robbie // User Search

robbie // User Search

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Strike Rapier was Banned(?)

Feb 15, 2002, 5:48pm
Strike told me he is getting:

Outlook Express could not post your message. Subject 'String', Account:
'', Server: '', Protocol: NNTP,
Server Response: '480 you do not have posting access to {sdk}', Port: 119,
Secure(SSL): No, Server Error: 480, Error Number: 0x800CCCA9

When he tried to post in this NG...anyone know if he did somthing for
whether it may just be a mistake?


[VB] Hearing Impared?! Gah..

Feb 16, 2002, 1:37pm
It appears a bot I have written can log okay (I'm using the long method) and
can send things to the Uniserver like sdk.awsay but cannot recieve messages
from the server, like sdk_eventchat and sdk_eventavataradd. From I can see
everything is set up correctly, does anyone have ny suggestions? I can post
the code if nessacery, its nothing elaborate.


[VB] Hearing Impared?! Gah..

Feb 16, 2002, 1:38pm
Make that *...written can log IN okay...*

> It appears a bot I have written can log okay (I'm using the long method)
> can send things to the Uniserver like sdk.awsay but cannot recieve
> from the server, like sdk_eventchat and sdk_eventavataradd. From I can see
> everything is set up correctly, does anyone have ny suggestions? I can
> the code if nessacery, its nothing elaborate.
> -Robbie

[VB] Hearing Impared?! Gah..

Feb 16, 2002, 4:44pm
event set? AHA! Thanks KAH :)


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[VB] Next Problem, lol: Combo Boxes

Feb 16, 2002, 9:27pm
This is a function I wrote to remove a given name from a combo box:

Function RemoveCit(CitName As String)
For i = 0 To PresIdx
If cbPresent.ItemData(i).text = CitName Then
cbPresent.RemoveItem (i)
End If
Next i
End Function

PresIdx = the number of people in the list

I've also tried removing the .text on cbpresent.itemdata(i) - if I remove
it, it returns 0 which is invalid data and if I add .text I get invalid
qualifier. Either way it crashes whenever someone leaves and for the life of
me I cant work out why...*boggle*


[VB] Next Problem, lol: Combo Boxes

Feb 17, 2002, 10:04am
I got it sorted, thanks Baron! :)


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Mar 14, 2002, 9:02pm
What language?


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Mar 15, 2002, 7:44pm
its not too hard ya should look int ogetting someone's exact
co-ords then write a function to work out whether they are within the radius
of the bot...its a bit of tough maths. :)


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[VB] Searching for objects.

Mar 29, 2002, 6:26pm
Does anyone have any example code showing how to find an object with range
of the bot with for example 'create name tree' in the action line? I would
assume you query the area and then search for the action line in the Array
your've filled but I've tried and failed twice now...soemone save me! :)


Displaying Surveyed Object

May 13, 2002, 3:38pm
write a map control? wouldnt be too hard...just lots of lines and dots and a
lot of math.


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Deleteing INI Entries/Sections

May 19, 2002, 5:24am
I'm currently using this INI module in my VB project, does anyone have a
function they could add to that to allow me to delete entire INI sections
and individual entries? :)


begin 666 INI2.bas
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M<R B1V5T4')I=F%T95!R;V9I;&53=')I;F=!(B H0GE686P at ;'!!<'!L:6-A
M=&EO;DYA;64 at 07, at 4W1R:6YG+"!">59A;"!L<$ME>4YA;64 at 07, at 06YY+"!"
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Deleteing INI Entries/Sections

May 19, 2002, 7:13am
Thanks Baron :o)

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Unusual behavior of AW SDK in classes

May 20, 2002, 5:05pm
oooh, bot array class. I want a copy of that when it works brant :o)


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The end of an era

May 31, 2002, 10:14am
Even though I almost went to prison thanks to Roland. I agree, he has almost
solely kept Active Worlds alive. Maintaining contact between AWCorp and the
Users as well listning to us whenever he could to improve the software.

You will be missed Roland, do come back and see us when you can :)


[View Quote]

VB: Converting Unix Times to get VRT.

Jun 23, 2002, 5:07pm
Does anyone still have the function posted on here a long time ago to conver
the long returned by the SDK into VRT? I really need it and I can seem to
find the post anywhere.


[VB] Quick Question regarding color values...

Aug 15, 2002, 7:52pm
You can convert a RGB value into a Hex color value in VB using the rgb()
command. How do you convert a hex color value back into a RGB value?


vbsdk com wrapper

Sep 11, 2002, 4:57am
New Project > Project > Components > AwSdkOcx4 (or whatever version you
downloaded) > OK

Now click the new AW button on the tool bar on hte left and drag it onto
your form. Rename it to somthing easier to type in code like SDK.

