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Browser Tracking....

May 26, 2002, 11:08am
Where did I over react &ReallyBigQuestionmark;

Browser Tracking....

May 26, 2002, 7:13pm
Actually all numbers in our PC are somehow binary, but that
just means they are built with bits. The way it is shown on
your screen can differ, it is still the same binary number.

Hexadecimal can be "reversed" to decimal, octal and to binary
(the native format of our current CPUs), but this is just
the way you show the number and does not say anything about
the contents. It is nothing than just a conversion, absolutely
lossless and not crypted in any way.

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Browser Tracking....

May 26, 2002, 7:32pm
The IP number can be compared to a travel description for the
informations. All internet informations are cut into pieces
(packages) and each piece you send has this "travel guide",
so the package that your PC expects in response knows where
it has to go.

It is similar (but not equivalent) to Country.Town.Street.House,
an information that can locate and identify your PC in the web.

Your internet provider does not know where your PC can be found
in the web, but it knows one who knows one who knows one that
can find your PC - and this is what IP numbers are needed for.

You can get an idea how that works by opening a DOS box in your
windows, and then typing this :

c:\> tracert

for example (any other existing hostname will work too).

Or - if you have eject rights in a world, het the IP number of
a visitor and type (with his 4 numbers) :

c:\> tracert nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn

and you will see which path the informations take from server
to server, until they reached him.

Having a static IP number makes it easier to run server programs,
but it makes it easy to recognize your computer everytime it
goes online.

Of course this description isn't complete, much more happens
when two computers exchange informations or even start to talk
to eachother (handshake ...) - but maybe it gives you an idea.

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CobToRwx problems.

May 29, 2002, 2:17pm
It's shareware and really worth the price.

Why should Wayne keep adding features for AW, if it is
treated as freeware? Trying is for free, but at least
those who like it and use it much should consider to


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CobToRwx problems.

May 30, 2002, 3:04am
reasonable price :

AccuTrans is way cheaper (20 US$) than all competitors that compare
in the number of supported formats, plus it has extra support for
AW specific features that none of the others has. Most competitors
are at least 200 US$, some even 600 and more, at least those that
come with a similar feature and format list. Since the time I bought
it (about 2 years ago too, before the price went down to 20), all
upgrades were covered and no extra licence fee was needed.

Updates come frequently, all reported bugs have been removed within
a short time, plus the AccuTrans newsgroup at news://,
where users can get help - what more do you expect?

As everyone can try it for free, it is easy to decide if it's worth
the price after the trial time. I tried it and I had a lot of fun
with it, so for me it was worth it :)

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<no subject>

Jun 1, 2002, 7:03pm
One of my friends crashed this morning everytime he switched
his avatar. After 4 or 5 times he went back to 3.2

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<no subject>

Jun 7, 2002, 2:43am
We fixed our problem too, it was one specific avatar that
made 3.3 crash. Just loading and saving in avatar mode of
AccuTrans helped :)

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Sequences in 3.3

Jun 1, 2002, 6:50pm
No forced upgrade (yet?), 3.2 still worked for me this morning.

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Sequences in 3.3

Jun 2, 2002, 1:59pm
I think, all sequences that try to make something rotate
(flip over from -180 to +179) work much better now, but
I have the problem with the vertical locations too on some

I doubt that this depends on the system.

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Sequences in 3.3

Jun 3, 2002, 2:47am
well, before, the engine flipped a step from -180 to 179
through 0, so the rotation went backwards for a moment -
and, that's the strange thing, it did that only sometimes.

Now the engine seems to recognize that 179 is the direct
neighbour of -180 and continues rotating in the "right"

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Sequences in 3.3

Jun 3, 2002, 3:36am
When you have some time, go to MoonBeam or Labirint and try the
"Philiris" avatar. It has a "fly" sequence that went up into the
air about 3 meters in 3.2 / 2.2 - it now doesn't do anything.

The new engine is definitely messed up, the vertical movements
need to be fixed, or AW needs to supply a tool to create/modify
the sequences.

You cannot supply a viewer for something where you don't supply
a creator for the format, especially if it's proprietary. AW
cannot always rely on others to do this work for them. This is
a wrong conzept and will never allow AW to set any standards
in 3D and VR.

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Sequences in 3.3

Jun 3, 2002, 3:54pm
That's exacly how I have it, but it still it flips though 0
in 3.2 (pelvis tag, flip over Z axis).

I haven't found out yet why it worked on some models, where I
used the same (-180=>179 with no frame between) for wheels,
balls and stuff like that, but not on this one. Maybe, because
those didn't use Pelvis and Z but used either different tags
and/or the Y axis.

If you don't believe it, try LemurAnn with "Joy" in MoonBeam
or Labirint or whereever you find it - once in 3.2 and once
in 3.3 :)

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Sequences in 3.3

Jun 3, 2002, 3:56pm
Philiris is (with 1152x864) somewhere in the upper third of
the second column :)

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Re: Pumpkin head avatar

Jun 3, 2002, 3:18pm
With JackO it wasn't a tag- or sequence problem, it was one of
the first things I made, a modified avatar based on vshredd,
where I removed the head and replaced it with a converted
pumpkin model with an editor, then I textured the whole thing
in rwmodeler - not sure what was wrong with it. Now I just
loaded the model in AccuTrans and saved it with avatar hierarchy
settings and that was already enough.

