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Jun 20, 2004, 2:04pm
I think that's one of the problems here in aw and the ngs people go out of
there way to flame.

Good debate over any topic is good and enlighten, but when you never see the
same people attract the same protagonists of threads I do tend to consider
something is a foot.

Why can't people in this game try to learn about others cultures, its an
ideal medium for interaction and understanding, instead of using labeling
like it was a death wish and conduct vendettas or go out of their way to
create flaming.

To me some newsgroups out lived there use many years ago as they are used
only to try and discredit people and drive members out of aw. For instance
MR Bruce, like him or not was driven out and more.

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Jun 20, 2004, 3:35pm
The difference I think is one is asking a certain amount for their work,
whilst the other is asking from those that can afford it any amount/s

Personally its not up to me to "approve" any what any person does, its their
own thoughts. I personally give away so people can enjoy.

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Jun 20, 2004, 3:38pm
Yes I know servers can cost a lot to rent and purchase, plus bandwidth
costs. I was only to happy a few years ago when I had to make the about to
close my JPG yards because of circumstances that Linn offered to pay the
rental for a year to save many members work from destroyed and in many
Universes, as many still link directly to the jpg.

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Jun 21, 2004, 2:52pm
I took it as a generalisation and a observance, nothing more, nothing less.

For instance for example

I never seen so many multilevel marketing schemes and must be a confidence

Does not say X scheme is a con, nor does it say Z scheme is a con.

It says there is a proliferation of places asking for donations.

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Jun 21, 2004, 3:26pm
I believe the protagonist of the thread you mention was not Linn and
considering the thread mentioned no names whatsoever perhaps you could
inform us of the person?

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Jun 21, 2004, 3:57pm
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I took it as a generalisation and a observance, nothing more, nothing less.

For instance for example

I never seen so many multilevel marketing schemes and must be a confidence

Does not say X scheme is a con, nor does it say Z scheme is a con.

It says there is a proliferation of places asking for donations.

Now tell me where anyones name is mentioned?
Please try to read all the thread next time!

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Jun 22, 2004, 9:02pm
HummThat surprises me as Linn and myself were playing scrable at the ISC web
site at that time as most nights.

Are you sure this was Linn not a linn. or linn, as I am aware there is
someone in aw that seems to think this rather funny...

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Jun 23, 2004, 7:02pm
To make this input simple the initial input did not ask do you work for
aw.inc or aw.com but sell meshes/models to aw.inc aw.com

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G rated areas and Nicks.

Jun 20, 2004, 10:40am
No country has a perfect record, Might as well call all German people
barbaric if used in this context for attempting to eradicate the Jews and
many other races. Look into History and all have something to be ashamed of.
This includes my own place of abode. There are many acts of disregard for
human rights today conducted in the name of many counties and there leaders.

The people of such countries can only use their vote to oust bad leaders and

If anyone has objections to any countries acts the simple way is to not buy
or support that countries products and services as in the end the taxes paid
go to support the actions conducted that people disagree with. And there is
the double standard, its ok to use the products that support the actions,
but are not prepared to stop using products as it interferes with their own


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G rated areas and Nicks.

Jun 22, 2004, 7:13am
Hi Lioness

Good words

As I think I have stated many times in these G's but as normal seems to fall
on stony ground in History most countries have some terrible acts committed
against human kind. In the last century two world wars, genocide against
Jews and others committed in the name of a country. Indeed My own ethnic
origins was subjected to eradication of its culture and language and
persecution. Indeed many of my Irish ancestors left Ireland to the USA to
escape famine and persecution, some where even forced to leave their
homeland. If we all held past acts against present people this world sadly
would be a very poor place.

We learn from past mistakes and in refection consider that peaceful
co-existence may be a pipe dream but one hell of an concept to work towards.

Share and Enjoy

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Apathy Might have set in in AW Support

Jun 19, 2004, 8:27pm

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Activeworlds Goes Belly Up

Jun 22, 2004, 2:20pm
lol wonder what name is used as ebay seller?


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Activeworlds Goes Belly Up

Jun 22, 2004, 2:25pm
lol a parody

but is this our aw enzo

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Activeworlds Goes Belly Up

Jun 22, 2004, 2:57pm
O bummer man I just went belly up


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Activeworlds Goes Belly Up

Jun 22, 2004, 4:07pm
Psst don't tell anyone else, I have sneaked it out to the Bank Of Offyshore
to retire with..

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Enzo Please delete

Jun 22, 2004, 9:42pm
Please delete the thread entitled "Money" it is turning into personal
attacks and enticement to flame

Enzo Please delete

Jun 23, 2004, 8:59am
No usual thing, vendettas, insults, threats.

What a great place aw is becoming. Good job there is good people in aw or it
would become a battlefield.

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Enzo Please delete

Jun 23, 2004, 8:11pm
I call it the United Nations on a really bad bad day

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Charlie and members

Aug 13, 2004, 7:41pm
Just to let them know when they return back on line that people are thinking
of them all down in Fl riding out Charlie's anger.

Hope all stay safe and well and Charlie commits little damage to them and
their property.

AW's article in Wikipedia

Nov 13, 2004, 7:14am
There is aways one in every bunch..

Whats the Ip number of the person doing the "extra" editing/vandelising?

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Some serious problems with 4.1 build 949

Jun 3, 2006, 9:04am
Same here, I was monitering the cpu usage when moving in aw anything apart
from standing still produces a 100% cpu usage.

I cant run any other programs while running 4.1 as computer freezes up.

Plus since installing 4.1 I am experencing the blue screen of death. On days
I dont enter aw 4.1 I dont get this.

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