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nornny // User Search
nornny // User Search3.1 Info..Jan 6, 2001, 9:01pm
Closed beta began a week or two ago. :) I think everyone here already
collected that from all the rumors. :) I don't personally know anyone who told me they've been testing, but I've heard Mauz was one of them somewhere. :) Nornny [View Quote] 3.1 Info..Jan 6, 2001, 9:46pm
Thanks for clearing it up then Mauz. :) I guess a lot of misinformation as
been swirling around. :) Nornny [View Quote] I rejoin USWFJan 7, 2001, 6:22pm
Aren't posts like these supposed to be in the USWF message board, not the
community? After all, this is YOUR issue, not ours, or at least not one where any of us could help you. Nornny [View Quote] I rejoin USWFJan 7, 2001, 8:22pm
Well, you don't have to tell me that even once. :) First, I'm a guy,
therefore, I can't be female, or else i'd be a her. And I can apparently type (unlike you), so I can't be a dog either. :) I can remember that you hate me very clearly, apparently, YOU don't remember how your actions can go against you. :) Learn from your mistakes, maybe you might hurt my feelings for once. :) Gosh, my post wasn't even meant to be offensive or rude. Just stating what we all agreed on.The fact that you're so uptight and still bitter about past experiences that you can't even take some comments and use them is totally...stupid? Nornny [View Quote] USWF Forum/hackingJan 9, 2001, 9:49am
Well, at least we're on the right track with this one...
I've been having some major crashing in AW too, but if you're persistent enough, it will stay on long enough. :) Just hop out of the world you're in the next time you come in and try hanging out somewhere else for a while. I kept on crashing in AWTeen, for example, so I went back to Alphaworld and hung out for an hour or so. If your AW browser doesn't crash by then, you can go back to the world you wanted to be in. :) *not really suggested for use however, because you really can't just leave a problem in your AW browser like that. It's like breaking your leg and not going to the doctor's* Nornny [View Quote] What determines...Jan 12, 2001, 9:42am
*breaths sigh of relief* Finally, one week until 3.1 for all (or most, or
maybe just a few more, Myrth wasn't quite as accurate when he said more, but I've heard it's going to be open beta) Nornny [View Quote] A new, and Better Pball WorldJan 14, 2001, 11:23am
speaking of which, anyone seen the new AWCOM paintball world, AW at WAR? It's
open and usable apparently, I'm not sure if it's 24/7 yet though. Flagg said the Grand Opening of it is soon too. :) It's a very unique paintball game actually, instead of firing one shot to kill a person, you have to shoot at someone 5 times. :) Dieing doesn't involve bouncing through worlds either. :) not that I'm an avid paintballer but it is a world worth checking out before or when it opens. :) Nornny [View Quote] U CAN HAVE YOUR OWN FREE GRAFITI LOGOJan 14, 2001, 8:32pm
I think he's so stupid, he can't even realize his own stupidity, because
he's done this 80,000 times already. :) Stupid people have no sense of pain, since they're too stupid to know what it is. And Agent Fox Mulder is one that is so stupid, he's almost invincible, or will die thinking it. :) Nornny [View Quote] U CAN HAVE YOUR OWN FREE GRAFITI LOGOJan 15, 2001, 11:25am
Good, now you know how we feel. :) And you're one to talk with your capitol
crazy yelling. :) AFM might be right though that it wasn't him. There might be two Agents that are as incredibly stupid and annoying. Notice in the "GO FUCK A DONKEY" post for example. It was actually coherent, he decided to go with ALL capitolization and everything. :) But, its one thing to hack your AW account, but how in the world do you say the exact same thing in the newsgroup?! Unless AFM has more siblings of equal stupidity. They're prolly smart enough to stay out of the internet though. Whatever happens Agent, you've become prime meat for the wolves. You can only cry "WOLF!!" so many times before people just say you get what you deserve. Nornny [View Quote] Important Message Very IMPORTANTJan 15, 2001, 11:28am
Also, I doubt anyone of that stupidity can figure out how to work a
newsreader, log into YOUR account, and type obscene messages. Nornny [View Quote] Wow, this place sure has changedJan 15, 2001, 11:34am
Can't help you about the computer thing. :) Sorry, but, as the man of
neverending gossip, I'd like to fill you in on other things that you should look out for in this newsgroup. :) Eep has become actually more civil. (whether that's a good or bad thing is up to you) Dataman is back and bitter than ever. Agent Fox mulder is not the only newbie lunatic running amuck in these groups. <feel free for anyone to add to this list> Nornny PS, you're better off staying away from here. *smirk* [View Quote] by any chance...Jan 15, 2001, 7:55pm
does anyone know what a Login Error 79 is? I can't seem to log in as a cit
or tourist and it gives me Reason 79 for not logging in. It would help though if they actually TOLD me what Reason 79 is. :) Nornny by any chance...Jan 15, 2001, 8:02pm
by any chance...Jan 15, 2001, 8:11pm
i miss 3.1Jan 16, 2001, 6:00pm
Also, I knew of some people who actually went and reported problems to
