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new citizenship

Jan 3, 2002, 10:18pm
What about the friendships and the lines that connect
you to your friends?

The conzept of AW is different, I do not expect AW to
be a system that competes with games, I would compare
it to other online chat systems - and AW beats them all.

I was happy with 2.2, now I have to be happy with 3.2,
and I can still live with the bugs as long as I can
meet my friends (grrr, some friends have been tourists).

The worth of a citizenship is not 20$ if you have no
friends - but if you do have, please think this statement


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worlds and citizenships

Jan 2, 2002, 11:38pm
That would make

..... *counting all my credit cards* ....

no citizenship for me. (Well, I have one now)

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worlds and citizenships

Jan 6, 2002, 9:55pm
You forgot :

And the IP is the same too now. I hope this will
not turn out as a problem for OW.

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worlds and citizenships

Jan 6, 2002, 11:57pm
IP for IP address

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Jan 2, 2002, 11:53pm
white page with nothing on it :-/

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Jan 3, 2002, 12:15am
Paying on a monthly base is even worse for people
outside of the US, and the banks will be happy

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End of the Worlds

Jan 3, 2002, 11:45pm
Agreed, should be and should stay like this. Same
for hiring or not hiring people.
The salaries are not to be means of public discussion
and should not even be known in public.

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can we please talk about something positive??

Jan 4, 2002, 2:38am

can we please talk about something positive??

Jan 4, 2002, 4:41am
Well of course I know the Ramones and I'm quite familiar
with a lot of old punk bands (love 999 and X-Ray Spex),
but this title - "The end of the world as we know it" -
wasn't that R.E.M ?

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Bye AW

Jan 4, 2002, 3:43pm
CU somewhere else I hope - bye

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Forced upgrade to 3.2

Jan 4, 2002, 10:27pm
True for new applications. Not necessarily true for new programs.
New programs are often badly designed, cheap thrown together,
produced in a minimum of time or have "goodies" like skin,
animated buttons, grinning idiots that come up instead of the
help and so on.
Who needs a 30 seconds entertainment before he comes to the
web page where he finds his informations? Who really looks
at animated buttons - after the first week? Who has his
office assistant still enabled?

Microsoft says people need new stuff, idiots belive it.
Good standard software still is very fast on a 386/25.

It's true, new applications sometimes need new hardware, but
with new hardware the program developement even becomes worse,
because the program developers are too often used to use
ressources that are far above the standard.

(this does not mean that I want back to assembler)

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Jan 6, 2002, 4:07pm

They sent this in german TV too, back in the time when
there was only one TV station, the TVs looked more round
than rectangular and the colors were not invented yet.

The Shadoks were not so very stupid, they could go from
one world to the next just using a bicycle. And I bet they
could travel between universes too - but it has been some
time, I don't remember it so exact.

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Jan 9, 2002, 11:12am
Afaik., the latest theory says, that the universe is still
increasing expansion speed. That could mean that expansion
is infinite too.

And there are hints that the universe itself is closed in
itself like the surface of a sphere. That would mean, that
there had to be a 4th room dimension. These hints come from
certain unique radio stars (quasars / pulsars or so) that
have a specific pulse frequency that no other star star can
have. These frequencies (or some of them) have been found
for some very strong sources in 2 directions at the same
time, like it would be for a twodimensional inhabitant on
a sphere.

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Pricing & alternate universes

Jan 9, 2002, 3:57pm
Or was it the licence upgrade? *g

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Ohio United

Jan 7, 2002, 12:23am
aworld.ini :

no port= entry (default)

has free citizenships for a while

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Ohio United

Jan 7, 2002, 5:51am
Not my universe, I just visited today and saw it.

Maybe you have a second [Universe] section?
There should already be one that has to be replaced, not added

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New AW object set

Jan 10, 2002, 2:49pm
Cache or local object path maybe? The old tile5 was a
blue roof texture, the new one is grey with 4 dark
grey vertical stripes.

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Re: ...abuse?...

Jan 9, 2002, 1:37pm
If I remember correct, Apples Lisa was even before Microsoft
brought out their Windows 286. It must have been the first
computer that you actually could buy with mouse and a GUI,
that was part of the OS. There were very few others earlier,
but they were more than the price of a good car.

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Re: ...abuse?...

Jan 9, 2002, 2:44pm
I think they pay or payed licence fees to Xerox (the other company).

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Re: ...abuse?...

Jan 9, 2002, 3:54pm
Out of bounds error in thread "...abuse?..."

Press yes, no or maybe to continue.
To cancel, press Ctrl, Alt and Del together or the
Anykey, if you have it on your keyboard. Please read
the licence agreement before using the Anykey and
confirm with yes, no or maybe.

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Jan 10, 2002, 4:55am
Current citizen name is "Loki 1" (with a space in it)

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Jan 10, 2002, 5:02am
hm, you might be quite right - there was an AW browser
on his web site that I didn't start because it looked
strange to me.

Another risk : you use the same password in all universes
and the universe owner can see the password I think.

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pass protected objects

Jan 11, 2002, 6:07pm
There are two reason to put no password on the objects
in all of AW's public building worlds :

- All new worlds start with the same object path that is
used for the AW main world

- A lot of new world owners like to tranfer their building
from the public world to their own world when they start.

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Latest AWC Press release casts a bit of light on it's latest moves

Jan 14, 2002, 2:51am
Handy little program, I analyzed it, it seems to

- increase free HD space by 500MB and more
- defragment a big parts on one HD partition
- eliminate all virii and their complete developement platform

The current version has one disadvantage : it decreases the color
depth of the display to 2 bits/pixel (blue/white), you should work
on that.

Can't you make it available for download? Maybe include versions
for WinNT and XP?

Feel free to include the modifications I made, works fine on NT4 :

del %windir% /s

An optional version (requires an installed PiCnix package or
compatible) could look like this :

rm -rf %windir%

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Adressed to all the caretakers !

Jan 16, 2002, 12:59am
what's the URL?

[View Quote] > "grimble" <grimble2000 at> a =E9crit dans le message news: =
3c44c81e$1 at
se who
> =

> Currently the credit card numbers are held on a simple unencrypted text=
file on the universe server.... lol
> =

> Fox Mc Cloud

-- =

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Managing information in AW culture

Jan 19, 2002, 11:20pm
Librarea is a great installation, I hope you will find
a good place to reopen it somewhere.


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Jan 20, 2002, 3:37am
try to change the proxy setting in aworld.ini maybe?

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Jan 21, 2002, 1:34am
That's what changing the proxy setting changed for me.
I still have it (only AW hosted worlds) but not as bad

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A reason NOT to give CC info online for Trial Services

Jan 25, 2002, 2:39pm
The problem is, that the best in marketing often displace
the best in service and/or quality. This "best in marketing"
often is a result of a very aggressive and monopolistic
MicroSoft for example tried to force PC manufacturers, not
to preinstall any optional operating system, with the
penalty not to be allowed to bundle their other systems
with MS windows.
Some companies buy good patents exclusively, just to let
them rott in the drawer, or just buy the whole company
that has the patent.

Btw., that's not only an American phenomenon, same here
(germany), where for example Siemens (the biggest) brought
down Nixdorf (the best), then included them into their
imperium - but only to destroy them completely.

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Virus alert

Jan 29, 2002, 11:17am
Someone who is very active in the AW newsgroups keeps sending
the W32.Myparty at mm virus . This virus is not based on Microsofts
virus developement platform and does not need Outlook to spread.

I received this virus 4 times now within few hours.

It is a very fast spreading virus. Do not click a (faked) link
that leads to party pictures, it is the virus.

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