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AW Mathematics

Aug 23, 2001, 11:17am
Umm...Alphaworld is a hexagon I believe, 8 sided. :) Fly up really high and
you can even see the shape. But it would be nice if the world was round. ;)
Darn Europeans and their ignorant views on the universe! THE WORLD IS ROUND
I SAY!!!

Sorry. ;) I know it didn't answer your question, but it's too early in the
summer still (1 week before school) to be answering math questions. lol


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We have received the answer to Arecibo

Aug 27, 2001, 7:30pm
Actually, I heard once that the secret society of pranksters (forgot the
name of it, it's kinda like the Skulls and Bones at Yale) in many colleges,
the ones that toilet paper "important" statues of great figures in the
campus, or spraypaint story high paintings of Jesus high on crack and liking
it on religious buildings in one night, have also made crop circles down in
the midwest to tease a few folks. :) Got me if it's true, but there's the
army, and considering it only takes 1 or 2 hours to make the circles the
guys on TLC did, it couldn't be hard. They're not the circle designs that
are just made with a compass, but you never know the intelligence of a few
drunk college frat pranksters. They're out


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Message to "Eep"

Sep 1, 2001, 11:34am
Pent up frustrations of how bad Hole looks in 3.2 beta can do this to a
touchy and overly aggressive Eep. ;)


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Sep 2, 2001, 11:31am
Oh, that just DOES it. I've tried to be nice, I really have, but being 11 or
being new does NOT excuse outright ignorance. Have you LISTENED to anyone in
your threads? Private things go in EMAIL! Eep already has you filtered so
what's the point of trying to yell in here? He's NOT GOING TO HEAR YOU!!!
Get it through your thick pokemon filled head. You give 11 year olds a bad
name. No one else cares, they've been trying to help you fix your actions,
but you're not really getting the whole point, you're still letting emotions
get the best of you.

Apologizing just made you look like a bigger idiot and it's not going to
help you now. Just STOP! Post intelligently and with good discretion. Don't
post anything you CAN'T get help from in AW, don't post ANYTHING personal,
and if that means not posting, well, don't post. It's not a requirement, and
you probably will have a better "status" (isn't that what you're looking
for, to be accepted?) in the community than if you DO post stupid things
like that here.


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AW NYC Info Center

Sep 13, 2001, 7:57pm
Hey everyone, for anybody on AW who is missing a relative or friend or is
helping someone looking for a person who is missing from the NYC terrorist
attacks, I've created a mini info center to hopefully help you get as much
information as you can and to post a little note and picture of your loved
ones so that anybody else who comes across the area can help assist you

I've also opened up some land for anyone who feels like placing a memorial
in Nornonton, where this is all located, in respects to NYC and the US.
Please come visit and help families in any way through your resources.

Although we can't donate food and such in AW, we can donate our internet
skills in helping others find loved ones, I think. I'll also be posting any
missing people info I can find and links to lists of people found dead.

The area in which to build is 31316n 60e in Alphaworld. You should be
greeted by tourist built xhdstn.rwx for you to replace. Up east is land for
memorial builds and memories.

ISO a dedicated reporting staff...

Apr 19, 2000, 8:33pm
I need news reporters! Well, not only to write, but everything else needed
for an online newpaper. Since my love for journalism is deeply growing, I
would like more practice on my writing and editing skills, so what do you
do? Open up The ActiveWorlds Advocate! hehe, spiffy name, huh? Basically, it
will be a newspaper published whenever we have enough items to belt out a
good page, that will run from technical, fantasy, to real coverage of what
is going on in AW.
Anyways, why I am writing to this newsgroup of talent is because I know
a lot of talent runs through this group, and I am in need of a staff, cuz
who in the world can publish a newspaper alone, especially when competing
with the main AWNewsletter and at least 1 major news-publishing related to
AW that I know of. Who says you even have to write?? We're in need of page
designers, photographers, researchers, and of course a group of journalists,
basically the works! Doesn't matter what age you are, what world you own, if
your part of a terrosist group hoping to bring AW down to its knees,
whatever. Its totally freelance. Here's some job openings I'm really
focusing on at this point...

