ananas // User Search
ananas // User Search
May 19, 2003, 4:46pm
The privacy options are nice to have some privacy for a while if
you get 80 grams within an hour and want to talk to your friends
instead of answering telegrams for some time.
But there are people who always hide and are surprised when you
tell them why they cannot see _your_ online status anymore.
Just yesterday a good friend suddenly had a question mark by his
name and when I told him that, he even thought it was a bug in
the browser. I'm sure it was not the browser, he just played with
the settings and set this checkmark by mistake.
[View Quote]technozeus wrote:
> Not meaning to say whether I think it's good or bad, but simply an answer to your question... You asked "Why do people go to a chat system just in order to hide there?" The answer, at least in the case of Active Worlds, is that it's not a chat program. It's a program with chat features. The distinction is that there is more to do in Active Worlds than just chat, and more options for socialization available than simply talking with anyone about anything.
> Yes, I agree that there should be additional options such as to only hide your online status from people who's on-line status it already hidden from you, or to only hide your on-line status from people who are not on your contact list, but there will always be people who will use such features in a way that fails to make sense to some other people. In fact, it's interesting to note that when the hide online status feature was added, a lot of the same people who had asked for it, begged for it, or even demanded it, ended up complaining that it was over-used.
> TechnoZeus
> "ananas" <vha at oct31.de> wrote in message news:3EAEEA5B.913EA604 at oct31.de...
May 1, 2003, 4:44pm
The bandwidth argument does not apply for non-AW hosted worlds.
A tourist who is there anyway even causes less traffic on AWs
servers if he visits a self-hosted world.
[View Quote]imagine wrote:
> ...
> I know I can't afford the tourist fee or I would pay it. My world fee was
> doubled the last time my world was renewed. I can't afford any more or I
> would let tourist into my world. When tourist were comming to my world they
> had no idea how aw worked, they couldn't even fly, some couldn't walk. What
> exactly are they teaching them at the gate about aw? In the past I have been
> the one teaching the tourist about aw when they came to my world. I made a
> lot of new friends from tourists. Aw has a lot more paying customers because
> I worked with tourist and because of that they ended up paying the cit fees
> at first and now a lot of them own worlds. And, my world has never been a
> tourist building world. We are not just another chat in the net, we are a
> community. The only way our community will grow and thrive is to add to the
> community by letting tourists in.
> I think AW should find a way to deal with the bandwidth issue instead of
> useing it as an excuse.
> ...
May 1, 2003, 11:00pm
The poll form seems not to work in Netscape 4.78, IE 5.0
or Opera 5.0 . What are the requirements?
[View Quote]goober king wrote:
> *smacks forehead* Might help if I included the URL for the uninitiated,
> eh? :P
> http://awnews.org
May 2, 2003, 3:54am
Nearly no web pages are valid HTML nowadays :(
[View Quote]bowen wrote:
> "77" <n0zoa at attbi.com> wrote in message news:3eb1c585 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> It's not even valid HTML :
> http://validator.w3.org/check?uri=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.awnews.org%2Fhtml%2F
> --Bowen--
May 2, 2003, 3:55am
The next thread gave me the idea, maybe I need to
be registered to get the complete form.
[View Quote]goober king wrote:
> Can't say I know why it's not working, but then, I didn't code PostNuke.
> The only thing I can recommend is a browser upgrade. :-/
> Speaking of which, have I ever mentioned how kickass Netscape 7 is? :D
May 3, 2003, 5:28am
Reflecting the way web pages and websites are made TODAY would
mean NO standard at all.
[View Quote]pc hamster wrote:
> Hi everyone:
> "sw chris" <chrisw10 at skywalkeronline.net> wrote in message
> news:3eb2e181$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Looks as though the Validator needs to be updated to reflect the way web
> pages and websites are made TODAY as opposed to back when IE and Netscape
> were still in 3.x and EVERYTHING was in 16 bit.....
> Just a thought... :-)
> Patrick
May 2, 2003, 7:38pm
I doubt this statement - well, at least I think you're
wrong if you refer to the age of the body.
From the people I met ages seem to cover the full range
between about 6 and about 80 in a quite flat curve.
