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wizard myrddin // User Search
wizard myrddin // User SearchA brighter and better Active Worlds!!! Tom, please readJun 7, 2001, 11:36pm
In no disrespect to your contribution, I am in Britian and enjoy unlimmited
Internet connection and free telephone calls. Although I can agree that this service might not be fully utilised by some, it is available to those area's that have cable. In addition many enjoy free call after 1800 GMT. [View Quote] A brighter and better Active Worlds!!! Tom, please readJun 8, 2001, 6:56am
Did not know you are the activeworlds newgroup moderater. Lets see, Facts
are not allowed, but swearing is. Right I have it. At least your example will show any new member the right way to conduct themselfs. [View Quote] <no subject>Oct 21, 2001, 12:34pm
As in a previous posting the world directory is located in AVRdada world and
at present is being built. We have a number of booths for private world/town owners to present a display of their talents. The world is open at this moment and we will include any request for inclusion of object yards, jpg collections and any other work that helps the community. Aso game worlds and worlds of any theme. If you require a jpg of your world included we can include this if sent this this email address; avrdada at Thanks all for taking time to read ^^ Wizard Myrddin Merry XmasDec 14, 2001, 5:50pm
On behalf of all the builders of AVRquest and Float worlds we wish to extend
our warmest seasonal greetings to all members of the Activeworlds community. My the new year bring all your expectations and bring you good health. Follow your dreams in Virtual Reality Activeworlds Universe. Regards from us all,. Merry Xmas Float and AVRquest Jpg yard extendedDec 16, 2001, 11:54am
Hi folks
To them that are not aware the Float and AVRquest teams have extended our jpg collections in aw at cords 3152.7N 1067.2W 0.0a 269 We have now the following selections: Vending machines Glass Doors Wooden doors Kitchen display and Jpgs Stained Glass Tin Signs Neon signs Carpets and Rugs USA Road signs (over 300) Linens ans wrapping papers We will be opening a extensive music and sound collections in the new year with over 500 sounds and effects. Happy Building Float and AVRquest Jpg yard extendedDec 17, 2001, 12:23am
All yards have there merits, let it be small or large.
We just had accumulated so many jpgs over the years abd people where always wanting them so we decided to put in aw for all to use. Eventually we will cover the total area we covered as we add more jpgs/ sounds, at present we cover a lot 70x30 sectors and can go up to 100x100 which we proberly will reach the end of next year.. Its our way of putting something into the community for the pleasure it give us and our builders. *sigh* The good ol' days....Dec 18, 2001, 9:07am
The community is the sense of belonging to something, something that one can
share with others of like minded people. It does not matter if your young, old or whatever, the important item is that the sharing of a common goal and a common ideal. How many time have we seen in this newsgroup the flaming or members purely on grounds of bad grammar or age, does it really matter? the importance is the point the member is stating. Not the way it is presented, leave that to academia. Those that support the community know that helping each other forms the basis of what the community stands for, let it be volunteers, object donators and those that give up time to present events. Those that seek power and status through positions in the community are destructive to the community. How many of us can say "Today I helped a member" or "What can I do to help the community". Or as a result of the rapid expansion of worlds, not only private but also aw based created a sense off being lost in virtual reality? Perhaps it time for AW to create folders where worlds can be categorized so members can find like minded members that share their interests. If one cannot share interests the Universe is failing, perhaps AW should look at how the community functions and not just from the members in positions, from the grass roots of the membership! In a recent survey I conducted it was surprising many felt that AW was not supporting the community in some areas, many stated they would not turn to AW for help but rather seek support from the community. Is there a lesson here for AW?. Anyway there is my input. Wizard myrddin [View Quote] *sigh* The good ol' days....Dec 18, 2001, 3:29pm
