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Oct 21, 2002, 5:55am
A very simple change in the browser would help :

The right-click of an avatar and on a contact list entry should
show the retrieved name, plus the retrieved name in all lowercase.

Follow-up set to Wishlist

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Nov 4, 2002, 4:04pm
hm, I excpected some at thing ;)

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Open letter to Mr. Bruce

Nov 7, 2002, 5:37pm
If you are interested in community, live with it and see how
you can change it, or at least parts of it.

VR and RL are not so different in this way: As soon as you
have more than 2 or 3 people together, they will have 2 or 3
opinions. If you have the choice, you will find those who
you understand best and who understand you best and you will
call them "friends".

You sure would never expect everyone to be your friend in RL,
so why do you expect it here?

I think (or _know_ now) that you can have real friends in VR,
something that I would not have expected in the first few
weeks of my virtual life.

Find your real friends in VR and you will be less vulnerable for
those who try to cause you trouble - and it will be the same for
the friends. Strong groups of friends will always be a profit
for the community too and make it stronger.

I'm out of this war zone

Nov 10, 2002, 6:41pm

I had trouble in some categories to find why an entry was nominated
there and not somewhere else. E.g. there was a really nice woodland
with bridges and a small house, I liked it very much - but why was it
in "Community Development in Architecture/Urban Planning/Design" ?

Other entries appeared in several categories that would exclude
eachother, "urban planning" and "virtual art project" seem not
compatible to me (well, I might be wrong there).

I think it would be good to have a more detailed description, what
should go into each category.


A new category would be good, it has not been necessary till now
and should be handled slightly different - if the vote bot can do
that :

"Best world for tourists"

Of course one cannot keep citizens from logging in as a tourist, but
citizens should be asked to stay out of the voting (nominations would
be OK).

Tourists need to see that they are welcome to the community, not only
to some worlds.

Would like to know where Lahra's Post went

Nov 10, 2002, 8:46pm
Afaik. eep is currently banned from the AW newsgroups
because of his behaviour.

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memory leak bug fix Xelagots

Nov 14, 2002, 3:44am
Not a very good idea. Actually even a very bad idea, as
some might want to keep their version. There isn't only
ActiveWorlds but a lot of universes, all with different
universe and world server versions.

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memory leak bug fix Xelagots

Nov 16, 2002, 9:28am
What about asking someone to move your mouse
and click the keys for you?

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memory leak bug fix Xelagots

Nov 16, 2002, 9:29am
I've seen that (5.25") *g

Many Thanks To Fenix

Nov 16, 2002, 3:03pm
hm, wasn't CT short for Caretaker?

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Many Thanks To Fenix

Nov 17, 2002, 3:46am
I am adult and don't feel bad because of it.
Do I need to consult a doctor now?

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Many Thanks To Fenix

Nov 17, 2002, 9:51am
My liver, stomach and all that - adult too, so
I even have adult contents.

I guess I need to put a red dot on my forehead.

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Newbie Guide to the Newsgroups (4th Edition)

Nov 29, 2002, 2:35pm
You don't like ducks?

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Jpg to Ras files

Dec 2, 2002, 4:41pm
I don't have such a program, but a hint that might help :

use a local object path instead of upload/download. The files from
there are not directly used from the local place but inserted into
the cache as if they would have been loaded from the web.
This should even work offline.

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Jpg to Ras files

Dec 2, 2002, 6:22pm
through BMP, yes

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Jpg to Ras files

Dec 3, 2002, 4:35am
It is console based, a 32-bit windows application

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Jpg to Ras files

Dec 4, 2002, 5:28am
Of course you're right, that's why I did it like this :)

Console applications are way simpler to use in batch mode and
a 15 minutes quickie in C without GUI is way simpler than a
bloated windoze application in C++

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A lesson in Lag.

Dec 9, 2002, 5:46pm
Besides lots of polygons / stuffed areas :

Worst for me (software rendering) is light
second are large animated textures
third moving objects

In theory, you can reduce lag by building with gaps, that's why
the old ground objects all have been slightly below zero level.
I am not sure how much difference that really makes though.

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A lesson in Lag.

Dec 11, 2002, 7:27am
I doubt this one. Large textures affect the download of course but
not the framerate I think.

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Oh dear - another release that will be very bad for AW...

Dec 11, 2002, 11:16am
Bad only if AW targets the gaming communities and not the chat
and modeling folks.

All screenshots of NWN I have seen so far showed fighting scenes,
I don't feel like fighting monsters while I chat so it isn't an
option for me.

In this one, the modeling component is missing as far as I can see
in the description.