[View Quote]shred wrote:
> ...
> * Most of AW's user base is made up of youth.
> ...
May 3, 2003, 5:23am
Nope, I like this "mix", we need them all :)
[View Quote]shred wrote:
> I can only say what I have observed. In any case, a large portion of the AW userbase *IS* irrefutably youth. Whether or not this group makes up the majority of the population really isn't crucial when you consider how small our community is. Do you really think we can afford to lose a major portion of our population?
> ananas wrote:
May 3, 2003, 5:39am
I think even more important than increasing the tourist rights
is an indicator where they can go.
I imagine it's frustrating to try this and that and the third
world and always be rejected.
Labirint is open for tourists, with building rights from 19-30
coords away from GZ :)
[View Quote]the lady wrote:
> I agree that we need to let Tourists back in to as many places as possible.
> OK, restricted rights up to a point but I also feel we desperately NEED new
> blood. How on earth can we get anyone to agree to pay to join AW (at a
> relatively high cost to most people) if we do not allow them to see what
> they are being asked to pay for?
> ----------------------------
> I have voted to let them into all the AWI worlds but with limited build
> rights.
> ----------------------------
> Thanks :) will sure make a vote there! I want the tourists back too .....
> ---------------------------
> I think that world owners should be able to decide if they have tourists
> without other charges. We pay for our worlds and do all the work in them. It
> seems that by letting tourists look at those worlds it might cause them to
> want to be citizens. World owners of *omitted name* We both voted on
> the web page. It would be nice to know how many paid up Cits there
> are left.
> --------------------------
> I've already made my wishes known..along with most other PK's..that tourists
> should be allowed back
> --------------------------
> er, well...i think those good 4 nothin tourists should pay to get useful!
> Citesens are useful, not Tourists. but i know...we need more tourist build
> worlds to make them wanna pay! il think about doin it....the less tourists
> we have the better! the more citesens we have, the Better! il think about
> doin it
May 4, 2003, 9:33am
Fully agreed.
I use FAgent for usenet sometimes and at least the version I have
shows HTML source, not interpreted HTML - and I think it is correct
what it does.
Some OE versions even have a serious security problem with HTML.
Even if you disallowed active contents on HTML mail pages it will
execute those active contents in the preview window.
Unfortunately I haven't found a way to make NetScape ignore HTML
postings completely but at least it does not execute anything
active there.
Size, compatibility and security issues together should be a good
reason to use NNTP for the purpose it has been designed for :
transport of plain text informations.
[View Quote]kah wrote:
> There is a big difference actually. A newsreader fetches news articles
> over the NNTP protocol, and displays them according to standards
> regarding news articles. A browser fetches webpages over the HTTP
> protocol, and displays them according to HTML standards.
> They shouldn't be mixed. NNTP is there for news articles, HTTP is there
> for webpages. Neither are designed to do the job of the other.
> Anyway, it's mostly MS OE and Netscape that even supports HTML, and
> that's a good argument for not using HTML. Don't come here and tell me to
> get a new/different newsreader because mine is obsolete, it's not. HTML
> support is wrong, and bad, because if people observe that others actually
> read their HTML posts they won't stop posting in HTML, and continue the
> misuse of NNTP for transfering HTML.
> Another good argument is that HTML bloats the post. For a one-line
> message, the post becomes at least ten times larger in actual size when
> posted in HTML. As Wing pointed out, that could take a long time on slow
> connections, and is a waste of everyone's bandwidth.
> See what you made me do now? ;-)) You're the one complaining about my
> complaining, so don't complain :-D
May 4, 2003, 8:28pm
Not on this PC anymore *g
[View Quote]andras wrote:
> ananas wrote:
> <snip>
> Mozilla 1.3 is officially released :)
> --
> Andras
> "It's MY computer" (tm Steve Gibson)
May 4, 2003, 9:23am
I think, a better idea would be to ignore a thread that
does not interest you.
If you block a sender you will still see all replies.
I don't know how to do it in Outlook. In NetScape you
just hilite (left-click) the thread and press the letter K .
