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Feb 25, 2002, 6:39pm
The tourist feature of a world is checked at the entrance.
As soon as you are connected to a world, you can switch to
tourist mode and stay there as a tourist. But as soon as
you leave and try to enter again, it will tell you that no
tourists are allowed.

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Feb 25, 2002, 6:45pm
It isn't a theory, as it worked for me and some friends
who tried. Maybe it depends on the version of the world
server. Try it in MoonBeam, that's where it worked for us,
with the official browser, no beta and no patch.

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Feb 26, 2002, 2:40am
I don't think that it's a bug at all

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Feb 26, 2002, 7:21pm
We tried this once, wanted to have the citizenships of a
world for building with citizen priviledges only in this
world. But the tourists who took the citizenships refused
to give them back. They claimed not to have understood
the idea - and if anyone believes that: Please contact me,
I have still land to sell in the Andromeda galaxy.

So actually Roland could forget about this, it is not really
a way to bring tourists into a world without tourist rights.
It is not really important, maybe good for surprise, but
that's about all you can use it for.

[View Quote] > Well, people could do something like, share the price of a citizenship =
and all connect through it, then go to tourist mode... Bah, no big deal a=
nyway, it's obviously fixed by the new build :)
> This is the kind of thing any programmer would have thought about when =
they implemented the option, I'm sure roland didn't forget about it. He m=
ost likely just felt it was unimportant and too much of a hassle to add r=
ight away...
> =

> Fox Mc Cloud
> =

> "ananas" <vha at> a =E9crit dans le message news: 3C7B0E4D.3014B7=
1 at

-- =

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Word of warning World does port scanning......

Mar 1, 2002, 5:40pm
Way too much work ;)

For lazy people =>

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Port Scanning FYI

Mar 1, 2002, 5:44pm
Couldn't you continue this junk by email please?

Port Scanning FYI

Mar 1, 2002, 5:44pm
Couldn't you continue this junk by email please?

Port Scanning FYI

Mar 2, 2002, 3:05am
This is the community news group, it is not thought to be a
battle place for private wars. It does not helpful, if people
ignore more and more threads, filter more and more people and
maybe finally unsubscribe. It doesn't help if too many people
are banned either.

It helps way more, to respect the community and community members.

I do not say, that a good (!) fight does not belong here, I have
seen a lot of interesting and hard discussions. There are ways
to discuss and have different opinions without calling eachother

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This is ground control to Major Tom

Mar 9, 2002, 4:01pm
Let me try to explain the problem :

If you have a newsgroup with 95% serious stuff and 5% crap,
it is easy to filter or ignore something.

If there's 75% junk and 25% serious stuff, it is much harder
to pick out the postings that are worth reading.
This hurts all those who use the newsgroups to exchange
informations and try to discuss problems and ideas.

If crap would stay in general.discussions, everyone could
just unsubscribe this specific group. But it isn't there but
in a group that most read, and all those have to filter out
the crap and select the (currently few) serious entries

Especially if you have to catch up 3 or more days, it really
gets annoying if the statistics look like this :

150 unread => 25 interesting, 25 not interesting, 100 crap

Now imagine, you had to find out those 25, that you want to read,
out of the 150 - compared to finding the 25 out of the 50 - what
would you prefer?


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This is ground control to Major Tom

Mar 9, 2002, 4:09pm
oh well, catching up should start at the latest posts,
the problem has been solved already


Mar 12, 2002, 8:10pm
I think they are idiots. IMO the name "Olympic games" cannot
be owned by anyone, the idea and the games are way older than
any company or commitee.

Declare the world as a follow-up of the olympics of the past,
not as a copy of the olympics of the modern.

The rings - maybe, they are nothing but a symbol - but not the
idea and name.

But even if that is not a lie of this "commitee" but an idiocy
of a court, there are still lots of translations, that all will
be recognized. German is "Olympische Spiele", French something
like Jeux Olympiques (I guess), Finnish sure some long word
with a lot of N's, I', and some umlauts, but sure still good
to recognize *g

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We are moving our servers!!

Mar 20, 2002, 4:30am
Is that important, as long as the lines are good ?

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I apologize...

Apr 2, 2002, 2:33pm
replies inline

[View Quote] I think you're wrong with that, informations are (correctly) handled as
property nowadays. If I steal someones money and give it to someone else,
who spends it (nowing that it's stolen), both people can be sued.

If you give stolen confidential informations away and cause financial
damage (!) with that, you can be sued.