Roland through telegrams and emails also when they weren't even allowed beta. :) Don't look at me, I was just selfish, I guess. I really needed the pics and personal info for and of course, you can't just leave me to just look at the instructions blaring in front of my face through a telegram and not eventually take it (hey, 3 hours is darn long for this impatient lil norn). :P Anyways, Goober IS right. :) closed betas for ANYTHING has long been more productive than any other type of betas. If you recall from the actual release of 3.0, there were updates and upgrades that occured that prolly wouldn't have needed to happen IF the beta was closed. AWCOM dealt correctly in providing us with a peek, and then shutting us out, also. :) Kinda cunning I tihnk how they enticed us to stay in AW constantly in the next few weeks now that we know all the cool things we can do. In response to Goober's question, I don't know quite exactly how the invitation for closed beta was worked out, BUT, there was a short period of a first-come, first-serve basis for the closed beta to fill in the remaining seats. Of course, most of us must've missed it, but it explains why some 3.1 users that could be considered less experienced are experiencing 3.1. :) Out of all the invited beta testers I've met or know, they seem quite well traveled in the universe, apparently well known and hardworking, but also has close relations with AWCOM employees through the group they're in or the worlds they own or contribution they've made. Nice variety from what i've seen so far though. I wish we could see the beta testing list. :) Not so I can rip all the beta testers apart or anything, but just for kicks, and maybe more informative answers to these 3.1 questions. :) Nornny [View Quote] 3.1 Survey. :)Jan 16, 2001, 10:11pm
All the talk about who should've or shouldn't have been on this closed beta
list has got me thinking. :) Let's say YOU were Roland. Don't shiver or laugh like that, it's figurative. And let's say you had UP TO...umm....probably 20 people that you can invite to beta test. Who would be on that list and why? Just a curious thought, it might make for a good article. :) *subtle but just as shameless plug, Goober King's monthly article is published now at* Nornny PS. I'll choose to disregard anyone's post who would to pick ME as a beta tester (rotfl at the thought). 3.1 Survey. :)Jan 17, 2001, 9:46am
Btw, you can choose whoever is IN beta at the current moment also. :) Not
just people who were "jipped". Btw, don't post in the subject either or in a text file like Agent Fox did, which was strange. it felt like I was in a BBS system for a second. :) Nornny [View Quote] GOD DAMNET HELP KILL THE GUY IN MY NAMEJan 17, 2001, 6:58pm
That's a stupid reason, no surprise.
Have you looked around lately?? WE'RE NOT AWGATE!!!! Talk regularly or else be flamed, easy at that. You little peapod, if you're striving for attention, try it in the real world where others can be annoyed, AW is not, or never will be subjected down to this baby level. If hate screaming, and you hate talking without capitals, here's a thought, why don't you try writing in REGULAR grammar. YOu know, the one you learn in English class? That includes punctuations too, in case you forgot. Nornny [View Quote] Social disabled contest?Jan 17, 2001, 7:06pm
[View Quote]
Prolly the people who actually take the time to flame both of them. :P
> > I cannot make a decision, both usually make me angry and both should NOT > post in a COMMUNITY newsgroup I think. Oh, I definately think we need both an Eep around and a AFM around on occasions. :) It keeps our wittiness up, you know? :P A group will collapse if it never deals with annoying people, ie AFM. As a group, we need to learn from our mistakes, and then kick every annoying person out of this ng until he goes crying to his mommy. :) As for the intellectual types, hey, if I had the knowledge of Eep, I'd post whatever the heck I'd really wanted to say too. :) Fine, they make you mad, but for YOU to post useless angry posts like they do just stoops you to their level. I was quite annoyed by your threats, really myself. Nothing against you, but it just doesn't seem like your level. :) > > Both show with nearly every posting that they have a big hole in the > brain where social behaviour should be located. And they seem to compete > for the 1st place in the skills of social misbehaviour. Hey, it makes for good entertainment. :) > > So please, AFM and eep - learn or step in front of a train. I am sure > most of us would appreciate that. That'd be good entertainment too. :) > > Volker > > p.s.:OK, AFM should not post anywhere else either ... > p.p.s.: No, eep - I will not loose my vcard, it isn't just a NetScape > feature, it is RFC compliant and I like it > ( About My CapitalsJan 17, 2001, 7:11pm
Well, your problem does not just only lie in capitolization, it lies in