[View Quote]goddess innie wrote:
> How does one put a poster on ignore in Outlook Express?
May 7, 2003, 5:02pm
Do you happen to have DSL?
[View Quote]elfkaz wrote:
> I can not send files off of my laptop in aw. I can send them in msn and aol
> have put in port=877 have turned off router and all and still can't send
> files in aw on my laptop but i can get them. what is wrong?
May 7, 2003, 5:49pm
DSL seems to make a difference. Several people with DSL
cannot send but receive files.
I am not connected through any router, switch, firewall or
whatever. My connect request for file transfer arrives on
the receivers side, Andras checked it with a paket monitor,
but the receiver does not reply.
This shows that it is not a port specific problem.
It is not hardware specific either. I use a DSL modem card
and have T-DSL (german Telecom DSL, slightly different from
standard ADSL), Count Dracula from Finland has an external
DSL modem and a network card I think. Both is asynchronous DSL.
We tested it in a universe that allows 2.2 and had the same
problem, it is a very old bug.
Changing the max. MTU size didn't fix the problem.
My guess : it is a timing problem.
[View Quote]panther1403 wrote:
> DSL makes no difference. i have DSL and can send fine when i open up the
> ports on my router. i just open up port 2000-9999 to make sure i got the
> right one =P
> "ananas" <vha at oct31.de> wrote in message news:3EB95855.3772D6FA at oct31.de...
> aol
May 7, 2003, 6:28pm
Different timing?
[View Quote]tengel wrote:
> then why does it work on is stationary PC then, that use the same line?
> "ananas" <vha at oct31.de> wrote in message news:3EB96327.ADEB8CCC at oct31.de...
May 7, 2003, 8:06pm
The request goes out, when the receiver says "y" it opens the file
select boy, but then the sender gets :
File transfer aborted (unable to write data)
at once, directly after clicking the send button, no delay at all.
The receiver gets
File transfer aborted (unable to read data)
This is definitely not a firewall problem.
[View Quote]binarybud wrote:
> elfkaz;
> please explain your problem in a little more detail....what happens when you try to send the files? are you getting an error message? is the Send dialog not comming up? what steps are you taking to send the files?
> Is AW installed to any unusual folder/drive setup? have you tried multiple files or are you just trying to send one particular file?
> Leo :)
> "elfkaz" <unclesben at aol.com> wrote in message news:3eb9577d$3 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
May 7, 2003, 9:05pm
I am sender, not receiver when this happens, so the directory
does not matter. On a 2.2 with ISDN it worked, the same
AW installation with T-DSL does not work. The problem occurs
with all AW versions I have and is independant from file size
and type.
And this experience I share with some others, the file transfer
stopped working when they got faster lines.
The registry settings for the paket sizes are fine, maxMTU 1492
should work - you already gave me those links once and I used
one of them :)
The sync paket arrives at the receivers side on the correct
port but the port is not listening. It seems to start listening
_after_ the paket has arrived, so the sender side is missing
the sync.
[View Quote]kf wrote:
> Did you try to set a different receiving directory? In many cases I had
> this until I manually selected a different (non-root) directory. No idea
> why it happens, but AW does not like root directories and also
> occasionally not ones that worked just the day before fine.
May 7, 2003, 8:22pm
If you click a teleport link in the integrated web browser
window, this does not go through the internet, so those
should work independant from the windows version.
The AW browser recognizes the string "teleport.cgi?" and/or
"objects.activeworlds.com/cgi-bin" or even just "teleport?"
and executes the teleport without having a web connect.
The external browser needs a registry entry though, I am
not sure how this has to look in XP.
[View Quote]syntax wrote:
> Gah, I've put this problem off too long. I'm just gonna ask you guys now.
> How do you make teleports that are posted on the internet work!? >_<
> (http://objects.activeworlds.com/cgi-bin/teleport.cgi?aw_2024.80S_3357.61E_0
> .19a_180)
> It's different from Win98 and 2000....
> --
> - Syntax -
> http://www.swcity.net
> http://forum.swcity.net
Jun 6, 2003, 5:53pm
Do you have trouble to decide - skin or bones ;)
[View Quote]magine wrote:
> Ahem...
