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Another AW employee gone!

Aug 5, 2002, 2:12pm
Think in business its called "End of Contract"

Nothing odd to that, happens everyday in all business's.

And besides nothing to do with me or anyone how any other bussiness conducts
itself, as long as there is a product at the end. As long as it ethical.

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Another AW employee gone!

Aug 6, 2002, 10:01am
No offence to anyone.

What has all this to do with Mr Bruce's observations??

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Traffic Lights On AW

Aug 6, 2002, 6:21am
I beleave eep has created this effect.

I remember seeing this next to the main object yard teleport area at Lara's
yard at cords aw 1097.30N 991.03W 0.01a 90

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[AWNews] Changing of the Guard

Aug 8, 2002, 3:49pm
If I was you I hurry up registring its openly availble to grab that domain

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[AWNews] Changing of the Guard

Aug 8, 2002, 3:50pm
opps you must have just re done it ^^

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What you mean? you cant understand English

Aug 8, 2002, 11:39pm
lol Joke


What you mean? you cant understand English

Aug 8, 2002, 11:51pm
sorry never thought you paid for it

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What you mean? you cant understand English

Aug 9, 2002, 7:23am
rofl, yep its simple dumb humour nothing else. Mind you can be the best sort
at times..

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What you mean? you cant understand English

Aug 9, 2002, 7:29pm
Nice one deconstructor, show yer how little silly things get popular al over
da net.

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Aug 24, 2002, 6:46am
Well to keep all those that really need to see a email address and can't
sleep at night I have included one.

Sleep tight.

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[AWNews] From Bad to Worse

Aug 26, 2002, 4:35pm
Why not get hosting from your existing phpwebhosting where the site is
located/was located or as you say take your own payments iwhich will them
allow you have full access rights to the domain.

Phpwebhosting allows the use of subdomian only, without any main domain.
Then if you so desire take awnews domain.com as soon as it is available.

Its simple when you look around.

Look on the web

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Shankahtus in Gor

Aug 29, 2002, 9:12am
Humm 50 avatars for $2.00 each, you call that expensive? at that price I
would not even bother considering making them, (I don't mean retexturing as
well) As many original avatars do take considerable time and planning to

As you mentioned "artists take pride in there work" and the many talented
modellers in aw consider any input in there creations a great asset in
producing a quality product.

Perhaps some conflict between the two parties involved is indicated in the
base message of this thread.

As Eep has mentioned he has never recieved any adverse coments from the same

As as said SW chis has stated personel conflicts should not be brought into
the Newsgroups.

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Shankahtus in Gor

Aug 29, 2002, 9:13am
I stand corrected, should read:

Humm 50 avatars for $4.00 each.


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Alphaworld Object Gallery!

Aug 31, 2002, 2:37pm
All can be seen in awmegaoy and the many good yards around aw...Can't see
why anyone would settle for a jpg when can see the real thing.

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cy nominations out

Aug 31, 2002, 9:13pm
I see from the cy nominations that Mountain Myst has over ruled the rules
and regulations for whatever reason she decided to, i quote;

"After various processes of checking and rechecking to make sure the
nominations are correct, here is a list of nominations that do not qualify
for this run of the Cy and therefore should be considered ineligible to vote

The full list is posted on url:


To my own way of looking at this it seems the rules can be changed at any
time, any place and for what ever reason.

The point of having any rule/regulation is that all are aware of procedures
and how they work. Whats the point of having and of them if they can be
changed at the whim of someones prefrence.

cy nominations out

Aug 31, 2002, 9:16pm
sorry folks it seems that url will not link. I will post the relevent

After various processes of checking and rechecking to make sure the
nominations are correct, here is a list of nominations that do not qualify
for this run of the Cy and therefore should be considered ineligible to vote
for. The rule violation each violates is listed to the side, and the rules
were authorized by Alpha Bit some time ago. This posting is in accordince
with MM's orders to continue any team operations in progress. If you wish to
discuss why you or someone else was kicked off the list, you may either
contact Cyberwitch, Weebo, or Wizard 24. Here they are-
Community Development in Architecture/Urban Planning/Design-
Baro (Member of Selection Committee)
Maka (CyTeam Committee Head)

Community Development in Technical Enhancements-
HamFon (HamFon won category previously, Corperate Product)
Brant (Brant won category previously)
9 9 9 (Corperate Product)

Community Initiative in Community Groups/Activities and Events-
AWBingo Team (Includes Head of a CyTeam Committee)
IHNK (CyTeam Committee Head)
Maka (CyTeam Committee Head)

