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New games textures (Buildings)

Sep 12, 2003, 8:58am
As a footnote for anyone interested.

The textures mentioned can be freely downloaded from the fantastic Jonathan
Clark collection from Golgotha Game. These are really great textures Jon has
released into the public domain. His web site url is:


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Pissing contests

Sep 13, 2003, 7:49am
Think more like that case of "I'm better then you" and "I can shout better
then you".

Seem its easier to write sarcastic remarks or try and create as much upset
as possible in the light that no one will do anything abut it. We have seen
Enzo stating personal flaming by members will result in banning from the
newsgroups, but still nothing is done, false statements. The only way to
create a worthwhile newsgroup is to remove the members that create flaming
or these that through remarks set out to pursue personal vendettas against
someone that might not sing the same song as them.

As I have always stated these newsgroups are not only read by members but
anyone that can access the internet. What sort of impression is given by the
vulgarities, flaming and personal attacks? If I was a parent who first read
these newsgroups before letter any child of mine become a member I would def
not let them join. Is this the impression Enzo is trying to create?

Yes AW.Inc may not have time to actively monitor the newsgroups and to let a
member loose wiping anything they want in NG's is worse then having flaming.

Solution, live up to your word Enzi and start banning the flamers,
vulgarities, personal attackers from the newsgroup and let people see AW.Inc
does care and is interested in making something which will die a slow
lingering death.

or is it that AW.inc has no Balls to live up to what they said?

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New Household Objects

Oct 3, 2003, 9:47am
Firstly these are not mine. I stopped creating objects a while back.

As many know to get something original in aw is great and we all welcome it.

Over the last few months a very fairly unheard of creator of new objects
that are extremely good and well thought out. These objects are not sprites
and are all original objects created by Zaro Lene right down to the

I know she has worked hard and long to reduce the polygons to the bare
minimum to create non laggy objects.

She has specialised in the many items that you find arounf your home for
instance cleaning tools, bottles of cleaning liquid and she has produced
some very fine work.

If you would like to see her present work in aw, please pop into AVRquest
world and see her work. Yes the objects are for sale but are well worth it.

many thanks


Oct 14, 2003, 7:28pm
yes here to
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Technozeus needs our help......!!!!

Oct 22, 2003, 7:07pm
If I may say this:

If you are approaching a trial by jury it is inappropriate to publish
graphical details of any offence on a publicly accessed media, let alone a
web site. As this can be seen as trying to influence a jury or even call for
a miss trial. Who is to say the Judge has not read the details?

Any trial has to be on facts and evidence presented and prepared correctly,
then any mitigation taken into account.

But you def don't go publishing details leading up to any trial about the
fine details in case as mentioned it is seen as trying to influence
witnesses, therefore you have a more serious position of trying to influence
a witness before a trial.

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Technozeus needs our help......!!!!

Oct 30, 2003, 5:39pm
Just like some time ago when certain people drove Linn to a hospital bed!

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Technozeus needs our help......!!!!

Oct 30, 2003, 5:55pm
Try the ignore facility it works wonders. that is unless you want to read a
members input

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Technozeus needs our help......!!!!

Oct 30, 2003, 6:10pm
Think you have wrong person there Bowen

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Anyone heard from TZ?

Oct 29, 2003, 5:40am
If you know TZ real name you can check the cases that where heard on the
day in the relevant court house on the Internet.

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Anyone heard from TZ?

Oct 29, 2003, 3:37pm
or even check out the department of Corrections on:


But still need a correct name first name not work

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new avatars in AW world! its about time

Nov 8, 2003, 8:11am
More to the point is what ever happened to the Skinned avatars? remember
last year the new improved features. Now this would be a vast improvement to
get away from the present avatar catalogue.