EVERY COMMON SENSE RULE FOR POSTING IN A NG!! 1. You don't post the SAME THING you just typed in another thread in your own thread!! We READ it, a lot of us just choose not to repond to your stupidity. 2. Don't crosspost!!! Post in one newsgroup, for god sakes, maybe the one that makes sense for the post to be in!! We all read most of the newsgroup, so there's no need. NONE!! 3. Capitolization isn't your only problem, let's see here, grammar wise, your comprehension, sentence structure, and punctuation could ALL use major help. Quick, someone bring over a teacher! 4. Your realization that we're in a newsgroup, not a 3d chat, not a bbs, but a NEWSGROUP with certain rules, senses, theories, and personalities that YOU need to learn before ever trying to post here ever again. Nornny [View Quote] A NOT SO FRIENDLY warning to Agent Fox MulderJan 17, 2001, 7:17pm
You REPORTED abuse on this kid?? Well, maybe he MIGHT deserve it, but we
were breaking ground and creating a comprehensable dialog. :) Seriously. That's pretty mean, I think. He doesn't know much better or much at all, but we could've kicked him out ourselves instead of complaining and running to the big boys. He doesn't realize yet where he is, and if you DO look around to other groups, some are run by kids like AFM. AFM just doesn't know that we're different than most groups in that we're an ADULT and MATURE, INFORMATIVE newsgroup, rather than a chatter box or gossip gathering. (AFM, take note of the last three capitolized words and let it sink in). For god sakes, it's only been a matter of a few days too. Personally, that was too much andras. :) Just yell at the kid, until he cries if he has to. No need to take his email and internet service away. Nornny [View Quote] A NOT SO FRIENDLY warning to Agent Fox MulderJan 17, 2001, 11:30pm
Ok You'll get Your WayJan 17, 2001, 11:37pm :) We're not happy. You still don't:
post to just ONE newsgroup use correct grammar uncapitolize words that shouldn't be! punctuate have a decent sig (sorry, I just hate it, it makes no sense, sig wise) post anything that's relevent and useful and informative I'll say you've gotten better though. Nornny [View Quote] Ok You'll get Your WayJan 24, 2001, 9:44am
hehe, well, just goes to show you that I'm just as perfect as the rest of
yas. :) Funny too, that same day, we had a unit on capitAlization in my Language Arts class. :) Nornny [View Quote] Sorry about thatJan 19, 2001, 9:43am
I have that problem too sometimes, no biggie. But for a second there, I
thought you were one of these annoying and incompetant newsgroup newbies that we've been getting. For actual use of grammar, punctuation, and capitalization (long story), I might be able to help you. :) If you KNOW that you're not a hacker, than what do you have to be worried about? Don't get so defensive, all you have to say is, "believe what you want, but I'm not a hacker." :) Granted, an even funner way to get rid of those annoying accusers is to say "I AM a hacker, and I just planted a virus in your system that will cause you to crash in 5 seconds. Have a nice life!" hehe, a personal favorite, but remember that you don't actually PLANT a virus, btw. :) Nornny [View Quote] Sorry about thatJan 19, 2001, 5:55pm
It only happens on a few occasions, but sometimes the Send/Recieve screen
doesn't show the post being sent (meaning the loading bar is empty), but in reality, it has been sent already. :) You can see that if it never tells you that it got through how many times you could potentially send it. :) It's a bug, what can you do. :) Nornny [View Quote] come to think about itJan 19, 2001, 5:50pm
Took you QUITE a while to figure that out, eh? :P At least you learned,
eventually. :) Nornny [View Quote] Testing Don't Ask WhyJan 27, 2001, 12:27pm
you aren't posting the same thing twice, you're posting to EVERYTHING once.
And when I mean EVERYTHING, I mean everything from the a WEEK or two ago. We're over that, get on the train already. You have to be aware that there ARE people on Outlook that sees 10 new posts that aren't even new and ALL of them are by you and outdated. The newbies must be in a headwhirl trying to figure this one out. Nornny [View Quote] -------------------------------- Never argue with an idiot. he'll just bring you down to his level and beat you with experience Free WebspaceJan 22, 2001, 6:19pm
Ack, don't even TRY those big namers, as they're just there PURELY for the
profit. (be honest though, EVERY webspace provider, free or not, is trying to make money). I use this EXTREMELY wonderful free hosting service called Spaceports, I don't know exactly what you're looking for, but for actually building a website and then storing some pictures for AW, this is perfect. :) Website wise, you can sign up for a cgi account, you get unlimited space (but you have to request it at a 20mb per request), and you can place their banners wherever you want on the site (within the top fold, however) and you get paied 10 cents per click that your banners generate. I love spaceports, and haven't had to jump from hosting service to hosting service since. :) You probably want a hosting service that will provide only storage though, in which case, Spaceports prolly couldn't help unless you disguise it. Nornny (UNDER CONSTRUCTION) [View Quote] Free WebspaceJan 22, 2001, 10:14pm
I always found banners appealing and one of the better ways to make money.
Although, the problem with banners on free webspace providers are that the banner positions can be fixed whereas with Spaceports, you can place them pretty much anywhere within reason. :) Nornny [View Quote] |