pm
Not sure exactly, but I get this problem and I believe its to do with
visual/virtual memory being sucked up. A defrag always fixed it for me.


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Eep's Objects (was: Re: Object Path Protection)

Sep 13, 2002, 3:18pm
Who would want to steal Eeps objects anyway? Sure their alright. But they
arent amazing - and they would be difficult to create somthing new with as
they are tailored to hole.

I don't know what Eeps obsession with Sleepy is, perhaps he feels
inferiorated or vunerable? All he ever does is waffle on about how "if WE
made objects we'd UNDERSTAND".

Its a shame because Eep is a well experienced guy whos a good modeller and
appears to be reasonably intelligent, yet he uses these qualities to eminate
this troll-like attitude which has almost got him kicked off the Beta team.

I'd like to see someone create an unpassworded mirror of his OP and post it
on the NGs. He'd probably have heart failure, heh.


Caligari TS 5.1 question

Dec 23, 2002, 8:44am
Mrbruce, my tutorials at are still incomplete, I add new
sections every week or two when I get time to write them. Since you wrote
this I have added the "Adding/Deleting" section to the tutorial. I'm glad to
see you are finding it useful :)


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Inside The Art Of "Artifex" - A New Face On AW

Feb 7, 2003, 5:29am
Excellent, this is just what we need, more tallented modellers and avatar
designers in AW to help keep things fresh.. Good work Artifex, don't stop
making new stuff! :o)


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Free TS3

Feb 8, 2003, 6:44am
And for al lyou aspiring modellers, mt tureSpace tutorials (although written
for trueSpace 4.2 may still be helpful to people using TS3. If enough people
start using TS, I'll create new tutorials for TS3 too!

TS Tutorials:
Some of my work:


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Mar 3, 2003, 1:01pm
trueSpace 3 is Free! (


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P r D o

Jul 10, 2003, 7:51pm
Psssst.... The úber-l33t secret to doubling your world space is nothing more
than common sense, just half the size of your objects and avatars. Anyone
can do it, if you have the patience.

I'll try not to sound too much like Strike and pretend like I was a
ring-leader in all the hacking that went on a year ago, but I learnt enough
to know that any serious hacks that were and still are found in the browser
find their way back to the programmers by the next build, because 99% of the
people that find them are mature adults like Sleep E who report them to AWI
pretty soon after finding them.


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COBDump3 Extension

Jul 12, 2003, 3:33pm
Its been a problem for a long time now that people who create objects using
TrueSpace and convert them using COBDump3 can't open their models in other
RWX rendering programs. It wasen't until recently that someone told me about
why this happpens:

"Hamfon forgot to comment out "Opacityfix off", it should be changed in the
file to "#!Opacityfix off" because it is an AW extension... and I really
don't know why he bothered to put it there, it is off by default anyway
:)" -XelaG

Perhaps someone in this NG would be interested in creating a program that
solves this problem and is maybe even binded with the COBDump3 program so we
only have to use one .exe to convert objects. :)


Nox 3.4 in Development

Jul 16, 2003, 9:33am
For those that were interested last year when I started this project. I am
working on it once more.

Nox is a weather bot that smoothley changes world sky colours to simulate a
realistic sky changing over the course of the day. Nox 3.3 simply changed
the sky color, ambient and fog settings according to the time of day and
calculated the colors according to an array of color, light and fog settings
for each hour of the day.

Nox 3.4 now uses 6 arrays, one for each corner of the sky, and also controls
the 3 cloud layers, the skybox, fog and ambient light. This creates stunning
cascading skies with variating clouds and lighting that whilst following the
day/night cycle with VRT, varies each day to give new and interesting
atmospheres each day.

Nox 3.4 will also be 100% free, it will be downloadable and fully
configurable to work in any universe or world. You can configure everything
about Nox, right down to the settings for each hour in the cycle and then
save the settings or load in settings. This will allow for people to create,
collect and swap cycles merely by
passing around the ini configuration files.

So far I have the system designed and have coded the interface. I reckon
it'll take about 2 or 3 weeks to complete and test.