I doubt that the model had a bug, as it loaded in rwxmod,
rwmodeler, accutrans, AW3.2, AW3.1 and AW2.2 just fine.
The sequences are OK too, as they still work fine on the
original vshredd and now on the fresh saved JackO too.

Nevertheless your informations (and thoughts) are interesting.

Finding workarounds for the new AW sequence engine - well,
I have not redone or modified any sequence yet and will wait
for the bugfix(es).

Thanks :)


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Jun 4, 2002, 2:54am
Could it be a problem in your avatars.dat?

E.g. unpaired keywords




or spaces where no spaces should be?

Or the header is missing - not sure what of this is really
required, but that's how the first lines in mine read :

# animation registry version 0.3
version 3 # keep this around

I guess the first line isn't needed, but the "version 3"
is necessary I think.

Sometimes this can cause strange results.

Grand Piano

Jun 8, 2002, 4:03pm (no textures needed)


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Don't Look Now! It's...

Jun 11, 2002, 2:47am
Both web sites work in any browser without plugins and
insecure settings. No JS, Java, ActiveX, Flash ...
Just designed to transport the informations :)

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Don't Look Now! It's...

Jun 11, 2002, 7:00pm
I was faster with our response line ;)

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Don't Look Now! It's...

Jun 16, 2002, 5:20am
I just found another one, I hope it works as it contains a character with Bit7 set


What is it ???

Aw contact list bot

Jun 11, 2002, 3:41am
I received a question by email but the return address had
permanent errors, so I'll answer here :


> Question was:
> When I try to use the bot with 3.3 i get a "Cannot find file contacts.txt , there is a
> file contacts.txt.sav but no contacts.txt .have tried to rename it but it disappears. I
> like the program and use it often. can you help

3.3 doesn't have the contact list text file anymore :(

You can still use it though, but have to add your contacts
manually in the bot, it cannot take them from the browser
anymore. The 3.3 browser itself seems to remove the contact
list when it takes the contents over.

So this is what you can do :

Either (if you still have it) use the bot you had in your
AW 3.2 directory. It will still work.

Or, if you have upgraded and not newly installed :

- create a new directory
- copy aworld.ini (from your AW3.3) into it
- copy your old contacts.txt into it (the saved one)
- copy the bot and aw.dll there too

That should work, the bot now has all the files it needs.
Actually even an empty file with just the name "contacts.txt"
would do as well, as the browser doesn't update the file

I hope this helps :)

Volker [Ananas]


Jun 15, 2002, 7:10am
Most computers that run windows need assistance

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Jun 15, 2002, 9:09am
I learned the same job, "few" years ago ;)

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418 released: The Wall Comes Tumbing Down!

Jun 19, 2002, 2:07pm

Build 418 Notes (6/18/02)

o This build fixes some issues where avatars were not translating along the Y axis (up and down) while walking. The
net effect of this was that walking looked "stiff".
o This release brings everyone up to date with the latest 3.3. Barring any major issues, this will be the last 3.3 release.

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Build 419 1st impression

Jun 20, 2002, 4:00am
Seems to be quite a good version from what I could test so far,
some of the problems I had with 416 are fixed. Thanks, AW :)

The upgrade seems not to work in full, some problems that are
fixed in the fresh install don't work right in the upgrade.

I installed a fresh one, then copied telegrams.dat, telegrams.idx,
chat.txt, teleport.txt, default.awm and aworld.ini to the new

default.awm is only necessary if you modified it, chat.txt only
if you want to keep the chat log.

Maybe it would have been sufficient to clear the cache, but I
haven't tried that.

new function key?

Jul 1, 2002, 2:19am
Not sure how new it really is, but I am quite sure it
hasn't been there in 2.2

The 5-key in the center of the numpad now stops movement
while you are floating. I missed this feature in 2.2 and
never tried the key again later. Now it's finally there :)

new function key?

Jul 1, 2002, 4:45am
oops - I confused some things because in 2.2 I expected
the 5 key to straighten the view, but didn't notice that
it does something else - well - that happens if someone
never reads manuals *g

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Xelagot 3.305 now available

Jul 28, 2002, 5:45pm
It's because people don't delete what they don't reply to ;)

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Outer Worlds

Jul 6, 2002, 3:03pm
"There can only be one" <= not true for 3D universes

I think there's nothing wrong about visiting several
universes, but it should be more a cooperation than
a competition.

In this case though, I think it was OK to flame john
because he didn't advertize for OW, but against AW.

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Sabatical :)

Jul 8, 2002, 4:16pm
Now that it's already going on for nearly 24 hours :

Don't you see your mouse cursor head towards the
awcomunity bookmark without having moved your hand?

Don't you find little papers on your desk with plans
you didn't write, and postits sticking to your
screen that you didn't put there?

Can't you already feel the cold turkey?

If that is so, I can guarantee that you will not be
able to stay out until next year *g

AWLD independent director vote results?

Jul 13, 2002, 9:46pm
Drubi used the correct punctuation for several countries,
including his own and mine. Stop trying to behave like a
teacher and be more tolerant please.

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