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Poor behavior of beta testers

Nov 25, 2002, 10:20pm
If you filled email in right you proberly got in Beta group regardless if
you had anything to offer.

Mind you they are some good testers, but few and far between.

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Poor behavior of beta testers

Nov 26, 2002, 8:05am
Thats it in one Brock.

If the selection of testers does not represent world owners, object creators
and users that can create a selection of situations that will saturate test
the software to its full all we see when released is all these "bugs" being
found by members..

Its simple to slelect a wide band selection of the membership, but as stated
the selelection must be broadly based to emcompase all interests.

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Poor behavior of beta testers

Nov 27, 2002, 12:19am
lol, many did with years of experence in software and development testing
and got refused, but then cant have all pro experence in a beta program..

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please respect

Dec 4, 2002, 11:28am
Hi all

This is just to let everyone know I will not anymore answer telegrams
relating to problems encountered in aw. I am not Activeworlds support nor am
I associated with Activeworlds apart from being a member like most other
people. I am not a peacekeeper or anything else, just a member.

I have found myself spending 95% of my time in aw solving problems where the
solution might be in found in the help section on the client or simply using
a search engine like google.com. This leaves me no time to do what I enjoy,
build and create objects for aw.

I am not been ignorant or disrespectful to anyone if you do not get a
response to a telegram. I will respond to emails and try to help only by
this medium. But please let me enjoy what I came to aw for.

Activeworlds has a support section, paid for by you to help you.

Wizard Myrddin

Protest - where is AWNEWS

Dec 12, 2002, 8:19am
Goober as I think I mentioned before try the phpnuke community, they have
people that are experts in phpnuke and how the software comes together. Even
get a custom theme.

At present I operate three phpnuke sites V6 and the guys have always bent
over backwards to help in its customisation.

The database very simplely loads into your sql database and configured in
the config.php file in the main folder, its a simple process. All add on to
the database are loaded into the same sql database.

The "nuke" guys are the best to deal with any problems.

Try http://nukesupport.com/

All the experts in phpnuke are there and from my own experience are only to
willing to help.

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Protest - where is AWNEWS

Dec 12, 2002, 8:23am
As a extra footnote:

As you proberly where running a older version of nuke I take it you did run
the upgrade program to convert your old database to V6 phpnuke?

It is provided in the V6 program.
If you did not you are beating your head against the wall.

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Protest - where is AWNEWS

Dec 12, 2002, 1:39pm
A right got yer posty posty nuke

proberly be worth just re starting it with V6 and bring stuff manually from
the database. But a shout for help from nukers might not go amis, someone
might have a posty to V6 upgrade lurcking about.

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Protest - where is AWNEWS

Dec 13, 2002, 6:55pm
LOL just popped into my head, if the database if formated to work with
postnuke it would be more simple to load postnuke portal back into the web
site instead of trying to upgrade to a dif version that has no converstion.

Plenty of stuff out there for postnuke.

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Single Mesh Skinned Avatars - Enzo I need your wizdom

Dec 12, 2002, 10:54pm
I seem to remember Hammy saying the facility was there but nothing had been
writen up for it at aw.

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Merry Christmas to all aw

Dec 13, 2002, 2:19pm
To celebrate the forthcoming festival of Christmas AVRquest world has been
transformed by Float World Builders Linn and ZaroLene into a truly wonderful
Nordic setting Christmas world.

The terrain has been transformed by Dreamtime into the Nordic scenery. We
thanks Dreamtime for the time spent doing this.

The world has many Christmas Themed experiences including Santa's animated
workshop and post Office, (Yes you can email Santa from the world).

Visit the Nordic Cabins and sauna to refresh.

Above all have a wonderful Christmas and a great 2003.

The World opens on Sunday 15th December and is G rated.

Merry Christmas to all aw

Dec 15, 2002, 12:10pm
lol, getting back to the original issue in this thread.

AVRquest is now open for the next 4 weeks, It will then be mothballed till
next year along with the object path for that world.

No matter what faith you follow ZaroLene, Linn and myself wish all the very
best and good health in the forthcoming new year.

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Dec 16, 2002, 6:54am
No offence bonzai.

But the situation in Tibet with regards the occupation is hardly "cool" it
is the basic denial of human rights and persecution of an indigenous people
and the systimatic destruction of tibetian culture

Althought China has made some progress the Tibetian people would like to
follow their own beliefs and customs with the reinstatment of his Holiness
The Dali Larma.

The China's invasion by 35,000 troops in 1949 was an act of unprovoked
aggression. There is no generally accepted legal basis for China's claim of

Logitech Giveaway

Dec 16, 2002, 8:43am
rofl, and dont forget the one that might say;

"If you don't live in the USA please explain the laws of the Universe "

Free xara logo from AVRdada

Dec 20, 2002, 11:29am
For members of the community that cannot afford the Xara3D package and would
like to have a 3D logo on their AW web site you can now free of charge.

