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AWLD independent director vote results?

Jul 13, 2002, 11:37pm
Decimal points, American football, miles, ounzes, 12 hour clocks,
hamburgers, microsoft ... really great improvements *g

Oh, and of course the decimal separator is a "Dezimalkomma" here.

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AWLD independent director vote results?

Jul 14, 2002, 12:46pm
Here's one correction you asked for :
Clock =>

Not sure about the sandwich, but I'm quite sure it's
not invented here.

I'm not into Fussball (what you call soccer), but I
don't understand why a game where you can use your
hands is called football.

And for the decimal comma (or point) - that's where
this part of the thread started - why not just accept
that countries are different?

I have no problems with people eating hamburgers,
using decimal points, 12 hour clocks, playing or
football. But I have a problem with intolerance.

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AWLD independent director vote results?

Jul 14, 2002, 12:47pm
Feel free to do so

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AWLD independent director vote results?

Jul 14, 2002, 1:08pm
One more interesting page about the 12/24 hours "problem"

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PHP Downloads

Jul 23, 2002, 6:35pm
One "create picture ... update=" on any type of active object path
that you don't even have to recognize as active path can count you.
Even the normal web log that every web server has can count you.
And with a rewrite engine you will not even see that it's an
active path, no PHP or ASP or whatever is required.
Even a normal JPG could be actually an interpreted script that
logs your IP and you have no way to find out.

One things you can do is hide your IP completely by using an
external proxy server - but that again could be PHP ;)

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teleport link from webpage

Jul 31, 2002, 8:11pm
For me a teleport once even worked while I was not connected
to the web at all. I haven't verified it exactly yet but I
made some experiments and found some strings in the program
that seem to confirm this :

If AW reads the URL in the internal browser window, it does
not contact the web site at all, but it examins the URL and
if it finds some specific strings like "teleport.cgi?",
"teleport?", "" and stuff
like this, it tries to find out the coordinates from the
remaining rest of the URL instead of actually accessing
the web.

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Fwd: Security Update

Aug 14, 2002, 3:11am
As definitely not all world owners have received this
message, I'll forward it here :

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Security Update
Date: Tue, 13 Aug 2002 20:04:11 -0400
From: "Activeworlds Support" <support at>
To: <worldowners at>

Dear World Owner,

In our continued effort to make sure we offer the highest quality software
to our customers, we have discovered a potential security hole in 3.2, 3.3
and 3.4 beta versions of the world servers and have released a new version
that eliminates this problem.

In order to protect your worlds, we will be making this a "forced upgrade"
to the 3.3 version in the AW Universe by close of business Wednesday August

It will be necessary for you or your hosting service to make sure you have
the most up to date version in order for your world to connect with the AW
Universe and for it to appear on the world list. Please make sure to
download the appropriate upgrade from these links and review the associated
help files. If you are using a hosting service, please forward this email to
them. They will be able to get any instructions needed either from those
links, or by emailing support at

The fixed version is available here


Linux 3.3

Sun 3.3:

As always it is a wise idea to maintain a current static backup of your
world. This is useful if there is ever a need to restore your world. The
more current the backup the less building data you risk losing. If you do
not have a backup already, then the easiest way to make one is by:

1. Stopping the world server
2. Making a copy of the entire folder the world server is located in.

We apologize for the short notice and for any inconvenience this may cause

Thank you for your continued support

Fwd: Security Update

Aug 14, 2002, 4:47am

[View Quote]

Fwd: Security Update

Aug 14, 2002, 6:25am
Watch your spelling, c.r. eep

Bug in World Server build 43

Aug 30, 2002, 4:55am
On Linux it worked to copy just the executable binaries
(would be the EXE files in Windows) into the old world
server directory - be sure to make a backup of course.

This can only work if the database format hasn't changed
and that is the case for this upgrade.

Or install a fresh build 43 and copy all .dat, .idx and .ini
files from your 42 server into the new directory.

The 42 server cannot work anymore because it's blocked by
the universe server settings. This has been announced in
the upgrade information mail.

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Bad News! :-(

Aug 25, 2002, 8:57am
Not very likely, because the reply followed the post within
the same day.

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Alphaworld Object Gallery!

Sep 1, 2002, 9:31am
Object yards cause a lot of download and you cache is filled with
stuff you never will use for building.

This web page - once the non-Java part is back - is one of the most
helpful pages for beginners, I often gave new world citizens and
world owners the link and they seldom came back with questions, so
everything must have been clear.

And I use it myself often because I'm not a very familiar with the
AW object set. Way better than visiting an OP and writing down the
model names I need.

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Re: Object path protection

Sep 9, 2002, 6:04pm
You don't read Andras' NewsGroups ?

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Re: Object path protection

Sep 10, 2002, 2:48am
He is not talking about the current version but about the
one that should be replaced by the security upgrade.

If people don't see what can happen, they seem to stay on
the version that has the flaws.

Not knowing about a problem doesn't make it less dangerous.

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A!!CT World will drop Heartfall Sept.16

Oct 4, 2002, 10:15pm
I wonder from where you got the nerve to
post all those lies about people?