Web Page Designer(s)-This is INTEGRAL! I only have basic skills in HTML and
web design and my Frontpage trial expired a few months back, :), so this
person(s) has to be willing to give up a good amount of time with me and the
web, uploading and designing solid-looking pages. Submit a mock page of how
The AW Advocate homepage should look like to Nornny at and you're set
for inspection. :)

Reporters- These people can have it as easy or as hard as they'd like it.
Reporters must submit ideas for stories or any news they hear to the rest of
the group, and decide on stories they will report on. If you're able to
attend one meeting a month, or able to recieve hoards of email a day, and
write ONE story a month, that's the minimum time you'll spend for this
paper. :) Requirements though is that you show some form of writing
experience, submitting an opinion piece AND a news story to Nornny at
will do just fine. :)

Dear Abby(s)-Well, you won't be Abby, it would be Dear
Whatever-your-name-is. This one person will hafta be able a variety of
questions from other Advocate readers. Basically, if you have a wide
knowledge of how AW runs, and you are able to recieve hoards of email,
you're all set. Just be able to write with decent grammar and spelling also.
:) All you need to do is answer the "good" questions, and sumit a column
once a month. :) We might be able to have different "Abbys" for different
fields if enough applies, ex. one for tech, one for building, etc. Just
write to Nornny at saying you're interested in this position and what
your strengths are in ActiveWorlds.

Researchers/Photographers-These guys bring in the extras to the newspaper. A
newspaper couldn't be a paper without facts and pictures! :) Basically, a
researcher must attend those reporter meetings and if you have information
on a very large story, you cooperate with the reporter to get out the
information quicker, then with just one reporter going through a whole
database, for example. If its a big story and you don't have any clue as to
what you're researching, you'll still be assisting the reporter and
hopefully, you'll find something to research. All we're requiring you to do
is attend those reporter meetings and help research when needed. This means
the job can be either VERY easy or VERY busy, you gotta be flexible. :) No
experience needed, really. Just apply to Nornny at
Photographers also has to attend those reporter meetings, and take
photographs of places, people, events, and anything the story is being
written on. That means you hafta work with a reporter in most instances.
Also, you'll hafta take freelance pictures of everyday things or anything
that we couldn't fit a story into. So, all you need to apply is to send in
two pictures of something you took in ActiveWorlds to Nornny at

Thanx for your time you guys. :) I hope we can make this one of the best
newspapers out there in ActiveWorlds. If not, we'll become a magazine, he
he. Also note you can apply to more than one job if you'd like, and these
are NOT the only positions we will need so apply to Nornny at for
anything else you might think will help the Advocate. We need image people
from all you artists out there, and any english and journalism majors out
there, we could always use editors! :) That's it for me now, and thank you
for all who read this.

"There are three types of people in this world, those who can count, and
those who can't."

Apr 27, 2000, 11:55am
Okay, so The AW Advocate is fluking, especially in the web design
department, but we're going to fix it all up. We're still experimenting and
testing to see which designs work without copying other "competitor" pages
(we're not competing by any means though, I'd love it even more if I could
keep in contact w/ CyberOrganic and share ideas). :) Anyways, I just thought
I'd let it out before I let all the jokes about AWA in a furious flame.
Seriously, we're trying real hard and we have good content, but we're pretty
disorganized at the moment as this is a team-run newspaper, not a one-man
show. :)


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Apr 28, 2000, 11:48pm
Hello, I'm Nornny, editor in chief of The Advocate. I am ever so grateful
that you sent this post. I always thought you would be hurt by our
formation, and the similarities between us. But trust me when I say, our
formations was purely coincidence. :) I was just hit with a newspaper idea
and wrote a post out to this newsgroup, unaware that you would post almost
simultaneously, even though you had thought of it months beforehand. I
really hope this is a sign. :) I am truly interested in "merging" or at
least keep a peaceful alliance with each other. It is not my intention at
all to try to compete with you, I would advertise and plug you as
shamelessly as I do the AWA if I had the chance. You're a well respected
person with a very solid looking site design and content. Honestly, when
imagining a site design for AWA, your site design was my vision (you just
beat me to the punch in creating it. lol) I'm not sure how "respected" I am,
but I believe if we do work together as a team, we can create a bigger,
better, well updated site with stories as little as monthly events that are
held in AW to the next version of ActiveWorlds before the beta is even
announced! The ideas are endless with both of our experiences. And even
others' experiences. :) I'm sure we won't have any trouble if we do join
together, but if circumstances come out that we cannot, even a friendly
alliance between us would forever make me grateful to you. Please reply back
to me, I'm Nornny in AW. :) My ideas are endless in what we can do together.