The url is http://www.rdescape.co.uk
or direct

Good holidays from us all and enjoy.

Good Bye

Dec 21, 2002, 1:56pm
Best Wishes in your new place xavarella. I know how addictive the sims can
be and met a lot of people in their during the testing stage.

Just eat well and get them skills :-)

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Good Bye

Dec 21, 2002, 4:25pm
I know this ownt make any diffrence to many but please if any have time to
vote in a non official vote on my second web site why you would leave aw.

I am aware that many non related aw people do read these newsgroups. Vote
and be heard. I know some allready have. Perhaps some might listen.

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Caligari TS 5.1 question

Dec 22, 2002, 6:04am
Most I know use ts4 as for aw modeling use it is I consider the better and
easyer of the packages and can be learnt fairly fast. Plus some good
tutorials on the net for it.

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Caligari TS 5.1 question

Dec 22, 2002, 3:40pm
I think Robbies tutorial was writen for truespace4 not truespace 5 as you
will know why pay for something that a cheaper product will do just as well.
Plus most tutorials I have seen for aw use are writen for TS4, I found when
teaching it, its less confusing for the beginner then hunting through icon
menus that you problerly never want to use for aw modeling.

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Christmas Day Bingo Surprises!

Dec 24, 2002, 6:40pm
and dont forget the model donaters that make the event possible..

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Christmas Day Bingo Surprises!

Dec 24, 2002, 10:29pm
ok Must not be using my stuff them?
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Just a reminder

Dec 29, 2002, 11:59am
This is just to say We are closing the AVRquest Xmas world on about the 5th
January 2003. I know from the many telegrams and emails that it has been
enjoyed by thoses that visited it.

Good Wishes for 2003

welcome message

Jan 4, 2003, 10:28am
ROfl, I think its for those that are unaware of how to write or understand
how to use English as Epp would say..

Good publicity there

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welcome message

Jan 4, 2003, 11:30am
lol, now this says a lot about the mentality of the person who changed it,

Hey, where is this "New" version as well. Or is this a publicity stunt for
visitors to av02? if so the terrible english killed it stone dead.

Cant wait for the Sixteeny one birthday

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Jan 8, 2003, 2:26pm
There proberly going to be a few new contenders entering the ring this year.

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Jan 9, 2003, 12:38pm
Like all things in life, you get different ideas for differnt people. I
beleave second life is restricted to cable connections only, which restricts
usage by dail up connections and the one Facter mentioned is restricted to
certian vid cards,at least aw you can use regardless of connection and vid
card. Acessability is one key to success.

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Jan 9, 2003, 4:55pm
I think it will be where you live, many places cant yet use broadband or dsl
services. I was thinking after the last messages to this thread that if
cable is required to run some of these products the downloads might be
greater then aw has, I know from using cable aw is better, but then why make
aw a cable service as many that do use it cant afford cable or some cant
obtain it.

Like many of the clones ariving on the market they are not as broad as aw is
in its user base.

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Jan 9, 2003, 11:26pm
Must admit the use of broadband is growing, but like many telephone systems
around the world, if the exchange authorities don't consider it viable to
upgrade they exchange to handle cable connections many will be left with
dial up connections.

Even the cable franchises in the UK have not cabled all properties, myself
for instance move 30 metres from my last location and was told they cannot
connect to broadband now, such is the system.

This year is set for a influx of VR type chat products and only those that
prove themselves to be reliable and accessible will survive this

Like many Internet users around the world will flock to these alternatives
to aw, only by reason of hearing about it in the media, this is a proven
fact. If aw is not prepared to handle getting its product known into the
market place these other products will harvest the users into their product.
As many more connections to broadband are acieved, these products will pick
up users, the sims is a prime example of this with TV advertising in the UK
and national press coverage.

At the end of the day, if you beleave in the product and its sustainablility
sell the dam product to the world.

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What is happening to AW?

Feb 6, 2003, 8:57pm
You just gotta look when the rot started to set in, the biggest argument ive
seen have been over this last year regardless of what it was.

The community or whats left of it is run for all the people, look how many
attend stuff? the only high access counts Ive seen is when tourists where
allowed in as a privledge.

AW.inc has seen many staff depart, long time great builders have left aw.

I think its about time someone looked around and stopped getting the word
from the few and listen to the mass membership.. Yes I don't go into aw much
now, why? because its losing what it was, Its heart.

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Calling out to the Community for help

Feb 9, 2003, 5:55am
No offence meant here but why do you have the same email address as MR

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Feb 8, 2003, 1:04pm

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