> I've said all this before, I'm not sticking up for Mod...but Insanity and
> Film, you two need to stop trying to take this to a legal level, becuase you
> will NOT be able to send Mod to jail, nor sue him for enough money to make
> up for your losses (if any).

There are already examples for people sitting in jail because of accesssing
informations with cracked passwords.

> [...]

I apologize...

Apr 2, 2002, 7:42pm
What do you think, those had to do, who's passwords were revealed?

- rezip all objects with a new password
- needs time on a huge path, and (if you're a professional host),
time costs money

- upload the new zip files
- needs time too
- causes line traffic, and some pay for that, either for the ISP
or for the object host, or for both

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I apologize...

Apr 3, 2002, 1:28pm
I didn't say I would take action, I just said that it would be possible :)

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Multizip 4.5

Apr 2, 2002, 5:21am
Maybe you should leave it as an optional feature :)
Makes it more work to unzip series of password
protected files.

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Can someone point me to a current list of universes....?

May 2, 2002, 3:18am
one with current and outdated unis and galaxies
is on

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May 5, 2002, 3:50am
If you wish, you even can do it with the stuff that comes with windows.
The scheduler allows timed actions, and the FTP command line tool can
read FTP scripts with connect and up/download instructions.

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FWD: AASwamp

May 5, 2002, 3:22am
"... will be available for free download after May 5 ..."

Maybe not ready yet

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Flawed Logic?

May 12, 2002, 3:46pm
Not releasing the algorithm together with encrypting
sounds to me as if it was what everyone demands. Only
few will try to put their hands on a program to decrypt
a (on Wintel PC) not so popular method.

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External browser CGI teleporting on Windows XP

May 9, 2002, 4:06am
Those who fear the regedit or regedt32 program can still
do it, the only thing that is needed is a file with the
extension ".reg" (for example "aw.reg") and these 2 lines :

at =""C:\\Program files\\activeworlds\\aworld.exe" "%1""

If AW is installed in a different place, the path has
to be this other directory of course.
The multiple quote stuff is needed for the case that
the paths contain blanks. The syntax looks weird - but
the registry is microsoft crap.

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External browser CGI teleporting on Windows XP

May 10, 2002, 3:10am
you're right, I forgot the top line - it reads


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Where is CobToRwx

May 15, 2002, 4:01am
Andras has a converter on his tools page (

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Password theft

May 16, 2002, 5:16am
Maybe it would be a good idea to have a second password
for an AW web page, where you can maintain your AW citizenship
and get your citizenship back from thieves, as well as
maintain all citizenships that come with your own worlds.
It should be a password that isn't used anywhere else in AW,
so there's no chance at all to steal it.

I hope rypp can get his cit. back soon, currently it's still
Legato in my contact list :(

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Password theft

May 17, 2002, 5:21am
I don't forget my passwords either - but I often forget
which one I used where *g

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Quick comment about 3.3

May 17, 2002, 5:09am
Events can be received from all places in a world, so you
will not need multiple instances to cover even larger worlds
completely. I think this is really a major improvement for
programmable bots.

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Calling all PHP'ers...

May 24, 2002, 1:55pm
Problem with virus check :

Bots are made for windoze, most good Apache+PHP+MySQL
sites run on *ix

The only solution I see is :

When an EXE file is uploaded, let the PHP send the it
(or its ZIP archive) to a person who does the check
and then confirms the upload on a secure web page
with a password, so the temporary stored data can be
taken over to the database.

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Calling all PHP'ers...

May 24, 2002, 2:02pm
Just a conzeptional note :

it isn't really a good idea to store the pictures and
ZIP archives in MySQL. It slows down the database and
causes much load on the server.

Instead, it is better to store the file with a random,
unique name, and store this name, the original name, the
desription, upload date, maybe a download counter and
the author name in the database.

On a request, the script can just fopen the file with
the random unique name and send it with the name, that
the file originally had.

The amount of work that you have to put into the web
page will not be more than with your conzept, and the
performance will be way better - and it saves you
trouble with your web space provider ;)

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building contest

May 26, 2002, 4:06am
Maybe something like an SEP (PAL for the germans) ?

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Browser Tracking....

May 26, 2002, 10:37am
I doubt that it is something nasty like the key
that XP uses to validate the licences.

I guess it is more something like the BIOS serial
number, the CPU serial or the unique network card
number that, or a combination of two or three of

It would be nice though if we knew exactly where
it is taken from.

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