> sw comit wrote:
Jun 4, 2003, 3:02pm
Living in a capitalistic country does not force you to live
only for monetary profit. If you do so, you are missing most
of your life. Try to live for your outcome, for what you
think you need, don't listen to others who try to tell you
what you need.
[View Quote]screb wrote:
> Prolly ur in the wrong place here... Since most of us live in the kapitalist
> part of the world, we live for our own profit.
> [.....]
Jun 15, 2003, 6:40am
Java Runtime itself is free, you probably already have
it on your computer.
Always a good ressource for stuff like editors, class
browsers, compilers or IDEs :
elfkaz schrieb:
> Hi I was wondering is there a free Java program that allows you to make Java
> programs? Cause I wanna try to build a program in Java.
Jun 18, 2003, 5:32pm
Nearly everyone here reads at least the community NG,
crossposting is not required.
Jun 28, 2003, 2:46pm
I don't think we are so helpless to need _this_ .
And what if he wants to stay after this hour?
[View Quote]elyk wrote:
> Someone let Eep back in here for just 1 hour PLEASE!
> "the lady" <thelady263414 at hotmail.com> wrote in message
> news:3ef648b4 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
Jul 4, 2003, 5:42pm
Enthusiasm of many people got lost when AW excluded tourists,
I can understand your decision. AW has never been like it was
before after that, even if tourists are allowed back now.
But still I would miss my friends, several of them are still
there. Maybe you should consider to have just a meeting place,
a P5 with tourist access.
Labirint is tourist enabled and some former citizens still
pop in now and then as tourists ...
CU, wings0nite or "wings0nite" :)
Jul 6, 2003, 11:42am
- Some people read NGs offline to save online time
- People who catch up might download everything
It is really bad manner to post large binaries in a NG
that has not explicitely been marked for binary contents.
[View Quote]swe wrote:
> why not? if you dont wanna download it, dont! :)
> -SWE
Jul 6, 2003, 5:14pm
Why not be polite if you can?
[View Quote]swe wrote:
> still a big pain uploading it to a website and all :) why not be lazy when
> you can? :)
> and im sure the people downloading it to see it offline can suffer to
> download an extra 100kb a week
> -SWE
Jul 7, 2003, 3:50am
Uploading large images to a non-binary group is unpolite.
Beeing lazy is a very weak excuse for breaking netiquette.
[View Quote]swe wrote:
> huh? i was that unpolite?
> -SWE
> "ananas" <ananas at oct31.de> wrote in message
> news:3f08752a$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> when
Jul 8, 2003, 2:43am
You do not care for other people, this shows it again.
Doesn't make me wonder that you don't have friends.
[View Quote]r i c h a r d wrote:
> Whats this bull plop about not posting pictures unless i see some writen
> rules by AWInc it can just go on there the size is shown if you dont wanna
> download it dont.
Jul 9, 2003, 1:21pm
Submissions are evaluated as to whether or not ...
(2) they meet netiquette
The netiquette for NGs asks people to post binary attachments
only to groups that are marked "binary" (and not to use HTML
at all) to keep the size small.
[View Quote]swe wrote:
> ...
> and richard, read the charter posted by andras. never read it all, but im
> sure it says something bout pictures somewhere. :)
> -SWE
Jul 13, 2003, 2:08am
Rename is sufficient. The filename inside of the ZIP plays no role.
Andras has a rename program link on his tools page, I think rnameit
or so was the name.
[View Quote]mrbruce wrote:
> Just a word about names people use for both textures and models. Some of us
> have servers that are case sensetive, if you name a model Wall01 or Tree03
> and zip it as such in object sets, some of us have to spend hours unzipping
> those models and renaming the objects to all lowercase letters, because our
> servers do not see Tree01 and tree01 as the same file name.
> I've also noticed some objects named walk01.RWX the same problems result. A
> windows server is not as case sensetive as a linex server.
> I've also noticed alot of the Megapath and most of GandTech objects such as
> the Borgs set are full of caps. A main reason for getting reason # 12152 or
> reason # 7 server errors.
> MrBruce