One thing is really missing for AW : they should add more conferencing
and presentation support, not really workgrouping, but it should go a
little into this direction. And they shoud advertize more for those
- Contact group enhancements for the contact list
- The AW file transfer should be more reliable. Currently it doesn't
work on many DSL connections.
- It should have an option to send it to a group (with receivers confirm)
and be cryptable (asymetric) with a key, like PGP.
- A directory for shared ressources would be helpful.
- Optional display of 1 or 2 more time zones in the status bar

I have to go to video conferences several times each month and we have
some phone conferences too - I don't like them very much and they are
not cheap for the company. AW has the potential to be THE conferencing
platform for companies without loosing its current fun aspects. Those
many options in the world settings, that might often have been hard to
combine, would then pay off fully.

A few companies already have seen the possibilities they have with AW,
why else would Siemens have bought AW worlds and Volkswagen invested in
a galaxy for example.

AW has a future, it just needs a better placement, not in the crowded
area between 3D games but in a new one, where it's still quite unique.

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Oh dear - another release that will be very bad for AW...

Dec 11, 2002, 9:33pm
A friend of mine has a Raketa analog clock with 24 hours clockface,
so I guess, Russia uses 24 hours.

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Oh dear - another release that will be very bad for AW...

Dec 11, 2002, 9:51pm
I don't think that the success of Sims comes from graphics
engine or chat features or so.

Afaik., the software started to become popular as a standalone
program like LCP on the 8-bit HCs. Compared to todays sim games,
LCP was really very simple, but it had a certain fascination.
I think it even won some awards back then.
The same strange thing happened again, much later, with those
tamagotchis (didn't happen to me though ;).

Sims already had a large user base before it became a web
application. Same for stuff like Ultima (now Online), one that
already started on home computers (Apple 2c?) and is a success
now although it does not have much in common with the original
2D one.

I agree with kf in nearly all points, to evolve AW as a platform
rather than only a product for end users.

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Oh dear - another release that will be very bad for AW...

Dec 11, 2002, 9:59pm
An old army clock, from the cold war time. You could get those
quite cheap for a while, after the iron courtain had been torn
down. Before the Russian soldiers left eastern Germany, they sold

And be sure it is not merchandise - that's commercial and commercial
was capitalism and capitalism was western and western was bad *g

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Oh dear - another release that will be very bad for AW...

Dec 16, 2002, 7:42am
Here (germany) we actually use both. In normal speech, when you
meet a person face to face, and it's clear that it can only be
in the morning or evening, everyone uses the 12 hours system.
Even without those modifiers "in the morning" or "evening".

If it's in a letter or email, where the other person cannot ask
at once, if something is not clear, we always use 24 hours, as
misunderstandings are impossible then.

In all 12-hour countries they use the 24 hours system too, for
all kinds of official or technical time measurements.

The only problem I have with converting to the British 12 hours
system occurs at midnight and at noon. In our everyday language,
12°° at noon is not before or after something, it's just noon.
That's why I'm often not sure, if the 12 am/pm means noon or
midnight. Of course, the "a" in "am" is a little problem too, as
_a_nte" does not mean _a_fter ;)

These errors or misunderstandings are not possible in 24 hours.
Plus it's easier to remember - you remember one number, instead
of one number plus a modifier behind it.

Those problems are a clear point for the 24 hours system in an
international environment, in the exchange of time schedules.

In chat I can ask if it isn't clear, so it's works if everyone uses
his local system. In publishing a schedule, it's always better to
use the official 24 hours system, as it allows no misunderstandings.

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Second Life? What happened to the First one?

Dec 12, 2002, 9:42pm
A software product needs PR as well as code lines, nothing wrong
with a good product placement in the media.

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Second Life? What happened to the First one?

Dec 13, 2002, 7:55am
The bigger problem is this :

I think, this influences more people than GameSpy and more will be
willing to believe every word they read there. When 2nd life comes
public, they will think that AW is the clone.

The AW browser should quickly make its way to all free-/shareware
CDs in PC magazines in many countries - _before_ LindenLab does

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Labirint is now tourist-enabled :)

Dec 14, 2002, 8:38pm

A Discussion Regarding new 3.4 Movement Changes. And stuff.

Dec 17, 2002, 10:05pm
As we're at it - there could be done more in avatars.dat :

speed=10,30,0 could mean :
walk speed is 10, fly speed is 30 and in water this avatar drowns

speed=10,0,3 :
walk speed 10, this avatar cannot fly and swims quite slow

speed=0,8,0 :
this must be some fish or so

speed=10 :
the same speed in all media

no speed= given (default setting) :
same walk speed as in 3.3(!), with acceleration of flight like in 3.4

btw.: I already suggested an avatars.dat solution in beta.

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avatars 2002 booth submissions

Jan 3, 2003, 5:03pm
18:00 VRT

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There is a Worm/Virus in The (beta) newsgroup

Jan 5, 2003, 10:16am
Check the posting date, I doubt that you have set your
newsreader to download such old stuff.

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Jan 9, 2003, 5:37am
But bubble chat only? From the screenshots?

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