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robbie // User Search

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Advertisement for website host.

Sep 7, 2004, 9:02am
$9.95 a month for unlimited EVERYTHING (pop3, bandwidth, ftp, sql, etc..)

There isnt a better company.


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Advertisement for website host.

Sep 9, 2004, 8:41pm
So 25gigs of bandwidth, 150 pop3 and 2 gigs of space isnt still more than
plentiful for $9.95 a month? Yeah its not quite what it says it is, but for
99% of people, it might as well be.


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AFantasy World's 2004 Building Contest & Halloween Party!!!!

Sep 10, 2004, 8:09am
Why would you have it in penny coins? And whats with the party-pooping.
These guys are just trying to get a good competition going, dont rain on
their parade.


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Count-down to AFantasy's Building Contest Entry Registrations

Sep 25, 2004, 12:31pm
and your post just continues the annoyance ;) even the good old 'flame' is
becoming an cliché these days.


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Count-down to AFantasy's Building Contest Entry Registrations

Sep 25, 2004, 5:48pm
But she probably didn't read that far because the first 9 lines were nothing
but insults. Kill with kindness? Don't get me wrong, theres nothing wrong
with showing your character - I just don't want you to turn into Mark ;)


[View Quote] <snippity snip>

name change

Oct 8, 2004, 9:44am
You cant, the NG server attaches your name when it recieves the post based
on the username for your account (except its in lower case).


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Nov 3, 2004, 9:32am
What a great GZ! Its great see some of my fall and carnival objects being
put to good use. Hope this stays for a while.


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truespace geniuses needed

Nov 11, 2004, 3:33pm
Thanks for the plug, saved me typing ;)


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truespace geniuses needed

Nov 11, 2004, 3:35pm


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truespace geniuses needed

Nov 11, 2004, 3:49pm
Infact, you know the funniest thing - My memories so bad that even I learn
from my tutorials.


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Deleted thread "Yasser Arafat Deceased"

Nov 11, 2004, 3:23pm
Would you give me a world if I said you wouldnt? ;)


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*Waitin for Whatz NEW*...

Nov 24, 2004, 3:22pm
Windows XP isnt Microsofts only product.


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Beta NG

Dec 27, 2004, 4:28pm
Because AW 4.0 just went alpha.



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Beta NG

Dec 28, 2004, 10:06am
From people who are on alpha.


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