They way it works if you do sdk.xxxxxx(xxxx,xxxx,xx) or whatever in the
code. For example to do a quick login:

sdk.quicklogin 315021, youwish, aw, fredthebot, bot, 10000, 0, 50000, 5
sdk.say "I like fish."

somthing like that anyway - its been a while and it is 7:30AM :)

Thats the old way of doing too, the way you would do it on version 4 or
lower (which i prefer).


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Sync'ing with VRT

Jul 21, 2003, 8:14am
Hey all,

I'm working on Nox 3.4 and I'm a bit stuck. When the bot starts it needs to
sync with VRT time to resume the cycle. In Nox 3.3 I used modTimeZone.bas
and some code from Grimble to calculate the time difference between local
and Unvierse Time on login but the code was buggy and the VRT time was
missed calculated on many machines.

I need a good solid way of calculating the VRT time accurately that will not
behave differently on different machines and OS's.

Does anyone have a good reliable way of doing this and a bit of code they
can help me out with?



Timestamp2String Function (VB)

Jul 24, 2003, 11:10am
Hey, Nox is almost ready for release but my biggest bug that is causing me
problems is that I can't find a good function to convert the timestamp sent
in sdk.awuniversetime to a string for formatting and syncing.

Does anyone have a good function to do this, I've tried every single one on
the net and none of them work properly for the AW timestamp.


Trusted Sources

Jul 24, 2003, 7:22pm
How about:

Those are my AW Resources :)


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Sync'ing VRT example project..

Jan 6, 2004, 8:32pm
About a year ago, a cit (a guy, count dracula? someone like that) posted an
example VB project that showed a simple example of how to sync with VRT

I don't need any help as to how to sync with VRT, I've already achieved
that. I'd just REALLY appreciate anyone who still has this project (since AW
deleted the posts in this NG its been lost).

The project was just a simple one-form thing which consisted of a module or
two and displayed VRT in big text in the center of the form a few seconds
after being ran.


Sync'ing VRT example project..

Jan 8, 2004, 3:09pm
Thanks Mauz, exactly what I needed :)


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Brant's VB Modules/Classes

Jan 8, 2004, 3:11pm
I tried contacting Brant but he's responsive as ever ;)

Does anyone have Brant's AW VB Modules/Classes (For Coords, Avatar Sessions,
etc..)? I modified mine without backing it up (yes, I know) and I think its
the cause of a few problems I'm having with Nox 3.4.


VB 6 Learning Ed

Jan 22, 2004, 6:11pm
BUY software?!


[View Quote]

The end of an era

May 31, 2002, 10:14am
Even though I almost went to prison thanks to Roland. I agree, he has almost
solely kept Active Worlds alive. Maintaining contact between AWCorp and the
Users as well listning to us whenever he could to improve the software.

You will be missed Roland, do come back and see us when you can :)


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The apoligie to all citezens

Jun 19, 2002, 5:28pm
Firstly, what does this have to do with bots?
Secondly, Does the whole Newgroup need to know about a few people you've
"cheated, lied and betrayed". If you really want to apologise it would be
much more sincere to do it in person and privately.


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Frebo Build 1

Oct 7, 2002, 7:01pm
I've had this sitting on my PC for a while, today I picked it up and gave it
a polish and I'm releasing the first initial version of Frebo. Theres a lot
more to be added. I'm halfway through the events database but I removed it
in the first build. The Chat system, announcements and multiuniverse system
are reasonably robust and if you have any problems, submit a bug report from
the website. Enjoy!


Frebo Build 1

Oct 7, 2002, 7:02pm
I guess the website would help, lol.



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Nox 3.4 (and 3.5)

Jan 5, 2004, 4:17pm
Remember that? About 6 months ago I was all over these NGs hyping the
imminent release of Nox 3.4 - a fully programmable weather bot for the

Well, as my luck goes - on the day I finished Nox 3.4 months ago, an hour
after I compiled the .exe and was ready to release the first build. My
computer fried in an electrical fire (don't ask) and thus all my months of
work was lost and I would have to start all over again.

Well about a month ago I started all over again on my new PC. Having done it
once before its not taken me nearly as long to program this time and so you
can all expect Nox 3.4 Build 1 to be released hopefully in a week.

I'm just ironing out the last bugs and adding fancy features (like storms)
and soon it'll be ready for release.

So basically - watch this space. Nox is back :D


Create Picture Tile=3 3

Feb 13, 2002, 7:03am
It would be cool if you could specify how many time a JPG is looped on a
quad with a picture tag. Then it would be easier to use textures from the
Internet to for carpets, etc.. with pictwlks and pictwalkhs.

Tile=3 3
The first 3 would be U, the second V. Simple enough, eh?


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