Yes, not my option, but the results from the survey. This showed in times of
problems within the Universe respondents would turn to other members to help on a wide range of topics that effected their enjoyment of AW. This in itself displays the Community from within. [View Quote] *sigh* The good ol' days....Dec 18, 2001, 5:27pm
As this survey was conducted as part of a business proposal I have no
intention of disclosing any results apart from general observations made by respondents. Im sure you understand the need for some confidencialaltiy both for the respondents and commercially. [View Quote] *sigh* The good ol' days....Dec 18, 2001, 5:50pm
Hi Moff piet
Addras has made a program that can create a registry his site is on: [View Quote] *sigh* The good ol' days....Dec 18, 2001, 7:47pm
rofl,many a true word said in jest
hey Moff have look round the jpg yard in aw, at 3152.7N 1067.2W 0.0a 269 If you want road signs making up let me know and will make them for you as objects.. [View Quote] Be careful with Nate007Dec 20, 2001, 1:27pm
Sure thing Brant, world bans from the worlds effected would be sufficient
unless as you state activities relating to illegal activities have been proven, proven been the operative word here, and then let AWcorp handle the situation. World owners can insert IP on ban lists as their right As Data is the Technical support board member for dreamlandpark he should be aware of the procedure to acquire a members IP number. But reinstating a world ban from the proven worlds that have been vandalised would be suffice. Then prove is any illegal client or methods have been used. [View Quote] Eep Banned/Fix 3.2 PleaseDec 21, 2001, 2:52pm
I think you share what some people feel there Brant, I have noticed over the
month in the Newsgroups good discusions and a lack of obnoxious foul words and attacks of newbies. Personally I think the newsgroups are a better place now. As you will no dought agree people are now starting to post some good threads without fear of being ridiculed and made a subject of attacks from a foul mouth. [View Quote] Eep Banned/Fix 3.2 PleaseDec 21, 2001, 7:29pm
The BEST PROTESTS that will be heardJan 5, 2002, 2:34pm
Why close my worlds? I spent good money and time building them, doing what
you advice only makes aw a worse place to be. I like a great deal of world owners are waiting to see what is produced in feb to decide what happens instead of geting on the bandwagon of panic. Wipe my world no way will we do that. Despite this panic, I wait with others to see what is happening in Feb 2002 before anything is decided. [View Quote] A downed EconomyJan 5, 2002, 3:09pm
Some good points here I think
Coming from a marketing/ tech background it is surprising the lost opportunities that have been passed by, even free ones. In no way do I pass judgmenton aw and its marketing policy. But as your state nearly all come across AW by friend or falling across it. Evidence is there to support this in when aw recived a mention in the UK aw was flooded with people (I beleave over 700 where seen, total users in Universe) AW as I have always stated not USA it is a global membership, if AW cannot look beyond the USA market place it is dooomed. Its all out there for the taking, get writing good press releases, get the press in, get free mentions on TV. If you want to survive as we all want you have to look around and see the opportunities for marketing, see the competitors and as we all are aware produce a cost effective product that relects it membership. Thanks for reading Wizard Myrddin [View Quote] new objects townJan 8, 2002, 10:49pm
Float and AVRquest have given over AVRlinn to public building with the new
objects provided in the new aw path. We have constructed a small suburb in which if anyone is interested, mainly non builders of those wanting a house they can call their own in a private world this might be a solution. We rename the objects owners to new citnum, this allows for full customization of houses and the grounds.. Only thing we ask is to keep it in context with world.. Regards Wizard Myrddin and Linn help me fight for my rights!Jan 15, 2002, 7:41am
I really dought that, can you expand on the statment " Don't need to, it
already hurt them a small bit for them 2 years." [View Quote] help me fight for my rights!Jan 15, 2002, 1:25pm
Yep thats a sign of the times...