Whilst I'm still in the early stages of development, does anyone have any
good ideas I could implement into Nox? :)


Nox 3.4 in Development

Jul 16, 2003, 11:20am
> Weather, where it would possibly change terrain textures that are using
> default texture of 0 to a texture of like snow or something...

This would be too laggy across larger worlds.

> Dunno if this would be laggy or not, but the ability to have a rain or
> object follow someone around to simulate rain?

Nox can control the skybox, and the skybox can be used to simulate snow or
rain with an animated masked object.

> A sun and moon that rise and set as if in real life, and possibly the time
> changes so on the 21st of june you have the most sun and the least
> on December 21. This would work based on VRT, but leave it open for
> scripting somehow so people can't complain about living in a different
> zone where the sun is only out for 3 hours, like at the north pole and
> pole. (If for some odd reason the world is based there...) I don't know
> hard that would be to do though :-X

Nox will be able to do this, I forgot to mention it in the first post.
Again, the speed of the sun and moon is completely configurable. :)


Trusted Sources

Jul 24, 2003, 7:22pm
How about:

Those are my AW Resources :)


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Oriox3D - A New 3D Modeling Resource

Sep 18, 2003, 4:35am
Hey Everyone,

Checkout my new 3D objects site: On this new site I
will be giving away more free objects as well as selling premium packages. I
am also working to build up a resource page with all the most useful links
for AW modelers.


The meaning of life

Oct 2, 2003, 8:35pm
Meaning is a human creation. A mental physic which makes us believe that
every has a meaning and purpose. Think about it...humans arent the only race
on this earth, why should the logic we have created in our minds as we
evolved be the correct logic?

My two cents.


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Oriox 3D: New Avatars

Oct 10, 2003, 8:03pm
I've added a new avatar package to the premium section on the Oriox3D site.
Also keep an eye out for some new free stuff. The new Avatars will be
available in AWTeen soon.


Oriox 3D: New Avatars

Oct 10, 2003, 8:04pm
that would be: *slaps forehead*


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Oriox 3D: New Avatars

Oct 11, 2003, 8:44pm


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:-o oww

Oct 22, 2003, 2:40pm
People outside the US are more immune to prosecution by US companies because
in order to file a lawsuit against someone in a foreign country for somthing
like copyright infringement the company filing the lawsuit would have to pay
to extradite the person (pay for them to travel to the US to stand in

I think...


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3DS Max exporter!

Dec 20, 2003, 8:36am
trueSpace isn't shit, your shit ;) The reason the scale is wrong is either
because you have the world and object measurements in TS set to somthing
other than "meters" or when you save the object as RWX in accutrans your
setting the scale to something other than "10 10 10".

Anyway, don't use accutrans, use cobdump3 and be lazy like me :)


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Still Complaining About Prices?

Feb 10, 2002, 9:43pm
Actually, I created and distributed the original XW Browser, Gav merely
hosted it.

There are too many rumours surrounding the AWST and Gav, peo[ple need to
stop listening to the 12 year olds at AWTeen GZ (I'm not refering to you CG)
and actually find out for themselfs what the AWST does and they would find
out that if it wasent for the AWST, there would still be pre-adolensant
n00bs running around all day with their uber l33t cracked browsers cacking
at how they can impress the newbie by flying in JunoDome...

The bottom line is that its Gavs job to do what he does whether it appears
hes kissing ass to you or not. So give the guy a break, your both cool
people and I hate to see you fighting over such petty things...


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Still Complaining About Prices?

Feb 10, 2002, 9:46pm
Excuse typos, only typing with one hand.....! I was hold my phone in the other you dirty minded at $% at £$...


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Still Complaining About Prices?

Feb 12, 2002, 3:09pm
Derek, you really are pathetic...Gav is going to kill you in that court, and
I'll be there to back him up, and don't be suprised if Roland is too.

You really are immature somtimes. When it bares down to it, your just a
bitter miser who attempted to take OW for everything they had, and has tried
more than once to create your own versions of Active Worlds software.

I can't wait to see you in court, idiot.


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