Or perhaps it was a pipedream that never bore fruit!

new avatars in AW world! its about time

Nov 8, 2003, 2:34pm
If my memory serves me correct wasent this the reason for the price hype? to
employ programmers, I think 6 where mentioned at that time.

perhaps Hamfon was the only one that understood it to write about it, not
take 2 years, TZ wrote the new help files why not get him to do it? he has
the academic qualifications to understand.

It just seem a dam shame a important new feature if left on the sideline
because no on can give time to write the instructions up.

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Pay extra for tourists. Bad idea.

Nov 15, 2003, 10:59am
Looking at it in economics' with the last price hype of 300% and the number
of members that have left there properly be little difference to the income
of AWI.inc, these that went to other universes still paid an 69 dollar fee
to aw no matter where they went.

So looking at it like that aw could afford to lose 2/3rd of its membership
and still be in the same situation it was 2 years ago as the remaining
members pay the 200% extra on membership fees. Then looking at the staff
that have left aw and not replaced you see a saving in wages.

So why bother allowing tourists back into Alphaworld when its not effecting

At the end of the day its business nothing else. if people are willing to
pay good. I have no dought aw.inc considered the losing of X number of
members and calculated for this in pricing..

O well

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Nov 18, 2003, 5:50pm
He Strike you know what a Pixel brightener is?

It says its been changed the few dates it disappeared from sight

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Bingo in America

Nov 20, 2003, 10:39am
Humm thats not what jetta informed me was the reason..

perhaps you should talk to your master

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object path passwords cracked

Nov 28, 2003, 8:22pm
I wonder if "Bill" will inform the world owners to change there object

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object path passwords cracked

Nov 29, 2003, 10:27am
I notice one or two on this list that changed names about 6 months ago, so
the list was constructed 6 months ago, so waste of time changing pw's as
proberly most of that was wanted has already been removed to a pirated

With it seems the object password has been a subject of interested more that
this time it really seems pointless providing that facility to protect them
until its removed from the client or a better system is created. But then
why spend money on something that only effect "private" worlds as most of AW
objects are free to use! You might as well leave your object password on a
web page.

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Nov 30, 2003, 11:20am
Hi there

I'm not wishing to cause and fuelling to this threat but I have noticed
something I can't understand why it would happen.

The protagonist of this thread thetruthishere shows a IP posting addy of:

Later in the thread Mr Bruce Posting Ip address also shows the same IP:

Explanation please from some learned person that understands the Internet
mailing system.

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Dec 2, 2003, 2:32pm
As in all things, if a member writes stuff that perhaps you don't agree with
the facility is there to block that poster. I believe enzo has mentioned
this is previous thread wars. I have a list of people I don't see or receive
their contributions.

Unless a member has broken a AW.INC ruling about NG's postings anyone should
post. In simple if the thread is not to your liking don't read it. if the
poster offends you, block them. Very simple at the end of the day.

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Christmas in Alphaworld... This year?

Dec 5, 2003, 8:10am
Well said and explained there Lioness!

It is true that Jesus Christ was not born on December 25th. He wasn't even
born in December. He was born in the middle of summer. So why is the birth
of Christ celebrated on December the 25?

"This difference is dates stems from the need to compromise with pagan
believes and to "convert" them. In the Winter Solstice Babylonians
celebrated the victory of their sun god. To this the Roman copy of this
Babylonian custom was called Saturnalia, the feast of the birth of Sol. It
was for centuries an abomination to Christians. The celebration was an orgy
of pagan revelry.

But the Church, instead of standing firm against paganism, began to
compromise. It wanted to "help" weak young Christians who didn't want to
give up the fun and merrymaking surrounding the winter solstice. So the
Church said, 'Go on with your fun and celebration. Only now we'll call it a
celebration of the birth of the Son of God. Instead of losing people to
paganism, we'll combine the two and gradually even win some of the pagans of
our day to profess Christianity. Let's not force men to choose between the
two.'" (Michael Schneider)

But above all as you have stated it is respect and tolerance of each others
faith or believes no matter what they are.