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ActiveWorlds Advocate Homepage

Apr 25, 2000, 8:58pm
Its my fault the story was posted. You see, TRC handles our web site, I,
although editor, have no inkling of what he does to the page unless I see
it. I emailed him and the rest of the groups two posts to this group about
NXS's and Eep's debate, I having no clue of what was truly going on, but
thought with a bit of research and interviewing, get a good solid debate
story. Unfortunately, a miscommunication or an oversight of my email made
TRC believe it was a story, and he posted it. My deepest apologies to all,
especially Eep and NXS.

In other news though, be on the lookout for a late breaking news story on a
new, secret feature/system that is coming to ActiveWorlds. :) More on this
in the upcoming few days. :) </plug>


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Apr 30, 2000, 11:09am
Wait, are you using AT&T cable internet services? Because I'm pretty sure
they use AOL as their internet browser or something like that. I'm not sure
what, but know AOL is related if you are using AT&T cable. :)


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And the winners are.......

May 8, 2000, 11:35am
I think he's a bit disappointed he didn't win. :)


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New Objects for Alpha - Thanks

May 6, 2000, 8:18am
Ditto, a lot more architectural freedom is now in place for AW, and I'm sure
a new breed of better built cities and buildings will come out because of
these seemingly simple objects. Also, it's early now, but just imagine what
we can learn to do with these new objects. The imagination is even ever so
more endless...


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New Objects for Alpha - Thanks

May 7, 2000, 9:49am
Most of the objects can be seen in Lara's object yard if you need the names,
but I think there was a handful that she didn't add up yet.


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Re: Be loyal to Activeworlds. Don't listen to Eep!

May 22, 2000, 10:19am
God, you go crazy over the littliest people. Face it, people are different,
and some pessimistic, but it seems to work in Eep's case. Everyone can't be
the same and the few that are different are the ones who makes a difference,
especially in Eep's case! :) I'm not defending Eep either though, because
his wording on comments aren't the nicest things you'll ever here, but I
guess the truth hurts. :) Honestly, Legion, you're more the patriot than the
loyalist in this term. Your ignorance to other's ideas is just going to
bring in more prejudice and close-mindedness for generations to come. We
need people like Eep, not neccesarily a lot of Eep's, just an Eep or two,
you get me? :P Now, why don't we all calm down and get back to AWing,
whatever that may be. :)


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a few thoughts....

May 24, 2000, 12:19am
I can agree with this also. :) Although it's a bit off the topic, when
there's nothing going on in AW, there's nothing better than to go to the
newsgroup and get some juicy fights. :) lol, jk, but true. Some people I
know won't agree with me and do think things like this should be taken in
private and I can understand also. But when you have the great Eep, who can
back up ANY of his actions, and then a recent poster looking for fame,
noteriety, and temporary attention by posting, but their one or two flukes
cost them a turnaround of the newsgroup against them. :) If anything, it's a
fun pshycology class. :)


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a few thoughts....

May 25, 2000, 10:50pm
Hey, everyone has got to have its trademark. :) Re-inventing yourself may
work for Madonna, but it might not work for Eep. :)


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2nd Annual MVV Building Contest... :P