[View Quote] <spam, false accuses and lies snipped, sorry, nothing left to quote>

A!!CT World will drop Heartfall Sept.16

Oct 6, 2002, 7:56am
Just for the record :

CarolAnn's point was the way this "discussion" was held, not
pro or contra Heartfall.

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Re: Object path protection

Sep 10, 2002, 8:05pm
That's what Sleepy E. did, the bug is fixed now, so he posted about
the previous server. Eep just doesn't understand proper English,
he insists in nagging about "post problems with the current version"

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Re: Object path protection

Sep 11, 2002, 3:26pm
Good that you will never deal with program developement, because
that would require logic and sometimes a little memory :

eep : He recently posted ... about the recent Admin Tool security flaw,

ananas : He is not talking about the current version ...

Daphne : Sleepy E didn't post problems with the current version...

eep : He did in Andras' AW programming newsgroup.

ananas : he posted about the previous server.

eep : people are still running older world servers

Did you forget what you (wrongly) stated : recent admin tool / current
version? Now what is it with this argument about old world servers?
Did you run out of _valid_ arguments?

And why do you think AW claimed it to be a forced security upgrade?
Those old world servers should not even exist anymore in AW.

Follow-up set to general.discussion, because any eep reply in community
can only be off topic.

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Answering Telegrams About Commands, Processor Size, etc

Sep 13, 2002, 2:32am
AW has company customers. Many companies have their whole
"IT-world" based on WinNT, together with other, not PC-based
systems (OSZ/OS/390/*ix/BS2000/...). That makes software
rendering still be required.

As long as new special features that cause lag can be disabled,
it isn't a problem at all, but a P3/600 with software render
sure has it's restrictions.

The same sure applies for educational environments too, where
they often have not really high-end PCs. Usually not WinNT
though, so 3D acceleration can be used, but some have even
more outdated PCs, like P2/266.

This doesn't matter for private owned worlds of course, but it
should still be possible to build worlds that allow acceptable
performance in a "standard company" environment, although it
might seem strange to some, to demand backwards compatibility
in a forward oriented technology.

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Confused about Cy's voting

Sep 16, 2002, 3:13pm
Grrrr, you did it, I am quite confused now.

- is voting suspended or currently going on?

- does the voting work or not?

- how long will it be possible to vote?

- what are rumors and what are facts?

And from chat in AW I know that I'm not the only citizen
with those questions, it would be a good start for an FAQ
posting. Please help without creating more confusion ;)



Sep 17, 2002, 2:54pm
Yep, this helped :)


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Cy 2002 Final Post

Sep 18, 2002, 3:29am
Count how many really complained. I don't mean, how many post were
complaints but from how many people they came. Now see how many of
those few do not much else but complain here.

Should this really be a reason to drop an event that many others
are waiting for? Well, there was some chaos and confusion about the
new schemes. But it's a new scheme and allowed to have a few bugs
on the first attempt.

And some of the posts here have been constructive critics too, not
only nagging. This shows that the community IS interested in the
Cy's. No one would have posted anything otherwise.

Thanks to everyone who puts all this work into the event without
receiving monetary payment, I hope it will pay off with enjoyment
afterall :)


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Sep 20, 2002, 3:09am
All of the spam crap about this world, crossposted to
most groups, is quite annoying, you're right.

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[AWNews] If You Insist...

Sep 19, 2002, 3:37pm
I think any kind of domain grabbing is unethic,
but in this case it looks even criminal to me.

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AWNews Domain

Sep 20, 2002, 2:25pm
The wois says :

Robert Rodehorst
7 Harbor Village Dr. Apt 4
Middletown, RI 02842
Phone: (401) 848-7425
Email: robrod at

If it's not one of "us", what about goint to Aruba? is not taken (

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AWNews Domain

Sep 20, 2002, 4:42pm
Yep, I saw that later :)

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opinions and flaming and stuff

Sep 22, 2002, 5:33am
This is easy to explain, people here know eachother better
than in usenet, you find several people who just reply with
a flame because they reply to someone whom they don't like
in AW either. In usenet, most people are quite anonymous.

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best av ever!

Sep 23, 2002, 2:04pm
You can walk through long avatar lists with the cursor keys.
Press Ctrl+A together, then Cursor-Up to go to the last entry,
Cursor-Up twice for second last and so on.

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best av ever!

Sep 24, 2002, 4:06pm
Old men have lower memory capacity - of course you're right :)

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Info for the OP

Sep 28, 2002, 7:26pm
Someone told me that there's a person who sells objects from
the object path, claiming that it was passworded and
the only way to get those objects was to buy them from him.

This is not true. If you need something that you found there,
do not pay for this stuff, just download it instead. is mostly a collection of free RWX/COB stuff and stuff
converted from free models from different formats.

Three exceptions, objects that are not for free download :

- The windmill set does not belong to me but to a friend who
uses it from this path (passworded on

- A few very nice trees are gifts from Elysium and can be
bought from him (passworded on

- The funny pineapple avatar "ananas" is a gift too, not
passworded, but it is not a free model.
Contact Kitiara if you want to have it.

The list of all the things is on

Textures, sequences, avatars are : (and .zip)

Models with special characters, numbers and letters a-e :

Models with letters f-n :

Models with letters o-s :

Models with letters t-z :

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