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Virus alert

Jan 29, 2002, 12:43pm
No sircam, it's quite new (first found yesterday) and
most scanners at home sure don't know it yet.


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Virus alert

Jan 29, 2002, 1:50pm
I haven't tried *g

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Virus alert

Jan 30, 2002, 7:48pm
waiting for : W32.Unsubscribe at TROJ ;)

The only things that MIGHT help against spam are :

Let your email program show all header fields and look for
something like

Received: from [] helo = fakedhello

Then start "tracert" in a DOS box.
Often you find a dialup provider few lines above
the tracert target. Use the matching whois server and
forward the complete spam mail to the administrative
contact of this whois entry.

Sure this will flood Korea with a lot of junk, but maybe
they will learn how to make laws then. (95% of all spam
I receive comes from there)

optional :

Try to find out who hosts the domain, that is advertized
in the spam. Not easy because most Korean hosts have no
English pages.

Forward the spam with all contents to all email adresses
that look as if they were officials on this host.

A third method might work too :

if you can tracert the sender, you can try ping flooding
(requires a fast line), Ping of death or Teardrop attacks.
But usually the senders have well-blocked NT4 machines
and the only thing that will happen is, that their connect
is extremely slow for a while.

Disadvantage is, that this method is illegal, and on
dialup lines you can never be sure that not a new user
is hurt, instead of the one you wanted to hurt.
And for ping flood : Your line has to be at least as
fast upstream as the spammer's line downstream. Only
recommended if you have a dedicated server, makes not
much sense on a normal PC connection.

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Bad Taste - Joker CY

Feb 4, 2002, 2:32am
I used Cy's shape too, as the "walk" - "Don't walk" guy
on traffic lights - I hope that's not bad taste *g

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free objects :)

Feb 4, 2002, 5:20pm
I could do this task too ;)

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Feb 4, 2002, 7:10pm
My lexicon defines a superbowl as a well filled BIG mug
of coffee, maybe with some baileys in the coffee - YUMM

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Spy bot

Feb 21, 2002, 4:58am
Someone without world bot rights is using a bot in several
worlds. I checked the logs of several unrelated worlds that
have no bot rights entry in common, and all showed

Wed 02/20/02 18:21:44 -1 CONNECTED
Wed 02/20/02 18:21:44 worldname -1 ENTER 30929 50
Wed 02/20/02 18:21:44 worldname -1 IDENTIFIED '[Search Spider]' 0 1
Wed 02/20/02 18:21:44 worldname 1 EVENT MASK 0x0
Wed 02/20/02 18:21:44 worldname 1 DISCONNECTED

It seems to have gone through the world list in alphabetical
order and stayed in each world only for seconds.

No "Not welcome" message, traceroute reveals nothing.

Any ideas?

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Spy bot

Feb 21, 2002, 5:04am
maybe all world owners should set an ejection on this IP

Spy bot

Feb 21, 2002, 5:18am
Check, it is an AW web server

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Spy bot

Feb 21, 2002, 5:45am
I'm aware of this possibility, that's why I wrote
"without WORLD bot rights"

But it is not necessarily AWCom, it is an incomplete
copy of their entry page, but not the same server.

Maybe they should change their #1 password sometimes.

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Spy bot

Feb 21, 2002, 5:57pm
If the landlord sometimes came in and took some
snapshots of your appartement, it would take only
half a second. I agree, people should have been asked
or at least informed.

I still think that this IP should be banned from all
private worlds, but I'm not sure if this would help
against this ignorance of world owners privacy.

If someone would report abusive contents from a world,
this would be OK, but doing it just because he can do
it - I will better not say what I really think about
this, it could be my last posting here.

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Spy bot

Feb 21, 2002, 6:00pm
One bot command is enough, even in a large world :

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Spy bot

Feb 21, 2002, 6:12pm
The right choice would have been :

Make a web page where world owners can post what
they want to tell visitors.

If a world owner sets bot rights only for certain
people, this is mandatory, not just a proposal.
The bot rights entry is like the robots.txt file
on a web site, or the robots meta tag.

If there is no real and legal reason to break into
a world, it is illegal, not just bad manners.
It means, that MrGrimm (like microsoft too often)
grabs informations in a way he is not supposed to do.

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Spy bot

Feb 21, 2002, 6:20pm
If there would not be a bot rights field in the world
options, it would be OK. But there is such an entry,
like your appartement door has a lock.
Is this lock just a proposal? Or do you allow the people,
who have the house master key, to come in without informing

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Spy bot

Feb 21, 2002, 6:29pm
I do not blame MrGrimm's person, I blame his role.
If he was asked to do this by his company, I blame
the company.