Jun 9, 2000, 10:49pm
Hey guys, as you already might know, Festival 2000 is coming around the
corner, and it's time for me to bring back the memories of '99 to ring in
the '00. :) Last year, if you guys were in attendence I held an event called
the Mountain View Village Building Contest. Of course, I arrived an hour
late, everyone could barely finish their buildings, and I crashed of
overheating, but hey, we got some wonderful displays and everything came out
well in the end! :) Anyways, now that everything bad imagineable that could
happen did, I've knocked on wood and tried this thing again! That's right,
the 2nd MVV Building Contest is going to be held in my newest town,
Nornonton (I'm keeping the name of my very first town, MVV for sentimental
reasons.) on the last day of festival, the 25th! :) The time and coords can
be found at under events
(subtle plug. *wink*).
So why am I writing to you guys, well, I can't have a building contest
without people! And I need some builders and judges, of course. :)
Basically, I need 2 judges which I will appoint, just drop me a tgram or
email if you're interested. BUT, what I need more than anything else is
BUILDERS!!! So, sign up, tgram me, I use Nornny in AW, and reserve a lot,
and prove to AW you can build the best. :P You can join anytime from now to
the 25th, you can even sign up moments before the event gets underway. But,
if you are one of those slow builders like myself, reserve a spot now and
get started. You will only have 2 hours on the 25th during the event before
the closing, so I suggest you start something! :) It is expected that
builders attend the event and finish their build at that time instead of
before the event. Here're some rules and stuff.

1. There are 4 lot sizes, small, medium, large, and unlimited. There is
only a limited number of unlimited spots and there are limited spots that
are closest to Nornonton's center if that's what you desire.

2. No citizen builders can destroy any tourist builders or vandalize any
property at all! You will be reported to PKs andbe kicked out of the contest
(but that will probably be the least of your worries)

3. Builders must immediately cover their lot when they are assigned it.

4. There are two types of structures you MUST have in your build, a
sculpture and then your main build, which is free of your choice. Sculptures
can be as small and big as you'd like. Definition of sculpture, an artistic
structure, usually built with the rock objects, but not limited to.
Animations or still life, doesn't matter to me. :)

5. The usual, no porn, no bad language, none of that stuff. You know the

6. Teleports and pictures are not only permitted, they're suggested to use
as it is a reflection on style and creativity. So stuff your builds with
pics, Nornonton is an art center. :) Teleports are also good, just make sure
it's not shameless plugging yet a challenge for imagination.

7. Builds will be judged upon originality, style, architecture, layout, and
landscaping. Builds will also be judged based upon what the build is itself
though. :) A house will not be judged in the same fashion as a park or

More rules are subject to be added but i'll be quiet for now. :) Cya guys at
Festival 2000! :)


Protecting Children

Jul 13, 2000, 7:19pm
I think the point is, it SHOULD be worried about by a parent. A responsible
parent, in my ideal, does not need passwords. He/She only needs trust and
good supervision. If a parent teaches a child that watching porn is not
allowed (not neccesarily wrong, btw), and enforces what he/she said, I child
would have no reason to watch pornographic worlds because the child respects
the parents enough not to do it. Of course, as a budding teenager, you ARE
bound to break the rules, and that's okay, as long as you get punished and
it never happens again. If this happens, no passwords are even needed to be
on the mind of other citizens. But of course, it is, because no preteen or
teenager will hold hormones over what their parents tell them. BUT, with
passwords created, now it makes it seem like AWLD is more at fault that a
child breaks through a security measure and sees porno worlds. Now, AWLD
will be blamed for not enough security measures on the part of the world,
and it continues on and on like that. Look, if a child is 6, a parent HAS to
be watching that child on the net anyways, that's common sense. But if a
child is 12, he now has the trust of his parents, and you know his hormones
are going to break the trust. Passwords won't prevent anything, and it will
be infringing on some rights issues, and I don't think AW is ready for that.
Comments appreciated, as always. :) I love debating anyways. :)


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Protecting Children

Jul 14, 2000, 7:41pm
Nothing's taken personally here, Bird, don't worry. :) I'll only be offended
when you start...well, offending me. :) Justifying what you believe won't
get anyone enraged, unless it comes packed with insults. :) Adilt websites
are only required to have a warning saying "If I am under 18, it is illegal
for me to view this site." Most go a small step further by offering an
alternative of entering the site or going to a "good" site. Once you enter,
most professional "adult" sites have a Visitor's section, which gives you a
peek of what the site offers, (which btw, is WAY too much already if you ask
me), and the members section, which you have to pay for to get in through a
credit card, has all the uncencored stuff. So, it's kinda like cigarette
companies, you can throw all the books at them, but they find ways to get
people seeing and making money. :) If there is any TRUE porn worlds in AW,
they would probably be acting like this also.

Btw, I don't look at adult sites to get my info. lol. I was at Washington DC
at the time this whole debate was going on. :) I was able to talk to some
webmasters and politicians on the subject and attend some press conferences.