In whatever faith you follow and in these troubled times in the world faith
has brought bitter foes together as for example World War One in the British
and German troops met in no mans land to enjoy this time of year. Pity they
went back to killing each other after it!

But sharing the event not the faith shows tolerance and respect towards each

Christmas in Alphaworld... This year?

Dec 5, 2003, 3:50pm
[View Quote]
No matter what faith you follow we all should hold respect to other faiths,
in this point mutual acceptance of perhaps objects, symbols and words that
play a significant part in ones faith.

No one states that anyone should accept any of these but tolerance is a part
of mutual tolerance of each others believes, for instance if the Star of
David in someone's house offends you don't have to go into this house, but
tolerance of others faiths shows respectability towards fellow people.

For instance if someone built a Muslim Temple in AW should it be removed as

Tolerance is acceptance,.

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What would you guys say to AW boxed in stores?

Jan 26, 2004, 11:44am
It would be more interesting if the use of skinned interface could be
performed, getting rid of that boring windows style.
So many IM's these days plus many other programs where you can download
extra skins for your interface.

Plus it would allow these that play games, for instance in AWRPG to have
their own RPG skin and like wise for other "game" worlds.

That would breath new life into the client plus give all those of artistic
yearning to create new themes for the client. Plus give new life to a
otherwise boring interface. And give AW a edge in competition against
"other" VR environments...

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IceFlare Ultimate Object Path

Jan 28, 2004, 8:47pm
Just a little thing who is Starbeam Network Ltd as I cant find this company

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Radio Stations Spamming at GZ areas

Jan 28, 2004, 9:29pm
I just mute and block them for ever, just like trouble makers

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Jan 31, 2004, 4:25pm
No offence but I would have at once changed the redirection to awcommunity
web site if you made a request instead of as usual blasting away in public
newsgroups to try and discredit.

We have owned this domain for 2 years and was directed to the present URL
during this time and when this site was closed all redirections remained.

All you had to do was ask, but you seemed to pursue another course.

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Jan 31, 2004, 4:34pm
Can you please provide the registered copyright details registered in The

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Jan 31, 2004, 7:57pm
Well not wishing to increase confusion and despere.

The name cyaward is assocated in the real world with the scout movment for:

These awards are given to Scouts who have met requirements that involve
progressively more participation in Yawgoog's activities, beginning with the
Bronze, then the Gold, and finally the Silver Camper of Yawgoog Award.

so CY is the camp and the award are known as CYawards

Now as this camp was formed in 1916 if anything they have the write to use
this name..

Tricky dicky eh?

Founded in 1916 as "A Scout Adventureland Forever," Camp Yawgoog is situated
on 1,800 acres of beautiful wilderness in Rhode Island. Yawgoog is divided
into three separate Camps, each with its own traditions – a color, songs and
cheers: Three Point, Medicine Bow and Sandy Beach.

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tutorial for making each tab a toolbar button

Feb 4, 2004, 2:20pm
A very nice lead Alex to the personal customization of the client
software... Now all we need is the rest of it customizations. Then it
becomes more exciting..

Share and enjoy

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AW Rating

Feb 16, 2004, 12:14pm

Interesting points you raise there, the retention of the existing membership
base is just as important them attracting new membership.

A suggestion could be to ask anyone that is leaving AW membership to
complete a survey to discover the true reasons for this. If you don't know
why people are leaving how can you resolve a situation that has caused this?

Its all well and good listening to the few, but aw is made up from all
divisions of society today and all its membership. As many of AW's
competitors regularly use the newsgroups to see what is happening and the
arguments as to what might be problems within their own products.

But good research is worth many years of guessing and thinking about what
might be wrong. plus good analysis of this data, without it the data is

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want a world

Feb 17, 2004, 8:40pm
I don't think worlds are transferable under the agreement. proberly can have
use of a world but will never be yours and can be taken back any time..

You could try to win one at bingo and save the $69.00

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