Community Initiative in Community Leadership/Participation-
Daphne (Member of Selection Committee)
Nornny11 (Member of Selection Committee)
Bille (Member of Selection Committee)
Cyberwitch (CyTeam Committee Head)
MrGrimm (Corperate Product)
E N Z O (Corperate Product)
Mountain Myst (Corperate Product)
Maggie4real (Corperate Product)

Creative Vision & Application Object Design/Texture Application-
Baro (Member of Selection Committee)
King Tex (CyTeam Committee Head)
Lady Murasaki (Lady Murasaki won category previously)
MrGrimm (Corperate Product)

Creative Vision & Application in Innovative Design-
Peacfrog (Member of CyTeam Executive Committee and won category previously)
MrGrimm (Corperate Product)

Creative Vision & Application Avatar Development-
Insanity (Member of Selection Committee and won category previously)
Peacfrog (Member of CyTeam Executive Committee)
Lady Murasaki (Lady Murasaki won category previously)
MrGrimm (Corperate Product)

Creative Vision & Application for an ActiveWorlds Web Site-
SW Comit (www.swcity.net won category previously)

Creative Vision & Application Environment Design in a Public Building World-
TheBeans (Invalid Entry)
Alucard (Invalid Entry)
OneSummer and Just In (OneSummer won category previously, invalid entry)
AD&DRPG (Invalid Entry)
TishKum (Invalid Entry)
Flagg (Corperate Product)

Creative Vision & Application Environment Design in a Greater Universe
Posh (Posh won category previously)
AWTeen (Invalid Entry)
AW (Invalid Entry)
MrGrimm (Corperate Product)

Creative Vision & Application for a Virtual Art Project-
MrGrimm (Corperate Product)

Write-In Category- (By write-in title)
Volunteering in all community events building birthday sites for the people
of ActiveWorlds (Includes Head of a CyTeam Committee)
Community Worker (Includes Head of a CyTeam Committee)
Roland (Corperate Product)
for perseverence (Corperate Product)

Many (but not all) of these exclusions are defined in the posted rules on
this website. For some reason, not all of the authorized rules were posted.
Many exclusions are due to the power of influence and/or the place in the
process of voting. I will be out of town for some weeks, so Wizard 24 will
take my place during that time. Have a nice summer!

-Tauntaun (Head of Rules Team)

P.S.- (Small note) The nomination www.swcity.net was not ruled out because
of the person being nominated for the website, but rather a testimony
revealed that Syntax is rather the webmaster and creator of that work, and
won the Cy for that website even during the last Cy run.

P.S.S.- I don't know who is incharge of the nomination list for the
selection committee... but it should be changed ASAP. Only a direct
executive order can bring back a nomination above.

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cy nominations out

Aug 31, 2002, 9:31pm
cheers tony ^^

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cy nominations out

Sep 1, 2002, 8:31am
Really I must be blind

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cy nominations out

Sep 1, 2002, 10:54am
I will follow your advice, not vote at all.

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cy nominations out

Sep 1, 2002, 4:25pm
Yes but why was the rules and regulation overruled by you?? I quote:

"After various processes of checking and rechecking to make sure the
nominations are correct, here is a list of nominations that do not qualify
for this run of the Cy and therefore should be considered ineligible to vote
for. The rule violation each violates is listed to the side, and the rules
were authorized by Alpha Bit some time ago. This posting is in accordance
with MM's orders to continue any team operations in progress."

You refer to the selection committee quite a lot, but the above statement
very clearly states the acceptance of all Cy rules and regulations. With
your authorization fully.

It seem to indicate from your posting that the selection committee did not
feel any other nominations worthy, hence you overruled any cy rules to, I

"There are actually very few remaining on the final
nominations list that were on this possible potential objection list"

Which means,the rules and regulation or void if it does not meet your

To me there is loop holes and clauses never seen to the community at large.
If a rule exsists, keep it.

cy nominations out

Sep 2, 2002, 2:59pm
Hi Kerstin

AS MM has stated, I quote:

There are actually very few remaining on the final
nominations list that were on this possible potential objection list"

and that

"You dont have to vote for them"

Just a dam shame that close contenders had to be removed to make way for
rule changes at the last second.

I can proberly say all this rapid changing to fit will now be ignored,
washed and cleaned.

To me its just one big mess or rule changing to suit,

Perhaps some course in project managment is needed, as the organisational
skills are non exsistent.

Even AP states to GooberKing;

When [this year's CYs] were being organized, Tauntaun came to me with a
new set of rules." says former CY Awards Head AlphaBit Phalpha, who was
still in charge at the time, "I had given them very little thought
through. I tried to read them and still was confused at some of the
heavy reading, [so] in haste, I just said 'ok ok ok'."

Rules are made to protect the very community it represents, without them,
whats the point in having them?
Might as well just say; I pick that one and that one!