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Festival 2000 This Weekend!

Jun 22, 2000, 10:21pm
Well, I think in this case, age doesn't really matter. If anything, they
have shown themselves worthy and loyal to be AWEC Core and to present this
extraveganza. I doubt that they are only confiding in themselves on planning
the whole, but looking to the AWEC heads (Bille and Dthknight I believe?)
for help also. Besides, what they're doing now is not only successfully
planning a great 3 days of festivals, but influencing AW adults that maybe
you shouldn't judge a citizen by his/her age, but rather his/her maturity. I
am a good friend to Coryashire and DJ Party and their overwhelming sense of
teenage enthusiasm with adult responsibility. Anywho, it's up to the
community I think to run AW's festival, not the three. Submit events, send
in comments on how to make it better, volenteer to be a greeter or help
build and decorate, take charge in the essence. :) If you do, all Too, cory,
and DJ are doing is managing the website at its maximum. :)

*refuses to give out age because it totally destroys what he just said. ;)
Judge me by my actions, not my age </hippy>* :P

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Re: Be loyal to Activeworlds. Don't listen to Eep!

Jun 27, 2000, 9:04pm
Gaming isn't bad, it's a good form of entertainment. No one can log into AW
every time and just build for hours straight. ActiveWorld's slogan has
always been Build, Chat, Interact (or something like that. :P), if you took
out two out of three features in Activeworlds, there's no AW in it at all.
Basically, people go onto Activeworld's for different reasons, and after 5
years of refining building and chatting, they're going for more
interactivity, thus gaming. :) I wasn't around in the old days like some of
you have been, but when I joined AW a year ago, I didn't find much gaming
worlds or towns besides AWGames. Only recently, we now have bingo, spades,
paintball, and checker worlds as well as a whole bunch of fun gaming worlds.
:) And they're all doing extremely successful, so I think AWCOM is
capitalizing on that. :) Don't get me wrong though, building features can be
added (i've always wanted to flip my objects upside down and such if anyone
from AWCOM is listening. :P), but just give it time. :) They know what
they're doing. Besides, the community isn't falling apart neccesarily, it's
just growing. :) It's not chaos or anything, but as the years went, AW has
brought in more people of different views and interests, proof of AW's
changing times. :)


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Re: Don't be a jack#@@ Legion (was Be loyal to Activeworlds. Don't listen to Eep!)

Jun 28, 2000, 3:54pm
Good point, but you're not getting it across very well with the swearing and
the screaming. :) You're really almost stooping down to his level trying to
defend yourself, when you know you don't even have to. :P Anyways, Legion
might not be all that bad, he could be a future Eep just trying to refine
his use of....wording. :) He makes good points about property and the
respect or lack of it.
And about building, why would you want something that builds an ocean or
castle for you? I mean, half the fun is in doing the dirty work, like
building the foundation and stuff. :) Besides, you'd haave no variety in
builds if the structure was just built for you and all you have to do is
"decorate". And even so, as many textures as AW holds, we really can
accesorize rooms to match really. I mean white couches on wood floors?? :)
lol. Actually, it's getting better now with the intro of more picture
objects and that groovy create color feature that I love so. :) (I'm


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Re: Don't be a jack#@@ Legion (was Be loyal to Activeworlds. Don't listen to Eep!)

Jun 28, 2000, 8:32pm
Thanks for controlling your rage, it shows a lot in you. :)

I understand your level editing and it seems like a pheesable (did I spell
that right?) idea, but isn't that taking up a lot of space and could get a
bit difficult on the browser. I mean, I can't even stand having the web
window there because I'm not happy with the lack of viewing I get in AW. And
what would happen when even more objects are added to the many amounts of em
already in AW. If you look at Alphaworld, there's already about 100 (i
think, I might be exaggerating :P) counting all pp's, wall's, walks, and
such as just 1 object per name. It'd be hard to fit it into a browser if I'm
imagining the same type of browser you are, which I'm sure I'm not, but eh,
give it a try. :) Also, there's also the difference of objects in other
worlds also, which I can't account for in my image of the AW browser with
lvl editors. How would you go about fixing this problem? :)

Btw, I understand your yelling being an emphasis instead, I do it all the
time, just slipped my mind when I was replying to your post. :)