Many panaiced and left AW to other places, sadley any free cits connected with them worlds are gone as well, you could have renewed that cit under your own name when that time came, hence making you a "legal" owner of a free world cit. End of the day its the one who pays has the upper hand. Mind you with the thread here im not surprised someone doesent take the name and sell it to you.. [View Quote] help me fight for my rights!Jan 15, 2002, 1:28pm
At last some Humour in the NG, after the unfound doom and gloom out there, Win a bingo world is the calling no reg fee and only $10 for a p10/5 Now thats what I call good value, and a free cit.. Hint aw we need more bingo Wiz the Bingo Addict [View Quote] help me fight for my rights!Jan 15, 2002, 2:09pm
O boy must have just got in there before any change
but hosting is better Cant wait to see; Bingobot: We are playing for a very big Uniserver Hosting provided by AW Comes complete with epp (sorry eep) perhaps in years to come ROFL [View Quote] help me fight for my rights!Jan 15, 2002, 8:57pm
Humm interesting I was under the impresion this thread refered to AW, from
my understanding DLP builds ate in datas name as he is a member of the universe board I dont see anyone taking a cit away from a technical and educational officer of any Universe. In fact a technical officer should if this refered to the said Universe should be able to see such information. [View Quote] pass protected objectsJan 11, 2002, 5:47pm
humm not that we at avrlinn are aware out builders have built a town
comprising of the new objects [View Quote] Adressed to all the caretakers !Jan 15, 2002, 9:54am
O/k I'm one of the many aw cits that are waiting to see what happens.
To the point you make about going to red status world, we have public building worlds in which we have approximately 60 builders. If we take all this advice it will hurt aw? no way the only people it hurts is the builders and we will never do this. We shall always remain open to provide to our builders and the community, public building worlds. AW is just doing what other virtual environments have done for years, visit the realm, or dreamscape yes there is some you don't pay, but look at the quality and services. Perhaps as many say aw don't listen, if this is the case why bother upgrading the client software to put new facilities that people have asked for? Try going to Microsoft or any other commercial software house and ask for something to be put in the software! Yes might happen, but you pay for it at the shop counter. Perhaps we have had it so good for so long now its catching up with us. [View Quote] Adressed to all the caretakers !Jan 15, 2002, 10:29am
Thanks Miles
Part of perhaps the problem is the community can be fragmented with so many trying to do so much to help aw in some way. Each thread brings new views, after all we are some global community. Most of the places I have visited, like the ones I have mentioned all require that elusive CC detail before you get your feet in the door. In fact I have used such systems and canceled the account during the trail period and have had no problems. But then I have a cc/debit card. In looking round I found some AW style uni's dont even accept that cc/debit card, and you have to post your "Payment" this I find unaceptable (not being in USA) . O well Miles best of luck with the protest Wiz [View Quote] New Greeting Card SiteJan 31, 2002, 9:27am
Hi All,
With an extension to our already massive collection of jpg's in aw, AVRquest and Float worlds have opened a vast greeting card site adjacent to the site. We have included also a selection of cards to appeal to our international users in their native language, i.e.: Dutch, Spanish, Japanese and Russian. This selection we are extending to cater for all members of the community. Also we are creating a selection of digital art and including jpg's of works or art by artists (Dali, Van Gogh etc) A special feature to this site is the ability to send any of the greeting card jpg's displayed as a email greeting card if you are aware of the recipients email address. Instructions are placed at the Greeting Card Directory area. This collection is always been extended and we welcome suggestion's for inclusion. We are located at aw 3157.5N 1095.5W 0.0a 0 for the greeting cards Our normal collection aw 3152.8N 1067.5W 0.0a 269 Regards to all members of the Community Wizard Myrddin and Linn patriots?Feb 4, 2002, 6:34pm
A ha well its a usa thing that many from other countries will not be aware
of. They are a usa sports team that I beleave won a major competition. I cant wait for aw to put UK football in aw, or even other countries national sports lol pigs might fly as well [View Quote] patriots?Feb 5, 2002, 7:41pm
yep lets see a international sport promotion in aw gz See what would happen if put world cricket supporting signs up.. [View Quote] Sorry, there is a goat inside of your engineFeb 5, 2002, 7:49am
AW (alphaworld) is down for converstation to client 3.3. there is a notice
on: Cheers Wiz [View Quote] |