Can we now trust the voting? will more rules disapear if not in favour?

It certianly looks like they can be changed at the whim of someone!

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cy nominations out

Sep 2, 2002, 3:49pm
The total confusion is with the statment issued in the cy forum, I again

"After various processes of checking and rechecking to make sure the
nominations are correct, here is a list of nominations that do not qualify
for this run of the Cy and therefore should be considered ineligible to vote
for. "

This implies very much that this new set had been accepted, if someone as
you say "was not in the right frame of mind" so at a later stage rejected
them. This only shows, adds to confusion as to what set of rules are being

As no one has made any statements withdrawing the aceptance of the new set
of rules, that is unless you are speaking for the CY awards committee.

If so can you please respond to the statment in the cy forums from Garnet
and I quote from him/her,

"How can the avatars be judged when no one from the selection committee came
to look at them? We have bot records to back this up. Also it was my
understanding that 5 would be chosen, yet I see only 3 finalists. "

Must be another delusional member.

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cy nominations out

Sep 2, 2002, 9:25pm
Well perhaps it should carry a warning before entering the forum.

"The content of this forum in no way can be taken as official statements of
the CY Award Committee and as such anything stated can be disregard"

For the light of me I can't seem to find a warning or any other notice. As
this is directly linked from the "Official Web Site" this in any terms
suggests this is part of the CY Web site, therefore endorsed by them.

It is a very simple procedure to create a portal to a forum, but then as the
site in one of the finalists they will be aware of linking and prior warning
that the forum is unofficial and any views represented by members of the Cy
Awards Committee cannot be taken as the views of the Cy Awards Committee
main site.

[View Quote]

cy nominations out

Sep 3, 2002, 6:51am
Hi Poseidon

To start any "flamming" is not the point that many have raised, the point
is, has the very rules and regulations that are the fabric of the CY's and
where acepted and in a Cy forum been altered at the last stage of the
selection process.

Although Goober King has stated the forum or not in any way the accepted
views of the CY committee, the interpretation on the accepted rules was
published for many to see. This is the problem.

All people want to observe is fairness and adherence to these laid down
proceedures and rules.

If any of the nominees has recieved any adverse/abusive telegrams they
should send the relevent data to abuse at activeworlds.com

I'm sure you can agree that if any rule or regulation is ignored, the
relevance of the result is tarnised. This is what the point of this entier
thread is about, removing any tarnising of a great community event.

If any tarnising has acured it lays directly with a posting in the CY forum
that all members can visit and see for themselves. Which are very clear and
in plain English.

Indeed some prominant members of our community have expressed concern over
this very point of selection process in private commincations with myself,
and yes these are people that have been placed on the finial nomination

This is not any flamming, it is a expression of concern. If members cannot
display their view and opinions and express concern in a responsible
environment it is indeed very poor situation that we find ourselves in.
Indeed initially I did email the cy award committee and recived no response
to clarify the situation before approaching the newsgroups.

If members cannot criticise or cast views it is a very sad day indeed.

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cy nominations out

Sep 3, 2002, 10:58am
You got it in one there Goober.

"unless there is a specific forum marked for such business"

Why then is it named Cy Awards Forum? I quote:

Welcome to the new Cy Awards Forums. Indicating this is part of the main web

Surely a name like Cy Awards Discussion Forum would be more suitable if not
endorsed as a part of the main web site?

Since when has rule changes been some sort of axe to grind? Thought it was
as you so rightly beleave in investigative journalism.
Perhaps constructive is not wanted in aw anymore?

If you leave statements on the Internet for all to see and read you must
expect critics.

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A!!CT World will drop Heartfall Sept.16

Sep 18, 2002, 9:43am
Perhaps it a case of spot the insanity.

I know you are Insanity, I claim my $50


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iCandy Cy Nominations Withdrawn

Sep 15, 2002, 11:25am
makes no diffrence, I withdraw a few weeks back both in email and telegrams
and NG, still my name and worlds are very visably displayed as being a

I just feel sorry for any wasted votes.

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iCandy Cy Nominations Withdrawn

Sep 15, 2002, 7:26pm
To right there

I sent my third request to an executive cy member on Sun 08/09/2002 09:26
GMT and I have a copy to prove it.

Lets get some communication here going.

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iCandy Cy Nominations Withdrawn

Sep 15, 2002, 7:37pm
Thats more or less what will do Andras, just did not want people to waste a
vote while many other good nominees out there.

^^ Wiz
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I can't wait

Sep 18, 2002, 8:31am
Will there be election's or a case of name submission to MM to decide.

This is not a "bitch" just a plain question to anyone interested.

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