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Custom Monopoly Board

Jun 30, 2000, 12:21am
Didn't someone try to create a monopoly world but failed because the company
who makes the game (Parker Bros, am I right?) found out about it and
threatened to sue or something if it wasn't taken down? I don't know, I
heard big companies are scattering like little spy bugs in AW so just make
sure you follow proper copyright rules and such. :) Btw, ANY game that
workds in Alphaworld at this point could create quite a stir. :P


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On the horizon

Jul 8, 2000, 1:55pm
I think what they're trying to say isn't about the game or objective itself,
but rather the worlds and their capabilities compared to AW. They're saying
that world creating/editing in AW seems meager compared to what they have in
such upcoming games, I believe. :) You're right though, AW isn't the same
basis as NeverWinter Nights and such, and I think they should be considered
different, but the fact is, we still have stiff competition on the VR Chat
level and AW could do a lot more to be on the top. :)


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The Petition's the Thing!

Jul 17, 2000, 9:37pm
Speaking of which, does anyone know the status of the new employees? It
looks like no one has applied yet. Either that, or COF is also ignoring
applicants. hehe, darn shame though if they are.


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The Petition's the Thing!

Jul 19, 2000, 6:31pm
lol, I think you're trying to say is that maybe the community doesn't
understand what the AW people go through to make things work. Something as
little as adding a code line here might be MUCH more difficult than that,
possibly causing contradictions, bugs, who knows. Or the AW staff is
pleasantly pleased with their goals and views, and don't need community
input right now. After all, this isn't their job, it really is something
they love to do, so why force them to change what they have worked 5 years
on creating. They deserve the power in a way, and they'd prolly be happy if
only 10 people used their program. besides, I say if you want something
changed, EDUCATE! :) There's thousands and thousands of AW users out there,
only about 100 or so post here in this newgroup, go out and form groups and
influence as many people as you can for a change. Start a debate group in
AW, and talk about the subject, invite AW staffers to come in and give their
views. I mean, you USA guys like me live in a country where it seems like
nothing seems to get done, yet you still live in it for certain goodies that
come out of living in a free country. :) AW is not afraid of losing one or
two people, because they know they're growing enough to gain 5 or 6 people
for every one person loss. :) And that 5 or 6 newcomers are ignorant to the
big issues anyways, so hence why you have to "get to them" ASAP. :) hehe. Do
I make sense?


this thing called "lag"?

Jul 11, 2000, 11:40pm
Also, say you're talking. You want to reply right away, but 10 seconds
later, what you wrote shows up. :) It's extremely enduring for a person to
go through, basically. :)


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Gor- what's this all about? :)

Jul 13, 2000, 11:19am
I wonder where I should properly post this, as it could be a worldbuilder or
community discussion, BUT since what I'm asking for is not really related to
world-building and that Gor is talked about so much there that I'm afraid
I'm going to be skiffed alive if I start one more thread on Gor, I decided
to post here.
Note, this is not my opinion on Gor, so don't worry. I have too little
information to make any remarks on Gor. That's why I want to ask you guys,
the community to fill me up with everything you know and hold on Gor worlds.
I only know that Gor worlds are worlds that hold some "explicit" pics, but
it isn't meant for that reason, I am told. And I doubt the people in AW that
don't frequently visit the newsgroup know as much as I do, honestly. So,
with my affiliation with, I thought it'd be a great feature to
write. :)
If you guys have the time, please send me your opinions and facts on what
you think of the worlds. I've looked at the debates started in
worldbuilders, but they got off track extremely quickly, and I've entered a
Gor world, but it didn't hold quite the information I wanted. So help me out
if you'd be so kind, refer me to certain places, people, send me your
opinions, quotes, whatever. :) I truly want to know more. :) Thanks bunches!


Gor- what's this all about? :)

Jul 14, 2000, 10:06pm
I never planned to bash Gor, but I realize writing an article on them would
bring much more uneeded attention to them. So, I'm going one step back and
writing the feature on what private worlds are (by definition) and what
"rights" they have to show in AW according the agreement. :) Then, maybe we
can go two steps forward. Keep sending opinions though, I can't so this
feature without your opinions, I tend to go one-sided. :P


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