But - "just doing his job" is a poor excuse for doing
something illegal.

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Spy bot

Feb 21, 2002, 6:34pm
No one can steal anything from me because nothing from what
I made is protected. If you can just take something you
cannot steal it. It's a very good protection ;)

The landlord who takes photographs from your appartement
without asking, just because he has a key, does not steal
stuff either, but still he acts wrong.

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Spy bot

Feb 21, 2002, 6:36pm
They could have asked the world owners, who want to allow
it, to set bot rights for one specific special citizen,
instead of using the master key.

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Spy bot

Feb 21, 2002, 6:39pm
It is very much a difference how you retrieve your
informations, with a machine or yourself.

I know examples where a company had to proof, that they
had hired people to collect informations, that could as
well have been retrieved automatic.

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Spy bot

Feb 21, 2002, 6:41pm
The Google bot respects bot exclusions.

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Spy bot

Feb 21, 2002, 6:43pm
The Google bot respects bot exclusions.

Spy bot

Feb 21, 2002, 6:48pm
Well, let's hope so

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Spy bot

Feb 22, 2002, 3:44am
Program driven data mining on a host that explicite denies
it is not legal in most countries.

There's not a probem with doing it by writing it down, the
problem is the usage of a backdoor. I have nothing against
someone indexing the worlds. The only problem in this case
is the usage of a backdoor.

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Spy bot

Feb 22, 2002, 3:52am
If it is AWCom, you're right, if it's someone else ...

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Spy bot

Feb 22, 2002, 5:02am
This is exactly the point, especially if a world is not
hosted on an AW server.

The idea of a keyword search is good, the way it is done
(or just tested) is not.

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Spy bot

Feb 24, 2002, 7:40pm
Serious search engines check 2 entries to look if they
are allowed to index a site.

The first one is robots.txt, a special text file, that
can in- and exclude indexing for certain directories.
They always try robots.txt before they visit a new site.

The second one can be used inside of each HTML page,
it's the meta tag robots.
Of course nowadays most generated HTML code is crap, so
the meta tag might not be recognized.

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Spy bot

Feb 24, 2002, 7:52pm
Still someone used a program to break into a computer
where this program was not allowed to be. It used a
(known but necessary) backdoor for a reason that was
not sufficient to use this backdoor. The idea of a
special citizen (came from several people) except for
#1 would have been good. The idea of a search index is
good too.

Many programs are only licenced to use, but still you
would not like the company who owns the licence to enter
your computer through a backdoor that is in their program
and collect informations (even not private ones) without
having informed and asked first.

My problem is really not the idea, my problem is the way.

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Spy bot

Feb 24, 2002, 8:14pm
When I started the thread I was quite alarmed, because
CarolAnn told me what she had there in her log and I
checked several other world logs for the same occurance.

When it turned out that AW caused the trouble, it
reminded me very much on things about microsoft's and
other companies spyware or hidden backdoors in programs.
I'm really, seriously mad when I see things like this,
in my eyes it is misuse of a priviledge, that is necessary
for technical reasons.

In my job I often have confidential informations on servers
(intranet) where I have to trust the admin and he has to
trust me. There are special priviledged technical users
and real users who know the passwords of the technical
users. If any of the real users would misuse the password
of a technical user and anyone would find out, it would
be the last day of this person in this company, and I'm
sure she/he would have trouble to find any IT related job.
Same for the admins, they have access to these confidential
and private data, but would never use these priviledges for
anything but for technical help.

The web is a really unsecure place. If someone has special
priviledges on computers that he does not own or maintain,
and these priviledges are needed for a technical reason,
he should not use these priviledges thoughtless, except he
has been asked or invited to use them.

Once the trust is violated, it is not easy to restore it.

I do not accuse MrGrimm to have stolen any information, but
he has used his priviledges really thoughtless. His bot was
not allowed in the worlds, because there was no need for it.

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Spy bot

Feb 24, 2002, 8:58pm
Any CT can, yes. And any citizen can extract the
informatios from his cache, and I have no problem
with that. The information isn't secret.

But still the technical user ID of a universe owner
(cit. #1) is a backdoor. Not an illegal one, but it
should only be used when it is necessary.

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Spy bot

Feb 26, 2002, 2:47am
You can find it in the SDK doumentation in several places.

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Spy bot

Feb 26, 2002, 7:13pm
You're absolutely right. I never stated that the universe admin
should not exist, this case was just not a good one to use it.

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